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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❀

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

SparkyGizmo May 20th, 2023


Sweet, wonderful Vic! 😊❀️ I cannot thank you enough. I read your response over and over and my promise to you is that you moved me and to tears and in the happiest of ways! ❀️

You truly have no idea how much it means to me, everything that you said! Thank you for seeing the good in me. Thank you for seeing the value in me! Thank you for noticing my efforts just as I notice and am truly grateful for yours.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh........I know exactly where that quote came from! ❀️ You read my bio. 😳 You cared enough about me, to read what it was that I had to say. 😒 Cries a bit again. Angels do walk among us and you are one of them! πŸ˜‡ So grateful that your wonderful angel wings brought you here to 7 cups so that your sweet little angel feet could dance here on this sacred ground ❀️

Thank you for the compliment also of putting me in the very same category of that angel of a Spidey twin of mine! Every time I have been confused for them, I'm like, now that was a good day! 😊 The foot prints of their little angel feet can be seen all across this platform. πŸ˜‡

*high fives* 😊 and big big *hugs* β€οΈπŸ˜‡

VictoriaLove7 May 21st, 2023


I'm happy that I can make you happy, Gizmo! ✨ I too read your appreciation message many many times and I smile everytime I read it. Thank *you* πŸ₯°

Yes yes, I read, and found the quote that fits well with you ✨ and Sunshine. 🌞 You two have given me wings and have made this little light of mine shines. (I have to copyright my words ©️ Vic, 2023 πŸ˜„)

Sunshine's footprints show the significant impact and their sweet little angel feet are really everywhere. πŸ˜‡ It is definitely a good day, a great day when people think we are Sunshine! I know now that is why you call Sunshine as Good day Sunshine 🌞

We are vv lucky to have Sunshine 🌞 and you ✨ in Cups. πŸ₯°

SparkyGizmo May 21st, 2023


I love that you have found your wings as well as what you said about "this little light of mine". 😊❀️ Oh my gosh, I know that song! I'm glad that your little light is shining, that you refuse to hide it under a bushel. Don't let anyone blow it out! You shine and oh so brightly my sweet friend! 😊❀️😊

Nothing makes me happier than to know that you enjoy Good Day Sunshines nickname, that you embrace it and can feel the intent behind it. As for me, I feel as if I was spot on with that nickname as it truly speaks volumes. Prolly (lol 😊) go down in history as one of the best and wisest nicknames I have ever chosen for another. Gizzie is so down with that! 😁

So....seeing as how you are also a member of the Good Day Sunshine fan club, I'd be happy to tell you the origin story of how Good Day Sunshine earned that moniker from me. ❀️ I love telling the reasoning behind it all 😊❀️ Love it, love it, love it!

Many years ago, I first met @Sunisshiningandsoareyou in the Listener Support Room. It's hard to even imagine now, lol 😊, but they had a newbie badge trailing underneath their screen name. Yup, at one point in time, Good Day Sunshine was new to it all as well, just as we all have been.😊

For me, I was so very impressed with their way of "being". How they were and how they operated as a human being. As a newbie, they may not have had a link to drop, they may not have had a leadership badge. No worries. It was their presence that was so awe very inspiring! They showed up and showed up big time! They added value to the room. They came to this site already equipped with a myriad of, what I call highly "portable skills". They came here and for all of the right reasons. It was so very apparent. ❀️

They had a maturity about them, a love for their teammates, a want to help. They brought a sense of calm to the room when others may not have been behaving in all of the right ways. When the chips are down and the "shooo shooo" hits the fan, Good Day Sunshine will be the calm in the storm! They are fast, smart, strong, funny and kind. They stick to their value system and their moral compass is not broken. They will do the right thing even if it's not the easy way to do it. Good Day Sunshine is no joke! Good Day Sunshine is the real deal and I had told them I wished I could clone them and sprinkle a thousand of them around the site. They bring joy into each and every interaction. 😊❀️

So, how their nickname translates for me personally and the origin story. There is a song by the Beatles...."Good Day Sunshine". Gosh, for me, that is a song that to listen to, how could anyone feel anything other than joy? When it's rainy outside and has been for days, I create my own sunshine. I can listen to that song, light a candle in my house, enjoy the glow of a candle flame instead and even find a way to enjoy the pitter patter sounds of the rain against my windows.

For me, personally, that is what Good Day Sunshines presence feels like, and now, all across the platform. They earned that nickname early on, years ago. 😊❀️ I knew they had it in them. I knew they would show us their greatness and be one of the best leaders that 7 cups has ever seen. I somehow knew this would happen. I just did!

Weeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeee! 😊

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❀️

VictoriaLove7 May 24th, 2023


Yes yes, you know that song too, this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine πŸ˜„ You know that reference on bushel too.

I'm a lifelong member of Sunshine fan club! πŸ₯³

I love listening to the story of Sunshine nickname, Gizmo! ✨ I'm not surprised that Sunshine is awesome since early on, even as newbie. I'm sure they were cute too as newbie (they're still cute! πŸ˜‹β€)

I think Sunshine is a wholesome persun (©️ Sunshine, 2023 used with permission πŸ˜„)

Good day Sunshine song fits perfectly. It is now in my favorite song list πŸ₯° That song becomes special to me because of Sunshine! 🌞

Gizmo, to me persunally, Sunshine 🌞 @ Sunisshiningandsoareyou brings so much joy. They have made my Cups life fulfilling and have made my life like eternal sunshine. ❀

I'm so proud of Sunshine and I'm truly grateful to have them in my life. I hope Sunshine knows how amazing they are. ❀ (©️ by Vic 2023 πŸ˜„β€)

Gizmo, you are amazing too, πŸ€— cuz you have the intuition to know things and to remind people with your calm but firm way. ✨

YourCaringConfidant May 20th, 2023

ο»ΏThe following appreciation is from @TabbyCat97 and is dedicated to one of the most beautiful people on here.

This person is supportive, empathetic, authentic, respectful, optimistic, and cheerful. And I can't forget-- a great communicator!

πŸ’™ πŸ’— 😻 πŸ‹ πŸ’— πŸ’™


It brings me much joy to announce that this special appreciation from Tabby was written just for you! Why, you ask? Because you're "wonderful"! Enjoy your very sweet note, beautiful Anna!


Awwwww, how sweet! And I couldn't agree more with everything Tabby said. You really are a wonderful, amazing person who does so much! I absolutely love to read how people feel about you! β™‘ My sweet, lovely Anna. Or should I say our*. Lol. πŸ˜†

Tabby, thank you so much for taking time to think of Anna enough to write her an appreciation note. You already know how I feel about you and how I think so highly of you. Your kindness you show to everyone on 7cups does not even surprise me anymore. You have so much love in you, Tabby. You are just absolutely wonderful, as well!


AnnaSilverberg May 20th, 2023
🌈 @YourCaringConfidant 🌈
πŸ”† You made it so beautiful! πŸ”†
Thank You!

🐾 @TabbyCat97 🐾
🌟 You are absolutely amazing!🌟
I love spending time with you in Teenie land!
πŸ’• Thank you so much for this wonderful and beautiful appreciation! πŸ’•
Your kind and caring words truly warm my heart!
🐱 You are so wonderful! 🐱
Thank you!

Rubylistens22 May 21st, 2023

@kenzolena has been appreciated by @AnnaSilverbergπŸ’œbefunky-2023-4-6-21-8-54_1684631400.jpg

@AnnaSilverberg, thank you so much for such a kind and enthusiastic encouragement for @kenzolena

@kenzolena, I know that every single amazing quality you possess like being optimistic, supportive, authentic, cheerful, empathetic, and motivated (among other things!) are completely true!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 21st, 2023

Sun is shining so is @ArtemisStormWolf πŸ˜› hi hi shining wolfie, your incredibly kind and lovely self has received an appreciation from another supremely supportive, compassionate and exceptionally proactive member @GoldenNest2727, and I am so thrilled to share it with you! πŸ’™


Wow, look at you, wonderful Wolfieeee, you're acing itttt. Always super proud of you! *hugs* πŸ’™

Nestttt, it is always good to see around. I feel people willing to learn and open for inspiration can easily find it around, so big ups to you for always being so open and appreciative towards inspiring people to inspire you. You inspire kindness around too, and so much! πŸ’™


VictoriaLove7 May 22nd, 2023


The smol wolves are artemis 😁 and the gif really looks like Nest, Sunshine! πŸ˜„

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 22nd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Nothing sneaks from Vicc's appreciatively-observant eye! πŸ˜› Yasss, thankiees!❀

GoldenNest2727 June 6th, 2023


I love the graphic. You are super creative and did an amazing job of capturing Storm's personality.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 6th, 2023


You're so welcome always, Golden!πŸ₯°

Hope @Artemisstormwolf likes it too!πŸ€—

ArtemisStormWolf June 7th, 2023


Me who found this just now 😭😭😭😭

You folks sure do know how to melt this wolf.

I like small wolves on pic πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί and ty for an amazing gift Nesty. @GoldenNest2727

I appreciate this so much 😭 it made my day way better. πŸ’œ πŸ₯Ί It inspires one to do better too.

*leaves biscuits and hugs*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 7th, 2023

@ArtemisStormWolf πŸΊπŸ€—πŸ’œπŸ₯°

AnnaSilverberg May 21st, 2023

✨ What a magical day ✨

πŸŒ™ Hay there @SirenOfSerenity πŸŒ™

🌈 You have just been appreciated by @YourCaringConfidant 🌈

🌟 How wonderful! 🌟

πŸ’™ They feel that you are πŸ’™


They have left you wonderful messages:
Click To See Photo

"Siren is truly a powerhouse! She excels in all she does!
Talk about someone who has the drive and
desire to be
the best person she absolutely can be.

Siren is so active on 7cups and I really appreciate all she does.
She does so much and I have no idea
how she does it.
I hope she knows that her efforts are most appreciated.
It is always a joy
Siren host discussions and
I enjoy popping in to say hi and show my face.

Siren always
others so I like to do my part
and share some of that support directed to her. β™‘ "

🎐 How amazing! 🎐
🌈 Desiree didn't leave only this message, but they also made their own message 🌈

Here it is:
Click To See Photo

🌸 Siren, you are absolutely amazing! You are so caring and kind and always lovely to everyone 🌸
🌺 I looked at your profile and I saw a beautiful quote that you have there 🌺
"You may not control all of the events that happen to you,
but you can decide not to be reduced by them"
🌴 I absolutely love it! 🌴
🌈 Desiree, you wonderful and amazing caring light of joy! 🌈
⭐️ Thank you for spreading your kindness and appreciating SIren ⭐️
πŸ’• You are a true Smile Spreader and you are such a joy to be around everywhere you are πŸ’•
πŸ”† I am so lucky to know you and to call you a twin and a friend πŸ”†
πŸ’› You are absolutely wonderful πŸ’›

😊 We wish you both a wonderful rest of your day 😊

SirenOfSerenity May 22nd, 2023

@AnnaSilverberg You did such a beautiful job with the graphics and the post, thank you very much πŸ₯°

@YourCaringConfidant This really made my day, thank you so much :'3 having your support is always appreciated and welcomed. Even when I feel unsure of my place here, you always come in and reassure me that I'm doing my best and that it's helpful 🩷

YourCaringConfidant May 23rd, 2023

@SirenOfSerenity You deserve to be appreciated for all you do! β™‘

VictoriaLove7 May 22nd, 2023
Hey everyone! (❋‒‿‒❋)
We have a wonderful appreciation for
@Fristo ⭐ πŸͺ

From an amazingappreciator
@Tulipsmile ⚘


These are the qualities that Tulip finds in you, Fristo πŸͺ


From me

@Tulipsmile Thank you for giving this appreciation. Hope you be kind to yourself too! ⚘

@Fristo Thank you for giving this space to appreciate others and ourselves. Thank you for being our PAT leader! Keep being you! ⭐ πŸͺ
May 23rd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 We hardly do anything. In the moments when we are feeling inspired, clean or pure, good things come true through us as a medium. Glad this thread came to exist and we've been making it work beautifully well with our team effortsπŸ’›

VictoriaLove7 May 23rd, 2023


Thank you for this space, Fristo! 😊πŸͺ It is still your original concept though evolves, and I appreciate originality! ⭐πŸͺ

Optimisticempath May 24th, 2023

@GuiOakes you're amazing and we have supportive evidence from a secret friend πŸ’•


You sound like a good friend Oakes πŸ’• keep up the good work.

Optimisticempath July 1st, 2023


GuiOakes July 1st, 2023

@Optimisticempath made me cry. i saw it the day it was posted, but couldnt reply.

Optimisticempath May 24th, 2023

The amazing @Annasilverberg would like to appreciate @Morganwindow πŸ’›


You're both so amazing and I am glad you are part of PAT also πŸ’™ thanks for spreading so many smiles, Anna and Morgan πŸ€—

Optimisticempath May 24th, 2023

@Annasilverberg is so appreciative and kind πŸ’•

@TobeDoctor you're receiving a sparkling appreciation from Anna πŸ’•


Your kindness makes a difference πŸ’• thanks for being a sparkling part of the community. πŸ€—

Optimisticempath May 24th, 2023

Most happy to share this for one of the bestest people I've met here πŸ’• @YourCaringConfidant from bestest bunnwee @Amiablebunny4016 for a special occasion πŸ’•

I am really happy to see all the love pouring for you on your birthday Desiree and so glad it hasn't stopped and hopefully never will because you deserve love EVERY DAY πŸ€—

We have a special Birthday appreciation for you from bunny πŸ₯°


Bunny really covered it all 😍 so talented at appreciating people 🐰 hugs


I hope you had a good birthday Desiree πŸ’™ we love you! πŸ€—

YourCaringConfidant May 24th, 2023

@Optimisticempath @amiableBunny4016 Okkkk, pleaseee excuse me... while I go cry, lol. All I can say honestly is thank you. β™‘ My heart has already hit the max and birthday love still days after my birthday. Wow. I'm so truly appreciative to you both amazing friends of mine. Yall and everyone else who took the time to send me a gift, a birthday wish, a message, etc-- I'm soooo beyond grateful from the bottom of my heart. My birthday was lovely and the contributions from people on here just made it even more special. This was a birthday of mine where I can honestly say I received so much love and kindness shown. And I am blessed. Thank you, optimistic, for this beautiful posting! I can see you did it with your heart and I love it!!! Bunny, you have truly outdone yourself ensuring I felt loved and you succeeded. I definitely did and still do. Your heart is like no other, our sweet Bunny. β™‘ XOXO. Hugs to both of you! πŸ€—

Optimisticempath May 27th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant we just luv you lots πŸ€—


VictoriaLove7 May 24th, 2023
Hey everyone! (βŽβ›α΄—β›βŽ)

We have a special self-appreciation for our OG PAT leader

@Fristo ⭐πŸͺ


From me

To @Fristo

Thank you for giving this space to appreciate others and ourselves. I am glad that you send this self-appreciation. I hope you keep being kind to yourself. Thank you for being our PAT leader! ⭐πŸͺ

YourCaringConfidant May 24th, 2023

This appreciation is from the sweetest 🐰 who never misses an opportunity to appreciate others to make them smile.

βœ‰οΈ πŸ’œ 🦒 πŸ’œ βœ‰οΈ


You are the blessed recipient of a very special appreciation note from @amiableBunny4016 and she wants you to know just how special you are. Happy reading!


Awwww swan, I bet that just filled your heart and has you smiling sooo big. As I'm sure you know and cam see Bunny has a way of making others feel special and loved.

These are the qualities Bunny sees in you: cheerful, respectful, emotionally intelligent, accountable, patient, supportive, and agile.

All such beautiful, amazing qualities! Thank you, swan, for being such an all around person!




For your loving and kind heart.

For your beautiful singing voice.

For your selfless acts of love you provide otbers with on the daily.

For your ability to make people of all ages smile and cry... tears of joy, of course!

For being yourself.

For being a wonderful big sister to your little brother.

For being a friend to anyone who needs.

For accepting people's differences.

Pretty much, 🐰, I πŸ’œ you for all you are! Just you.

Love, Desiree

swanlistens27 May 24th, 2023

Awwww, this makes my heart melttt omigawshhh such a beautiful post, you're the besttt! I absolutely loooove the swan in the post hehe, so me XD 😊❀️ @YourCaringConfidant


Dear most awesomest bunny, thanks youu so much for your affectionate words, these just hit right at my hearttz! You're sooo awesome and I am so grateful to have met you hehe, you're a blessing to me and this community here on cups. You are alwayz so kind and fun to talk to <33 This made my week hehe, thanks you so much againn


~ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓

( β€’-β€’ ) ~ β™‘ You are amazing β™‘

~ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

amiableBunny4016 May 26th, 2023


* weeps* I am so sorry Desiree for not replying. aaaa... Bunny has..... forgotten everything. awwww. Desireeeeee, this wasnt an appreciation for me my friend❀️ yet you still turn everything around like this😭 bunny will come back to this soon. but thank you so much for all your kindness and love and i appreciate you so much! just wait...... bunny will get back to this! You wrote. apoem 😭❀️

GloriaD May 24th, 2023


You have been appreciated by @CyanPlatypus6370 πŸ’œ

for being Empathetic, Respectful and a lot more ...

Here is a message from Cyan πŸ₯° :

"I have 'talked' with @JustMiles in a few group chat rooms recently. I appreciate how Miles is authentic - telling us when he's down and why, joining with another (L) or (M) when they are feeling glad or "up" even if @justMiles is feeling down at the time.

I think Miles asks good questions.

Miles gives compliments easily, and still sincerely! To me, that is a talent :)"


Thank you Cyan for appreciating your peer! ⭐

justmiles, it seems like you are kind, caring, positive, genuine and try to make others feel happy and comfortable. Much more than that I'm sure, because I don't know you so well like others :) but I thank you for your kindness and your presence here on 7 Cups πŸ’œ

Kind regards, GloriaD

VictoriaLove7 May 25th, 2023

Hey everyone! (β—•β€Ώβ—•βœΏ)

We have a wonderful appreciation for

@KindnessMatters2020 ⚘

From an amazing appreciator and an awesome host

@Hawaii968 🏝


These are the qualities that Hawaii find in you 🌼


Hawaii send this picture for you 🌸


From me

To @Hawaii968 Thank you for giving this appreciation and for hosting SC! You are a wonderful person! 🏝

To @KindnessMatters2020 Thank you for your kind presence and for being supportive. You are appreciated! ⚘

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 25th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Aww such a serene graphic, Vicc, love how you personalized this one with the rocks! ❀

VictoriaLove7 May 25th, 2023


Thank youu, Sunshine! 🌞 You noticed the rocks I put there! Cuz it is their pfp. πŸ˜„ You rock! ❀

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 25th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 I know! :P You rule!❀


VictoriaLove7 May 25th, 2023


I love your way of punifying with words and picture! πŸ€—β€


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 25th, 2023


Owlways fun to!πŸ₯° Aww haha look at you being all punny and sweet now!πŸ€—

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 25th, 2023

I just love how there's so much to appreciate about the Peer Appreciation Program, and our lovely community! ❀

For once, it's not possible to know or be able to talk to everyone here, but that doesn't have to keep us away from *knowing* and appreciating awesome people in the community, because someone else knows them and has something kind to say to them! Community at its best! ❀

Hello hello @CinnamonCocoa, so nice to meet you by virtue of a secret friend, who has a beautiful gratitude-share for you! ❀


Cinnnn, your username is tempting lol. I love it. I see you've been part of the community since 2015, that's a heck lot of time here, thank*you* for supporting people, and reminding them of the beauty in our world! ❀

Please pass along a delish cocoa as a thanks to your amazing secret friend, for being so thoughtful and allowing us to meet you and send some kindness your way! ❀