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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

heathermarie95 July 13th, 2023

Hello @Michael205

You have received an appreciation from a Secret Friend!


To Michael205 -

It is great to see

how far you have come

as a member here.

Keep up the great work!

To Secret Friend -

Thank you for sending

in an appreciation.

Keep being the kind

person that you are!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 15th, 2023

Yayy! @heathermarie95 Awesome green post for the plant lover @Michael205 💚

heathermarie95 July 13th, 2023

Hello @JustMiles

You have received an appreciation from a Secret Friend!


To JustMiles -

Congratulations on being sober!

It is great to see that you

take part in support rooms.

Keep up the great work!

To Secret Friend -

Thank you for sending

in an appreciation.

Keep being the kind

person that you are.

heathermarie95 July 13th, 2023



Hello @JustMiles

You have received an appreciation

from an awesome Secret Friend!


To JustMiles -

It is great to see you are

doing well during your sobriety.

Congrats on all your hard work.

(Ps. - sorry for the posting error!)

To Secret Friend -

Thank YOU for sending

in an appreciation for Miles.

Keep being the kind

person that you are!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 13th, 2023

Eggstremely happy to share this uber amazing appreciation for @VictoriaLove7 from @Fristo, the pioneer of all things appreciation and gratitude! 💛


Fristo, I gotta give it to you, you've been brave to even consider making a list for Viccc, I could never haha, because it would see no end, Viccc is simply *that* fantabulous! 💛

You've got the appreciator's talent (it's a thing now lol), Fristooo and you picked on such wonderful things to appreciate, all of which I wholeheartedly agree with and more. Viccc is indeed a rockstar smile spreader and a bright blessing to the world! 💛

I personally too am immensely grateful to Viccc owlways for being such a special hooman and making me feel like one also. Never stop being *you*, Virtuous Viccc, you're a gem! 💛


VictoriaLove7 July 13th, 2023


Sunshineee 🌞❤ thank youu 🥺❤ for making this vvv cutu graphic with pictures of pastel rainbow (me 🌈 😄), Sun (chu = Sunshine 🌞) 🤗 , there's Froggy nomming cookie (Fristo pfp is monster cookie 🍪) and the flower with rainbowy petals! I lovee it 🤗

I lovee the pastel pink font color of typed letters. The rainbow bears gif (I know that cartoon too 😄). You put various colors for Fristo and me names! (Yayy, I got one red! ) 🤗

And and, your message 🥺❤ is vv super sweet. Thank chuu, Sunshine 🌞❤ I'm forever grateful for your presence in my life ❤


Fristoo ⭐🍪 thank youu for giving this appreciation and the list, and the vvv thoughtful message you put into it. I truly appreciate it!

You too make a difference in our community by the innovative ideas that you have made!

Thank you also for encouraging us to appreciate our lives. Keep being you, Fristo! ⭐🍪

\(*•؎ •*)/


Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 13th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Look at you doing it again, being so wondrous. You deserve all the rainbowy appreciations, Vicccc! ❤

I lovveeee this cutuu graphic hehe, all three of us look amazing lol! 🥰

VictoriaLove7 July 13th, 2023


😄 amazing and cutu \⍢⃝/

And all the brightest appreciations for you, Sunshine! 🌞❤

I'm saving the whole post! I love your punniness, 'eggstremely' ©️ 🥳

(chu say, 'virtuous Vic' 🥺❤) you are smart shiny sparkly Sunshine! 🌞❤)

Georginahowe July 13th, 2023

When will my other appreciation be posted

July 14th, 2023

@Howegeorgia20 sooon 😄

VictoriaLove7 July 13th, 2023

Hey \(๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝* @Comphi 🧘‍♂️

you got a special appreciation from the one who shines the brightest light in Cups

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞

Sunshine 🌞 says to you 🧘‍♂️




you also got a special appreciation from @Star001



Star ⭐ sent this picture for you 🧘‍♂️


Also, a special appreciation from

@Harsvin 🌸

Harvin 🌸 says to you 🧘‍♂️


These are the qualities that Sunshine 🌞, Star ⭐ , and Harsvin 🌸 find in you 🧘‍♂️


From me \(^ᴗ^)/


Thank you for your innumerable contributions to Cups. Thank you for your hard work for this community. Thank you for everything, Sunshine. I am truly blessed and forever grateful for your presence in my life. ❤


Thank you for your kind presence and for your works. You are a wonderful person! ⭐


Thank you for your kind presence and your works. You are a wonderful person too! 🌸


Thank you for your kind presence and for being humble and calm. Also for your works here! You are appreciated! 🧘‍♂️

Comphi July 14th, 2023


Thank You Victoria for the beautiful post, I wonder why I never received the notification for it..haha. It does show how hard you work on these posts to make them look beautiful and appealing. Thank you for everything you do😊


Sun, my friend I can go on and on writing about your qualities. The post can be as big as your name here......😉Sarcasm...haha. You have deeply touched me and I respect you highly. I might not be very good with words as you are (i have told you often about your writing skills) , but believe me I am so happy to read what you think of me. Thank you for being you and for being around us always, like our very own Sun in the sky, you watch over the community and shine bright always.


Yes it started when we became peer support together. My first ever role on Cups, I can never forget that moment when we first came across and what have we become now. No doubt, this friendship will last long. You have taught me so much my friend in this run, that now I can say I am contributing my bit to the community and you should know that you hold a big part in that. I am still learning and I will keep learning, thanks to you my friend for being who you are😊


Interesting😃, you remember out first meeting. Yes indeed, you messaged me to take AL tests that day and I took them, until then I was only looking at them and never attempted it. Now where I am? With you, working alongside you. Its like that fan moment, when you can get to share the same space with your Ideal. Yes Hars, I know I have told this many times, but once again, I find you as the most humble leader this platform has ever developed and I am incredibly honored to have received guidance from you and become a better grader. Thank you for all you do for us and for the community. Its my pleasure to be grading tests under your umbrella.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 14th, 2023


Aww multiple tags maybe got confused within each other and went sleep mode, other times we can just say #ForumsBeingForums and move on with our life till the next bug bugs us and we repeat the mantra! 😄

Lollll Comphieee, I love sarcasm xD indeedioo, big as my name or big as your heart?! Lots of room there! XD

Thankyouu hehe that's so sweet and hey, you've got a way with words to. You deserve all the appreciation and kindness, and I'm so so happy to see you grow! Keep it up! 💛

Big time agreed, @VictoriaLove7 indeed invests alot of time and effort in making these beautiful posts. Thankyouu, Vicccc, I love how you've included the 😇 throughout! You're awesome! ❤

Comphi, I second you, @Star001 is a literal rockstar and someone we all adore and appreciate with all our heart! The super star cheerleader, supporter, friend, hooman~ you name it! 🤗❤

I second you again xD (or maybe I third you now lol), @Harsvin is certainly one of the most humble people ever, humility is a quality I appreciate the most in a fellow hooman too and Harsvin just continually tops this list. Thankyouu for being so you, Harsvinn!❤

VictoriaLove7 July 14th, 2023


Thank *you*, Sunshine 🌞❤ for everything you have done for Cups!

It is your heartfelt message that makes the post beautiful 🤗❤

VictoriaLove7 July 14th, 2023


Thank you Comphi 🧘‍♂️ for your kind presence and for your works 😇

Harsvin July 14th, 2023


Thank you so much for presenting it so well Victoria ❤ The graphics are gorgeous 😍 I'm happy to read that we all share a special admiration and love for Comphi, you are all amazing @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Star001 and @VictoriaLove7

I appreciate the lovely message Comphi and Sun it truly made my day ❤ it's an honour for me to have gotten to know both of you and worked alongside you in a team, its been an inspiring and a lovely journey 🌟
Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 14th, 2023



VictoriaLove7 July 14th, 2023


😇 Thank you Harsvin, I'm glad you like it!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 13th, 2023
Hiya @Vishesh04, someone just outed your heart is golden in colour!😛

Someone being @sweetapple8251 who wants to appreciate you for being emotionally intelligent, respectful, supportive, empathetic, authentic, humble and a great problem-solver! 💚


Keep up the good work, Golden-hearted, Vishesh, you're impacting so many people with your kindness! 💚

Thankyou for this sweet appreciation, Apple! 💚

VictoriaLove7 July 13th, 2023


This is a perfect illustration of a gold heart, Sunshine 🌞❤

And and, your opening line ('the color of Vishesh's heart is gold.' 😄 ) is catchy as owlways 🤗❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 13th, 2023

Hey hey @SomebodyIusedtoknow8143, a secret friend is all things praisesss for you and I'm so happy to share their sweet appreciation for you! 🌸


I see you're a sharing circle host already, Amy, it's so amazing of you to step up as one. I hope you have many fantastic experiences in sharing circles, and cups in general! 🌸

If you're able to guess who this kind friend is, do send them a thanks from me too, we need more people like this thoughtful, observant, appreciative peer! 🌸

NeurospicyGirl July 13th, 2023


This has made my day ☺️ I have some ideas of who it could be but I'm not 100% sure

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 13th, 2023

Helloooo @Anonhelp123, soooo pleased to share some kind compliments with you, from a secret friend, who certainly has been impacted with your benignant self's compassion and support! 🧡


Truly, you make this world a better place, Anonnn, thankyouu for being *you*, your thoughtful contributions make a lot of difference in the community! 🧡

Offering a big hug to your secret friend, for taking out time to make you feel so much appreciated! 🧡

anonhelp123 July 13th, 2023

Thank you @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

I was having a very slow day today and reading this just made my day! Thank you my secret friend... whoever you are. This made my day! 😃


AnnaSilverberg July 14th, 2023
🌞 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞

💛 Ouuwhh! 💛
🌸 This is so adorable Sun! 🌸
💕 I love your graphic! I absolutely love it! 💕

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 15th, 2023


Awww thankyouu, Anna, made my dayyyy!💛🌸💛

VictoriaLove7 July 13th, 2023

Hey (❛ᴗ❛๑ ) @VioletVeritas 🌸

you got an amazing appreciation from the cutest snail!

@Walker7957 🐌


From me


Thank you for giving this appreciation and the cute graphic! You are a wonderful person (🐌 ) Walker, keep being you! 🐌


Thank you for hosting SC sessions, Tas, you are a wonderful host that keep things orderly for sharers. Hope to see you in SC sometimes! 🌸

CalmRosebud July 13th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 @Walker7957

Wow! Walker, thank you for making my heart melt! I love you and I love Lions and Snails and I'm so glad we're Friends.

You make the world brighter just by being You, You are so Special, Walker. Here is a page I found from a book about a ferocious Lion who didn't know how to make any friends, and Snail (who is called Tiger in the book) taught Lion some important lessons, most of all, how to be nice and how to be a Friend. By being such a wonderful Friend, Walker, you are also teaching me to be a Friend. Much love, Tas


Victoria, Thank you for making Walker's appreciation so Special. You really have a way with graphics and I'm completely bowled over by your skills and your care. Thank you so much!

VictoriaLove7 July 13th, 2023


Hi Tas, it's Walker who made the graphic for you along with the message on it! 😇

Walker is so talented! 😃

CalmRosebud July 13th, 2023


Walker! You totally surprised me, not only with your wonderful appreciation, but also, you put it all together Yourself! You are so sweet and Thoughtful. You completely Surprised me!

🐌 🦁 Who knew we could be Friends? Well, we sure are!!!!! ♥️💕🦁🐌♥️💕🦁🐌♥️💕🐌🦁💕♥️

CalmRosebud July 14th, 2023


Walker! That had nothing to do with you! I stopped into the Sharing Circles early just to chat and then we met inside the other Chat by Pure Chance.

The Surprise when I opened up your Appreciation was so Beautiful. I couldn't imagine how Lovely your Graphic with the Lion and the Snail would be; it was so Lovely and Sweet, and with Violets too. It was a Wonderful Surprise. And you are a Lovely Friend! Big Hugs for Walker, my Sweet Friend.

CalmRosebud July 14th, 2023


Here is the link to the Story, called "The Lion and the Snail."

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 13th, 2023

🌈 @VictoriaLove7 🌈

From noticing the color of font same as every mod's cup, to acknowledging the most random emojis, and same font color as the graphic, from appreciating everything I do, to encouraging me to keep doing more. 💛

You do it all, Viccc and so generously, thankieeees it means the world and more to me! 🥺


You're the bestesttt, you bring sunshine to my world, and I'm super duper grateful to you being *you* owlways! 💛


VictoriaLove7 July 13th, 2023


Sunshineee 🌞❤ *cries happy tear* 😭❤😭❤

The graphic is vvv super cutu and beautiful! 🥺❤ with a square for each message and the speech bubbles and a heart inside each speech bubble 🥺❤

I lovee the cutu pastel rainbow that portrays the appreciated (🌈=me 😄), the sun that portrays the appreciator and graphic creator (chu = Sunshine 🌞❤🤗)

The yellow color of speech bubble and soft pink heart are the same as the typed font pink color and yellow hearts. I also lovee the perfect rainbow heart gif you chose 🌈❤🤗

Your message is pro max sweet 🥺❤ 'me bring sunshine' 🌞❤ 🥺❤

You are the Sunshine 🌞❤ that makes my day, every day. Thank youu, Sunshine 🌞❤ for being in my life. I am forever grateful to know you and to have you in my life 🥺❤

❤*huggiess tightttt*❤



Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 14th, 2023


Nuuu, you don't get to write bigger, more beautiful paragraphs and make me cry too lol!🥺 Tis your moment, Viccc!🤗❤


VictoriaLove7 July 15th, 2023


Tis our moment, Sunshine 🌞❤ cuz you made my moment, owlways! 🌝❤ \( ^o^ )/ 🤗❤



VictoriaLove7 July 14th, 2023

Hey \(๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝* @DamonChandio 🧛‍♂️

you got a special appreciation from the one who shines the brightest light in Cups ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞

Sunshine 🌞 says to you





These are the qualities that Sunshine 🌞 find in you 🧛‍♂️


From me ヾ(>o< )╯


Thank you for your hard work in every corner of Cups. Thank you for the innumerable contributions you have made for Cups. You earned our gratitude everyday. Thank you for everything, Sunshine. I am forever grateful for your presence in my life. Thank you for being *you*. Thank you for being in my life ❤


Thank you for taking up the many roles and for the works you do to improve our listeners' skills. You are greatly appreciated! 🧛‍♂️

Damonchandio July 14th, 2023

Heya Sun. Thank you so much for these kind words, I can’t tell how appreciated i feel. My life has been so colourful since i joined 7cups. Would love to give back the community whatever it takes❤️ you’re so kind❤️ thank you so much and yess (i have watched the vampire diaries lol)

people always wonder when i tell them my name xD guess i have my mom to thank her for that xD.

VictoriaLove7 July 14th, 2023


Tagging @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞❤

So that Sunshine sees your message 😇

VictoriaLove7 July 14th, 2023

Hey (*•؎ •*) @Jenna 👩‍🚀

you got a wonderful appreciation from the amazing appreciator!

@MeaningfulSilence 🦋

Here's what Sil 🦋 says to you 👩‍🚀


These are the qualities that Sil find in you 👩‍🚀


From me


Thank you for your kind presence in our community. You have given your sincere support in silence and calm way. Know that you are a wonderful person! 🦋


Thank you for being a great support and for the prompt response. You are greatly appreciated! 👩‍🚀