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Hosting Heros 🌟
by Lou73
Last post
May 29th
...See more I hope everyone is having a lovely relaxing Sunday and preparing for the week ahead. It is time for us to take a look at our very first Hosting Hero!  To announce our very first Hero Host, it seems perfectly fitting that we begin with highlighting and recognising one of our most dedicated facilitators who has offered their time, patience and kindness since Nov 2022 with an amazing log of 290 sessions!   It came as no surprise to me that CalmRosebud received many nominations in our first week of launching our new Hero Hosts. Many Sharing Circle Members, Listeners and hosts look up to you and appreciate all that you do. During your sessions, you are always seen giving your time and compassion to support members and ensure the smooth running of the room. You are always welcoming and friendly and provide everyone with a fair opportunity to join the queue and let their voice be heard. You have always pushed yourself to be the best host you can be and your latest post examining the therapeutic benefits of group support and Sharing Circles has been deeply insightful.   Above all, Rose lets her brilliant sense of humour and amazing personality shine through week in, week out and always stays down to Earth. Her passion and enthusiasm for Sharing Circles continues to burn bright. Thank you for being awesome!   So without further ado, please join me in congratulating @CalmRosebud for being our first Hosting Shero!  And the amazing graphic was made by our Hosting Shero herself @CalmRosebud! ------------------------- To nominate our next Hosting Hero, fill out this form  [] ------------------------- @Artalistens @AutisticYouth @CalmRosebud @ChillingRain @DRHerrington @Elle5319 @Erza10 @fruityPond7887 @innateJoy9602 @Heartsrosesandpaws @InsightfulPhoenix @kindhug676 @naturalFlamingo1448 @Parkey64 @SerenityLight @Takitoteka @thoughtfulgrapes1163 @understandingCity4795 @VictoriaLove @WishUponAStar968 @ASilentObserver @Heather225 @Aimhigher93 @aquaPark4588 @ArborealGuitarist @AutisticYouth @Boredoms @CalmRosebud @CandyBubblegumSprinkles @CheerySandi @communicativePond1728 @considerateCup2245 @CorError @cyanPlatypus6370 @DiagonalDragon @Disneywoman @ducknoodles @energeticEyes9189 @floatingLeaf4973@generousBalsam2229 @Georginahowe @glitterOceon5234 @globalBraid3744 @Gr8ful1974 @GumballMachine @happymango327 @HarryAlbusSeverusBlack28 @honestSky5854 @humorousPine3175 @iampapaya @InsightfulPhoenix @Jaay80 @jason7127 @justmiles @Lilacrose398 @Lolowise475 @LonelyClair@MahakaalkaBeta @Merliah001 @Michael205 @Moi2016 @musicmagik @nathano333 @neonBlueberry1843 @okeyyyy @PatienceImpatiens @PeachPuppy @peachStrings341 @Phantom8301 @RainyDays2020 @recliningfate @reservedCat4588 @RikTeson @RossyGlossy @sadrobot101 @SakuraCherriBlossom37 @sallymae3459 @scarredbeauty @ScorpioVenus @slixy @snowBunny1407 @Starreflectedseas @Talisman210 @TheSunIsUpTheSkyIsBlue @thoughtfulGrapes1163 @toughGrapefruit5901 @WiltedBlossom93 @WonderlandAlice00 @wysl444
Group Support- Ask me Anything
by ASilentObserver
Last post
May 12th
...See more Hello everyone,  I am opening the floor for an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Group Support Chats []. Whether you are curious about joining a group chat for the first time, want tips for getting the most out of your experience, or have questions about navigating group dynamics, we will be here to answer them.  Here are some common things I can help you with: * The benefits of group support chats * Finding the right group chat for you * How to prepare for your first participation * Tips for getting the most out of your group support experience * What to do if you're feeling hesitant or nervous * Or, anything and everything in between You can also check Group Support FAQs []for some common questions and answers from the community.  Share your questions with us. No question is too big or too small. Let's open up the conversation and explore the power of group support together. I believe group support can be a powerful tool for healing, support, and connection if used mindfully. Let's break down any barriers and use group support chats. Also if you have any personal experiences with group support (positive or negative) that you'd like to share please do share with us.  Explore Group Chats here!  []
New Criteria Updates: Group Chats Easier To Access Now!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
May 8th
...See more Hello everyone, As you all know in Nov 2019, we introduced certain criteria to access group chatrooms. We badge-locked group chatrooms due to safety reasons and to ensure a supportive and friendly environment for the community members. Over two years, group chats [] went through a lot of changes and improvements. We are grateful to all the members, listeners, and group support leaders who helped to maintain and sustain the safety and support levels and went above and beyond to increase them. Thank you to everyone. I am excited to share that accessing rooms will be easier than ever now. We are making changes to the criteria to access rooms. We are keeping certain criteria to ensure to keep our rooms safe but it is lowered compared to earlier criteria. The new criteria to access member group chatrooms are as follows: Only for Member Group Chats * For Members: (Both Adults and Teens) * * Tier 0 (Accessible by everyone) * Rooms: Sharing Circle, Free Hugs, ASilentObserver Office, Support Session, Special Events * Tier 1 = Basic Chatrooms * Rooms: Support Room 24/7, General Support, Member Community Room * Badges will be required: Either Chief Chat OR First Post OR Complete 10 path steps * Chief Chat: for completing the first conversation 1-1 * First Post: for creating the first Forum Post * Complete 10 path steps * Tier 2 = Topic Chatrooms * All Topic Rooms (Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, LGBTQ+, Disability, Relationship, etc) * Badges will be required: Either Chief Chat or First Post + Compassion Hero badge. * Chief Chat: for completing the first conversation 1-1 * First Post: for creating the first Forum Post * Compassion Hero: for members who have successfully completed the group support compassion course For Listeners in the Member Group Chat (Both Adults and Teens) * Tier 1 = Basic Chatrooms * Sharing Circle, Support Room 24/7, General Support, Member Community Room * Badges Required: Refresher and Community 101 * Refresher: for updating active listening skills with a practice mock chat. * Community 101: for learning about the 7 Cups community best practices & skills. * Tier 2 = Topic Chatrooms * Topic Rooms like Anxiety, Depression, Relationship, LGBTQ+, Disability, etc * Badges Required: Refresher, Community 101, First Chat, and Listener Oath * Listener Oath: for taking the 7 Cups of Tea Listener Oath. * First Chat: for making it to one chat with a member * Community 101: for learning about the 7 Cups community best practices & skills. * Refresher: for updating active listening skills with a practice mock chat. The changes are work-in-progress and will go live soon. I will let you know once the changes are rolled out. With all these changes, we are looking forward to providing better support and making group chatrooms accessible to everyone. PS: All texts in blue color are hyperlinked and clickable!
Campfire tag game
by Lou73
Last post
21 hours ago
...See more Sharing Circle Campfire We aim to create an environment like a campfire circle, where everyone sits around the fire and takes turns to share something on their mind. Everyone else offers support and encouragement rather than advice, questions and opinions. You can read more about how the Sharing Circle room works here:  ------------------------- Shoutout to our assigned hosts: @CalmRosebud and @ShadowFaerie And our on-spot hosts: @daydreammemories @disneywoman @fruityPond7887 @HeartsandRosesandPaws @InsightfulPhoenix @kindhug676 If you are interested in becoming a host, comment below and I will reach out to you 😊 ------------------------- Comment with your drink and snack of choice for the campfire and tag a friend!
I need new friends
by Akosuamelody2001
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Hi everyone am new here on 7cup and am here to make friends who will love,listen and understand me better
What did you learn from a Cups Friend...
by CommunityModKay
Last post
...See more Hi everyone! I am so excited to be making this post. Being a community moderator, I have seen a lot of friendships blossom and flourish on 7 Cups. In honor of all the camaraderie I've seen, I wanted to invite you all to share something you've learned from a peer/friend/acquaintance on 7 Cups. To start us off...I will appreciate a fellow commod, @CommunityModIris. I have learned how to be compassionate, how to be understanding, and how to invent fun new games from Iris. I hope to continue learning and being a fun 'commod.' Please share and tag below who you have learned from (make sure they're from 7 Cups 👀). And feel free to tag more than one person! I look forward to seeing everyone's replies! 🥰
Sharing Circle Leaderboard
by Lou73
Last post
...See more 🌞 It's leaderboard time! And talking of time, I think all time zones have now sprung forward! 🌞   Thank you so much to all our amazing hosts that have volunteered their time to facilitate the smooth running of the room and have offered support and encouragement to everyone. This month we have hosted 39 sessions! 🤗   ⭐️Congratulations to all these hosts that will be awarded 100 cheers per session as a thank you! ⭐️ Assigned hosts: @astronomicalGalaxy76 @CalmRosebud @ECshuffle @Elle5319 @Lou73 @ShadowFaerie On-spot hosts: @daydreammemories @disneywoman @fruityPond7887 @Heartsandrosesandpaws @InsightfulPhoenix @kindhugs676 @MagicalFreedom @michael205 @Parkey64 @selfconfidentHickory2238 @SerenityAnchor @SerenityLight @soothinggrace83 @sunkissedwishes37 @TheGeraldExperience03 @WonderlandAlice00 @WishUponAStar968 ------------------------- Teen Sharing Circles  A big thank you to @Takitoteka for hosting Sharing Circles for our teenies!  ------------------------- If you're interested in becoming an assigned host, you can fill out the application form HERE []   If you host a session and want to be included in our leaderboard, make sure you fill out the host log []! Please note to fill out 1 log per hour and to promote self-care we will be awarding cheers up to 25 sessions per month. 
by Hopeforjoy
Last post
...See more I think you may need this. You may be going through many hardships personally. Even though you do good you may recieve bad things in your life in study place of work place. Remember this my dear, God is watching you and He is gonna reward you according to your hard work. Be patient and move forward. He will bless you in the way which you will be sufficient. Don't think you are going alone through this path of your life, there is another person who is walking beside you. Be patient and watch what Good is going to do in your life. Talk to him when you are alone, you will recieve peace in your heart, smile on your face, blessing in your family.
What's up
by tealLunch9387
Last post
June 28th
...See more Hey
Gratitude journal study
by neatOwl1762
Last post
June 26th
...See more Could someone please give me the link to the post about the study with air and gratitude journaling. It was called something like give me 5. When the homepage refreshed it was gone, so I couldn't reply to the post that I'd finished.
Coming back after a long time
by creativeIcicle3393
Last post
June 24th
...See more I was away from 7 cups for a long period of time due to work and some other stuff but now suddenly i came back again😇.
Help Wanted-Chatroom Listeners Urgently Needed
by calmMango9611
Last post
June 19th
...See more Hello Community: We are in need of listeners, for our chatrooms on the adult side. So if your able and willing to support and help our membership, in our Adult chatrooms, please stop in. You are so needed and wanted. The support that listeners give, is vital to our membership. So if you're able, please consider, doing some listening and supporting, in our Adult chatrooms, here at 7cups. Thanks in advance, calmMango9611
Introducing 7Cups Welcome Pack! (Members & Listeners)
by ASilentObserver
Last post
June 16th
...See more Hello everyone, I hope everyone is doing well. I am glad to share the 7Cups Welcome Pack that you could share with a new member or a listener to give them a quick and easy overview of the community and what all they can access, etc. It is a small effort to make things easier. If you are a member or listener, you can pass this resource to a new member you encounter to support them. Please bookmark and share it as and wherever you can share it with new community users. Your one small step could help them get all support they might need. Please click the below text in blue to access and view the document! Member Welcome Pack [] Listener Welcome Pack [] If you think of any other resources that can be included in either of the pack, please share with us in the comments. Thank you!
Congratulations to me.
by Regmo
Last post
June 14th
...See more I'm happy to announce that June 9th is my 7 year anniversary of being on 7 cups. 
New Criteria to Access Group Chats Live Now!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
June 11th
...See more Hi community, As you all may know, we were working on making changes to the criteria to access group chats. Please read this post for more details! [] I am excited to inform you that the new criteria are live on-site now. I hope you all may find this change helpful and easier to access the chatrooms. The new criteria are: Only for Member Group Chats * For Members: (Both Adults and Teens) * * Tier 0 (Accessible by everyone) * Rooms: Sharing Circle, Free Hugs, ASilentObserver Office, Support Session, Special Events * Tier 1 = Basic Chatrooms * Rooms: Support Room 24/7, General Support, Member Community Room * Badges will be required: Either Chief Chat OR First Post OR Complete 10 path steps * Chief Chat: for completing the first conversation 1-1 * First Post: for creating the first Forum Post * Complete 10 path steps * Tier 2 = Topic Chatrooms * All Topic Rooms (Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, LGBTQ+, Disability, Relationship, etc) * Badges will be required: Either Chief Chat or First Post + Compassion Hero badge. * Chief Chat: for completing the first conversation 1-1 * First Post: for creating the first Forum Post * Compassion Hero: for members who have successfully completed the group support compassion course For Listeners in the Member Group Chat (Both Adults and Teens) * Tier 1 = Basic Chatrooms * Sharing Circle, Support Room 24/7, General Support, Member Community Room * Badges Required: Refresher and Community 101 * Refresher: for updating active listening skills with a practice mock chat. * Community 101: for learning about the 7 Cups community best practices & skills. * Tier 2 = Topic Chatrooms * Topic Rooms like Anxiety, Depression, Relationship, LGBTQ+, Disability, etc * Badges Required: Refresher, Community 101, First Chat, and Listener Oath * Listener Oath: for taking the 7 Cups of Tea Listener Oath. * First Chat: for making it to one chat with a member * Community 101: for learning about the 7 Cups community best practices & skills. * Refresher: for updating active listening skills with a practice mock chat. If you experience any issues or challenges, please do let us know. Thank you <3 Looking forward to seeing you all in the group chats and listening, supporting, and getting to know each other. All texts in blue color are clickable and hyperlinked. ------------------------- Important Notes based on the feedback! * When it says "Badges will be required: Either Chief Chat OR First Post OR Complete 10 path steps": It means that any one of the badges will be required to access basic chatrooms and not all three. If you have it then great but you need only one of them to access the basic chatrooms like Support Room or Member community Room. * Privacy concerns related to attempting Compassion Course: To take the quiz and submit your responses, you are NOT required to have a Gmail account or a real name. All it needs is your 7cups account username and that is also only needed for the badging purpose. Your privacy is our priority and we DON'T ask for any personal information or email contact. * How to check what you may need to access group chats: Please "Go to page [] and click on the "Unlock Group Chat" button and see if one of the checkboxes is unchecked? If you have a Chief Chat badge and the first 3 checkboxes are ticked for you, then you have access to the basic chat rooms. But if the boxes showing ticked for you and still unable to access, then please send me a message and we will figure out why you don't have access.

Welcome to the Group Support Community, a place where listeners and members can gather information, share feedback, and learn together!

Find our Group Support Discussion Schedule HERE.

New to the 7 Cups community? Members, click HERE and Listeners click HERE for more information about getting started on your 7 Cups journey.

For information about joining group support rooms click HERE.. For the Group Support Rotation Schedule, click HERE

Keeping group rooms safe and supportive is a top priority at 7 Cups. Please familiarize yourself with the chatroom rules located at the bottom of each chat room. Click HERE to learn more about group room safety.  

Please join us in our newest and most popular room, Sharing Circle Here you will find the opportunity to share your thoughts with the community and receive personal support, . Once you have experinced all the rooms have to offer, you are invited to join the team as a host. For information on joining the team as a host by click HERE.

Listeners, would you like to join the Group Support Team? Click HERE for Room Supporters or HERE for Community Centered Moderators.

Schedules - Community Mod Schedule 

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Community Mentor / Teen Community Star