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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 28th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Aww ofcourse it be in your favorite color and me knowing what you'll say hehe. If this is "Way too kind" then let me assure you, there's way moreeee kindness you deserve, Bunny, happy to share it with you, as often! ❤ Youuuuu are a million lovely adjectives and more! I love you more okayy! 🤗


BlueSkies1021 February 27th, 2023


Thank you so much for this wonderful post! I love the sky graphics and it's so sweet that my words made you happy! I hope you have the best day ever, and I'm sending you a big hug back! :D

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 28th, 2023

@BlueSkies1021 You are amazinggg! ❤


BlueSkies1021 February 28th, 2023


Awwwww that's such an adorable GIF! I love it and I love you! :) <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 28th, 2023

@BlueSkies1021 Aww all the love back atcha!🤗❤

YourCaringConfidant February 28th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Absolutely beautiful posting! And omg, the graphics--- cuteness overload!♡

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 28th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant you-are-puffing-adorable-alicia-souza.gif

GloriaD February 26th, 2023


You have been appreciated by @Walker7957 😊

Walker Smile appreciates you for being :

Supportive - You are kind and helpful.

Respectful - You try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Cheerful - You are fun to be around.

And here is an appreciation card for you!


*You can click here to view the card in a larger size*

Are you happy to see this appreciation for you? I am definitely happy for you, so do let us know how you felt about it 💛

Walker Smile is really kind to appreciate you, and truly, you deserve it because you are an amazing friend to them and perhaps so many others here 💚

I'm hoping success and happiness for the both of you 🌻

Kind regards, GloriaD

AnonymousWriter13 February 26th, 2023

@Walker7957 Thank you walker <3 lots of snail hugs

FrenchMarbles February 26th, 2023


It's appreciation time! Today's appreciation goes to @Southernperson ; the person who wanted to appreciate you is a secret friend! :o I hope you have a lovely day today and feel warmed up by someone taking the time to appreciate you! <3

gentleemperor February 26th, 2023

🪁 @LavenderHere 🪁

~ You've been appreciated by @FrenchMarbles 🦄


Marbles left a message that I'm happy to share with you 💌

The graphic is blurry but you can view it here in higher resolution or read the message below.


"Hi Lavender, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do. It feels like 7Cups has been enhanced since you've taken on leadership roles. I feel fortunate to work alongside you, and it's great whenever I see you during my "occasional browse" you cheer me up on my bad days. Everyone mentioning your name has always had nothing but positive things to say. You put your heart and passion into everything you do, and the community is better for it. One of these days, we'll get you a 7Cups-themed kettle so you can stop microwaving that poor tea, but for now, I know I can always rely on you to help me with anything I need. You're fantastic, and I want you to know that. Especially in the Listener Support Room, you're always there giving out the best resources for the listeners, greeting them warmly and giving them a place to go if they feel overwhelmed with the listening journey."

~ @FrenchMarbes



Notes from moi

Laaav, I'm happy to see some well deserved appreciation coming your way. I may not work closely with you but I so agree what French said. You're always helpful in the Listener Support Room, you're quick at replying, knowledgeable and always there to offer a hand. Adding to that you're also very friendly and fun to be around. You rock! 🦄

French, I see you've been going strong with the appreciations which is awesome. I hope you know that you're appreciated as well. I appreciate you as a person and for everything you do for Cups. I'm also stoked to have you on the appreciation team! Welcome, welcome. I will also low key commend you on the sheets programming. Keep being you 'cause you're great! 🦄

YourCaringConfidant February 26th, 2023

@gentleemperor Awww this is such a lovely, beautiful post! Sooooo calming! 😍 You are one awesome smile spreader. ♡

gentleemperor February 26th, 2023
@YourCaringConfidant aww thank you! I'm glad that you think so 💜
LavenderHere February 26th, 2023

@gentleemperor Thank you sooo much for the pretty pretty post and graphic and note, and it's lovely to interact with you in the LSR, you're a lovely presence there!! Thank you for your kind words!

And @FrenchMarbles oh where do I start...thank you so much for the appreciation, you don't have a clue how much it means to me<3 It's good to see you during your "occasional browse", and offer you my special tea lol (it'll lose its special touch in the kettle lol). And thanks to you too for all that you do here as well, which is a lottttt<3 It's good to interact with you and work closely with you, be it in LSR or quality projects!<3
gentleemperor February 26th, 2023

@LavenderHere 💜💜💜

FrenchMarbles February 26th, 2023

It's appreciation time! Today we appreciate the lovely @Yariishere and their wonderful listening session with a secret friend! Thank you for everything you do for 7Cups; it is super appreciated. You rock! For some reason, my computer refuses to acknowledge the rotated image; well, I hope you'll be able to see it!

gentleemperor February 26th, 2023

🌼 @walkalot 🌼

~ You've been appreciated by a Secret Friend 💛


Your Secret friend wants you to know that 💌


"Walkalot has been a grounding strength for me with all his qualities and supportive nature." ~ Your Secret Friend 💛

View the graphic here in higher resolution.


Your Secret friend sees these awesome qualities in you 🌼

Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future 💛

Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together 💛

Decisive - Despite uncertainty, they make decisions and move forward confidently 💛

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately 💛

Intuitive - They have an ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning 💛

Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity 💛

Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts 💛


Notes from me 🌼

Walkalot, thanks for being part of this community and for supporting your peers. From what I've seen on your profile and in this appreciation you seem like a wonderful person. Continue doing what you're doing, you're great! 💛

Secret Friend, I want to thank you for this heartwarming appreciation. I'm glad to hear that you've found strength and support here on Cups by Walkalot. Thanks for being part of this community and I wish you all the best 💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 26th, 2023

Hello @Hane127, you've got an amazing secret friend, who'd like to bring a smile to your face, with this lovely appreciation! 💜


Thankyou for being so giving of your time and effort in encouraging a positive attitude and helping people feel supported, Hane! 💜

Sending lots of comfy beams and hugs to the secret friend, for being immensely thoughtful, and appreciative! 💜

VictoriaLove7 February 27th, 2023
Hey all! 😀
We have a wonderful appreciation for
@AnnaSilverberg ⭐

From @FrenchMarbles

This is what French said and the quality that they found in you ⭐


From me to both
@FrenchMarbles Thank you for giving this appreciation!

Only a few people can deal with difficult requests and you are one of them!

AnnaSilverberg February 27th, 2023


Awh! =) <3 Thank you so much! =)

YourCaringConfidant February 27th, 2023

I am soooo pleased to say that we have another appreciation note for the one and only Tiny! 🌸

@TinyWhisper11 You have been appreciated by the SUN-iest person we all come to know and love... @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

🌞 Let me know that they think you possess such beautiful qualities! Come take a peek... ;)


Not only did they want to let you know that but they also took each letter of your name and used adjectives to describes you. ♡ That is just sooo sweet. Tiny, it will never be tiring seeing peers appreciate you because you deserve every bit of it.

Please enjoy this very sweet note from 🌞! It is truly soooo heart-warming. Awww.


Please click here to view image larger.

Big thank you to 🌞 for taking the time out to send such a beautiful appreciation note to Tiny. It is always a pleasure of mine to be the messenger of notes like this. 🌞 You are truly an amazing person and you do so much. Thanks for always showing everyone respect, kindness, and support. ♡ Hugs to you both! 🤗

Tinywhisper11 February 27th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant😭😭😭😭😭😭happy years though ❤❤ Thank you so much ❤❤❤❤ this is the bestest start to the day ❤❤❤❤❤❤ gives you giant tiny hug 🤗

YourCaringConfidant February 27th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 Yup, you get a lifetime of "happy years" and I hope you always smile. You are such a beautiful person. 😍 Always giving me a good laugh. I am glad you like the posting abd graphic but thank @Sunisshiningandsoareyou for that sweeetttttt appreciation note. I'm just the messenger. ♡ Hugging you back. 🤗

Tinywhisper11 February 27th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant happy tears* 😁 I can spell ❤❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 27th, 2023


Aww you never fail to amaze me, Desiree! This is sooo lovely, thankyouuu for your kindest words always and for making it extraaaa beautiful and *pink* for our beautiful @Tinywhisper11 who deserves all things amazing and pink! 🥰

🤗 *hugs you both* 🤗


YourCaringConfidant February 27th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Had to make it pink... because I knew after she read a note like that her face would be pink as she blushed and smiled ear to ear. 🤣 So glad I got your stamp of approval! ♡

Tinywhisper11 February 27th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant I only turned a little bit pink 😜your gonna turn blue now, when I hugg you tight ❤ big squeeeeze

Tinywhisper11 February 27th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou hugggssss back ❤ and thanks again ❤

YourCaringConfidant February 27th, 2023

Recently, the peer appreciation team gained another smile spreader. And as you know, the smile spreaders' "job" is to be the deliverer of sweet notes sent in by people... but this person, I wanted to acknowledge because they really got off to an AMAZING start.

Not only has this person created graphics and made beautiful postings; but this person has also taken the time to send in their very own appreciation notes to people that have touched their lives. ♡

I am happy to say that @InternalAcceptance and @Retr0ne are the blessed recipients of the sweetest notes sent in by....

***DRUM ROLL*** 🥁



French wanted to let you know that they think you possess such wonderful qualities:

*Supportive *Empathetic *Cheerful *Great Communicator *Intuitive *Authentic

& they left this message for you:


Please click here to view image larger.

Isn't that just the most beautiful note? I can tell that French has a lot of respect for you. You seem like a truly amazing person and I thank you for being there for French. Stay you, because you are amazing!


You are up next for a special appreciation from French. I have to say I really enjoyed reading the note French wrote to you. You both share the love of poetry and that's just soooo beautiful! 🥰 I am so glad to see that you have been an impression on French and that's worth every bit of recognition. French thinks you are motivated, determined, and talented beyond measure! Don't ever change unless you plan on getting even more awesome! ;)

Please enjoy your sweet note and don't forget to smile.


Please click here to view image larger.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 7th, 2023

Y'all deserve all the kindness! ❤

@InternalAcceptance @Retr0ne

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 27th, 2023

The wonderful @FrenchMarbles has been throwing the appreciation-marbles at so many amazing peers lately, let's see who is the lucky bean this time. 😮

*marbles rolls and lands* @TheOtus00

Wooo we gotchu, Theo! 🤎


Gotta agree on this one also, it is certainly more fun to have Theo around. Thankyou for your cheerful and kind presence around, Theo. As Frenchie said, hope you do see yourself for the fantastic being that you are. 🤎

Now now, *Throws 100369 marbles filled with love, appreciation, gratitude, compassion, kindness, cheer and all things amazing @Frenchie*. You're an iconic *you*, and we are only grateful to exist alongside! 🤎

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 2nd, 2023
Thankyou for your wonderful presence @TheOtus00 💛
Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 27th, 2023

Super happy to be posting it for you, @GloriaD, you write so beautifully and with so much compassion, anyone would be super lucky to have you as a listener, I feel. Thankyou for being such a caring soul full of love and compassion! 💛

Hey hey @ForceFulField9267, you've got an uplifting note from your listener, for being your amazing self. Thankyou for being so understanding, reflective, considerate and kind. People like you strengthen the word "hope" for many! 💛


In case, the forums betray us xD

Here, is what the note reads: "Field is one of the most kind and respectful people I have met on 7 Cups. I met them about a year ago, in the initial months of my listening journey.

From that time until now, I can tell that they are extremely caring, since they have always asked about me and my health. Whenever I support them, they are open to my perspective and ideas, do their own research about their situation, and appreciate everything I do for them. They are always asking about the things I'm comfortable and not comfortable about, and this shows how Field cares about my Boundaries, and they truly do keep what I say in mind. When I was on self-care breaks, on and off, they were very patient despite our inability to chat much. I apologize to Field about that but ... they were very understanding even in that case, and I'm very thankful for that.

So ... I just want to say Thank you Field for being who you are. I wanted to give you a shoutout here for how amazing you are and would like to celebrate your presence in the 7 cups community and in our world 🌻"


A lovely Sunflower field, exactly as we'd expect from Gloria! 🥰

GloriaD March 6th, 2023


Aww thank you Sun, I finally found this! Thank you so much, Field read this as well 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 6th, 2023


Aw haha it's a task finding posts after multiple tags, thanks so much, Gloria, I'm glad they got the message also! 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 27th, 2023

Hey hey @SleepWalkermW, your motivated, cheerful, optimistic, agile, intuitive and wonderful self is being appreciated for facilitating team work and being a great communicator. 💕

This sweet message is by @AnnaSilverberg, who is as sweet as their compassion-filled appreciations for their team mates. Thankyou, Anna, you're a fabulous part of our community! 💕


Way to go Sleep and Anna, it's with beautiful peers like you, that our community feels more *home* and comfortable to be in! Thanks for all you do! 💕


Sleepwalkermw March 1st, 2023


Anna, thank you so much for this pleasant surprise! 😍😊 You truly made me feel seen and valued by taking your time to write this appreciation... Thank you so much. I too see and appreciate everything you are doing here, I think you are a great contribution to this site and also to mankind in general ❤️ so kind of you for wiriting this... I will draw happiness from your appreciation for a looong time :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 27th, 2023

"She's Magical and Unique. And she is ME" ~ @BloomingTea111 💛


I loveeee this so much, Tea.

Accepting ourselves is such a brave thing, it is more than okay to take your time with it, and you're so right, self-love is never selfish, again, always such a journey to embark on!

You've got the word in your name, so I'll just say that, keep blooming and keep being your magically unique self! 💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 27th, 2023

Hey hey @Asteria7 you're appreciated by @SleepWalkermw for being Resilient, Cheerful, Authentic, Coachable and a great problem-solver as well as communicator. Truly brilliant qualities to possess, Asteria, way to go! 💚


Sleep, you received a sweet appreciation note recently as well (in case this new tag notification cancels out the previous one lol, you can scroll above and find your appreciation as well) and this lovely gesture on your part, really affirms to what your peer said about you as well. You're truly a gem, so kind, thoughtful and loving! Keep it up! 💚

TabbyCat97 February 27th, 2023

Helllooo amazing, wonderful people!

Today's a bit of a different post :o

We are appreciating someone...

But we have .... not 1 .... not 2 .... but 8. Yes 8 :o Appreciators !!

The wonder appreciated peer is


And the people who appreciated the lovely sheep were...

@TabbyCat97 @Jefferythebunny319 @mariainfj @FloralDance @JemmyX0X0 @DragonPixal @Storyfox23 @justsomeotherfawne

(I also want to say a massive thank you to these lovely people who appreciated their peer Sheep... You are so so amazing for this and deserve all this Appreciation back. I'm so proud of you all, and you are all so very lovely people. Its been lovely seeing all these beautiful appreciations from you all, you all deserve the world 🌎 ❤️) so so so deserve this! Let's get onto the Appreciation ♡.

TabbyCat97 's Appreciation to sheep -


Click here for bigger picture ♡

@Jefferythebunny319 's Appreciation to Sheep-


Click here for bigger graphic ♡

Avy also added another little graphic here ♡

@mariainfj 's Appreciation note to Sheep-


Click here for bigger graphic ♡

@FloralDance 's Apprexiation for Sheep-


Click here ♡

@JemmyX0X0 's Appreciation for Sheep-


Click here ♡

@DragonPixal 's (aka Secret Gremlin Friend) Appreciation for Sheep-


Click here ♡

@Storyfox23 's Appreciation for Sheep-


Click here ♡

@justsomeotherfawne 's Appreciation for Sheep -


Click here ♡

Those messages are absolutely lovely ♡ and so so so true ! You're Amazing sheep.... noww we are going to take a look at all the qualities that you have been mentioned to have :o - and I have to say. I agree with each and every single one of them (:

All Sheep's Amazing Qualities -

Supportive - They are kind and helpful.

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another.

Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act.

Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions.

Cheerful - They are fun to be around.

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong.

Coachable - They have a desire to improve.

Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart.

Accountable - They own up to commitments and promises that they have made.

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone.

Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity.

Thank you so so much for each and every single one of Sheep's lovely friends for these awesome messages! You all deserve it all back ♡ sending hugs and cookies 🍪

And thank you so much to the wonderful sheep, we all appreciate you so so so much, you're so important and we care about you. You are an amazing addition to 7cups, and it wouldn't be the same without you. ♡

And a massive thank you to @Aishaa97 for the amazing project idea - you're so so lovely ♡


Take care,

Tabby ♡