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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

amiableBunny4016 April 5th, 2023

This appreciation is for our lovely @Maepricot


click here for clear image

Maepricot has been appreciated for having these qualities





✨Great Communicator✨

✨Emotionally Intelligent✨

Thank you for being truly amazing Maepricot!


amiableBunny4016 April 5th, 2023
🌿@JustHereForYou was appreciated by @Cherry2000🌿
@JustHereForYou has been appreciated for being:
🍂Great Communicator, Respectful, Emotionally Intelligent, Inquisitive, Problem-Solver, Intuitive🍂


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 6th, 2023

Keep up the great work, @JustHereForYou 💛

amiableBunny4016 April 5th, 2023

@Manothelistener has been appreciated by @beck1


click here

Mano is:

🌿Coachable, Problem-Solver, Determined, Motivated, Consistent, Respectful🌿


YourCaringConfidant April 6th, 2023

The following appreciation notes were sent in from @amiableBunny4016 dedicated to several peers. For those of you who don't know, Bunny was our top #1 top appreciator for the month of March and she's already off to a great start!

Lol, 🐰, you know I can't help it. I always find ways to sneak in appreciating you. 🤣 Anyway, like I was saying Bunny has taken the time to appreciate these very special, deserving people.

💛 🐈‍⬛️ 💛 🐈‍⬛️ 💛 🐈‍⬛️


This most sweet note is just for you. Bunny just couldn't help herself to express how amazing of a person you and to let you know what an impact you make in the lives of others.


Qualities: Authentic, Resilient, Forgiving, Purposeful, Emotionally Intelligent, Patient, and Humble.

💙 🍃 💚 🦛 💙 🍃


I have to say Bunny is right-- you really are fantastic! You play such a big part on 7cups and it really does not go un-noticed. Thanks for all you do, Azula. I hope you enjoy your note from 🐰!

This is for you...


Qualitues: Great Communicator, Ability to Delegate, Intuitive, Respectful, Empathetic, Authentic, and Supportive.

🌺 💛 🌺 💛 🌺 💛


All I can say is that I'm sooo glad Bunny wrote this appreciation is for you because you deserve it. Since day 1, I have told you that you were an outstanding part of the team and I had questioned why you even began as a guest smile spreader. You have done beautiful on each and every posting. Bunny said it right and everything she wrote is true. Enjoy your note!


Qualities: Respectful, Supportive, Patient, Great Communicator, Ability to Delegate, Purposeful, and Motivated.

🐰 💐 🐰 💐 🐰 💐


Thank you again for being the sweet, loving person you are. You have made many people smile today and you should be so happy. You are a great friend and amazing smile spreader. Have the most beautiful day!


amiableBunny4016 April 6th, 2023


Desiree😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I will just say one thing. I am speechless. Absolutely speechless. this is too beautiful

YourCaringConfidant April 6th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Glad you love it, you wonderful appreciator! 😆

TabbyCat97 April 6th, 2023


Thank you so much Desiree for this lovely post, the graphics are amazing and you are always sooo wonderful and have such kind words :') You're truly awesome *sending hugs* im superr prooud of youu!

Thank you so much Bunny, this made my dayyy :') oouh sweet lovely bunny, you are so so wonderful twiinnie, you make my day brighter ever time we chat and I just love being around you - whether its in chatrooms, pms, forums - you never fail to make my dayyy <3 ! You just have the sweetest heart lovely - thank you for this message *sending hugs and cookies* we are so so lucky to have you on the team.

Take good care <3 sending huggless


YourCaringConfidant April 6th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 Awwww Tabby, you are sooo sweet. Thank you for your kind words. I gladly accept your compliment. I'm glad you love the posting but it was 🐰's sweet notes that made the whole posting. I'm just glad I'm able to play a part in delivering it. ♡

amiableBunny4016 April 6th, 2023


Desiree you deserve some credit too 😭 Here take some niceness.


amiableBunny4016 April 6th, 2023


🐬of courseee. this is basically what i do my twin tabbie. I love ya so much! you deserved this appreciation so so so so much! you mean so much to me! Thank youuu for your kind, sweet words!🐬

Ranaeil April 6th, 2023

Hi everyone!

We have an appreciation for @Eloyenthehumano from @ThoughtfulKiwi !

ThoughtfulKiwi has this to say about Eloyenthehumano : "Eloyen is nice listener they listen well to me"

Also, Thoughtfulkiwi thinks that Eloyenthehumano has the following qualities: "Intuitive - They have an ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning., Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood., Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately., Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation."

My own words for both. You both exemplify what 7cups is all about! Keep up the good work!

amiableBunny4016 April 6th, 2023

@TheRandomEMT, we have an appreciation for you by @Sincereblueberrries!


click here for clear image

You have been appreciated for having these beautiful qualities:

🌿Problem-Solver Respectful Intuitive Coachable Emotionally Intelligent Great Communicator🐬



Keith22534 April 6th, 2023


I told you, you are experienced and so good at this! <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 14th, 2023

@TheRandomEMT way to go, youu!❤

TheRandomEMT April 14th, 2023

Thanks ❤️❤️ @sincereblueberry

VictoriaLove7 April 6th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We got a wonderful appreciation for
@Internalacceptance 🌼

From an amazing appreciator
@Jenna 🌸


These are the qualities that Jenna find in you


From me

@Jenna Thank you for giving this appreciation. You are a wonderful person! 🌸

@Internalacceptance Keep up the great work. You are appreciated! 🌼
VictoriaLove7 April 6th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We got a wonderful appreciation for
@Daf8 🎉

From the one who made cool designs
@amiablebunny4016 🐰


These are the qualities that Bunny find in you


From me

@amiablebunny4016 Bunny, thank you for the awesome designs you made! Some days may be harder than others, hope you be kind to yourself! 🐇

@Daf8 Thank you for your kind words. Hope you be kind to yourself too. You are greatly appreciated! 🌸
YourCaringConfidant April 7th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Victoria, you are a wonderful smile spreader! I always enjoy seeing your lovely posts. You put so much effort into graphics and creating sweet postings. ♡ Hugs.

VictoriaLove7 April 7th, 2023


Thank you Desiree! I enjoy seeing your posts too!

amiableBunny4016 April 7th, 2023


Thank you for posting Vic! You are truly talented! Wonderful!


VictoriaLove7 April 7th, 2023


Thank you, Bunny! 🐇

amiableBunny4016 April 7th, 2023


Thank you for posting Vic! Your truly wonderful and so so talented!

Bunny 🐇

Daf8 May 21st, 2023

❤️ @VictoriaLove7 ❤️

❤️ Awww, thank you so much (and I agree, Bunny's posts are always astounding!)! Your messages and designs are always beautiful: such cool houses and adorable helicopters! And thank *you* for your kindness, sweetness and loveliness. I hope you're kind to yourself and that you're having a week as awesome as you. You're always appreciated, amazing person. Thank you for everything you do! ❤️

❤️ @amiableBunny4016 ❤️

❤️ I have the theory that you think that something bad will happen if you don't fill the appreciation form every single day. I'm impressed and don't really know what to say, but I'm not surprised. I believe that the appreciation form is what pops up when you open a new tab instead of "New tab" or Google. And the consequence is that a random girl from the other side of the world is staring at the keyboard, without knowing how to respond to all this love from such an unbelievable person. Woah ❤️

❤️ Lovely, magical, unequalled and marvellous Bunny: What the flying duck? How???? How?!?!?! H o w ? ? ? ❤️

❤️ I'm replying ""fashionably"" late because a lot has been going on, but I missed you a lot. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for thinking of me and, once again, firing your unlimited love cannons at me. Thank you, truly. However, *you* have an extremely pure, loving, heartwarming, indescribably beautiful heart and soul, and my words only state the reality. Your words are not only smile-provoking and immensely impactful: they also melt my heart so much that a janitor often shows up to mop it. Also, I remind you to take care of yourself because all the masterpieces at a museum need maintenance! Thank you for the huge difference you make not only in my life, but in everyone else's. My words are honest, but yours are magical, beautiful, loving, lovely, warm, gentle, sweet, adorable and wondrous (just like you!). You're right, though: I'm blessed, but because *you* are a blessing. Besides being thankful for your existence, I can only appreciate your wonderful, magnificent and remarkable self. And thank you, but *you* deserve all the appreciation in the world but instead choose to give it (the number of appreciations you sent represents the number of people that appreciate and adore you). Thank you, but thank *you* for being so amazing, astonishing, extraordinary, thoughtful, altruistic, supportive, magnanimous, wonderful, wondrous, caring, considerate, luminous, inquisitive, intelligent, great at communicating, clear, authentic, purposeful, benevolent, determined, strong, brave, consistent, creative, optimistic, motivational, empathetic, encouraging, laureate, stunning, magical, surreal, lovely, amorous, beautiful, brilliant, stellar, numinous, coruscant, virtuous and so, so, *so* much more ❤️

❤️ I remember that day, and *you* were lovely, kind, understanding, sweet and awesome since the very beginning! I'm really proud of you and how much you've grown. Thank you for being so radiant, unique, amiable *wink*, stupendous and... well, *you* ❤️

❤️ From you, it's always more than okay! I adore you and I'm immensely grateful to you. I hope you keep trying to be kinder to yourself (like the fantastic Victoria said!). Again, thank you for literally everything, Bunny. You are a gigantic reason why humanity is worth it. *Hugs* ❤️

amiableBunny4016 May 21st, 2023


Do you know how much i freaking missed youuu!!!!??!!!!! aaaaa....... literally........ bunny is speechless❤️😭❤️❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭

Daf8 May 21st, 2023

❤️ @amiableBunny4016 ❤️

❤️ I'm sorry and I missed and miss you a freaking lot. If everything goes well, tomorrow or in a few days I'll be spamming my replies in your PMs. However, if you are speechless, it's because your brain can't tolerate honesty about your brilliance. See you soon, dear marvel ❤️

amiableBunny4016 April 6th, 2023

Apprecation rewarded to @planereasonable by @Keith22534


You have been appreciated for showing these qualities:

🐬Forgiving, Motivated, Cheerful, Great Communicator, Supportive🐬

Way to go Plane.. It was nice meeting you in the chatrooms! I think I also said Hello to you! You are so so amazing and so caring! You deserve this appreciation!

Also, Keith, Your wonderful! Thank you for leaving an appreciation! You really are amazing! Thank you so much for everything you do!

*sends high fives for both if okay*



Keith22534 April 13th, 2023


OMG, sorry! I didn’t get the tag or I missed the post. But anyways, this is wonderfulllll!

💛 *high fives*


amiableBunny4016 April 6th, 2023

💙Today we also have another unique appreciation for lovely @burningRain127 💙

💙This appreciation is from the amazing @Tobedoctor 💙


click here for clear image

🍇Rain has been appreciated for having these qualities:🍇

🔵Authentic, Cheerful, Humble, Great Communicator, Supportive, Respectful, Forgiving🔵

Yayyy Rain! your amazing and you deserve this appreciation so so so much!

Thank you Doctor, for being so wonderful and leaving this appreciation!

You are both wonderful, caring, amazing, beautiful humans and I wish you both all the best!


EnigmaticCat24 April 7th, 2023


Thanks for beautiful graphics bunny! ❤

amiableBunny4016 April 6th, 2023

🧡Hey @EmotionsListener! 🧡

💚@GreenCookie4400 wanted to tell you how amazing you truly are!💚


🧊click here for clear image🧊

🌻You have been appreciated for showing these qualities:🌻

🌇Great Communicator, Intuitive, Respectful, Patient, Emotionally Intelligent and a Problem Solver 🌇

❤️🧡🤍💗💜 You are truly amazing @EmotionsListener! You spread smiles everywhere you go! You are so fun to be with in the chatrooms! Thank you for all you do!

🍪🟩@GreenCookie4400, thank you for letting @EmotionsListener know how amazing they are! You are truly wonderful to the community! We appreciate you too!🟩🍪

-something for you @EmotionsListener-

/)/) (\(\ ( . .) (. . ) ( づ🏳️‍🌈⊂ )


amiableBunny4016 April 6th, 2023


the poor bunny and the flag didnt work out properly


amiableBunny4016 April 6th, 2023

🔆@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🔆

"The Sun is shining and so are *you*"

I think Sun shines quite a lot on 7cups! Don't you Shining buddy?

okay.. okay....

🐱@TabbyCat97 appreciates you! Here is a little something for you Sun!🐱


🐤click here for clear image🐤


click here for clear image

Yayy! Sun is incredible! Thank you Tabby for letting Sun know how incredible and amazing Sun really is!

⬇️Thats not it Sun we have more:⬇️

Click here for Something Extra Sweet

Sun is the sweetest most shining Sun of all! Your amazing Sun! Your the best shining buddy ever!

And Thank you Tabby for your extra sweet apprceiation! your wonderful my twin!






YourCaringConfidant April 7th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 What a bright and 🌞ny posting! Love it! Awwww, 🌞 everything Tabby wrote and said about you is sooo true! We 💛 you and we definitely need you around on 7cups! You do sooo much for others. And Tabby, you are just the sweetest. Awww. All 3 of you are just sooooo special!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 17th, 2023


Aww thankyouu, Desiree, always up and about, throwing in all the love and appreciation around. It means sooooo much to me.❤

And correction :P All four* of us are soooo special!🤗

YourCaringConfidant April 18th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Wow 🌞, the forums are something else. I just got a notification of this tag that you posted yesterday. That's crazy. Lol. And awww, yes, you are totally right. ♡ xoxo.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 17th, 2023

Omigoshhhhh I'm soooo blown away with this lovely lovely stash of compliments and gratitude topped with all things sweet and happy. 🥺

@TabbyCat97, Tabbb Tabbbb, how do you even do it :') be soooooo sweeet and soooo consistantly. Bawling my eyes here with how sweet this really is, and how terrifically amazing you are. Massive thanks to *youuu* for never missing a beat and always finding ways to make people around you smile, and feel so so so appreciated and loved. ❤

I'm super grateful for your benignant, extremely thoughtful, always supportive, supremely resourceful, immensely tactful, graciously loving and incredibly great at being TabbyCat97-self. ❤

The sweet surprise is honestly the sweetest music to my ears, and goshnesss, what a lovely voice hehe, absolutely adorable!🥺

Thankyouuu for being exactly you in every possible way. You're super duper loved and cherished for being you.❤

Miss you tonsssss more, but it's super understandable to not be here at times. You're always in my thoughts okie and I hope all is going well in Tabby' world. Please be extra extra kind to you always, you deserve it and so much more! I'm always a tag away!🤗 Biggest hugsssss!


Shining Buddyyyyy, you're another full-of-kindness-love-and-all things wonderful-hooman bean that I'm again, so so so grateful for. Thankyouuu for this sunnnyyy post for me, don't even know how many times I've said it but you just are soooo great at being a Smile Spreader, giving it your best every time to add your bunny-touch in everything you do, doing it with all love and heart!❤


TabbyCat97 April 17th, 2023


Sunnn <3 aaaa this made me smile so so much :) You are just the best :') thank you sososo much I cant ever thank you enough. You're just the sweetest person ever to everyone, and you are so kind and just such a lovely, hard working and caring person <3 always looking out for others and always making peoples days.

Thank you so much, I am honestly so happy to be on a team with you and all your sweet words mean the world to me right now :') <3 I am trying to be more active, and I feel bad because honestly you and others are so incredible and do so so many amazing posts. Im here for you always and I hope you're doing well. How are you doing amazing suunn? (:

7cups is so lovely to have such a beautiful wonderful hooomaann (: so veerryy verry amaazed and blown away by each and every single one of your fantaabulloous posts and just everything you do, how fun your vibe is and how wonderful you are with people aaaa I look up to you so much as the amazing cupser you are <3

cookies and hugs Sun :)



amiableBunny4016 April 17th, 2023


I can't get over that GIF 😭😭😭😭😭so cute. I could watch it 24/7

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 18th, 2023


Awwww feeling bad because? 😮 you have no idea, do you?!

How much we value *youu* and not just "what you do", you're so much more than what you could ever "do" for anyone, Tabby, and it's not a give or take, and no one's keeping a tally, it's super okay to contribute where and as much you're able to (besidessssss, don't even get me started on 1765420 and more things you "do" in 7 cups, and ofcourse have a life to live off here also lol, so let's count that too~ now imagine how much you do, even wishing your very limited 24 hours a day, all so selflessly and for other people mostly ❤). You're more than the number of posts you make, or things you do for PAT for us, for me fosho. You wouldn't even do all that and I'd still adore you and cherish you the same. ❤

Please don't worry okiee, we all have our pace around here to do things, whatever you do here should feel enjoyable and something you "want to do" rather than a "have to" always. You do alot already anyway, and deserve all the time for self care and breaks as often you need and like. We are all here for you, loving you the same still. ❤

And and and 🥺 all of what you said for me, truly does go for you too, my wonderful, Tabb Tabbb, *youuu* are the bestest Tabby ever and I'm immensely grateful to know you! ❤

*noms and shares cookies with youu* 🍪 *big hugs back* 🤗