Milestones or Steps Completed! Share and Celebrate Here :)
Congratulations! You made it to the next level on your growth path. Share with us the #1 thing you learned on this leg of your journey!
I've learned that I can call myself out when I'm dwelling on the negative by recalling one positive.
I am still new here. Still learning. One important thing I have learnt is not to give up. When we give up on certain thing, life gives u sweet surprises. :) Also, due to this forum i was able to vent out my anger, frustration.
I have learned that we all are here for a reason.
I am very happy to reach level 400 in my growth path!! I am grateful for the listeners who have helped me. The best tip I have right now is to keep trying different listeners and you will notice that you connect better with some than others.
Congratulations! :)
Learn to know yourself before you can offer yourself to another. Find inner peace.
tht's so true
aun estoy pasando por mi duelo, y en ocasiones yo era o soy masoquista ya que me daba placer estar triste y deprimido y queria estar asi para siempre, pero al venir a este sitio me di cuenta de algo, que di un gran paso, que aunque yo quiera sentirme mal, el haber buscado ayuda era algo positvo, era una buena señal y me hizo ver que si quiero mejorar, que mi frente va a estar en alto pase lo que pase, podriamos comparar mi situacion con la de una persona adicta a las drogas, que no quiere dejarlas bajo ningun motivo pero igual busca ayuda
Happiness no longer exists in modern society. Man has ruined this world. Shame on all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got to reach out to people in order to receive any help.
I have learned that joy is the simple things in life. I appreciate everything I have. Life is simple, don't over think.