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Health and Fitness

KatieMancini February 25th, 2016

Hey everyone! I'm Katie. I'm 19 years old. About 1 year ago I was a nice size 4/6 and I was pretty happy in my skin. Now I'm a size 10 and I really am unhappy. I find myself losing motivation and eatting horrible. I am a college student so it's hard to get a gym membership Bc I'm on a very strict budget. I am looking to lose the weight and get fit and healthy again. I would really like to start modeling in the spring/summer. I would love to hear tips or advice or/and have someone keep me accountable.

my insta is @(edited by forum mentor professionalpersepective60 for sharing personal contact)

professionalPerspective60 February 25th, 2016


Hi Katie,

I had to edit your post hun, we are not allowed to share person information as it is against the community guidelines, I would urge you to read these for your own protection.

I wish you well

Take care

PoliteOcean March 5th, 2016


Hi Katie! I'm Ocean! Please feel free to visit us in the "Healthy Living" forum where we share tips, ideas, and "hold discussions" in the Healthy Living room. Where we share alot of information with one another on how to get started, and also stay on track! Please feel free to follow my feed as well ,for posts on the Healthy Living Discussion Schedule! smiley

SharonBell October 20th, 2016

@KatieMancini Skin problems like acne is a result of poor diet. Our bodies require a proper diet in order to keep everything functioning properly, especially the skin. Another factor of skin problem is the sun. To enjoy outdoor actives and remain safe from the sun you can adopt wearing summer coats, sun hats and sunglasses. By wearing sunglasses you not only protect your eyes, but also the area around it. You can try sunglasses for wholesale that offer blended high pointed plastic fully rimmed sunglasses which are big and classy. Proper diet and sun protect makes yourr skin look good.

ambitiousPomegranate2363 December 20th, 2017

Hi there, I think you should go for balanced diet and regular workout.

Uroboros8 May 28th, 2018

I see this thread is already old enough. But I hope this discussions will help someone. As for me, now I am trying to use different types of diet, because I also have problems with my weight. With my wife we are now on Dukan diet and I think it is one of the most effective weight loss program for men and women. Moreover, this does not require consume different medicines or magic preparations that can be dangerous for your health. So, I can recommend it for everyone.

Anyway, you need to change your nutrition and refuse all fast food and alimentation rich in fats. Restore your digestion and bowl function (for example, I needed to use probiotics, because I ruined the health of the intestines consuming many preservatives), because the correct alimentation determines 80% of succes. And of course, don't forget about sports: jogging, swimming and gym, for example. So, the secret of beautiful figure and good weight is simple, but it requires your patience and efforts.

stydia June 26th, 2018

I'm a 23 year old woman turning 24 next month, 4'11" and I used to weigh 92 lbs, eating 1,300-ish calories daily. I have a small frame. Is that underweight, or healthy? My mom harassed me over being 'too thin' and boyish, said that my muscles were 'eating themselves away' etc. and telling the doctor and other family members that I was anorexic. My dad would refer to me as 'an anorexic' or reply to me with 'that's what anorexics would say' and they'd both make me feel so ugly about my thin physique. I was a size 24 and XS in womens' clothing. Now I'm a size 4 or 26 and a small, because I cracked under pressure and started eating 1,600+ calories daily. My digestive system doesn't like this and now I'm always bloated and my body has changed. Here's where this becomes a problem. I feel that my mom has brainwashed me into thinking I had an eating disorder becasue that's the only thing I would ever hear from her all day, all negative. She would even get into theatrics and start crying either at home or at toctor's offices. Was this brainwashing out of jealousy, to ruin my body and the progress I've made since my awkward/overweight/chubby high school days (where she insists I looked "perfect" when I was actually unhealthy), or genuine concern? The doctor did say he'd like to see me gain 10 pounds, which I did. I had lost my period for 4 months, but he did say it could be stress and anxiety because I have severe anxiety. He sent me for bloodwork to check my hormone levels and my estrogen was high but everything else was normal. This is the 2nd month I've had my period back, but I also have fat accumulating on my stomach, butt and thighs and I'm almost 100 lbs and I feel unhealthy. I've often been ill shortly after eating and my mom says it's because "my body's getting used to eating again" ??? but now I'm wondering if it's because I was putting in too much. I often felt like I was at capacity and stopped being hungry. Now when I'm having healthy snacks between meals (usually 2 tbsps of hummus or 1/4 cup raisins or both) I'm not hungry but eating under the belief that "my body NEEDS it". Is that true? My belly bounces and jiggles when I'm walking or even on car rides and it's so uncomfortable, I feel this is excessive. Is my mom brainwashing me into believing I was sick with disordered eating because she's jealous? I am the only "healthy" person in my family who watches weight and eats clean or cares about appearance. I did happen to see an e-mail from my mom to my aunt whining about how "fat" she feels and how "disgusted" with her body she is. Is she feeding me lies to sabotage my healthy lifestyle and get me to crumble and be like the rest of them? I never know what's real anymore.

stydia June 26th, 2018

^ apologies, I'm still getting used to the website's changes. I thought I was posting a new topic, I didn't mean to reply. Please disregard this!

swipka777 June 29th, 2018

Yeah, true. Yeah, it's really important to be healthy today. What you guys do to keep your body on tonus and have you done some exercises before? I am taking SPA and do work out. I even have my sauna at home and it's quite relaxing to do it.

zoey1992 July 18th, 2018

How do I help my brother gain enough weight?

My brother is so skinny. He is 20 years old already and he should be on the proper weight now. While reading something from an international dating blog, I saw cases about being skinny where they are more prone to diseases. I dont want this to happen to my brother. Guys, you need to help me. How do I help my brother gain enough weight? I will really appreciate your responses yall!