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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

iCareUK March 13th, 2023



Optimisticempath March 14th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 🥺🥺 aw no look at you being the best bunny as always and as everyone says 💕 you are the brightest light Bunny, it amazes me how you come up with such messages with extremely kind, sweet and caring words for everyone.... it clearly shows how beautiful and loving your heart is and wow I'm so grateful I get to talk to you 🥰 please never ever change. You're so loved and vv awesome the way you are! It really was my pleasure to make the post for you 💕 you deserve the smiles also :D


Healingbeams March 13th, 2023

❤️🧡💛 @Richuyulin ❤️🧡💛

You have been appreciated by @harmonylearninghope . The Appreciator sees these qualities in Them as follows-:

  • Supportive- They are kind & Helpful.
  • Determined- They steel their resolve & keep going forward, even when they feel discouraged.
  • Great communicator- They speak everyone's best interest in mind, are genuine & are open to conversation.
  • Purposeful- they act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place.
  • Emotionally intelligent- They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.
  • Authentic- They are able to be their real & true self.
  • Consistent- They are consistent in their efforts.

    @harmonylearninghope also says that-

    ❤️🧡💛 ❤️🧡💛


    ❤️🧡💛 ❤️🧡💛

    Thank you @richuyulin for your amazing here contribution at 7 cups, the impact of your service at 7 cups is clearly being felt by your peers❤️ Thank you @harmonylearninghope for appreciating your peer in such an amazing way💙

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 13th, 2023

Woohoo what a wonderful start, @Healingbeams, welcome to the team. Happy to have you with us! ❤

March 13th, 2023

Thanks so much for posting this @Healingbeams!

Hey @harmonylearninghope! Thanks for your kind message! I've been around a while, and have taken on leadership roles. But as usual, there's always more to learn. ^_^ I'm always just a message away if you have any questions. If I don't know the answer, I'll redirect you to someone who does.

YourCaringConfidant March 13th, 2023

Hey everyone. It's such an honor for me to be the deliverer of the following sweet appreciation notes...

Dedicated to our very own @TabbyCat97

🐈 😻 🐈‍⬛️ 😺 🐱 😸 🐈

Many of you already know Tabby, so you know how she is so wonderful in her ways. For those of you who aren't familiar with her, let me introduce you to Tabby who possesses the following amazing qualities:

💜Supportive 💙Respectful 💚Empathetic 💛Cheerful ❤️Optimistic 💗Authentic 💜Humble 💙Determined 💚Great Communicator 💛Patient

With that part out of the way, now it is time for the good part. ;) The sweet appreciation notes. Please do have your tissues ready, Tabby. It's very much needed!

Ready? Ok. Enjoy!

From: @NatalieLovesYou52


From: "Anonymous Bean"


From: @OliveTree1728


From: @Swiftygirl13


From: @Fristo


From: @YourCaringConfidant


From: @Axtyn


Please click here to view a gift Axtyn sent for you. Awww.

From: @BirdKing449


***wipes Tabby's eyes***

It's OK, friend. I told you that you would need tissues. I know the amount of love you have received may be too much to take in all at one time. Lol. In all seriousness, Tabby, you deserve this! You are amazing! I hope these appreciations have made your day! Hugs!

To everyone who took the time to send out dear @TabbyCat97 an appreciation, thank you so much! I hope each of you get back the same love you have dished out. You all can smile knowing you made Tabby's entire day... week maybe. Who knows! Lol. ;)


YourCaringConfidant March 13th, 2023

Just realized I forgot to make the last text part colorful. Lol, I don't want to edit it in case it messes up tagging everyone. Just overlook it and pretend it's 🌈. 🤣

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 13th, 2023


Fantastic as always! Every single one of them is outstanding! 🥰

@TabbyCat97 your'eeee so deserving of all the meowgical appreciations coming your way (more on the way hehe 😛) *hugs Tab Tab* ❤

TabbyCat97 March 13th, 2023


Sunnnnn you are so so so amazing :') im so so so happy I met you. You're beyondd lovely.



Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 14th, 2023

Aww @TabbyCat97 beyond lovely is *youuu* so are we on the same page? Yayy! *hugs back* ❤

YourCaringConfidant March 13th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou There is definitely a problem with the forums tagging people. I got a notification that Tabby tagged me but not you. I just happened to see your message because it is right above hers. Lol. Thank you, Sun. I was having a heck of a time trying to get things right the way I wanted. I appreciate your kind words and, yes, Tabby deserves it all! <3

TabbyCat97 March 13th, 2023


Dessireee you made me cry with happiness :') ohhh my goodness you will never ever realise how happy this has made me. You are so lovely, everyone needs a Desiree in their livess aaaa :') hooowww are you soooo wonderfull and loveelllyy? you deserve this desiree, so so so so much more :') biggg hugs

Tab Tab

TabbyCat97 March 13th, 2023


Ohhhh my goodness. I am actually crying with happiness irll aaa !! :') this has just totally made my whole week. Thank you thank you thank you. You sweet, awesome, caring, kind and wonderful people. Oh my goodness I cant thank you all enough. You did not having to do this for me guys. You all deserve the worrlldd and so so much happiness and appreciation. Im lost for words ! Im totallyyy lost for words :') This means so much to me. You guys just go above and beyond. You have totally make my day . When was this organised? how can i thank you and repay you all enough??? ❤️ Im quite literally screaming inside right now. Ahhh whyyy me - you guys deserve this allll so so so much more. But I appreciate it, with my whole heart. It has made my day, my week, my entire yearr!! Nobody has ever said such kind things to me like you all on cups, thank you for making my life awesome. I am so appreciative of you all! ❤️

@NatalieLovesYou52 ❤️ - I am so incredibly proud of you Nat Nat! You are an inspiration, you are such a kind, lovely and awesome person. Ill always be here for you, forever by your side. I love seeing your messages pop up in my screen - chatting to you is awesome! And your huggles are amazinggg! Huggles kitty buddy <3

Anonymous Bean ❤️- okiee I have no clue who this is but aaaahh! You are so wonderful. Thank you thank you thank you! You are an amazing person and I appreciate you so much for sending me this message, it means so so much. Please take good care of yourself, you are truly incredible and im proud of you for all you do <3

OliveTree1728 - Olive olive oliveee!! Im so so soooo proud of you! You know - it makes me smileee soo soo much when I see you pop into TCR - you are just a lovely person to chat to, so so so sooo kind and you never fail to put a smile on your face. And also - you are so funny lol! Ooohh myyy sing me a songgy song ! haha I loves it. I lovve that you remembered this too. You are too funny! Poppy cats Hi and gives hugs if okay <3 Keep being your awesome self. ❤️

Swiftygirl13 - Swifty swifty swiftyyy :') Ohhh you sweet lovely person ! Thank you thank you thank you. Im so proud of you, you are so kind and caring and amazing and I know things are tough right now but even through it all you never fail to make me smile. You are insanellyy kind and try your bestest to help absolutely everyone you can. You give so much and you are so grateful for what you have. You deserve so much Swifty, so so much happiness and kindness. Keep being totally awesome Swift - you are incredible - you will go so far! ❤️

@Fristo - Fristo this totally made my day :') thank you - thank you so so very much <3 You are the most amazing team leader eveerr! And I cant thank you enough for all you have done for the PAT team and also how wonderful, welcoming, supportive and inclusive you have been throughout my time on PAT. It means the world to me.Thank you I appreciate you more than words can express! You're truly awesome. Please take good care of yourself - you're important! ❤️

@YourCaringConfidant - Desireee im just sat here in shock - your graphics are so so wonderful, they are so amazing and so creative ! This post has made my whole week and I cant express enough to you how much I appreciate you. Thank you for all you do on 7cups, you are such a wonderful and lovely person and it means the world to me that you spent this time putting this post together. I am sending massive hugs. You have been so kind to me, you deserve this so so much more X1000 ! I cant believe such a kind caring and wonderful person exists - but they do! And they are you Dessiree. Big hugs :') I cant express how happy I am on here. But nobody has ever been so kind to me. And im so grateful for you ❤️

@Axtyn - Axxyyy you sweet lovely hooomann! Ohhh my goodness my heart :') you are the kindest! I am smiling from ear to ear right now. I absolutely love chatting with you, you are so amazing to chat to , you are so kind and understanding and loving. You are funny and also super sweet. Im so proud of you, im here by your side. You are such an inspiration and just a totally and utterly awwessomeee personn!! wow wow wow woowwww i cant even explain in words how much I appreciate you <3 ❤️

bigggg hugsss <3

Im juustt bloowwnn away - completely. Thank you thank you thank you thank youuu!!

Tab Tab

TabbyCat97 March 13th, 2023


oops forgot tags ! @OliveTree1728 and @Swiftygirl13 imm likeee screaming inside happy rnn!


YourCaringConfidant March 13th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 Anonymous Bean is @anonymousbean. They put a space in their username so I didn't know at first it was someone but I searched it. Lo and behold, the user popped up. Lol. :) That is entirely too much for me to respond to right now. Overwhelmed with your kindness and sweetness you have shown everyone. I am so happy for you and you truly do deserve it! <3 So glad you loved it. I definitely tried my best to make it amazing for you. :)

TabbyCat97 March 13th, 2023


You made it more than amazing Desiree, you have made my whole year, I genuinely appreciate you so so much. This post is absolutely beautiful and fantastic. You are so talented. I have not enough words to describe how wonderful and lovely you are. <3

Tab Tab

YourCaringConfidant March 13th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 Awww! Glad you love it. <3 Have a great day, sweet Tabby! :)

NovaGalaxy March 14th, 2023


👀😀 you’re appreciated a whole lot 💖

TabbyCat97 March 14th, 2023


I know, they deserve it all back and so much more :') I don't need you guys to be kind just kind to yourselves! Hey Nova by the way you're awesome 😛❤️


NovaGalaxy March 15th, 2023


same goes for you too 🤗

TabbyCat97 March 13th, 2023


It cut offf before I put my message to @BirdKing449 !! How dare it ! :') Ohh myy goodness Birddd awwwhh. You have made my day . Thank you thank you so so so so many thank yous this means the absolute world to me and I cant thank you enough, You are so kind to me, you deserve all this appreciation right back at all!. Im so proud of you. You are so lovely to me, and so understanding and caring to everyone you meet. Thank you for all you do . You are just out of this world amazzzingg! Always here for you <3

Tab Tab !

BirdKing449 March 13th, 2023


Hugssss <3 You are amazing Tabby cat! Thank youuuu <3

TabbyCat97 March 14th, 2023


Hugs ♡ so are you

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 13th, 2023

Hey hey @Skipper7, you've been appreciated by a secret friend, who thinks you are Agile, Inquisitive, Resilient, Decisive, Intuitive, A great problem solver and a genuine communicator. 💛


They also shared an image with you, perhaps this makes guessing who this kind soul is a bit easier! :P


Thankyou for being all of that and more, Skipper, so good to hear about your sweet impact on your peer(s). Keep it up! 💛

YourCaringConfidant March 13th, 2023

Retagging @TabbyCat97 and all her appreciators again in case my edit messed up the tags. 😀

@Fristo @BirdKong449 @NatalieLovesYou52 @OliveTree1728 @Swiftygirl13 @Axtyn @anonymousbean

YourCaringConfidant March 13th, 2023

Omg, I'm having so many hiccups this morning.🤣 Retagging @BirdKing449

BirdKing449 March 13th, 2023


Smh XD Is birdkong like donkeykong?? @_@

YourCaringConfidant March 13th, 2023

@BirdKing449 Lol, I would be lying if I said I didn't laugh at that. ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆

JasmineFlower222 March 13th, 2023

@Chetan1408 wanted to appreciate you @Feelicity08 for how truly amazing you are!


The image reads: Hello feli boi, my dearest friend... How are you?? Hope you are doing great... I am so happy to appreciate you... You are such a special friend to me... Sometimes I feel lucky that I found you here... You are a true friend to me who can guide me very well... You are just awesome. I love talking to you, sharing my thoughts... I truly respect you, your role, your efforts and your time... Literally i don't have words to explain how i am feeling about you... I wanna just say "Never get change and don't leave me alone". I am always there for you... I don't wanna end here... But somehow, i have to end... So i want to wish you for your career ahead... Have a wonderful career ahead... Take care... *Hugs* and don't forget... You are the best and always be the best... :)


These are the qualities that they find you thrive in: Supportive - They are kind and helpful, Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong, Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act, Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together, Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions, Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals, Cheerful - They are fun to be around

Also they wanted to share a few pictures with you Here ❤️

Feelicity08 March 16th, 2023



Thanks Jasmine, that's so sweet of you Chetan for you to think about me. Your words really means a lot to me. You are such a good friend of mine here. I hope you won't change. I am speechless by it. You are still the Chetanji that I know from the beginning. Take care and keep safe my friend. I hope you able to reach what you are dreaming in life there. May you have a productive future ahead my friend😃. May you continue to bloom in and outside of 7Cups, cheer up and fighting 😇⭐🏅❤️❤️❤️

Chetan1408 March 17th, 2023


Aye feli... thank you my friend... 😄 That was such a lovely message from you... well you deserve that... *hugs*

Thanks & Regards

JasmineFlower222 March 13th, 2023

@purpleSea7109 wanted to say a huge thank you to alllll of7 cups! That's right! The entirety of it ! cant-thankyou-enough.gif

Optimisticempath March 14th, 2023

@JasmineFlower222 aw thanks jasmine and purple 🥰🤗💕 you're amazing also!

Healingbeams March 13th, 2023

Hey @charmingFlower8111 you got an appreciation from your peer


png-20230313-224847-0000_1678729020.png The appreciater mentioned these qualities which are possessed by the amazing appreciated peer @charmingFlower8111

💚supportive,💙Humble,🧡Motivated, 💜Determined ,❤️Desicive

Thank you for your amazing service at 7 cups @charmingFlower8111 & Thank you @compoundingHappiness for being a such an amazing appreciator💚💙🧡

March 14th, 2023


@CompoundingHappiness , thank you for your lovely words! 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 13th, 2023



Some lovely flowers and a heartfelt note for @LightOfLife73 from @ivorySea989 💛

Thankyou for being such a commendable listener, Light, I love how thoughtful your username is. You're so evidently bright! 💛

Glad you've got great listeners, Ivory, you're an amazing peer for always reverting the kindness you receive, and encouraging your listeners to continue spreading it multi-fold around! 💛

amiableBunny4016 March 13th, 2023

This appreciation is for a very dedicated and amazing member of the peer appreciation team! @thisisanthony has been appreciated by @Sunisshiningandosareyou


Hey hey Anthony, it's so wonderful seeing your beautiful postings within the program, you've joined us recently and have shown such enthusiasm and motivation in spreading smiles in the community. I truly appreciate your time and efforts in bringing the community closer, as a Smile Spreader. Sooo looking forward to get to know you more and appreciate your wonderful self more! Keep up the great work, and be assured you're always super valued and appreciated also! ❤

You very much deserved this appreciation, Anthony! Sun is defo correct. Thank you for all your hard work!

March 13th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 that was so beautiful ❤️

March 13th, 2023


Thank you for this wonderful words. You're amazing ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 14th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Yay thanks for posting it, Bunny, fab job as always!❤

Keep it up, @thisisanthony, so proud of youu!❤