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Lets play Self Appreciation Tag!- Project by @amiablebunny4016

amiableBunny4016 March 2nd, 2023

Hi all,


Welcome to my new project! Its called Self Appreciation Tag with Bunny! Since I joined 7cups, I met many people, various people with different mental health issues or just everyday problems in life. In my time, I tried to take notice of one of the biggest issue, one issue that was very common amongst people. I then realised that many people doubt themselves (I am also guilty of this!) We as human being often tend to doubt ourselves for small things. For example : "I am stupid because I forgot to do....." or "I am worthless" etc.... So during my time, I often lurked in forums and of course I got inspired by so many posts and I do give huge credit to lots of people with wonderful projects! An example of a lovely project was Desiree's Daffodils (@YourCaringConfidant) and of course a beautiful idea by @Aishaa97 who came up with the idea of secret friend appreciations! But I wanted to come up with something unique so here is the idea!

This is why I have started Self Appreiation Tag with Bunny! So how the game works:

I will start of the game by tagging someone, it can be any member/listener/ATL/oldie/teenie! Anyone! And the person I tag has to do a post appreciating themselves. Please, I want to emphasise the word "appreciate" , self love is a process and I know its hard not to doubt ourselves but even saying something like "I am worthy" counts. So carrying on, the person who has been tagged appreciates themselves. The person who appreciates themselves must nominate/tag someone else. I really do hope my explanation makes sense! Basically, self appreciation, tag someone and so on etc.... However, if anyone does feel uncomfortable being tagged or just doesn't want to take part just say "pass" and I will resume the game.

Lets make sure we are kind and respectful towards others and make sure everyone feels happy to join in! Please note: I want to make sure everyone is happy and safe in this game. So lets make this fun okie?

You can appreciate yourself just by making a graphic (*wink wink* peer appreciation team* ) or you can just write some text. Lets make sure we are kind towards ourselves and do this together! hehe!

You are NOT allowed to nominate me because I know people tend to do that!

Lol. I will start the game by appreciating myself first:

I am worthy. I am loved. I can overcome my fears. I can do anything and everything. No one can defeat me. I am Bunny and I am me. No one can change me. Because I love myself.

Alright now I nominate..... hmmm.....

I nominate ....... one of the first people I met here @Jefferythebunny319. Jeff , if you do not mind ,please write a small appreciation note for yourself and then nominate someone else by tagging them with *@(username)*

I hope you all enjoy!

note: this is only for the month of March. I might continue to the game but that really does depend ! hehe!

AvyIsKing March 2nd, 2023

hiii! i had so so so so so so so much fun making this, and i love designing stuff using canva, and I've decided that once i graduate from the academy and return from vacation i wanna be a smile spreader :D to be honest i was nervous to go first but i love the way my post lookssss

@Fluffysheep8 ur turnnn :D


amiableBunny4016 OP March 2nd, 2023


Thank you so much for helping me start the game and lovely graphics Jeff. Thank you so much! well done! proud of ya!


AvyIsKing March 2nd, 2023


*hugs if alright*

This is an amazing project and so so beautiful

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 3rd, 2023

Aww @Jefferythebunny319 it is soooo amazing, and so are you. Yay for taking the plunge. Looking forward to have you as a smile Spreader. <3<3

YourCaringConfidant March 6th, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 What a beautiful appreciation to yourself. And awww omg, this graphic you made is soooo pretty! It is great that you are interested in becoming a smile spreader when the time is better. You would make an amazing one! 👏

amiableBunny4016 OP March 6th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

Thank you for appreicating your peers! Hehe! Feel free to appreciate yourselves and tag someone else ! It's not just one big chain but many ! Hehe! Thank you for all your support! And for being amazing!❤️❤️


amiableBunny4016 OP March 6th, 2023


I don't know whether the tag worked fluffy ❤️just wanted to let you know that Jeff invited you to appreciate yourself . If you would like to pass you can let us know. But we would encourage you appreciate yourself and nominate a person by tagging them too so they can appreciate themsleves!*hugs if ok*



LilacLeopard March 2nd, 2023


First of all lovely idea! It’s sweet to see you wanting to hold your own project ❤️ Looking forward to seeing how this goes!

Oh I must say though that the secret friend project was made up by @gentleemperor 😮❤️ I came up with a different project (appreciating one person on the weekly with long appreciation posts from their friends/peers)

(sorry but really wanted to reply to clear up so I do not get credit for secret friend😀)

amiableBunny4016 OP March 2nd, 2023


oops I sincerely apologise to gentleemperor. I am so sorry lol. Idk what misunderstand occured in my head! thank you for clarifying Aishaa!


YourCaringConfidant March 6th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 I love this!!! I want to play too! Self love is soooo important! ♡

K87 March 3rd, 2023


I want to play

March 6th, 2023


This is such a wonderful idea! Cheers!

amiableBunny4016 OP March 6th, 2023

@K87 @YourCaringConfidant

to play this is how you can start:

appreciate yourself using graphics or text or anything. then tag someone else who you nominate to appreciate themselves! (only 1 person) . (You can NOT nominate me , i am just a small host who oversees this project)

hope that helps.

any questions ? please ask!


K87 March 12th, 2023


Thank u for letting me play... 278983d4441d2ce9887937e70231970a_1678663692.jpg

I hope this is good...I nominate @azuladragon34

YourCaringConfidant March 6th, 2023

To Desiree:


Tag you're it: @Marje

Time to self-appreciate. 😌

amiableBunny4016 OP March 6th, 2023


Awww what a lovely post Desiree! I love the graphics! Beautiful!


Bunny ❤️

YourCaringConfidant March 6th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Gotta love Canva! ♡♡ Thanks for this thread! (:

Marje March 7th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 - I'm sooo loving this awesome project! Self-appreciation is definitely someone could get used to. Thank you for sorting out this lovely project, Bunny! You're amazing for coming up with this! ( 人 * ´ ∀ ` ) 。 *゚ +

@YourCaringConfidant - Aww, that's such a lovely self-appreciation, Desiree! I'm cheering ya on from the side too! Thanks for the tag! ( * ˘ ︶ ˘ * ) . 。 * ♡

@Marje This 's fo ya, Self!

@Tae22534 your tuurrnn! Show your amazing self some love!
YourCaringConfidant March 7th, 2023

@Marje You certainly are doing great. You are doing incredible, if I must say! I am so glad to have met you through you becoming a smile spreader. Keep up the awesome job. Your postings are beautiful and your graphics you create are sooo 😍. Have a beautiful day.

Marje March 7th, 2023


Yass!! So happy to have met ya too, Desiree! You're sweet kindness means a lot to me! You too, have a great day head! ( ◍ • ᴗ • ◍ ) ❤
March 7th, 2023


Woooohoooo! This is an incredible, out-of-this-universe project. What a lovely idea!

@Marje So glad to have you as my twinsy! Thanks a lot for tagging me.

Now time for some self-love! screenshot-2023-03-07-at-11-50-27-am_1678170264.png

Tag @Gloriousheart23 Its your turn!

YourCaringConfidant March 7th, 2023

@Tae22534 Thus was truly the most beautiful read! You are exactly right--- you are a miracle! ♡ You never have to change because you are accepted and appreciated for all you are and do. I have enjoyed reading your note to yourself. It was soooo beautiful. Aww.

March 7th, 2023


Thanks a lot! You are too sweet 💛

resourcefulWatermelon9637 March 7th, 2023


that looks really nice and caring