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Exploration Garden: New Rules to Foster a More Focused Exploration Environment
by ASilentObserver
Last post
3 days ago
...See more Hello everyone,  Exploration Garden (EG) group chat was introduced in July 2023 [] as an extended version of the Sharing Circle. Since then, EG has undergone multiple iterations and changes to improve it for everyone This post will share the next changes and updates regarding the Exploration Garden group chat.  We want to emphasize the key distinction between the Sharing Circle and Exploration Garden:  Sharing Circle []is a space to share with others primarily, here you can vent, get validation, and express your thoughts/feelings/experiences to share those with others. The exploration garden [] by contrast is not so much a place to share, but rather a place to gain assistance in exploring our thoughts/feelings/experiences, here we are trying to learn and explore, seeking new perspectives, new understandings, and deeper meanings. Based on the feedback received from the community and observations of trends within the group chat, we are rolling out the following changes to promote and foster an exploration environment in the EG.   1. EG will only be open when a facilitator is present. Without facilitation, the sessions tend to get off track, and unable to keep up with the guidelines for running an effective exploration session. Here is the updated schedule of the Exploration Garden session:  * Host-L stands for assigned listener host  * Host-M stands for covered by community mod * Red rows represent no coverage at the moment, so no session will take place during these hours until we onboard new hosts to lead those hours.  2.  Releasing an exploration guide for participants to understand how effective exploration works, the DOs and DONTs, Tips to get the most out of the session, and how to offer support to the sharers. Click here to access a copy of the exploration guide.  [] 3. If you want to join the Exploration Garden Hosting Team, you can now express your interest by filling out a short form here!  [] The new changes will be implemented w.e.f Sept 20, 2024.  If you have any questions, please feel free to share with us below in the thread or reach out to @Heather225 or me aka @ASilentObserver
2024: Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups
by ASilentObserver
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...See more Hello and welcome everyone to Gratitude Week w/ 7 Cups Gratitude Day is celebrated annually on the 21st of September. The celebration of Gratitude Day allows both individuals and communities to come together and celebrate the broad meaning of gratitude in various ways.  The goal of the Gratitude Week is to take time and reflect on the many amazing things, and people we have in our lives. Practicing gratitude could positively impact our well-being and make us happier, more contented people. There are so many ways that you can be thankful on World Gratitude Day. It can simply include: * Being thankful that you have woken up and experienced a brand new day.  * If you have a pet, your pet is worthy of your gratitude.  * You can also be thankful for beautiful nature for beautiful sunrises, sunsets, or simply how different seasons bring unique experiences. * You can be thankful for the people around you or in the community that you encountered and made your day better even if for a moment.  So we invite you to join us in Gratitude Week to be thankful in a few ways:  * Engage in any or all of the following activities and let us know in the comments below what did you and when.  * Send at least 7 empathetic private messages  to listeners/members * Post or reply 7 empathetic posts in any thread in the community with the hashtag #Gratitude2024 * Send 7 supportive comments or phrases in the group support (both members /listeners group chats) * Participate in a “Thank you to” Chain to appreciate or give a shout-out to anyone and tag 3 friends to join the chain. You can give thank you to anyone including yourself.  The thread will be created and linked here.  * Join in the following Group Discussions: at 12.30 pm Eastern (Adults), 1 pm (Teens) * Showing Appreciation & Gratitude (Monday) * Empathy  (Tuesday) * Do you know Self-compassion (Wednesday) * The power of thank you (Thursday) The sessions will take place in Positivity Corner Group Chat We look forward to celebrating  World Gratitude Day with you. Join us! 
Wellness Accountability Huddles: Apply Now!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
September 26th
...See more Ready to Transform Your Wellness with Accountability? Setting specific health and wellness goals is an effective way to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. These can include goals like exercising regularly, eating more vegetables, drinking more water, or finding time for mindfulness. Having a defined time frame adds structure, helping you stay focused and committed as you work toward achieving these goals. Ask yourself right now: what do you want to improve on in your life? Tips to Make Your Wellness Goals Easy to Track and Follow Through With: * Make your goal specific and measurable. For example, "do 30 minutes of exercise each day" or "read 1 chapter of my book each day". Specific and measurable goals are easier to track. * Keep it simple! Avoid overwhelming yourself by starting small. Committing to 1-3 daily tasks can make it more manageable and sustainable. Now, how does this apply to 7 Cups, and being accountable? You’re much more likely to succeed when you share your progress with others, and that’s where our Wellness Accountability Huddles come in. A Huddle is a group chat where the same participants meet up regularly to chat about common issues/interests in order to learn more about and deeply explore them. Our Huddles take place inside the 7 Cups group chat system and aim to provide groups of users continuous support and social connection. We are excited to launch Wellness Accountability Huddles. The Huddle journey will last for 5 weeks. The expected launch dates of these Huddles are within 2 weeks of this announcement. Please check your availability before applying. Structure: What Will a Huddle Consist Of? Each Huddle will aim to have around 20-30 members. The group will be open 24/7 and only badged members will have access. Thus, it is an opportunity for a shared, closer connection. 3 huddle groups will be created to accommodate groups of users in the current round, and we hope to onboard further interested users when the first “batch” is completed.  * This Huddle opportunity is available for members only. Listeners are encouraged to switch to a member account to participate. * This Huddle is currently open to adult users only.  Your Huddle experience will involve: * Once accepted, you will be asked to introduce yourself and some of your goals for joining the Huddle. Introducing yourself as well as participating during the first Huddle week at least once is compulsory to confirm your spot - these 2 actions will help you build the foundation of your longer-lasting journey! Here is what you can expect during your Huddle journey: Week 1 - Introductions Week 2 - Embracing Goals (and starting to share our progress) Week 3 - The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Care Week 4 - Managing Setbacks Week 5 - Celebrating Progress  The only expectations of you (other than participating every week!) is that you are willing to share the goals you are interested in as well as some commitment to work on some progress while sharing it. You are open to hearing other people’s stories and goals and will treat each of your peers with respect.  Some recommendations to ensure a beneficial experience include: * Try to participate in the group chat at least once a week. While you do not have to answer each prompt, you can share your daily experiences or other concerns. * Read other responses and reply to other participants: helping one another explore our reflections helps us all benefit from the interaction. Apart from the above guidelines, all users are expected to follow the general chatroom guidelines []and the community guidelines []. For any further questions or feedback, you can PM @SoulfullyAButterfly or send an email to Ready to Sign Up? Please fill in this form [].
Mod Love
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June 10th
...See more Group Chatroom Mods sacrifice their time to express their care for creating a safer and more inclusive chatroom environment for us all! It's not an easy work. They face resistance, and they face (sometimes) accusations of having behaved unfairly. But think about it. The mod role was created for what? It was created so that we could enjoy a safe and kind place than feel lost in an unsafe and unwelcoming island. Perhaps, and for sure, since it's tough and challenging work, the mods' efforts would always be imperfect and would carry mistakes (and perhaps some time blunder too), but can't we appreciate them for their time and energy to this pious work? That deserves positive shoutouts from those whom they serve, from us! Please use this thread to give shoutouts and words of appreciation for any chatroom moderator whom you saw doing good work! Please also keep coming back to this thread to send your mod love time and again! In case any time you believe some mod is unfit for the role, or would benefit from a constructive feedback, use the mod review [] form. To understand deeper what it's like to walk in a moderator's shoes, take this growth path []. [Click 'Start Path' after opening the path preview link.]
New Mod Buddy scheme for Sharing Circle hosts!
by Lou73
Last post
April 10th, 2023
...See more Hey everyone, We are launching a new buddy scheme for our Sharing Circles! We are asking for Group Support Moderators to team up with an assigned host to keep the chatrooms safe and interruptions to a minimum so that members can share in a supportive space. You can either commit to supporting one host regularly or sign up as and when you can. We have updated the sign-up schedule [] to include a Mod buddy sign up column. We are only asking for the slots with assigned hosts to be covered for now (but you are still more than welcome to host/mod any session that needs a host). We know that com mods do a great job, but they have so many rooms to cover that we would like to have an extra support for the room, and for the hosts to feel supported in event of a situation requiring a mod. We currently have 5 assigned hosts and 14 slots that need a mod buddy and hoping to grow the team in the future 😊 If you have any questions, please reach out to @Lou73 🦋 ------------------------- Tagging the Newbie hub Chatroom Moderators: @ASilentObserver @ASilentBunny @AcatalepticShadow @CalmWaves3939 @EmotionsListener @FallingSkys @JasmineFlower222 @Khaii @LittleBirdie30 @Ninziesss @Paprika001 @ShaunX @crystalclearnow @fruityPond7887 @iCareUK @rretsuko @CallumCares421 @Erica @TabbyCat97 @mamtasha22 @richuyulin @shinequeen001 Also tagging hosting team: @cancun @help127 @SolaceCares @VictoriaLove7 @VioletVeritas @MagnificentSunrise
Chatroom Moderator Support
by ASilentObserver
Last post
November 13th, 2022
...See more An official thread to provide a point of contact for moderators to discuss issues with Group Support Mentor Leaders, Group Support Ambassadors,s and Admins, mostly related to chatroom moderator, guidelines, concerns, and tools. Current Group Support Leaders: * Group Support Mentor Leaders: @ASilentBunny [] @Lou73 [] * Group Support Ambassadors: @brilliantTurtle89 [] @Suryansh [] * Group Support Admin: @ASilentObserver []
Introduction... Group Support Workshop w/ ComMods Announcement
by ASilentObserver
Last post
October 4th, 2022
...See more Hello Fellow Room Supporters / Chatroom Moderators, They say learning is a growth opportunity, and we have a special one for you! The Community Moderator Team is introducing an initiative to offer called Group Support Workshop w/ComMods. It will be available for Room Supporters and Chatroom Moderators. It will be an opportunity for you to meet and learn from other amazing room supporters and moderators in our community in a 60-minute discussion. We will be covering specific topics and skills that help all room supporters and moderators to learn and grow as a team and in return support the group chats better. These workshop sessions will be scheduled at the start of each week to ensure all room supporters and moderators in different time blocks are able to participate. To accommodate the coverage of all team members, the time and day of the session will vary every week. Room supporters and moderators can use the Team Dashboard to discuss what they’ve learned from these sessions with each other. Session Schedule On Nov 01 (Tuesday) by @CommunityModAaron for the Adult side at 8.00 PM Eastern Time in the Group Support Zone. On Nov 01 (Tuesday) by @CommunityModAaron for the Teen side at 1.00 PM Eastern Time in the Group Support Zone. I hope you all have a great time and learning experience attending these workshops. Please let us know in this thread if you will be able to attend the above session. Please note: For Member Room Supporters, we are working on another workshop idea and will keep you all posted on the progress of it. Thank you for your patience and support. I am grateful to y’all.
Modding Issue.
by teenytinyturtle
Last post
October 1st, 2022
...See more Hi, Don’t like to write a grumbly post about 7cups because I have gained so much from it, helping me through the here and now, but also teaching me life lessons. Didn’t feel this could be ignored though, as it’s such a massive problem. I am aware that recently the way of commodding has changed, to member mods and teen-listener mods. I know I am not the only person who has had some real issues with this. Sometimes, in teen member rooms, we will not see a mod at all for 4hrs or more. This allows many members to go unsupported, as mods provide stability of support when the rooms are quiet. Before, we had the room supporter request form, is there a way to bring this back into the chatroom guidelines again to at least attempt to help this issue? But worse, many incidents are happening, that break 7cups guidelines. People in crisis refusing to log off, triggering one person, or a whole room. People sharing offsite contact. People using the wrong rooms for the wrong purposes. To name a few. As members noticing this, we do all we can, filling out the emergency mod form, pmming the mod if they have been seen at all on a shift. TCR has turned into a place for sharing offsite contact, for conflict. Any members trying to put in polite reminders get attacked for that – not just at the time, but if meeting the member again in the same or a different room, they are already against you. 7cups is meant to be a place for support. It’s turned into a place that is daunting, and support feels so non existent. The direct bullying, lack of support increases anxiety, fear, and lowers self-worth. It seems the focus of member mods even when there is no teen-listener mod is always the adult rooms. We’ve been told that they are more...interesting... but why does that excuse the things that are happening on the teenie side? Please can someone recognise that things are not working? We are asked to fill out forms, asked to do all these things but what is the point if this makes no difference either? To the admins, please listen. Things can’t stay the same. To members and listeners, do you have anything to add? What's going well, what isn't going well, or ideas to solve? @TayTayy @CommunityModAaron (had conversation about this with these two lovely people) @7cupscommunity @ASilentObserver @Heather225 (didn't know which leaders to tag)
My Favorite Mod Thread!
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September 11th, 2022
...See more Chatroom Moderators at 7Cups, popularly called as Mods, have had a tough task at hand. They've had to moderate chatrooms in trying to make sure that chatrooms are safe, supportive, and inclusive space for everyone. But in doing that, I tell you, many a time they have to take strong decisions -the decisions which aren't sometimes received too well. It helps to remember that mods are there with only the motive of contributing to a safer community, and thus, deserve our love and appreciation💛 Please use this thread to tag your favorite mod(s) and say out a sweet and encouraging appreciation message for them. You can also tag a mod simply for a small good modding act you observed them doing in a chatroom -this would be a huge boost to their morale! Let's contribute to creating a positive perception around what mods do and try to do! But if you feel any day that some mod's behavior is harmful for the community, always and always and always seek resort in the feedback channel [] than directly pointing out and accusing (something that causes conflicts and hostility and does no good to the chatroom and the community.)
Lessons Learned: Letters from Experienced Mods to their Newbie Mod Selves:
by soulsings
Last post
September 5th, 2022
...See more soulsings writes Hi Mod Newbie. Welcome to the hardest job you can have at 7cups! Somedays you may have people attacking and threatening you or trying to circumvent the guidelines. They may say Mod Alert when you come in the room. They may call you bad names. Do not let any of that get under your skin. You are bigger than that and do not wallow in the mud people sling at you. You are here for a higher calling: to help other people and to keep 7cups a safe place. There are great times too when people may thank you for leading a discussion that has changed their life! It does happen but not as often as we like. The skills you are going to need are patience and compassion. Everyone, even the taunters and disrupters, needs empathy and compassion. People do not act like that calling people names if they are happy. They are miserable and suffering from deep wounds. Do not hate them. They at least need you to be neutral to them if you cannot find compassion in your heart. Remember that no mod can get rid of all the problem people. Sometimes we can just deflect the criticism and change the flavor of the discussion. Sometimes we can only calm things down for a while. So dont try to sterilize 7cups. It will not be a place that people would inhabit. Everyone does not feel what you feel or believe what you believe. What you can do as much as you are able to is make 7cups a better place to get support for people who want support. Keep the discussions going and keep supporting the people who really want to change the direction they are heading. Keep the discussions safe but be kind and compassionate. Be willing to give out 3 verbal warnings to try to calm things down before passing out warnings. Be careful who you give warnings to. Sometimes the disrupters try to get people who want to calmly discuss things agitated and angry. When the mod starts giving them the warnings then the disrupters slip away. Use discretion when giving warnings and restraint so that the bystanders are not baited into being upset and getting caught instead of the instigators. Remember, no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Try to mod with someone else so you are not faced with this alone. The more secure you are as a person the more stress you can handle without getting over emotional. Remember everyone, even those that throw mud on you, are your friends. They may not know it now, but being a mod is so difficult if you have enemies. Only have friends. And be a friend to all. Maybe they will just learn to be a friend too someday.
Chronic insomnia and anxiety
by Fancydancer
Last post
August 18th, 2022
...See more I was on here a long time ago but too exhausted and anxious to do much. I realize this is a good place to be for me lately. It’s been a rough 7 years of insomnia and been my exhausted. The ongoing panic/anxiety has made me feel I’m losing my mind. I need to talk to others with these problems. I’ve been isolating for many years ever since Covid. Sorry this is such a long message
Group Support Moderator Request Dashboard (Moderators Only)
by CheeryMango
Last post
August 8th, 2022
...See more Hello Mod Team! Hope you're doing well. For those of you who may not know, there is a Group Support Moderator Request dashboard that allows us as moderators to quickly identify the room which needs moderation and gives us a brief idea of what is going on so we can respond to the situation and help de-escalate it by taking any necessary actions. If you do not currently have access to the Group Support Moderator Request dashboard, please comment below and I will send it to you 1-1. How can you help? You can get notified via email every time a request for mod is submitted. To do this, please follow the given steps: 1. Click on “Tools” on the response sheet 2. Click on “Notification Rules” 3. Choose options: Notify me when ‘A user submits a form’ and Notify me with ‘Email - straight away’ Note: This dashboard is shared with our Community Moderators who also help to provide 24/7 moderation coverage in the rooms. Every moderator is encouraged to help out in keeping our rooms safe and supportive. If you see an emergency request and are going to take it, please put your name down on the respective row before you do so. This will help to avoid any clashes In case of any queries, please feel free to reach out to me 1-1 or respond to this thread. Thank you! @ColorfuldogsofParadise @caringPanda45 @gentleSun78 @pamharley003 @caringPanda45 @gentleSun78 @MrsAshleyMarie @DrDonut @Greenchoice1 @astro0koal240 @blitheEmbrace27 @mentalspace7cup @Oceanwaves16 @leafycup @EmmaE @Ginevra962 @leafycup @MollyT @SoftFaith2004 @Kara13V @WeedyGarden @azuladragon34 @blitheEmbrace27 @gentleSun78 @whenitsdarklookforstars @LoveLilly @mentalspace7cup @rrretsuko @whenitsdarklookforstars @LuluRings @Mankka @VerseArt @hopedreamlove @CheeryMango @AnnaTess @azuladragon34 @DonaldDraper @DrDonut @EmmaE @kindLemonade @mentalspace7cup @AndyAllen @Banjothebudgie @HelpfulGem04 @Hope2103 @KateDoskocilova @Listeningsarinn @DonaldDraper @amiablePeace77 @kindLemonade @soulsings @AndyAllen @AnnaTess @Asher @AriadneLove @Banjothebudgie @DigitalKnight @DrDonut @Fristo @Ginevra962 @Greenchoice1 @HealTheHealer @HelpfulGem04 @Listeningsarinn @LoveLilly @Mankka @MidwesternCalmSeeker @MollyT @Starlasky @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Vick5123 @astro0koala240 @calmingMermaid5761 @considerateOrange2567 @crystalclearnow @cuteeeezombieeee @kkea @mamtasha22 @pamharley003 @rrretsuko @starryskies108 @xoBeebosBubsxo @StarlitSky4762 @Xe @azuladragon34 @sophiasanae @kindLemonade @mamtasha22 @AriadneLove @MidwesternCalmSeeker @PuzichkinCat @Starlasky @mamasha22 @xoBeebosBubsxo @SoftFaith2004 @hopedreamlove @xoBeebosBubsxo @AlwaysEli @EmmaE @leafycup @Greenchoice1 @Kara13V @Listeningsarinn @WelcomeToChat @Xe @Oceanwaves16 @KimsonTheSteveFundYPOC @enchantedlove @Bubblegumwings1234 @PeaceLoveandPaws @kindSoul10 @jovialButterfly6752 @compassionateTree4567 @kieran000 @rebecca947 @PoliteOcean
Moderator Activity Log Form
by PuzichkinCat
Last post
December 2nd, 2021
...See more all blue text [] contains a hyperlink Hello Group Moderators team! The final month of the year has begun, a time of celebration and good wishes we send to one another. On that note, we have some helpful updates to share with you, with a focus on safety and clarity. We are reintroducing the updated Moderator Activity Log Form. All moderators should already have access to it, no additional links are required. If you are a Group Support moderator but don’t have access to the form, please message @CheeryMango, @EvelyneRose or @PuzichkinCat to receive access. (Please do not share the form with anyone, and do not post the link in public spaces) When to submit the Moderator Activity Log Form Even though our group support rooms are meant to be safe and supportive spaces for all, sometimes, as moderators, we may find ourselves in difficult or tense situations in rooms and need to share our side of the situation. This could mean showing we did the right thing as a moderator, or reporting the event to see what we could have done differently or whether the situation could have been handled better, or for any other potential outcomes or benefits from sharing your perspective of a situation you handled in a group room. Remember that as a team, we’re always growing and improving together. We encourage you to file the Moderator Activity Log form if you have used moderation tools and/or conflict resolution methods, to remain accountable for and transparent in your actions. Your responses to this form will be kept confidential and will only be used to your benefit and to better support you in your role as a moderator. If there are learning opportunities, more training and resources will be offered to those who request them. We’re in this together, and we’ve got your back! Please note, this form should NOT be used to report interpersonal conflicts with other users or as a replacement for behavioral reports. Remember to not include any irrelevant/revealing/sensitive or confidential information about other users, instead, please focus on the group support event you are describing and how you handled it. We encourage you to use this form especially: * To report the use of moderation tools or techniques * To tell your side of the story When to not use this form: * To report a conflict with another member or listener (instead, please submit a request here []) Please see Filing Behavioral Report Forms: All the information you might need [] Updates made * Changed the name of the form for clarity * Removed outdated information * Clarified the form in regards to the ethical principles of our community And more! Useful Information * Community Guidelines [] * Chatroom Rules Guide [] * Room Support Request Update [] and Room Support Request Form [] * De-escalation Techniques for Community Leaders [] * Group Support Buddy Program [] If you have any feedback or questions about this form or anything else relating to your moderator role, feel free to message @PuzichkinCat (GSML), @CheeryMango (Mod Lead, adults) @EvelyneRose (Mod Lead, teens) Thank you, @LuluRings, @ASilentObserver, @Cheerymango, and the whole GSML Team for their help with these updates. Tagging: Adults @amiablePeace77 @AnnaTess @azuladragon34 @Banjothebudgie @blitheEmbrace27 @caringPanda45 @cheerfulIcecream @Colorfuldogsofparadise @compassionateTree4567 @courageousheart96 @CheeryMango @DonaldDraper @DrDonut @Fristo @gentleSun78 @HealTheHealer @HopieRemi @jovialButterfly6752 @LuluRings @Mankka @mentalspace7cup @MidwesternCalmSeeker @MindfulListener82 @MrsAshleyMarie @pamharley003 @PeaceLoveandPaws @PoliteOcean @PuzichkinCat @RebekahRoyal @robynlouise @RumpleSteeleSkin @SoftFaith2004 @starryskies108 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @TrickyRicky @VerseArt @WeedyGarden Teens @astro0koal240 @calmingMermaid5761 @considerateOrange2567 @cuteeeezombieeee @EmmaE @enchantedlove @Greenchoice1 @HelpfulGem04 @Hope2103 @hopedreamlove @Kara13V @KateDoskocilova @kieran000 @kkea @leafycup @Listeningsarinn @LoveLilly @mamasha22 @MollyT @Oceanwaves16 @rrretsuko @SoftFaith2004 @sophiasanae @Starlasky @Vick5123 @whenitsdarklookforstars
Group Support Buddy Relaunch
by CheeryMango
Last post
September 4th, 2021
...See more Hello everyone! I am happy to introduce the relaunch of the Group Support Buddy Program Although becoming a chat room moderator can feel very exciting, it can be intimidating at first, and somewhat overwhelming. To provide moderators with additional support we would like to offer having Chatroom Moderator Buddies! Chatroom Moderator Buddy is someone who can support you as you go through the group support journey, answer any questions you may have about your role as a moderator, share moderation and de-escalation tips, and even help you moderate and host in the various rooms! In the Buddy Program, there are two roles: Little Buddy and Big Buddy. Big Buddies are experienced chat room moderators who provide support and assistance to Little Buddies. Someone who is new to their role or who wants additional assistance will be a Little Buddy. Requirements to become a Big Buddy * Must be active in the Group Support rooms * Have been a chat room moderator for at least 4 weeks * Must be passionate about providing support to fellow moderators * Open to receiving and giving feedback Expectations of the Big Buddy As a Big Buddy, you’ve completed training for your Community Leader role, are knowledgeable about the guidelines and rules for the community, have high warmth, and provided quality group discussions. As a Big Buddy, you will be providing support to your Little Buddy by guiding them through their first weeks as a group support leader. As a Group Support Buddy, your responsibilities may include, but not necessarily be limited to: * Providing your Little Buddy any links you feel would be beneficial to their growth as a leader * Introducing them to any training or quality programs you have found beneficial in your experience at 7 Cups * Helping them to learn and understand best practices as a Group Support Community Leader * Answering questions and responding (within 48 hours) to your Little Buddy may have about their group support role such as monthly quotas, de-escalation techniques, and active listening in group support rooms * Provide guidance in a warm, friendly, supportive manner * Discuss confidentiality rules and be mindful of the confidential nature of your role as a Big Buddy * Be non-judgemental * Offer encouraging feedback and suggestions * As your schedule allows, you are encouraged to be present as your Little Buddy is hosting sessions * Check-in with your Little Buddy at least once a week Expectations of the Little Buddy: As a Little Buddy, you will be paired up with either an experienced Community Leader who has consistently provided and hosted quality group support roles for some time. Your Big Buddy, along with members of the sub community you represent, are here to support you on your journey. Take time to ask any questions you may have, learn about growth opportunities available at 7 Cups, and read over any helpful links they provide. Your Big Buddy is here to help you succeed and gain confidence as a Community Leader. You can expect your Big Buddy to: * Check-in with you at least once a week and respond to your questions within 48 hours * Provide information you may need to become comfortable and confident in your role * Address any questions or concerns you may have about your role in Group Support * Remain non-judgemental * Maintain confidentiality * Offer constructive feedback * Attend or even cohost during one of your sessions, as their schedule permits Click HERE to fill out the Group Support Buddy Interest Form [] This program is also available to room supporters. Click HERE [] for more information. If you have any questions, please reach out to me 1-1 or comment below. Adult Mods: @caringPanda45 @gentleSun78 @pamharley003 @amiablePeace77 @DrDonut @blitheEmbrace27 @bluelotus99 @bouncyVoice4149 @mentalspace7cup @DonaldDraper @Happy900 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @VerseArt @WeedyGarden @azuladragon34 @rachsxo @CheeryMango @LuluRings @competentParadise6344 @Mankka @EvelyneRose @DigitalKnight @CompassionateDreamer8522 @Asher @AnnaTess @kindLemonade @Andyallen @HopefulBambi @AlwaysEli @soulsings @JustOneMoreEpisode @MidwesternCalmSeeker @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @crystalclearnow @optimisticDay8079 @StarlitSky4762 @Gozzil @DreamTouch @unique73 @KimsonTheSteveFundYPOC @richuyulin @compassionateTree4567 @PeaceLoveandPaws @RumpleSteeleSkin @rebecca947 @RebekahRoyal @ @SummerBreeze00 @PoliteOcean @Xe @AriadneLove @jovialButterfly6752 @starryskies108 @brilliantTurtle89 @Erica @kindSoul10 @ASilentObserver @Banjothebudgie @MrsAshleyMarie @HopieRemi @Bubblegumwings1234 @HealTheHealer @wonderfulRainbow817 @xoBeebosBubsxo @WelcomeToChat Teen Mods @Greenchoice1 @astro0koala240 @considerateParadise6717 @leafycup @Azalea98 @calmingMermaid5761 @sia1325 @whenitsdarklookforstars @Clara139175 @EmmaE @Kara13V @shiningSky3745 @Chloe563 @LoveLilly @hopedreamlove @AriJoseph @Bubbles2025 @lemonbot @itssoren @Listeningsarinn @KateDoskocilova @HelpfulGem04 @mamtasha22 @Emily328 @LoveLilly @NaiK15 @cuteeeezombieeee @cuteOrange213 @kieran000 @enchantedlove @SuryanshSingh @kieran000 @kkea @Vick5123 @rrretsuko @sophiasanae
Tips for Global Moderators on How to Mod Specific Rooms
by Kate
Last post
August 13th, 2021
...See more Are you a new Global Moderator or applying to become one? Welcome to the team! We're excited to have you! **Global Mod Application []** We know it can be overwhelming to learn about and become comfortable moderating in all of the different group support rooms. It's important to keep in mind that some subcommunity rooms have specific guidelines and best practices for moderating in that space. As global mods, it's important to be respectful to the unique users who regularly visit each room. Think of it like you're stepping into their home. It's a special place where users come to feel safe and supported on their individual issues. I encourage you to take time to hang out in each room and get to know the group dynamic before beginning to use your moderation tools in that room. We understand that there are going to be rooms where you feel more comfortable moderating than others. We all have different interests and rooms that we may be drawn to. That's ok! However, as global moderators we require you to be able to adequately assist in any room if a conflict arises. If you encounter a situation where you're not sure how to moderate, step back. PM the support team leader or a member of that team and err on the side of caution and respect. Do you have questions on how to better moderate a particular room? Ask them here and learn tips from support team leaders of each team.

Welcome to the Group Support Community, a place where listeners and members can gather information, share feedback, and learn together!

Find our Group Support Discussion Schedule HERE.

New to the 7 Cups community? Members, click HERE and Listeners click HERE for more information about getting started on your 7 Cups journey.

For information about joining group support rooms click HERE.. For the Group Support Rotation Schedule, click HERE

Keeping group rooms safe and supportive is a top priority at 7 Cups. Please familiarize yourself with the chatroom rules located at the bottom of each chat room. Click HERE to learn more about group room safety.  

Please join us in our newest and most popular room, Sharing Circle Here you will find the opportunity to share your thoughts with the community and receive personal support, . Once you have experinced all the rooms have to offer, you are invited to join the team as a host. For information on joining the team as a host by click HERE.

Listeners, would you like to join the Group Support Team? Click HERE for Room Supporters or HERE for Community Centered Moderators.

Schedules - Community Mod Schedule 

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