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PoliteOcean profile picture
Weekly Healthy Living Check-In February 1st, 2025
by PoliteOcean
Last post
3 hours ago
...See more WEEKLY HEALTHY LIVING CHECK-IN FEBRUARY 1ST, 2025 HEY EVERYONE~ *WELCOME To Our End of the week "WEEKLY" HEALTHY LIVING CHECK-IN~ This is our "FIRST" Check-in for FEBRUARY~ ❄️☃️💘 ⭐️If you aren't a member yet Please "JOIN" the Healthy Living Community Here!! [] ⭐️FEEL FREE TO ANSWER ANY OR ALL QUESTIONS! Or Simply tell us about yourself and how you've been doing! Feel free to share or Vent about your week~ We are here to listen! ❄️Hey Everyone, Welcome to the weekend~... And welcome to the Month of "February"~ How is this First day of the New Month going for you?... What are your plans for the weekend ahead? ☃️This is our "FIRST" Check-in for FEBRUARY~.... (We made it through the "First of 12 Chapters" of the year so far)~ As we enter "Chapter #2", What are you looking forwards to this Month ahead?... Do you have any "New" Goals that you'd like to Share, Implement, or Accomplish this month?... What are some things that you will be working towards?! 💘What is ONE "Positive" Thing that you did for yourself in this past week?.... (Take a look At this Post.. "7 POSITIVE THINGS TO DO THIS WEEK") CLICK HERE [].... (If you haven't done any of them, then TODAY is a great day to start!)... Or... Try to start some in the Next Week ahead!... Even if you only pick "One" Day to try "per week", Try to work on completing each task and see how you do! ❄️JUST FOR FUN:.. It's been a very "Hot Chocolate Kind of Winter"!... Which would you prefer in your Hot Chocolate (Whipped Cream... OR.... Marshmallows)?! ☃️What were your "Highlights Or Struggles" of the week?.... How were you able to work through your challenges?! 💘What is something that "YOU" want to Talk about, Add or Share with us this week?... WE want to hear from YOU~ Healthy Living Team Leaders: @PoliteOcean @vivelespatates @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @vivelespatates @Regmo @purpleTree4652 @InsightfulPhoenix @nordurnStar @KateDoskocilova @KatePersephone @SirenOfSerenity @Rebekahwriter13 @EmbStitcher33 @calmsoulmeet @sweetrosa1987  @AffyAvo @Bre4Me  @Caringmama2022 @CarolineEmily01 @CyclingThroughLife @determinedCat7367 @diamondintheROUGH2022  @GoldenNest2727  @selflessSpruce1515 @SilverSeastar @Spectaculaur @BestMaple2045  @determinedNest6866 @HipsterChic @DestinyM2026 @charmingSky597 @GreenFairie @WayJay @orangeHuman868 @lilCatNamedVenus @cal1860 **AND ANY & ALL "NEWBIES" THAT WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH US
vivelespatates profile picture
Love being a leader in discussions? Healthy Living team recruit!
by vivelespatates
Last post
December 31st, 2024
...See more Healthy Living team is recruiting new discussion leaders! * Are you a fan of growing, empowering, healing? * Are you Interested in becoming more healthy and empowering members to improve their physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health and well-being as well? * Are you available at least one hour a week and motivated to use this time to learn and sharing with others who are going through similar experiences as you have? What are the advantages to leading Healthy Living discussions a same time every week? * Visibility : Be advertised and announced… on forums, tockify, etc. * Get regular chatters and new ones every week! You will quickly seeing many members coming back every week for joining your sessions and invite their friends! * Make friends! Get to know your members, choose topics based on their interest! * Over 150 discussion scripts available and pre-written for you by the team! * Being part of a team! Healthy Living Support Team is here to support you, exchange tips, guide you insing, hear you, take your feedback, create new discussion scripts based on your suggestions, organize more events and even just having a good time! * You are never alone! Get help from the team when needed! Healthy Living leaders will train you and help you to get started with your first discussions! Get started and comfortable to lead discussions with experienced discussion leaders! * Get the reviews from your members about your discussions! Feedback from members about your sessions will always be shared with you! How does a good review make you feel? * Pick a different discussion in function of your interests every week! * Choose your type of session as you feel it! Are you a fan of games, ice breakers or more serious discussions? You decide! And can even alternate in function of your mood! * Get a nice Healthy Living badge that reflect your engagement on your profile and the Community Leader badge visible in the rooms! * D’ont worry about quotas for your room supporter or group mod badge. The discussions sure fullfit it without even you having to think about it! * Being admissible for more badges! We check for you when you are admissible for fellow badges: Guest Host, Conversationalist, Oprah, Community Builder, Guiding Spirit, etc * Support your members in their growth and journey! Empower them and help them achieve their healthy goals through supportive discussions! What are the criterias to join the team? * Be a room supporter (or a mod) or willing to become one within 6 weeks after you join the team. * Complete the Sleeping well, Weight management and Exercise motivation guides/training * Available for at least 1 hour a week, same time every week, for at least 8 consecutive weeks. * Willing to inform your leader about your breaks to ensure coverage, * Willing to choose your discussion topic a few days in advance so we can announce them on our different channels (tockify, healthy living forums, etc) Please message @Vivelespatates [] if you are interested by the role.
Remina profile picture
2023 "OFFICIAL" Healthy Living Tag List (type Please add me or please remove me)
by Remina
Last post
October 28th, 2024
...See more This forum will function as the official taglist for Healthy Living. Simply send a post saying Please Add me or please Remove me to be added to the tag list You can see the taglist that autoupdates here []
PoliteOcean profile picture
7 Tips For a Healthy & Happy Thanksgiving~
by PoliteOcean
Last post
November 27th, 2024
...See more HEY EVERYBODY~  🦃 Thanksgiving is almost upon us!  It's that special time of the year when we give thanks, celebrate and enjoy the time, company of those you care about, and things you are grateful for.  🦃However, sometimes it can be a challenge to stick to the healthy habits you may have worked so hard to build. But, The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way~  🦃Here are 7 tips to help you prepare and make healthier choices this Thanksgiving: 1 Prepare/Plan ahead…. Preparing a healthy dish ahead of time, can ensure you'll have a nutritious option at the table. Plus, it's a great way to share your commitment to wellness with others. 2 Fill up on veggies and healthier side Dishes, and the Turkey…. Choose lean proteins and veggies to keep your plate balanced. 3 Portion Control… Portioning your plate can help you stay on track without second-guessing yourself. Reach for a smaller plate, or stick to a Sample one helping of things you absolutely must have.  4 Swaps…. Swap an unhealthier side for a  more nutritious one. Pair you turkey with carrots, cauliflower mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes or another veggie you prefer.  5 Pause…..Take a moment before digging in & Pause to consider your choices and ask yourself what you really want?! And decide what is actually worth reaching for and how you want to feel.  6 Provide sides you don't love. If there are dishes you're not particularly fond of, bring those! This way, you can fill your plate with healthier options and avoid temptations. 7 Set Small Movement Goals.. At the end of your meal, set a small goal to step outside and take a small walk with your family. This will help to aid in proper digestion after your dinner, help to encourage steps in your day, and allow for extra bonding time with family!  ⭐️With these simple tips, you can celebrate Thanksgiving in a way that aligns with your health journey. Embrace the joy of the season and enjoy time with loved ones, all while feeling good about your choices!   QUESTION:  WHAT TIPS DO YOU USE, (or like to Add or Share) for a “Healthy Thanksgiving” Holiday?! 
Beechie profile picture
Keeping things tidy
by Beechie
Last post
October 31st, 2024
...See more Any tips for me to keep things tidy/clean up faster and more efficiently? Any suggestion is welcome :D
StanDaMan78 profile picture
(EXPIRED LIST) UPDATED 1/16/23 PLEASE SEE NEW LIST Healthy Living Community - Automated Taglist
by StanDaMan78
Last post
October 16th, 2024
...See more THIS LIST IS NOW EXPIRED! PLEASE SEE THIS "NEW" AUTOMATED TAG LIST DATED 4/22 BY CLICKING HERE! [] Hello everyone! We will be starting a taglist for the Healthy Living Community! A taglist is used to notify you of new posts or annoucements in the subcommunity! To add your name to the taglist, please type this sentence: Please add me This thread controls an auto-updating taglist. To see the current list, go to Healthy Living Community - Automated Taglist []. To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words Please add me. To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words, Please remove me.
jetm0t0 profile picture
*Ring: Hello? Yes, this is new disappointment calling...
by jetm0t0
Last post
September 18th, 2024
...See more So, I had a scoping procedure done and I might have Crohn's. I may find out on monday if I have it. There's a joke in there somewhere right? If you knew my life you might think I should've written a book by now. It seems I keep getting bad news after bad news. Anyway, maybe it's all good and it's not anything like having cancer just because it's an autoimmune disease. I will try to keep my head up, because I for one need to see the good news as soon as it's coming. And secondly, I really HATE being forced to eat at the whim of what may or may not *** off my stomach. I feel so incapable when it comes to food and eating. So I'm hoping I'm just confused right now and my Dr. will come back and diagnose me on monday, and the treatment they talked about will work. Not only work but work significantly. It's very hard knowing I have no energy and that I can't eat 70-80 percent of the things I used to. My college goals depend on getting treated so I can still function in class. Does anyone have a good idea where I can get group talks for people with Crohn's?
1chillalien profile picture
My Keys to a Healthy Life
by 1chillalien
Last post
September 15th, 2024
...See more Good morning beautiful humans!  I would like to tell you what I think are the 4 keys to a healthy life. * Do not set expectations. * Practice discipline. * Do things in moderation. * Define things properly. Expectations are a killer of a happy life. We set expectations for ourselves, our bf/gf, parents, jobs, friends, EVERYTHING. When the humans in our life do not meet what we expect of them, we become upset. When we set expectations on outcomes of situations, they will either meet, or not meet expectations. Depending on the severity, we will become upset or happy! Let go of what you cannot control and spend your energy on things you can! You can prepare for that interview, but you cannot control the ones conducting the interview. You can treat your friends with respect and give them all of you, but you cannot force them to do the same. They are not you, and how you choose to live your life is your choice.😌 Discipline is the lifeblood of a healthy existence and probably the hardest for us to achieve. Set goals for yourself and follow them. BUT remember what I said about expectations. 💪 Moderation and Discipline go hand and hand. Once you become disciplined, living a life of moderation becomes easier. YOU can have sweets, just do not eat more than a serving. YOU can watch your favorite shows on Netflix, just do not spend all day doing it. Even too much exercise can be bad for you. Live a balanced lifestyle. Do not overwork, but do not spend all day playing. Work on yourself, but do not forget to invest time into your family and friends. ⚖️ Define things properly. This is probably the most important on the list. We define everything, but how we define it shapes our existence and mental health. If your bf/gf break up with you, how do you define that situation? Do you tell yourself you're not good enough and that no one will ever love you? Do you tell yourself that you will always be alone? How about saying that you gave it your best! Sometimes things just do not work out. I will miss them, but I gave it my best and have a good foundation on things I can work on for next time. If you define the good and bad (especially the bad) of life as learning experiences, then you will not get caught up in the pity party cycles that ruin your mood! That 5 minute moment of discomfort does not have to ruin your day. Its just a bad moment, not a bad day. 💜 I hope this can help you! End the year strong! Strive to be 1% better than you were yesterday!
communicativePond1728 profile picture
by communicativePond1728
Last post
August 5th, 2024
...See more I am clearly communicating ____ I am awarding achievements ____ I am recognizing/rewarding ____ I am empathizing with ____
SleeplessVet profile picture
Victimhood, can we break the pattern?
by SleeplessVet
Last post
August 4th, 2024
...See more Victimhood. I’ve been a member of this site and enjoyed it for several years now.  I’ve learned quite a bit.  I do think I am better off now than when I first got here Christmas Day of 2019.  That said, one of the problems I do have is we are all encouraged to be unconditionally supportive to all members of the site.   There are indeed many people where who have been hurt or victims of situations or people.  There are also some who seem to just be self-absorbed and self-loathing individuals seeking attention and validation of their perceived victimhood.  The trend of the mass media seems to be to convince all of us that we are victims of something.  We should sue someone for compensation.  We have no responsibility for our current situation because we are victims and helpless to improve our lives.  I just have a problem with this blanket thought process.  How many times have we heard a mass murderer has a bad childhood, so it is expected that they would kill or be horrible to others?  Seems like excuses for lack of coping skills or ability to learn from life experiences.  How can we break the pattern or bad habits of people who are being self-defeating and helpless to help themselves?   Some of us would really love to see these people live happy or at least have balanced lives, but telling them they are exactly right doesn’t seem like the correct method.   (Do we tell anorexic people, “Yes.. I agree.. you are fat” ?  ) 
thatweirdfallkid profile picture
need advice on eating motivation
by thatweirdfallkid
Last post
July 27th, 2024
...See more a few months ago my depression got to a point where i just lost my appetite completely.  i'm also dealing with an unspecified dissociative disorder, and when i have panic attacks i literally cannot feel my body at all, and i'm almost paralyzed.  lately it's been getting worse to the point that i'm constantly numb, i can't feel my body regularly, and when i move a finger or something it just doesn't feel like a part of my body.  today i just made the realization that this constant numbness and disassociation has started contributing to my loss of appetite; when i get hungry, i feel the emptiness, but i'm not actually feeling the pain really, so i'm not as motivated to eat.  and most of the time i either feel kind of sick thinking about getting something to eat, or if i can eat anything it's not a lot.  i'm under 90 lbs at this point, which especially as an older teenager i know is not healthy.  does anyone have any advice?  thank you
SunShineAlwaysGrateful profile picture
Cheri’s Connection Corner - What are your Necessities in your Health Journey? 🧡
by SunShineAlwaysGrateful
Last post
July 18th, 2024
...See more Happy weekend Healthy Living Community ✨✨✨✨💕💕💕💕💕 Living a life whereby you want to be healthier of body mind and spirit. There are so many ways for you to do what works for you and your life. No two people have the same health issues or life issues or mental health issues. The best thing about living a healthier life is the ability to bounce back when you are off track is often the greatest indicator of success over time.  You do you and never compromise on what is working for you. We evolve and change over time learning and figuring out what works best.  Motivation is something that helps along the way. Motivation and habits both make the journey possible in tougher times too.  Browse the questions answer either you prefer all responses welcomed.  🧡 What are you essentials daily and weekly that helps you achieve your goals?  🧡 When do you know you have to get back on track what is one thing that helps you to get back on track?  🧡 What motivates you? Share a motivation quote below. 
Sheena39 profile picture
Positive Attitude
by Sheena39
Last post
June 17th, 2024
...See more
SpellFloo8896 profile picture
Advice on Exercising
by SpellFloo8896
Last post
June 13th, 2024
...See more Hi there, beautiful people! I'm trying to be more active, but it's always been a huge challenge for me. I spend most of my time at home and don't do physical activities besides chores. Getting up and walking as an exercise is difficult, but I'm trying. I wonder if there are any other recommendations for total beginners to build stamina and endurance? Thank you!
Sheena39 profile picture
by Sheena39
Last post
May 21st, 2024
...See more “WHAT IS YOURS”?!

Welcome friends to the Healthy Living Support Subcommunity here at 7cups! heart

Healthy Living is a journey regarding ones "complete" well-being. "Physical, Mental, Emotional or Spiritual". Here you will find the support to help you move forward in your goals and be your best self. No matter where you are on your journey, we are here for you!

"It's not about being the best it's about being better than you were yesterday" - Unknown

**DISCLAIMER: The Healthy Living Support Subcom has & mentions talks of Weight, Calories, Exercising and other related information that provides, promotes & educates on Healthy Living Topics.  Members are welcome to visit the ED Support community if you find these topics triggering in any way. Thank you!

**Join our Healthy Living Support room [Adults] every Friday! Room is open for 24 hours. Learn more HERE




**HEALTHY LIVING "TAG LIST" UPDATED 2022 (Add or be Removed)


Community Guidelines

**DISCLAIMER: The Healthy Living Support Subcom has and mentions talk of weight counts and calories. Members are welcome to visit the ED Support community if you find that triggering. Thank you!

** Please Do Not double post in different areas and always make sure you're posting in the corrct section. If you're unsure, you can PM a category leader.

** Please Do not spam any part of the forums with unrelavent links, adds or abusive posts.

** Always be respectful, kind and supportive to one another. 

** Do not post specific medication names or dosages.

**  Welcome & Have a great time here! smiley


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7 Cups Exercise Motivation Guide  (Get motivated to get moving)

Mindfulness Exercises  (Practice one of the many exercises here to help with mental & emotional well-being)

7 Cups Sleeping Well Guide   (Get on track with your sleep)


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