Hi, I'm Mic and I'm glad you found my profile on 7 cups of tea.
As a listener I will suport you as much as I can however, I do not take chats of a sexual nature.
This does not include the 'standard' issues that might come from a relationship but I however will not take chats about any kind of fetish or things of that nature.
It's important to try and be the best version of yourself you can be I do NOT believe in bad people, I believe in bad actions and you can overcome those.
Don't ever hesitate to tell me anything, I am not here to judge you in any way I want to listen and suport you.
We will work throughwards mental growth mainly through self acceptence, I don't believe in "ugly" or "bad" persons ect.
I work through kindness I will never judge anyone not you nor the persons you might mention, we all have unique reasons for the actions we take and though that should not be an excuse we can't reach anything with anger.
You've been breathing fire in your sleep
I am a Christian but I'm not here to force my believes upon you! If you want to ask me anything go ahead, I would love to tell you more but I wouldn't like to create religious "propaganda". We may all decide on own our faiths!