Sharing Circle Introduction/Conclusion Survey
Hello Sharing Circle and Small Steps to Healthy Habits Community!
If you are a regular participant in Sharing Circle, you will be aware that we start and close each session with the following saying:
“Love, give me the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed; courage to change the things which should be changed; and the Wisdom to distinguish one from the other. Let it be.”
Over the past little while, we have heard feedback that this opening and closing mantra may not be to everybody’s taste. We are therefore beginning the process of gathering opinions from the community (you) with a view to possibly make changes to the Sharing Circle and Healthy Habits script and tailor it to the preferences of the community.
We have created a survey HERE to gather preliminary thoughts.
Please note this is only a starting point. If we find that the majority of people would prefer something different then we will gather further ideas on what that will be.
Thank you to those who raised this matter, and to everyone who is helping us by sharing their opinions. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
- The Sharing Circle Team (@Gozzil, @AnnaTess, @CheeryMango, @SuryanshSingh)
Happy Sunday!
Happy Hump day!
Happy hump day!
Happy Wednesday!
Happy Friday!