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New Criteria to Access Group Chats Live Now!

ASilentObserver July 5th, 2022

Hi community, As you all may know, we were working on making changes to the criteria to access group chats. Please read this post for more details!

I am excited to inform you that the new criteria are live on-site now. I hope you all may find this change helpful and easier to access the chatrooms. The new criteria are:

Only for Member Group Chats

  • For Members: (Both Adults and Teens)


    • Tier 0 (Accessible by everyone)
      • Rooms: Sharing Circle, Free Hugs, ASilentObserver Office, Support Session, Special Events
    • Tier 1 = Basic Chatrooms
      • Rooms: Support Room 24/7, General Support, Member Community Room
      • Badges will be required: Either Chief Chat OR First Post OR Complete 10 path steps
        • Chief Chat: for completing the first conversation 1-1
        • First Post: for creating the first Forum Post
        • Complete 10 path steps
    • Tier 2 = Topic Chatrooms

For Listeners in the Member Group Chat (Both Adults and Teens)


If you experience any issues or challenges, please do let us know. Thank you <3
Looking forward to seeing you all in the group chats and listening, supporting, and getting to know each other.

All texts in blue color are clickable and hyperlinked.

Important Notes based on the feedback!

  • When it says "Badges will be required: Either Chief Chat OR First Post OR Complete 10 path steps": It means that any one of the badges will be required to access basic chatrooms and not all three. If you have it then great but you need only one of them to access the basic chatrooms like Support Room or Member community Room.
  • Privacy concerns related to attempting Compassion Course: To take the quiz and submit your responses, you are NOT required to have a Gmail account or a real name. All it needs is your 7cups account username and that is also only needed for the badging purpose. Your privacy is our priority and we DON'T ask for any personal information or email contact.
  • How to check what you may need to access group chats: Please "Go to page and click on the "Unlock Group Chat" button and see if one of the checkboxes is unchecked? If you have a Chief Chat badge and the first 3 checkboxes are ticked for you, then you have access to the basic chat rooms. But if the boxes showing ticked for you and still unable to access, then please send me a message and we will figure out why you don't have access.
Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 5th, 2022


Thankyou for the update, Obziee! ❤

audienta July 5th, 2022


Thank you for the update!

Ozias July 5th, 2022

I have to be honest. I feel like this is a bit much.

ASilentObserver OP July 6th, 2022

@Ozias I hear you Ozi. It can feel a bit much. But here our efforts were to make things simpler for everyone to access compared to earlier based on all the community feedback we received. It is a new change, so definitely it going to take a bit of time to settle down but I hope eventually it brings more support and comfort to everyone.

Your presence and support in the group chats are incredible and thank you for always thinking and caring for our lovely community. I am grateful to you. <3

Mary2022 July 5th, 2022


Few hours after this post there was a guided discussion i haven't been able to participate to, because apparently this new criteria has been already launched without giving us the time to be ready for the change.

For some members guided discussions are a weekly appointment we add to our daily routine to build the growing path for our well-being, feels quite damaging having lost it.

kala July 6th, 2022

I feel the same @Mary2022

ASilentObserver OP July 6th, 2022

@Mary2022 I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, Mary. But thank you for your patience and support. I hope you and everyone have better and more active discussions from next week session.

Thank you for being a valued member of the Group chats and being a thoughtful and caring human being. We appreciate you.

cloudySummer July 6th, 2022

Yay... not. Can't access rooms anymore, even though I've been able to access them for years, unless I fill in a Google form? Why?

cloudySummer July 6th, 2022

Bye-bye chat rooms.

pluckyLime8001 July 6th, 2022


i agree, i only come here few times, i dont have energy to figure this out.

ASilentObserver OP July 6th, 2022

@cloudySummer You cannot access all the chatrooms? :O Summer. I am sorry to hear that. I know it can be frustrating. But please know our intention is to provide a quicker and easier way to access chatrooms.

I know we added the Compassion course as part of the criteria (a google form) but we replaced it with a Strong Bond 1 badge that was for connecting with 5 listeners 1-1 and as per community, it was a bit harder to achieve. For Compassion Course, I am grading and badging them actively every day, so the waiting period will be less than 16-24 hours.

Please know we are all here with you. And I appreciate you for being amazing member of the group chats.

cloudySummer July 6th, 2022

Hi Obs, requiring all 7cups members who want to take part in guided discussions to visit a Google site is negligent and disregards the need for absolute privacy for this vulnerable clientele. In addition, locking people out who have been able to access chats before is just mean. I thought you had only forgotten, but now it appears to be intentional. Why not allow both options?

cloudySummer July 6th, 2022

@ASilentObserver Sorry, I had forgotten the tag!

tidyPomegranate4148 July 6th, 2022

Thanks observer!

DarkGalaxy55555 July 6th, 2022


kala July 6th, 2022

What do we need to complete? Please help. I dont understand.

ASilentObserver OP July 6th, 2022

@kala Hi Kala, thank you for reaching out. Please check out this page: and click on the "Unlock Group Chats" button and it will open a popup box with a list of requirements you may need to access chatrooms.

The checkboxes which are ticked means you already met those requirements and for those checkboxes which are not displaying ticked yet, you may need to do the task mentioned next to the checkbox in order to complete it.

But if you still experience any challenges, feel free to send me a message. We are all here with you <3

CalmRosebud July 6th, 2022

Hi, Obs,

Going through this "compassion course" seems like a lot of work for you to "grade." Also, the process forced me to create a new gmail account because I was initially registered under another account for anonymity, and I didn't want to use my real name. Not sure my responses will get to you. Anyway, nice knowing you!



ASilentObserver OP July 6th, 2022

@CalmRosebud Hi Rose, Thank you for letting me know but you don't need to create any Gmail account to access and complete the quiz. It only requires your 7Cups username and that is also for badging purposes.

Also, you don't have to reveal your real name or anything, you are an anonymous member of the community and we ensure to take care of it.

And, I can't see your responses in the record yet, please resubmit and let me know if there is any issue you experience.

CalmRosebud July 7th, 2022

@ASilentObserver--- I completed what I apparently needed to complete. However, for your information, when you place information requested in a "google form" then yes, it does require the user to have a "gmail" address. My other gmail address had my real name on them and so I didn't want to use them for this form. I created a "new" gmail address, so that I could maintain my anonymity. I have PhD and I was able to figure this out, but I suspect that many users, especially members who may be going through emotional distress at the time they enter, will have difficulty with it. Just a heads up.



soulsings July 6th, 2022

@ASilentObserver I have had 5 people reach out to me that cannot see anything but 3 basic rooms.

They have the Chief Chat badge and have always gone into rooms so this new change has the unintentional result of denying entry to people that have always had entry.

So my best guess is the programming now requires ALL rather than ANY of the requirements. Please check with technical people on this matter. Thank you soulsings

ASilentObserver OP July 6th, 2022

@soulsings Hi Soul, the new access criteria make it easier for everyone to access the rooms. Could you please ask them to "Go to page and click on the "Unlock Group Chat" button and see if one of the checkboxes is unchecked?

If they have a Chief Chat badge and the first 3 checkboxes are ticked for them, they will have access to the basic rooms.

But if it shows checked for them and still unable to access, then please request them to send me a message and we will figure out why they don't have access.

soulsings July 6th, 2022

@ASilentObserver okay I will contact them. Thank you

So it members want to access Topic rooms what would that link show if they can access?


ASilentObserver OP July 6th, 2022

@soulsings if they want to access topic rooms, they need to complete a compassion course. I am grading and badging them to ensure members get the badge at least within 16-24 hours.

If you or they have any questions, please let me know, I am here to support you. I know the change can be a bit difficult, but we made the changes to make access easier for everyone.

cloudySummer July 10th, 2022

@ASilentObserver I believe there would have been multiple better options than the current choice of a course outside of 7cups that is causing grief to so many, as you can see in the replies in this thread.

First of all, the course could be hosted on site, aka on 7cups, without any 3rd party involvement, and without the need for grading and waiting:

* A growth path
* A guide

Secondly, access should not have been taken people who already had access. That's a really bad user experience, and just a very insensitive idea.

Thirdly, it would have been perfectly possible to offer the old and the new option in parallel.

cloudySummer July 10th, 2022

'taken' was meant to be 'taken from'.

taliabear July 6th, 2022


I completed the test : ) Posting this now for grading

ASilentObserver OP July 6th, 2022

@taliabear thank you Talia. Any feedback on course? And congratulations you successfully completed the course and badged Compassion Hero badge

WhimsicalWhimsy July 8th, 2022

Hi Obs. I'm still here. 😜

ASilentObserver OP July 11th, 2022

@WhimsicalWhimsy Hey Whim, great to see you. How are you doinng?

caringPanda45 July 8th, 2022


Great time to find out when I came on to do my discussion and have to leave people in the lurch. Luckily @soulsings is wonderful and can support @amiablepeace77. Also getting up very early to do the discussion.

calmingsun111 July 9th, 2022

Great information. Thanks. 💕

Ilona7 July 9th, 2022

I meet the requirements for accessing the topic chatrooms, but I only gained access to some of them (such as disability and LGBTQ+). Some of the chatrooms mentioned above, such as anxiety and depression, do not appear in the group support chatroom list for me. What can I do to solve this?

ASilentObserver OP July 11th, 2022

@Ilona7 They are pop-up rooms, llona. They will be open either on their respective days or when a guided discussion is scheduled or going to be hosted.

Anxiety room opens on every Monday and Depression on Tuesday.

slowdecline48 July 9th, 2022


I see that my chat room navigation will probably be quite limited. That's alright...I don't spend hours of every day in the rooms in any case.

Got no real desire to go through these online courses that 7Cups regularly tries to sell us. At this point in my life, my basic character has been set (& had a few parts ground down because life is tough & many people are bad). Whatever personal improvement I achieve will be through my efforts & not by someone else's lights.

StarlitSky4762 July 10th, 2022

@ASilentObserver I think this is a great update and I wish all new 7cups members or Listeners would have this post Pinned until they unlock the chatrooms.

ASilentObserver OP July 11th, 2022

@StarlitSky4762 thank you sky

learningtolovemyself July 11th, 2022

These are all good to know, I didn't know about these updates.

ASilentObserver OP July 11th, 2022

@learningtolovemyself thank you learning <3

softSummer7903 July 17th, 2022

@ASilentObserver not found