Dear me, I feel really lonely sometimes. Sometimes it is with reason but sometimes it is with no reason, even when I have spent some meaningful time with meaningful people. I wonder about why I feel a chronic emptiness right in the centre of my body, though physically it is not possible. So it must be emptiness in the center of my mind. I try to fill it with any and every thing I can find, even with lots of self love and self confidence, but to no avail. I close my eyes and fall down that central hole. I feel myself falling but not landing anywhere. Somehow that comforts me, knowing that falling without landing isn't so bad after all. Maybe falling is what I am meant to feel and to enjoy. So I start enjoying my fall and add attributes to it. I imagine the wind flowing through my hair, my arms spread out and a peaceful smile on my face. Then I turn over and flit around my hand through the air. I may even pretend to try and reach out for something to hold, try to be dramatic. I think I am wearing a green floral top with pants. Then I flap my arms like they are wings. Now I start laughing, because I AM enjoying this. I look around and no one is there, no background colour and no beginning or end. I am all alone. But I am a little Less lonely now. So it is alright.