Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
I dont get how I've grown. Like sure I've actually been talking about my problems but i dont think these milestones are accurate. Idk whatever
I'm glad that I finally decided to look out for some help, because it's the best thing for me right now. I also learnt that I am not alone in my struggles and that there are other people here for me.
I learned that the best way to clear my mind and calm down is to just close my eyes and breathe. And that if I'm ever feeling the way I felt to just come here and it'll all be better.
I've learned that it might be okay to learn to love myself.
:) It is
i apparently reached step 10 but i feel like nothing has changed
I learnt that helping others is as good as helping myself.
I have learnt that it's ok to be me and if people don't like me it doesn't matter as long as Ilove myself.
I've learned to truly take one day at a time..... and to really celebrate me more as a wife, mother,student and etc.Also to have an attitude of gratitude. When life gives you lemons.... make lemonade! Life is truly what you make it!!!
iv learnt how to control my suicidal urges and that they will pass if i distract myself
I learned that life is not about sitting back and regretting it is about creating your life the way you want to..