Exercise motivation
As I've been getting older I've noticed I can't just eat whatever and not exersize witouth losing my lean figure anymore, the thing is the only form of exersize I don't dislike is skateboarding or going for a hike. I live in the Netherlands and the turning point to all of this is that it's curently about 50 degrees and I can't stand staying outside for more than 10/20 minutes in this cold Xp. Does anyone have idea's on light exersizes I can do at home witouth feeling the need to just give up and eat crisps.
My target areas are my belly thighs and upper arms :P I have an hourglass figure (In case that information is important)
@colourfulWatermelon53 I'm the same way. My family didn't do me any favors by telling younger me that I could eat anything I wanted and never gain an ounce. I kept bad eating habits into my 20s, and by the time I was almost 30, I was developing fat in places where I didn't want it.
I tried kicking around a soccer ball, but that can be tedious. I'm physically active at my job anyway, but it's not enough for my target areas (same as yours, actually).
When I can remember them, I do reverse crunches and the bicycle movement lying on my back.
Colourful... have you tried going to our EXERISE OF THE WEEK Thread here in the subcommunity?
Perhaps you can find something there you might like. Each exercise is only 5-10 minutes, and there are many different threads with different varieties. Perhaps you can take a look and start there to see what you might like.. Or perhaps they will lead you to something you "do" like. CLICK HERE . Also you can check out YouTube for other different "do-at-home/indoor" type exercises.
I'd recommend some pilates! I personally do these at home- most of the exercises aren't hard, but they'll give a burn! I'm sure there are some for arms (I love working out my arms!) and for belly, too. Check out Blogilates for example! Don't forget to stretch after every workout! :)