Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
Greetings everyone!
This post will fulfill Step number 1500 ! for me on my Growth Path. 1500!???!! Wow. Oh, and I have a decent daily streak going now too. My daily streak is now at 50 days! (Whoa, look at all this even number stuff! #IGeekMath #AlgebraGeometryTrigonometryCalculus #Primes #MathNet etc etc.)
So, what am I learning recently?
PSA (Public Service Announcement): Change is hard!
okay now go back and add another 50 exclamation points there...
Change IS hard. Change is very hard at times. For me, change is extremely hard when I have absolutely zero choice over if things will stay as they are or if the proposed change will occur. I'd guess most people who know me would say I like to be in charge of stuff - my schedule, my "after school activities" LOL, to set my own bedtime, etc.
SO now it is June of 2019 - In a few days/weeks, I will be meeting with the third counselor of 2019 for me. I DISLIKE THIS MUCH. But thankfully at this time, my current counselor is planning to return. (out of time!) Platy
@GlenM i learned to accept my mental illness and try my best to be happy alongside it instead of isolating
I've learned to be more calm and relaxed and think more on my actions and decisions before letting them play out.
I've learned to use some mindfulness techniques to calm down in certain situations. It really helps.
I learned to be patient with myself
That I need to get out of my own head.
To appreciate the positive things and let go if the negatives. Someone can only make you feel bad about yourself if you let them .
Since joining 7cupsoftea, Ive learned that its okay to not always be the best, and its okay to not always succeed.
I learned in the past two days not to rush my reaction to things happening. For example, something happened that appeared it would have a negative impact on me, but I told myself it's not rush my judgement, worry or feel bad about it until it's clear that it does impact me negatively. I waited a day and the impact was negative but minimum.
The video of the Chinese farmer story came to my mind during that time. The one where every time something he doesn't judge it as good for him or bad for him but he kept saying "maybe"
Another milestone, yea me!! accepting personal responsibility on an hourly basis.... get er done