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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

amiableBunny4016 February 2nd, 2023


Of course buddy. I really wish you all the best Siren! Thank you so much for everything you do! I am so glad I could make you smile buddy! Keep smiling because you deserve it! *huggles* Wohoo! Go Siren!

❤️Stay safe


NotFound20 February 3rd, 2023

Hi, @hopefulSoul17 you have been appreciated by your peer @Laura1989.

Laura appreciated you for -

❄️Supportive - They are kind and helpful

❤️Also , few lines from Laura❤️ -


💐HopefulSoul, We would also like you to know that we are so sincerely grateful to have such a kind and caring person in our community. You are a shining example to all who cross your path.🌺🌻

💐We would also like to thank Laura for recognizing such a kind person and sharing the appreciation with everyone. All the best on your journey.🌷🌺

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 3rd, 2023
Back for my favorite bunny's appreciation by one of the most appreciative, @Elwinthisside124 who is here to remind @amiableBunny4016 of her bunny-ness again (which is the equivalent of being awesome, y'all). 💜


Elwin and Bunny, to spill a little secret with you, we have an imaginary wall of fame for our super appreciators and y'all are definitely in the top 5.

Nopity nope, this isn't any competition or something like a "I need to be at the top" (we won't mind if someone wants to try it though 😈) but it just speaks volumes for how appreciative and thoughtful you people are. 💜

How you keep finding more people to appreciate and remind them of their awesomeness. It's also amazing that y'all realise that just once isn't enough and we can continue to appreciate those we may have appreciated once before already. 💜
A double appreciation is a double smile guaranteed, in my very humble opinion lol. :P (been there, smiled also) Why stop at double even.

The more, the smilieeeer. 😃

Thankyouuu for helping the PAT be up and running, with your beautiful messages always. Y'all are super duper hyper mega appreciated for being *youu*. 💜
elwinthisside124 February 3rd, 2023


Jesus christ sun! this post is so lovely! it made my day, thank you so much for this beautiful post, you are appreciated!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 3rd, 2023

@elwinthisside124 @amiableBunny4016

Awww thankyouuuu lovelieees, I adore the post too hehe, y'all special beings ofcourse bring your own magic always. 🥰

And smh Bunny, nuuu, your place is stuckkkk, no one else can take it. 😛 Only you get to make it feel more *you*. 🤗

Sending love to you both! ❤

amiableBunny4016 February 3rd, 2023


*sending love back*❤️❤️❤️



amiableBunny4016 February 5th, 2023


I get it unstuck. 😜


amiableBunny4016 February 3rd, 2023


I love this post Sun especially the picture of the bunny 🥺🥺🥺💜. And I'm so not in the top 5 lol 😂. Someone else can take my place buddy.

And thank you so much Elwin for your kind appreciation! It means so much to me buddy! 💜💜 You is awesome!

Bunny 🐇

VictoriaLove7 February 4th, 2023
Hey all! 😃
We have a special appreciation for one of our wonderful listeners *drum rolls* 🥁 🥁 @Ninziesss

From our wonderful and sunniest listener
@sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞


And these are the qualities that Sunshine finds in you, Nina 🎵

From me to both

@sunisshiningandsoareyou Sunshine 🌞, thank you for all that you are and all that you do. You are the loveliest ray of sunshine that made our day. ❤

@Ninziesss Thank you for being one of our great listeners, mentor, coach, and all the roles you have here! 💗

Ninziesss February 7th, 2023



Awh Sunnnn☺️💕
Thank you so much for the sweet post! * hugs! *

VictoriaLove7 February 4th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😃
We have a special appreciation for the one and only 🥁 🥁 🥁

From one of our wonderful listeners


These are the qualities that Hearts find in you 😊


From me to both

@GlitteryHearts Thank you for being a great listener and for sending this appreciation! 🌟

@Fristo Thank you for giving us an awesome way to appreciate others! 😃
YourCaringConfidant February 4th, 2023

This very special appreciation note is dedicated to someone who possesses the following amazing qualities:

🪴Supportive 🪴Respectful 🪴Patient 🪴Cheetful 🪴Authentic & more!

This someone goes by the name of Comphi... better known as @CompoundingHappiness

@CompoundingHappiness Today the beautiful, sweet @Aishaa97 has appreciated you and left you this most precious note... Read on!


Click here to view image bigger.

Awww, just how many tears did reading that note give you? Doesn't it make you feel so great and warm inside knowing that others see you and appreciate you for all that you do? And Comphi, you really do soooo much for others on the 7cups platform. You are so deserving to be appreciated and I know it has to feel amazing coming from the one and only Aishaa!

I have, personally, interacted with you both and you both are absolutely wonderful people. I've witnessed it first hand! I respect and admire you both more than you know and I am happy to call you both friends.

@CompoundingHappiness Continue to do wonderful things and help impact and change the lives of people on here. I was one of the fortunate ones to have you give me my a mock chat so I get to confirm that everything Aishaa says is true of you! I will always be grateful and appreciative of you. Thank you.

And to my dearest @Aishaa97 Ohhh you sweet, sweet Aishaa! You should know how I feel about you! You have done nothing but been kind and helpful towards from since the beginning. The fact you pay attention to detail and took time out to ask if I'm OK means the absolute world to me. You are so pure and full of love... it is no wonder why everyone loves you. Do not ever change who you are. You are absolutely beautiful inside and out!

I wish both of you a great day! Hugs! Xoxo.

Comphi February 4th, 2023

@Aishaa97 - That is so sweet of you my friend. I wish I could convey my feelings with more depth. Frankly speaking, I am deeply touched and equally happy that we came across. Cheers for long time together here...😊

@YourCaringConfidant - Few words for you as well. You are an incredible person. I can only say, that you created this post with your heart. I can only wonder how much time goes into making such beautiful posts and you are one of the best in doing so. You are bringing smile on everyone's face, please keep doing so. The world needs happiness.😊

YourCaringConfidant February 4th, 2023

@CompoundingHappiness Awwww, I greatly appreciate your most sweet reply! I love being a smile spreader and take pride in it. I am glad I get to play a part in delivering such a sweet note to special you. <3

LilacLeopard February 4th, 2023


Thank you Desiree for making this beautiful post for our dear friend! I am extremely glad for the graphic in particular because I feel it matches the personality of @CompoundingHappiness. It is a peaceful and relaxing graphic which I feel matches his vibe which is also peaceful.💜💙❤️

YourCaringConfidant February 4th, 2023

@Aishaa97 That is what I was striving for! Lol. Trust me, I am a rainbow fanatic and I usually just do my thing but you asked for green and I happily obliged. I am sooo glad you noticed and think so too. Something calming about the hanging plants. @CompoundingHappiness is sooo deserving! <3

cristlecares February 4th, 2023

Heylooo lovelies🌻💙

Today we are going to appreciate one of the most amazing listeners in hereeee🤩🤩💃💃


Wohooooo 🌟✨🎉💃🤩

Starrryyyy you've been appreciated by none other than the Amazinggggg @CompoundingHappiness 💙💚🖤

Starryyyy you've been appreciated for always always and always being🌻

💙Supportive - They are kind and helpful....
💚Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood...
💙Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another...
💚Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong....
💙Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act...
💚Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals....
💙Cheerful - They are fun to be around....

Comphi has a beautiful message for you stary😄⭐✨

Note from Cris🌻: Ahhhh I'm so sooooo happweee weee to be the one posting this beautiful appreciation from one twinnie to another twinnie😄🤩💃 (~Does happwe dance💃~)
Starry you already know how much I adore you and appreciate you✨🌻 As comphi said, You never back off and always stay there to help others, to offer everything you can💙 You've been a role model to me on cups, I'm always at awe how you handle things in rooms and also in dms😄 You're sooo good at what you do, helping others, understanding everyone, making sure everyone feels included and safe✨ I'm so so glad that I was able to meet you on cups, know you and also share loads of beautiful memories and words with you💙 I'm blessed to have a twino like you and I want to cherish every moment I spend with you in here😄 I know you work real hard for everything, along with the work you do, I want you to take loads of rest and also want you to always remember that "You're amazing" and "You're a superstar" 🌟💫 Thank you so much for everything you are, everything you do Starry💙Wishing you loadssss of happweness, joy and pizzas xD
*Tight hugsss* and Pizza 🍕🍕

Comphiii twinnieee, Have I ever told you that you're Incredible??😄 If I have, I'm telling you again that You're superrr amazinggg🤩💃 You're always there for your friends, always compassionate and understanding🌻 You've always been a supportive and welcoming leader in the rooms😄 Thank you for the 'haha' nickname xD Thank you so much for all your care, support and love for all your friends and peers on cups💙 Your words and caring gestures will always be imprinted in my mind and heart😄 Keep being the amazing happiness you are comphi🌻Keep rockingggg🤩💃Cookiessss 🍪🍪🍪🍪 and Hugs🫂

PS: Starry🌟 and Comphi✨ are you guys practising Robot dance these days? 🧐🤖💃??

*Pulls both Starry and Comphi to a extra tight hug* 🤗🤗🫂🫂

Flowers for both lovelie twinnies 💐💐

Have a great day/eve💐🤗 @CompoundingHappiness @Star001
YourCaringConfidant February 4th, 2023

@cristlecares Seeing all your postings delivering such beautiful notes from one person to the next has been such a joy! You are doing a darling job at it and shining bright! I can see all the effort and time you put into making it and I wanted to say I applaud you. I appreciate you. You are an amazing smile spreader! Keep them coming. <3 You are doing beautifully! Xo.

cristlecares February 5th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Awww Thank you so much for your kind words Desire💙🌻 I'm happwee that you liked my posts🤩💃

Your posts are really beautiful as well😍🥰 You have your own way with words where you deliver beautiful phrases and appreciate your peers, And I always loveee reading your posts (May it be peer appreciation or host feedbacks😄) haha! You're really incredibleeee💙🌻

Keep rockinggg and Keep being the awesome you✨✨ *tight hugs* 🤗🫂 and Chocolates 🍫🍫🍫

YourCaringConfidant February 5th, 2023

@cristlecares Awww thank you so much. And yay, I'll gladly accept your chocolate 🍫.

VictoriaLove7 February 5th, 2023


Nicely made, Cris, and the gifs choices are awesome too! 🤩

cristlecares February 5th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Awwww Thank you so much Victoria🌻💙 Glad you liked them😄🤗

PS: If nobody has told you today, I wanna remind you that You're super awesomeeee🤩🤩💃💃

February 5th, 2023

@CompoundingHappiness I am so grateful for your words. I have not expected any appreciations to come my way, this is why it feels all the more rewarding! I have always seen you as someone who is a good person, who is diligent and wants the best for everyone around. You are genuine, and I feel the genuine appreciation in your words that you have written for me. I am grateful and blessed if I was able to protect safety on here by any means 😊❤️ I am here for that, and I am here for *you*, my friend. I hope to help you wherever I can, and I am waiting to see you evolve more into yourself. Thanks again! I truly cherish you and your bond with me.

@cristlecares I can't believe my own twinnie is writing these appreciation posts for me 🥺 you're on a roll, twinnie! I'm so grateful for you ❤️❤️☹️

* Group hugs * 🤗

cristlecares February 4th, 2023
Today I'm here with a special appreciation for a special and amazing listener💃🤩

@Chetan1408 You've been appreciated by @CompoundingHappiness wohoooo💃🤩🎉💙💚

Chetan you've been appreciated for always being🌻

💙Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood...
💚Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong...
💙Coachable - They have a desire to improve...
💚Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act...
💙Cheerful - They are fun to be around....
💚Agile - They change course as needed....
💙Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts...

Comphi sent a very hearty message for you💙😄


Note from Cris🌻: Chetan I'm soo happy to see you getting the appreciation you deserve💙 You're always a very fun and cheerful person who always keeps the chatroom lively and lovely😄 You are always appreciative, Supportive and Kind too💙 You know how to encourage others when they're feeling low and also how to make people smile ear to ear✨ Thank you so much for everything you do in here And Thank you for always being a great friend to listeners and members in here🤩 You're amazingggg and I hope you can always know that you're a wonderful hooman bean full of rainbow colours and kindness🌈🤗Hope to spend loads of happy moments with you in the listener rooms🤩💃 Keep being the wonderful you✨ Cookiesss 🍪🍪🍪🍪 and Hugs 🤗🫂

Comphiii I guess you already know how much people adore and appreciate you🤩💃 But lemme remind you again that You're as wonderful as rays of sunshine ☀️ I hope hope you're always surrounded with rays of happiness and peace😄 Thank you so much for appreciating your listener friends in here and reminding them how amazing they are🌻 Thank you for all the support, kindness and warm hugs as well! Cookies 🍪🍪🍪 and Hugs 🫂🤗


Flowers for the amazing Chetan and Comphi💐💙

Have a great day/Eve lovelies🌻💙 @Chetan1408 @CompoundingHappiness
amiableBunny4016 February 4th, 2023

Hi Lovelies,

Today we have *special* appreciation from our amazing @Sunshiningandsoareyou!. This appreciation is for our dear peer: @amiablepeace77

@Sunshiningandsoareyou has left a beautiful message❤️


text on image:Amiiii, just when someone thinks "what else can someone do to spread more kindness and love around" you wave your "I did it already" sash lol.

Thankyouuu for being such a consistent contributor to the community, you've been a great support and such an encouraging presence around. A phenomenal leader and simply a wondrous hooman. Big congratulations for becoming CML for 50+, I have immense faith in you. Keep rocking the house!🧡

❤️*sends hugs for both of you*



@amiablepeace77 is:

Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future🌅

Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions🌅

Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals🌅

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation🌅

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately🌅

Authentic - They are able to be their real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity🌅

Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts🌅


Message from me:

@amiablepeace77- Heya buddy, I know we do not know each other very well but I have seen you in forum posts. My friend, you are incredible and you are such a valuable member of the community! Thank you so much for everything you do ! I love reading your posts! And you do such wonderful work here on 7cups! You deserve so much happiness and more dear Amii. *hugs if wanted*

@Sunshiningandsoareyou- And of course, our @Sunshiningandsoareyou spreads joy and light once again. Thank you so much Sun for appreciating your peer. You are very much appreciated and loved in the community. Hope you're taking care of yourself and doing okay buddy. You have always been the best Sun ever and I love ya, buddy! Keep being you because you are so valuable here!




Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 4th, 2023


Aww I love the pretty sunset-y vibe hehe, thankyouu for this beautiful post and your lovely words, as always, shining buddy. I love ya more. 🤗❤

amiableBunny4016 February 4th, 2023


Of course buddy. I love ya alot more! Anything for you! *sends hugs if okay*


Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 4th, 2023


Anything for me? I'm going to take you on this one!😛

For starters, I'd love for bunny to be extra kind to herself and continue trying her best at being bunny-self. ❤

I have more demands to make, will keep asking! :P

Bunny hugs are always so amazing and welcome. *hugs backkkk* 🤗

amiableBunny4016 February 5th, 2023


Yes Sun, anything for you. Even if I have to change the world to meet you then I would lol.

Well, loving myself is gonna take some time. But I promise I will try to make your wishes come true buddy.

of course, Sun hugs are the best ones *hugs you*

Hope you're doing okay. Please take care of yourself buddy😭 I is sorry for late reply.


*hugs and cookies for u*


amiableBunny4016 February 5th, 2023

Did anyone tell you how amazing you are Sun?

cristlecares February 4th, 2023

Guess who's being Appreciated today for being their Kind and Rockinggggg self alwayssss???

It's none other than the Super Amazingggg


@BlueRivercares Yayyyyyyy💙💃🤩

Rivero, You've been appreciated by not just one, but three amazing listener peers🤩🎉

@dtanushree @inspirationspirit28 @harmonyLearninghope

You've been appreciated for always being🌻

💙Supportive - They are kind and helpful....
💜Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood...
❤️Decisive - Despite uncertainty, they make decisions and move forward confidently....
💙Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation...
💜Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another...
❤️Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart....
💙Coachable - They have a desire to improve....
💜Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act....
❤️Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place....

@dtanushree Has a Beautiful message for you Rivero💙🌟


Tanu also shared something real cute😍🥰 Click here for a surprise💃

@inspirationspirit28 Said something really sweet about you rivero💜🌻


@harmonyLearninghope Has something warm to say about you😄


Note from Cris🌻💙: *Clears throat* Yes yes what are you expecting me to say? That I appreciate you too? 😜

I don't just appreciate you but I Wuv youuuuuu😄🫂
If Mr. River isn't aware of how amazing they are, I want to point towards all these👆 amazing appreciations they've got to show them how many people appreciate them and how incredibly wonderful you are💫✨
Rivero, You really are someone who's friends with everyone and who's sooo fun to hang out with in rooms😄🌻 Everytime you join the room, it just fills up with sooo much energy and joy... How do you even do that😮 Magic 🪄??
I just want you to remember that there are soooo many people in here who adore and appreciate you for who you are and what you do💙✨ Thank you so much for being an amazinggg twinnie of mineeeee! (I guess today I'm tagging all my twinnies in appreciation posts haha... You can't even imagine how happwe wee I am😄) Thank you so much for everything you do... For being kind and supportive, For always being so caring, for always tryna bring smile on others face, For everything💙
Please take good care of yourself 🤗 Cookiessss 🍪🍪🍪 and *super tight hugs* 🫂

To all the appreciators, @dtanushree @inspirationspirit28 @harmonyLearninghope If nobody told ya today, I wanna remind you that You're Amazingggggg🤩🤩💃💃 Thank you so much for appreciating your peers and letting them know how wonderful they are💙✨ Y'all deserve the same appreciation too for being sooo encouraging, validating and supportive😄🌻 Keep supporting and Keep spreading smiles✨ Cookiesss 🍪🍪🍪🍪

Flowers for all the lovelies💐

Have a great day/Eve🌻💙 @BlueRivercares @dtanushree @inspirationspirit28 @harmonyLearninghope
BlueRivercares February 5th, 2023
@cristlecares @dtanushree @inspirationspirit28 @harmonyLearninghope

Tanuuuuuuuuuuuuuu💕😛 Thank you so much for the appreciation. I am like super happy that I connected with you in pms...ngl I am always nervous to start pms with someone but I knew I would gain a new amazing friend. thank you for being amazing and stay like this only..don't change at all. :) *cuddles* hehe

Spirit thanks a lot for really means a lot to me and your appreciations just made my day better. Hope to see you more often and stay awesome as always.

Hope/harmony😛 thank you for being so supportive of people and appreciating all your peers in LSR. your warmth in LSR motivates me to spread happiness and support in LSR. thank you for all your support and stay you as always :)

Now crissssss twinnieeee ( aka as chips 😛) Thank you so much for wuving me and I Wuv you too a lot. stay cris and don't change. keep spreading smiles, support , hugs, cookies and love as always :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 4th, 2023

Who's wonderful? @SunshinePuppy1979 you are! 💚

Said who?

Someone kind did, anonymously! 💚


Thankyou for supporting your peers, Puppy, you've joined the community recently and already making such a great impact. Keep it up! 💚

A big yay to the observant, sweet and appreciative peer, who took the time to encourage you with this lovely message! 💚


VictoriaLove7 February 5th, 2023


From one Sunshine 🌞 to another 😋

This is super cute and the letters can be clearly read 😃

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 5th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Aw thankyou, Vic!❤

You've been dropping such lovely comments in the thread, I seee you *owlways* spreading kindness around.🤗

VictoriaLove7 February 5th, 2023



Those are *owlsome* designs


Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 4th, 2023

💛#Self-Appreciation alert!💛


(I loved making this one so much 🥰)

Hiya @shrey27, super proud of you for recognizing the good in you, and appreciating yourself. I'm glad people around too have reminded you about the same.

I feel while external appreciation and reminders are greatly helpful, once in a while, it is super needed for us to remind ourselves to actually *believe* it too. I believe this acts as a fuel to continue doing even better and thereby transforming into an improved version. Soooo keep going, *youu*. 💛

shrey27 February 5th, 2023


Aw, this is so cute. I'm in love with the graphics! Thank you for making it <3

YourCaringConfidant February 5th, 2023

I am making this appreciation post for 4 amazing people I had the honor of chatting with today in the listener community room! When I say chatting with them has been nothing but an absolute joy-- I 100% mean it!

To: @cristlecares

You just had to go blow my cover and disclose my smile spreader status. Lol. I wanted you to share just how amazing the peer appreciation program is for those who did not know. I am just joking, of course. You are such a doll and a pure joy to chat with. I have chatted with you through passing before but never like how we chatted today. I have to say-- it was quite refreshing! You are an amazing, beautiful person... a wonderful and talented smile spreader... a kind friend to those who know you, fun, and an amazing mod! You did your thing and kept the room engaged. Of course, you had us to help liven it up for you. I'm the type of person that goes with the flow and mood of the room and the room's atmosphere today was everything! I enjoyed the questions you asked and it gave you the chance to open and share with you to get to know us. Today-- you get the title of #1 mod in my book!

Enjoy your very sweet note written to you from me... Hugs!


To: @KindSpirit

Kind... Spirit... KindSpirit... whatever, anyone calls you... You were an absolute delight today! I never chatted with you before but I am so glad we did. You were the "life of the party" -- welcoming and just so much fun to be chat with. You were just so sweet. Thanks for bringing life into the room. Your username more than fits you well, and I hope we are able to share in more precious moments in the future! Stay mysterious, new friend, and take care of yourself!


To: @InvaderStitch

How refreshing it was to meet a fellow Stitch lover, such as myself! You may not collect Loungefly bags or FunkoPops like me but you love Stitch and that is what is important. I love that we were able to share a moment about that to bring us together-- to bring the room participants together as we discussed what me collect. That was such a sweet moment. <3 It is also sweet that you let is in and shared about your alien plush named Keith. Keith-- what a great name for an alien. I love it! I have enjoyed your presence today in the chat and hope to see more of you around. Sending you a big hug your way.


And finally, this last appreciation note is dedicated to someone I am so proud to call MY twin... Lol, ok, maybe I am getting a little possessive here but I mean, after all, he is my twin. Lol.


You are such a wonderful person! I have so much respect for you and since I first met you, you have been nothing but supportive. When I seen you today for the first time in the same room as me, I instantly felt excited! I am sending a great big hug your way and appreciating you for being the amazing person you are. You instantly appreciated me and supported me and my journey and shared that piece of information with others to help get word out. For that, I am so grateful for you. You are always so supportive of me and always offer words of encouragement. Thank you for everything, twin! How blessed I am that you reached out to me from the beginning. Please do not ever change. I am so proud of you and all you do on the 7cups platform. You contribute and do so much and bring so much joy to others. You impact the lives of others and enrich them. I wish you nothing but success in your 7cups journey and, most importantly, your life. Sending you a big twin hug from me to you. Now enjoy your very special note from me to you. <3


Please click here to view any of the images above larger!

Thank you all of you for contributing to my day just being so joyous! 

VictoriaLove7 February 5th, 2023


The designs are cute 🤩 Desiree!