hehe saying something nice about ourselves can feel weird sometimes :'3..
“I know I try.. and that’s enough..💖”
I tried heh :P
This is real hard. I keep having ideas then thinking about them i come up with a big NO.
aw no >: I understand- sometimes it’s hard to find something nice to say about ourselves :’3🤍especially when we’re just going through a hard time I guess :/ im sure there’s something tho >:
I’ve seen a couple of your forums.. I feel so sorry for you :’3 and really I completely understand the part about not wanting to lie to others just to make them feel good.
so maybe something that’s nice about you is honesty ?🤍 or strength.. in most of your posts I can guess that you go through a lot😞 but you’re still going and still fighting- that makes you so strong🤍
i understand if you don’t agree- I know it’s hard >:🤍
got reminded of this forum and just wanted to check in-🤍 how’re you ? @Gettingbettertoday
Not much has changed. I continue to go to the weekly mindfulness discussions, eat properly, etc..
My sleep has suffered. I am unable to get tiered when i should be sleeping and end up falling asleep during the day. I am also getting accustomed to the idea that i will never have meaning in my life again. My life is like drinking a warm cup of water. It's not that bad but it's also not satisfying.
@Gettingbettertoday it's ok I'll just answer on your behalf too ❤❤
I am intelligent, I am still standing through everything, I am empathetic, I am kind, I am the best version of me there could ever be ❤
It is! However, self reflecting on what's amazing about ourselves without ego is so refreshing. A perfect way to start the day! 💕🙏💪
@iloveyouxx you try very hard, you keep skulking through it all. I admire you. I'll just answer this question on your behalf
I am beautiful, I am brave, I am one day gonna be rich and succesful (and send tiny half of my riches) I am me the best version of me there could ever be ❤❤
I am persistent. I never give up! (in signature mode)... Platy !
G'day Platy! Thanks for inspiring me to always keep going. Never give up because there's always something amazing just around the corner! 💫🤗🔆
@cyanPlatypus6370 platy, youre awesome! (crossed paths in Sharing Circle monthsssss back and I remember how huge a HELP you are!)
@serenekite52, awh thank you dear!
I could use some of my own help? Kite and all who see this, please pray for Platy? I know there is another thread specifically for prayer, but I could ask here too, right? :)
I am being persistent here at home and generally in life right now, but I'm not liking it! There have been several changes for me in the last month or so. Changes that require me to change, but that I have had zero say in, zero amount of influence on if the change should happen or not. It is very hard. I dislike it so much. And more than one medium-big change at the same time!?? No thank you. I am glad we shall be officially celebrating Easter very soon. It will be good to have that common positive thing to focus on. Plus, I get to see my nephew and niece in a couple of days :)
Thanks, friends! ~ Platy
@cyanPlatypus6370 im sorry about "medium size" changes...and having zero say! I wish u incredible Tai-Chi/Matrix sort of "dodging skills" if changes come yr way and are distasteful ones! Dodging Platy, dodge! or if needing big changes..I hope they come your way too
..and happy fer u and niece+nephew in advance! yes...note there might be "prayer tread" and understand "keeping things in place" but I WILL pray, YES!
(not to make this about me) but lately yes...24hours ago! shared in chat "I have zero say", that pain is fresh, Platy! Those days I hope u have room...take steps back..
...get to see HOW HUGE this world is and keep "attacking" the 'I have no say' bit...heal up, until eventually it quells...not easy but I found only way out for me when I "I have no say" is keeping enough room I end up having that bit of space (which is life saving) and if feel victimised I ask add, add add more love for the person so we dont feel too encroach
u are prayed for,
not nagged to, or talked-down, just prayed for...yes...! TAKE CARE, Plaaaaplaplaty! <3
I am beautiful ❤️
Yes you are! Beauty is in everything nature creates 🍃, and within people too! Thank you for sharing your beauty on this post. 💕
@IagoParis yes Paris, you are!