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Sharing Circle Introduction/Conclusion Survey

Anna May 14th, 2021

Hello Sharing Circle and Small Steps to Healthy Habits Community!

If you are a regular participant in Sharing Circle, you will be aware that we start and close each session with the following saying:

“Love, give me the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed; courage to change the things which should be changed; and the Wisdom to distinguish one from the other. Let it be.”

Over the past little while, we have heard feedback that this opening and closing mantra may not be to everybody’s taste. We are therefore beginning the process of gathering opinions from the community (you) with a view to possibly make changes to the Sharing Circle and Healthy Habits script and tailor it to the preferences of the community.

We have created a survey HERE to gather preliminary thoughts.

Please note this is only a starting point. If we find that the majority of people would prefer something different then we will gather further ideas on what that will be.

Thank you to those who raised this matter, and to everyone who is helping us by sharing their opinions. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

- The Sharing Circle Team (@Gozzil, @AnnaTess, @CheeryMango, @SuryanshSingh)

warmheartedNectarine7064 May 14th, 2021


bouncyReeds6012 May 15th, 2021

@warmheartedNectarine7064 well it's difficult because for some people this is a prayer. It could be useful if the purpose would be to ask for God's help, otherwise I think not.

NiceVictoria May 15th, 2021

Exactly my point

Anna OP May 15th, 2021

Thank you @bouncyReeds6012 @NiceVictoria for sharing your thoughts!

RainDragon September 10th, 2021

@warmheartedNectarine7064 hi

rrretsuko May 15th, 2021

:0 thank you for taking the time to do this and to see what everyone thinks <3 i’ll take the survey now !

TheJenInBlack May 15th, 2021

Just took it. I like the whole thing.

MilaTheListener May 15th, 2021

Personally, I like this segment of the script, it somehow unites all the participants and it serves as an intro to the sharing circle session. However, I love changes so maybe it would be good to rephrase it or come up with something else that will still allow participants to say "Let it be" <3

Anna OP May 15th, 2021

Thank you for sharing your feedback, @MilaTheListener !

7CupsCommunity May 15th, 2021

Thank you for sharing this survey with us here.

GoingSafari May 15th, 2021

I don't mind that people individually are spiritual or religious, but I don't think the sharing circle framework should force that at all. I think that's very unfortunate. I think any spirituality should come from the individuals, not be covering the entire framework. That's much more neutral, open and down-to-earth, I think.

It is a prayer with just a sneaky switch of "God" to "Love". Again, I don't mind people praying, but I think it's very unfortunate and contradictory to Cups' own policies (including the no religion rule in group chat rules) that there's a mandatory prayer in the beginning of every sharing circle. Let the members choose for themselves.

GoingSafari May 15th, 2021


Again, remembering that people come from all over the world and from all religions and spiritual frames of mind or none at all. I think it's important to fully respect that, and I don't think the inclusion of this Christian prayer (with the swapped word) respects that.

Anna OP May 15th, 2021

Thank you for sharing your feedback on this matter, @GoingSafari ! We definitely want Sharing Circle to feel as inclusive as possible, so your thoughts are very valuable.

joyousHug4511 June 16th, 2021

Happy Wednesday!

joyousHug4511 June 18th, 2021

Happy Friday! We're all in this together.

joyousHug4511 June 22nd, 2021

Happy Tuesday!

JeraTheWitch June 24th, 2021

I'll gladly take the survey! As a very spiritual person myself, I find it hard to swallow that spirituality, and specifically religion, is being forced. I had to come to the conclusion to be spiritual on my own, and so does everybody else, if that is their path to walk.

joyousHug4511 June 27th, 2021

Happy Sunday!

joyousHug4511 June 30th, 2021

Happy Hump day!

joyousHug4511 July 7th, 2021

Happy hump day!

joyousHug4511 July 14th, 2021

Happy Wednesday!

joyousHug4511 July 30th, 2021

Happy Friday!