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Your Virtual Comfort Corner❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 9th, 2023


Hey hey lovely people coming across, I hope y'all are doing well. 💛

I will try not to do a whole lot of talking today lol xD let's see how nicely I fail! :') [#self-awareness😆]

Alrighty, as the name suggests, I wanted to create a comfort corner (it's a "corner" with enough room) for everyone here. 🥰

Something like a virtual grocery store, except that you're looking around for comforting things.

7 cups is already one big comfy space for all of us here and there is so much for everyone to do and seek comfort in.

There is Personal Chats to seek support 1-1, there are Group Chatrooms to connect with and share and seek support from multiple people in real time, the many Sub-Communities (forums) that have something for everyone~ check ins, ice breakers, welcoming space, fun corner to meet/ greet/ get to know peers, topic focused forums to share, talk, connect with other people, resources and what not.

Speaking of resources, we have the Mindfulness Exercises, so many topic focused Growth Paths as well as Self-help guides at our disposal.

Did I miss anything? Let me know! 😮💛

However, I'm listing a couple of things/ ideas available for us, that go beyond any trainings and paths. Feel free to share more ways you can think of, to comfort one other "virtually". 💛


💛 Virtual Hugs

You need a hug? You get a hug. Just let us know! We've separate forum threads for it, Here and Here also.


💛 Virtual High-Fives/ Head Pats/ Back-Pats

Maybe hugs aren't your thing and that's okay, would you like any of the above? We gotchu with any and all of them.


💛 A Quote

Quotes are powerful, I feel, they are a proof that someone has been in our shoes, has experienced what we did, felt how we do and expressed how they wanted to. Quotes can be validating, uplifting, encouraging, motivating, "I see you"~ anything you want them to be.

Need some quote to cheer you up? Ask here! Or Read them here.


💛 A Movie/ Series/ Music recommendation

Music is a universal language, they say. Movies and Series are a great way to spend our leisure time, something to keep us company~ some of these become our go-to comforting escapes. Perhaps someone has a good recommendation for you. Or you have for us? Share them.

Tip: it's okay for everyone to have a different taste. For those seeking recommendations, you can share your preferred genres, any triggers to steer away from etc, for a more personalised recommendation from your peers.


💛 A Reminder/ Encouragement

We can all use some encouragement and reminders in life. Want some? Get many!

Tip: do you have an upcoming exam, interview or any important event in life and need some wishes? Share with us and we'll cheer you. Would you like to be reminded that you're amazing the way you are? Tell us and we'll remind you as often you need.


💛 A Cool Fact

Did you know that Sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart? 😮 I think it's super wholesome. Know some more amazing facts? Share with us. Want an amazing fact? Ask here!


💛 A Joke/ Meme/ Funny video recommendation

Laughter is therapeutic they say and humor is a known coping mechanism to many of us. Sure there's some low feeling, but that doesn't mean we cannot laugh/ smile at something~ trying counts, aye?

Would you like to hear a joke/ see a meme/ get a funny video recommendation? Poke here!

Tip: I understand everyone may find different things humorous, and that's okay, but we'd still be mindful in our sharing that this is an emotional support platform, and be sure to follow the guidelines while posting anything. (Or a forum moderator will nom the joke and enjoy a funny tummy 😛 ~ but we don't want that sort of trouble, right?!)


💛 A Space to *be*

Sometimes when nothing else works to comfort us the way we need it, it is okay to not fuss about it and simply *be*. Feeling alone and need some virtual company? Take your bean bag and be here. That's all. We can be here together. <3


💛 Something else you might find comforting currently, that the community (you, me, everyone here) can offer.

Do let us know please, and we'd like to try our best for each other.


Alrighty get set go. Two easy ways to make use of this thread.

If you are seeking some virtual comfort, you can share what might help you feel better.

I'd like to think of this as a "passive" way of seeking comfort. When we hug someone, they hug us back~ we recieve a hug too, which is nice and comforting. Sooo, if you're here, please join us in the comfort corner, and feel free to share anything comforting for your peers.

You can reply to posts with what they need (a quote/ hug etc.) Or share something for someone you'd like to comfort and tag them here (example @XyzLovelyBeing a high five) Or something for everyone (example: *hugs for everyone*)

💛 In case, anyone is interested and able to. You can share any of your digital art work, some poem/ write-up, handwritten notes, any pictures/ gifs from the internet ~ any art you like that conveys compassion creatively. We are here for it!



LoveMyMoonflowers August 1st, 2023


Sunnn budddyyyy *happy dance*

And yusss #PillowHuggersClubOnlyyyy ~

*literally me in the middle of the night*


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 1st, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers hehe *joins the happy dance*

Awwww that's ssoooo sweet, Nii buddy.😭

LoveMyMoonflowers August 1st, 2023



LoveMyMoonflowers August 1st, 2023


Adorable pictures because why not 😭😭😭



Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 1st, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers Aww yesss adorable everything is always welcome because yussss, cute things and wholesome reminders are the besttt! Loooove these!😭💖

LoveMyMoonflowers August 1st, 2023


Sun buddy if it's okie with you could I post some more of these adorable pictures? 😭😭😭

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 1st, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers how dare you askkk 😛 haha please go ahead and post as many you like, Nii buddy, these make me smile so much and hopefully everyone else also who stop by!🥰

LoveMyMoonflowers August 1st, 2023


eeeeeeekkkkkk! *happiness level skyrockettttsss*

Whyme3112 August 2nd, 2023


It sure did

LoveMyMoonflowers August 1st, 2023


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 1st, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers aaww yes yes, every win, no matter how big or small is a win and worthy of celebrations!🥳 *celebrates Nii buddy for simply being here spreading so much joy* 💖

LoveMyMoonflowers August 1st, 2023


*celebrates sun buddy for existing and being a wonderful hooman* 🥳

LoveMyMoonflowers August 1st, 2023


Whyme3112 August 2nd, 2023


I'm really thankful for you posting these here.. it made my day..

LoveMyMoonflowers August 3rd, 2023


Awh <3 *sends hugs if okie*

theboymoana August 2nd, 2023


sun friend am confused :( see other person forums have sun name sun picture ? Not sun ? Very confuse help 🥲☹️💛🌼☀️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 2nd, 2023


Nahoa friend hey hey, so good to see youuu!💛

Aww there are many sunny people with sunny profile pictures here, I think hehe, I get how it would be confusing! What might help you recognize us differently though?💛

theboymoana August 3rd, 2023


so much just want you only cups sun !🥲🥲

do not know help :( try read very good name and stuff just get mix up easy get anxious think is friend ? Not know just leave

Very confusing 🥲

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 3rd, 2023

@theboymoana Aww that's sweet hehe, yes yes, there's only one user with the username "Sunisshiningandsoareyou" in 7 cups! 🤗

I understand how the confusion and mixing can cause you to feel anxious. *hugs* 💛

theboymoana August 6th, 2023


Yes only one you !sometimes brain doesn’t work good won’t let understand all am reading makes so frustrated 🥲 thank you be so nice to me all time ☀️💛🌻🌼

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 6th, 2023


Oh noes brain be a lil meanie sometimes making it difficult to understand things, superrr valid to feel frustrated about it but but, no worries, we can always seek someone to clarify for us or explain us better.

It's okie to ask things for better understanding whenever needed. I'm so proud of you for trying always! 💛

Aw ofcourse, you deserve all the niceness, Nahoa, I hope more people around you are kind, patient and nice to you also! 🤗

CalmRosebud August 2nd, 2023

Making myself comfy, got my cuppa tea. Listening.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 2nd, 2023

@VioletVeritas Majestic!🥰

PatienceImpatiens August 2nd, 2023


The 7 cups interface rejected the image of the lion sitting next to a cup of tea (maybe the censor thought it was a cigar), due to inappropriate content. This is the one I wanted to post!

But maybe that wouldn't be "comforting" to everyone. At least I am Listening!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 2nd, 2023


Aww I feel there's a serene expression of calm and intent, certainly looks like someone's patiently listening! Thankyouu for sharing, Pat!🦁❤

mytwistedsoul August 2nd, 2023

@VioletVeritas your picture makes me think of the song Bring the lion out by Saint Mesa 🙂

my random thought of the day lol

Whyme3112 August 2nd, 2023


I'm staying here as well..

I have forgotten how to be polite so please forgive me if I sound rude at any point

I loved the posts.. I do need reminders.. my self esteem is barely trying to keep itself from drowning these days..

*Hugging back everyone who gave hugs here.. All of you are so awesome, adorable and every appreciative adjective there is in the dictionary..


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 2nd, 2023


Aww hey hey wonderful hooman, even when you mention being afraid you aren't being as polite is a sign of you being polite. People who are unkind and rude, do not care of these, I feel! (':

So brownie points to you for holding yourself together despite your struggles and acknowledging other people with your kind note, leaving hugs and sweet adjectives for those reading. Legit, how sweet could you be(?).💛

All of which are signs of a beautiful person, and you are one. Your struggles do not get to take your beautiful qualities away from you! Your struggles are valid, so is the kindness in you! We value, acknowledge and support you nevertheless! 💛

🤗*sending bigggg hugssss*🤗

Self esteem can be so difficult to keep up with. Would you like to talk more about what's impacting it lately? (No pressure ofcourse, you know where to find me otherwise🤗)

With all that :o yessss ofcourse, you're so welcome to the comfort corner, we're all here to sit beside you when you wanna embrace the silently kind-company or cheer you when you need a lil pick-me-up. One stop for all things~comfyyy! 🥰


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 3rd, 2023

@jasmineishereforu *hugsss* Jasss!🤗♥️


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 10th, 2023


*knock knock*

More kindness your way! 💙


MeaningfulSilence August 10th, 2023


Thank you Sun!

You are sooo precious to have around, so glad you're part of this community, always a joy to read you ✨✨✨

Your kindness amazes me each time and you are able to sense when someone needs some lovely, positive vibes 🤗

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 13th, 2023

@MeaningfulSilence hug-day.gif

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 13th, 2023

💖 @emotionalTalker2260 💖


🤗 *fills sweet Emo's lovely heart with lots of love* 🤗


LoveMyMoonflowers August 13th, 2023


awh :') this is so sweet 🤗

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 13th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers Sweet Nii buddy! 🤗


emotionalTalker2260 August 14th, 2023


Omigoshhhh this is so so so adorable 🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹 loaf you lots my fav burning ball of gas. Your rays you emit never fails to make me smile <3 and rawrrr the dinos are adorbs:3

LoveMyMoonflowers August 19th, 2023


I haven't been in this corner in a little while...

Here's some things for everyone to remember 💕


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 19th, 2023


Aww always good to see you, Nii buddy, thankyouu for sharing these comforting reminders!🤗❤

LoveMyMoonflowers August 19th, 2023



Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP August 23rd, 2023

🐾 @TabbyCat97 🐾

Tabbb Tabbb, how's youu?💜 Missed talking to you and seeing you in the forumland also hehe!🤗


Thinking of you and sending lots of cookies, hugs and magic glitter to make your day sparkle as bright as you do!💜
