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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

gentleemperor December 10th, 2022

@Frozty ohhh I see your name change! Love it ❄️ Thank you for the lovely appreciation post Frosty 💕 I also find you very fun to talk to. You're also always super helpful in lsr which is much appreciated 💛 Adding to that your appreciation posts rock! 😎💕

@Jenna ❤️ Thank youuu, this made my day 🥺💕 -cries and smiles- I look up to you as a listener and as a person. You're always helpful, respectful and supportive to everyone. It always makes me happy to see you in lsr 🥰 You're quick to help if anyone has any questions but you're also not shying away from showing your funny and silly side. I find you super intelligent and quick witted. I'll take teasing and water balloons every day for/from you. You're pretty cool overall and I'm grateful that I got to meet you. Thanks for being here and being my friend ❤️💕

amiableBunny4016 December 10th, 2022

Dear PAT team and all members on 7cups,

I am Bunny. Part of the PAT team. Most of my time, I have been trying to spread smiles across 7 cups! I have only been here for a short time. But I really appreciate every single one of you! Every person on here, Every listener, Every member, I Love all of you because you all are so special and amazing people. If I could, I would give A big hugg to all of you. You all put a smile on my face (Bad news at the end. of this post)

Firstly, I would love to thank the PAT team. Even through the darkest of times , you all supported me, made me happy. Sometimes I would cry myself to sleep because I was so hopeless to make posts or just be a good person.


I love all of you.

@Fristo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @GloriaD @CosmicMiracle @SirenOfSerenity @dTanushree @Harsvin @UniversalSmile @cristlecares @gentleemperor @StargirlTina @justFarheen @KimByeongIn @jovialSunshine5049 @Frozty @TwoCreamTwoSugar @JasmineFlower222 @SirenOfSerenity @caringrain9809 @amiableBunny4016 @Liv125 @Bunny1637 @SukoLovesHito133 @TU100OT
@Lou73 JasmineFlower222
@emeraldlynn04 @JeIIyfish @Jass1301 @ThomasR37 @Redirecting @Loopoloop @Journey144 @Optimisticempath @Liv125 @Alkina @Shreya9800 @Lolowise475 @BenittaJ @SukoLovesHito133 @TU100OT @Jefferythebunny319 @Gaygirl90 @Angelofheaven20 @lyricalAngel70

Thank you to the wonderful leaders of the PAT team! you all do a brilliant job!

As for all the members and listeners, even in the group chats, even when your breaking you still support each other. Always put a smile on my face! *gives hugs and cookies*

Okay.. I am NOT leaving 7cups.


I am stepping down from my place in the PAT team. I have too many things going on in life. And I don't want to be part of a team and not fulfil my job. So I am stepping down . I hope you all understand. I will miss all of you! I promise I will still fill in the form to appreciate many people out there! I love you all. I will miss making posts! Thank you for everything you did! keep it up!

Take care,


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 10th, 2022


Wise, lovely, supportive, thoughtful, creative, enthusiastic, strong, reliable, courageous and the most amazing Bunny is recognizing the need to effectively prioritize their time and resources, and making conscious effort to decide upon stepping away from something they currently don't have enough time and energy for, even so, they took the time to let their team know of the situation at hand and reminded them about their gratitude for the team and the project, along with many sweet words filled with kindness, love and thankfulness, oh and let's not forget the hugs and cookies. ~ I do not see any thing bad here. ❤

Well yes, ofcourse we'd miss your lovely presence within the team, but you'll always be a significant part of us, it's no doubt you've been a smile Spreader and appreciator long before you took the role "officially" even, and that's all that counts. How you truly go above and beyond always in making people feel oh-so special and appreciated. ❤

Currently Bunny needs some more time off for themself and to continue doing their best for things more important and needing some extra care and time ~ *Bunny-self* and I can't be more proud of you. ❤

Plus, we'd always have enough room for you if and whenever you feel ready to join us again, that's for sure, okie. ❤

Sending lots of love, hugs and smiles your way. 🤗

Take good care of your wonderful self and always remember, you're never alone, and so much loved also. ❤


amiableBunny4016 December 10th, 2022


That put tears into my eyes. I couldnt hold it. Thank you so much. Same goes to you. I will miss not being here. *hugs*

Thank you for everything you have done.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 10th, 2022

@amiableBunny4016 Aww and it's okay to let our tears flow. We just don't have to be alone while they flow though. Bunny isn't alone either okie. *sitting with you and hugging tight* <3

Again, always a tag away. You'll be missed also!🤗

SukoLovesHito133 December 10th, 2022


I know we haven’t really met. However, the PAT team, will miss your presence, and the way you light up any room your in. I also agree with Sun, you are prioritizing your time, for something more important first. We Will miss you, bunny. Don’t forget you will always Be welcome back to PAT, if, and when you are ready.


SirenOfSerenity December 10th, 2022

We understand and appreciate you @amiableBunny4016 🌸🌷💕 Thank you so much for this thoughtful post and the time you spent with us!

Liv125 December 11th, 2022

Awww Bunny thank you so much for appreciating everyone here in the PAT team 😊 You are so lovely, kind and considerate as usual and everyone here loves you and appreciates you of course as well 💗 Through our interactions with each other i have been honoured to get to know you better and work together, it was so nice having you on the team and i completely understand why you are stepping down! You must take the time for yourself on a break, to manage your time better and care for yourself, because you really deserve it Bunny. You will definitely be missed along with your amazing presence, you are always welcome back on the team at any point and i am happy to hear you will continue spreading appreciation. I am wishing you all the best in the future and good luck with your future plans ❤ You are going to do awesome! Please take lots of care!!

gentleemperor December 10th, 2022

🌼 🌸 💜 @AmiableBunny4016 💜 🌸 🌼

~ You've been appreciated by @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌸

🌼 🌼 🌼


🌼 🌼 🌼

Sun wants you to know that you are 💛

Motivated 💕
They are internally motivated to achieve their goals

Great Communicator 💕
They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

Optimistic 💕
They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone

Purposeful 💕
They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place

Having Growth Mindset 💕
Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills, they believe growth is always possible

🌼 🌼 🌼

Sun also left a message for you 💌

Hiyaaa lovely Bunny,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take this moment to let you know how very appreciated you are for always being so kind, encouraging, appreciative, motivating, supportive, compassionate, understanding, caring and super sweet to everyone. You try so hard to be positive and encourage everyone with your beautiful reminders, and I must say, it makes a lot of difference. You write so well and it takes my heart how creatively you express yourself whether by quotes, gifs, or simply your amazing words. It makes my day to come across your posts in the forums.

You truly are a blessing to the world, Bunny and I really really hope someday you believe it wholeheartedly also.

You are so strong, and positive, but guess what? It is okay to breakdown and allow yourself to be sad or feel however you do too, you'll come back up always, yes but for the time being, it is more than *okay* to let yourself feel, what you are feeling, to express how you feel too honestly and simply *be*. As I said earlier also, you're loved and cherished always, exactly as you are.

Sending lots of love, hugs and best wishes your way. I really hope the new year is a whole lot kinder and better for you.

Please take good care of yourself always, you're important and you do matter. *hugs* Always a tag away for you!


🌼 🌼 🌼

Bunny - I appreciate you being here in this community and enjoys talking to you in the teen rooms and on the forums. I find you to be very kind and caring as well as smart and funny. I enjoyed having you on the Peer Appreciation Team and you made some lovely posts with care and commitment. I'm sad to see you leave the team but I understand that you you have other things going on in your life and wish you all the best with them. You will always be welcomed with open arms if you ever want to return. 💕

Sun - my shining friend! You're a beautiful person. Thank you for appreciating your peers. You're always genuine and you do everything with intent. You've got a good heart and I appreciate you so much as a person, friend, listener, you name it. I'm super happy to be on the same team as you, to work together and to learn from you. Keep up the good work but most importantly, keep being you and that's more than enough. 💕

I wish you both all the best and to see you around! 💜

🌼 🌼 🌼

amiableBunny4016 December 10th, 2022

Ohhhhh...sweet heavens. ❤️ @Sunshiningandsoareyou, what a lovely message. This made me smile! Thank you so much for your beautiful message. The same goes to you. You truly are a beautiful human being! I don't know how to reply to this because I am absolutely speechless and I think you know what I would say to this. You didn't have to do all this Sun. I think i should be saying all this to you. You have a big space in my heart. And you words twist and turn. Thank you truly. Thank you.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 11th, 2022


Hehe and then do you also know what I'll say? :P

I wanted to and I'm super happy to. ❤

Really did, it's not too much, just being honest and stating facts, aye? 🤗 You deserve to hear it more often also, sweetest Bunny. ❤

*hugs tight*



I love your "shining friend" always haha, how sweet. Thankyouu for the many kind words for me too, Gentle, they mean a lot to me. It's been a short while of knowing of you, but I'm so grateful also, for being in the same team as you, and to see your brilliance in action always, *you* are shining, my friend, day in and day out, brighter every passing moment. I sooooo appreciate you too for being a lovely lovely hooman, peer, friendooo, listener, leader, penguin(?) :P and well, *you* name it. 🤗

Thankyouu for this colorful, thoughtful, and incredibly beautiful post, and gosh the bunny is so adorable haha, I love it. Love 'em pastels so much. 💜


gentleemperor December 11th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou ohh more bright rays from our lovely shining friend Sun 🥰

Thank you very much ❤️ and thanks for appreciating a penguin! I appreciate a sun very much, you're the source of life 🤯

-sends much love, appreciation and hugs your way- 🐧❤️


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 11th, 2022


Someone lovely has extended friendship for you, @SirenOfSerenity, and it's time for you to guess who this beloved might be! 🥰


Anyone would agree with your secret friend, Siren, you do so much for the community, spreading all things kind and happy everywhere you are, and it truly is super appreciated. 💙

Thank*youu* for being such a celebrated and cherished part of our community! 💙

Thankyou for being a wonderful secret peer, I love how even though you didn't get a chance to know Siren more yet, you were able to reflect on her supportive presence in the community, and make her feel *seen* and appreciated with your kind words and a generous offer for friendship! 💙


Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 11th, 2022
Hiyaaa @NaomiLynn13, your peer @CarryCandy1523 appreciates you for being-

Supportive - They are kind and helpful,

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood,

⭐Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals,

Cheerful - They are fun to be around,

⭐Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

How cool it is to have such wonderful qualities, ofcourse you deserve this sweet appreciation so much, Naomi. Keep being amazing as ever. Your presence makes a difference. 💜


Hello Carry, you're as sweet as your name hehe, it's lovely to have people like *you* here also, who take the time to notice others, and make them feel super seen, appreciated and special. Thankyou for being so appreciative to your peers. 💜

CosmicMiracle December 11th, 2022


💙🌈💙🌈💙🌈💙🌈💙🌈 FOR ALL THE PEER SUPPORTERS 💙🌈💙🌈💙🌈💙🌈💙🌈


YOU ARE ALL SEEN AS Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately



"The entire team is filled with individuals who genuinely want to help and are good souls. They've worked hard enough and I hope to see all of 'em having the best in their lives for all the good they do."



Thank you to whoever sent this message, a devoted member of our community <3 your appreciation will go a long way for our Peer Supporters <3

And to all the Peer Supporters (please tag them, whoever is kind enough!), I always ask for your guidance and help with difficult chats. I owe you my star rating and my reviews <3 you guys are magical <3 thank you from meeee!!!! <3


For all of you, I dedicate my favourite Christmas song ever. It's about compassion and not just the holidays so I hope you like it :)

The remake of this song is better in terms of lyrics, but in terms of melody and the heart of the performance, nothing beats the original <3

This is Do They Know It's Christmas by Band Aid <3


SparkyGizmo December 11th, 2022



Daf8 December 12th, 2022

❤️ Thank you for the tag! While I agree that PS is awesome, you are the reason behind your success! And thank you for the heartwarming song! You are wonderful ❤️

❤️ To the beautiful anonymous appreciator, thank you for being so selfless, appreciative, kind, sweet, caring, magnanimous, considerate and thoughtful! You are a remarkable person and we are honored to have you. Keep being you! ❤️

CosmicMiracle December 11th, 2022
@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you many many much!


Group hug to our darling peer supporters! <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 11th, 2022

@CosmicMiracle I Gotchuuu!❤

Keep up the great work, lovely PS team, you make so much of a difference, thanks for everything! ❤


@amazingNutella24 @artsysoul22 @ASilentObserver @audienta @azuladragon34 @beautifulalamort @Believe1014 @BeTheLight111 @Blissart @blitheSun94 @bookworm274 @Brahmm @Brightfuture82 @brilliantTurtle89 @Bubbles2025 @Bubblegumwings1234 @CalmWaves3939 @comfortingmusician08 @CompoundingHappiness @courageousCloud7479 @DonaldDraper @DreamTouch @EmpathicPikachu @EvelyneRose @Freedomfrenzy124 @Frenchmarbles @Fristo @gentleemperor @Ginevra962 @GreatestClassiest @Harsvin@Here4good74 @ifyouknowtocountcountwithme @InternalAcceptance @jasmineishereforu @Jay00LGBTQ @Jenna @jessrabbit7 @JujuBears @Kait @KimByeongIn @kindFish9215 @Kiwii7 @LavenderHere @LilyBlossom21 @LittleBirdie30 @lueurspace @Mel @MelodyoftheOcean @MidnightRaven999 @MifiHelpholic @Minervaaa @MoonlightPrimrose @Ninziesss @Pink @positivePumpkin22 @Prashpal84 @Rose644 @rriyad @ShaunX @SirenOfSerenity @SliverInUniverse @SparkyGizmo @Star001 @StargirlTina @SummerBreeze00 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @sunnyraysofbutterflys @Tyedyedbutterfly65 @varyingCloud @vivelespatates @WarmLightXO @wonderfulRainbow817 @yourbuddy30 @ConsiderateParadise6717 @Daf8 @iwishuwell @jovialSunshine5049 @Jowita @KatieTheBigRockOne @Kenzolena @Mamtasha22 @shiningSky3745 @sia1325 @sparklingseashells @sunniesavannah77 @SuryanshSingh @whenitsdarklookforstars

Click here if you'd like to share more about your journey as a peer supporter, or if you'd like to appreciate anyone else too, in the team. ❤

SparkyGizmo December 11th, 2022


Clean up on isle three! I "saw that" hahahhaha *high fives* 😊 You rock! big *hugs* ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 11th, 2022

🥰 @SparkyGizmo 🥰

Hahahahaha Sparkyyy Sparkkk made me smile, laugh, teary-eyed (happy tears of gratitude lol) all at once. Only *you* got this super power! *high fives* and *big hugs back* 🤧❤

"On my wayyyyy" lolll!


SparkyGizmo December 11th, 2022


My wonderful Good Day Sunshine! 😊❤️ You know, all feels right in the world today. You know, I almost asked that you drop that gif for me but I didn't. I stopped myself. I was thinking.........come on Good Day, give it to me again, lol. Yup, the game show, you read my mind! I didn't even need to just knew!

❤️That was magical, as are you! That is truly you in that gif! Weeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeee! 😊

*high fives* 😊 biggest *hugs* ❤️ (and yes, I'm still laughing and yes, Abracadabra!) 😊❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 12th, 2022


❤️ Aww my wonderful Spideyyy Twinnn, of course, I had to hehe. Weeee Weeeee. *high fives* back and *keeps hugging* ❤️

LavenderHere December 11th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou aww you too, and cheers to the lovely and helpful PS team!!!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 12th, 2022



LavenderHere December 15th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thankssss and yay for cookies *shares with all<3*

MifiHelpholic December 12th, 2022


Thanks for the tag🤩🤩😊😊😊😊

Keep up the great work, lovely PS team, you make so much of a difference, thanks for everything! ❤

@amazingNutella24 @artsysoul22 @ASilentObserver @audienta @azuladragon34 @beautifulalamort @Believe1014 @BeTheLight111 @Blissart @blitheSun94 @bookworm274 @Brahmm @Brightfuture82 @brilliantTurtle89 @Bubbles2025 @Bubblegumwings1234 @CalmWaves3939 @comfortingmusician08 @CompoundingHappiness @courageousCloud7479 @DonaldDraper @DreamTouch @EmpathicPikachu @EvelyneRose @Freedomfrenzy124 @Frenchmarbles @Fristo @gentleemperor @Ginevra962 @GreatestClassiest @Harsvin@Here4good74 @ifyouknowtocountcountwithme @InternalAcceptance @jasmineishereforu @Jay00LGBTQ @Jenna @jessrabbit7 @JujuBears @Kait @KimByeongIn @kindFish9215 @Kiwii7 @LavenderHere @LilyBlossom21 @LittleBirdie30 @lueurspace @Mel @MelodyoftheOcean @MidnightRaven999 @MifiHelpholic @Minervaaa @MoonlightPrimrose @Ninziesss @Pink @positivePumpkin22 @Prashpal84 @Rose644 @rriyad @ShaunX @SirenOfSerenity @SliverInUniverse @SparkyGizmo @Star001 @StargirlTina @SummerBreeze00 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @sunnyraysofbutterflys @Tyedyedbutterfly65 @varyingCloud @vivelespatates @WarmLightXO @wonderfulRainbow817 @yourbuddy30 @ConsiderateParadise6717 @Daf8 @iwishuwell @jovialSunshine5049 @Jowita @KatieTheBigRockOne @Kenzolena @Mamtasha22 @shiningSky3745 @sia1325 @sparklingseashells @sunniesavannah77 @SuryanshSingh @whenitsdarklookforstars

SparkyGizmo December 12th, 2022



Jowita December 13th, 2022


aw thankyouu

CosmicMiracle December 12th, 2022


💚🌸⭐💚🌸⭐💚🌸⭐💚🌸⭐💚🌸⭐ @Tinywhisper11 💚🌸⭐💚🌸⭐💚🌸⭐💚🌸⭐💚🌸⭐



Supportive - They are kind and helpful
Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another
Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged
Cheerful - They are fun to be around



"Tinywhisper11 is someone who's a kind caring person who brings joy to any room she's in. 💗"



Thank you, anonymous lightworker, for appreciating Tinywhisper11 :) it's always a positive contribution to the ecosystem of 7Cups when someone sends these wonderful messages :)

And @Tinywhisper11 you are a gem! Thank you for blessing us with your kindness and compassion :)

For you both, I dedicate this performance: the final dance in Step Up All In by the group LMNTRIX :)


Tinywhisper11 December 12th, 2022

@CosmicMiracle thank you so very much ❤ I'm crying happy tears ❤ thankyou

CosmicMiracle December 12th, 2022

@Tinywhisper11 you deserve it! <3 very happy to be the one to post this for you! <3

SparkyGizmo December 12th, 2022


Cos, hahahah hahhahahah, oh my gosh! Smh, quite the gif there my friend! 😊❤️ Thank you, thank you! Still laughing 😊

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

TwoCreamTwoSugar December 12th, 2022

🐻 @Kyoshi 🌙

Hi there, friend! You have received an appreciation from someone. I think you'll like it! That someone is...

🌸 @cristlecares ! ☀️

How about we see what they have to say?

Kyoooooo💜 you're amazinggggg🌻 I am soooo soooo glad to have met you on 7 cups and sooo glad to be one of your mentees😄 I always feel sooo at ease talking to you, sharing things with you and asking you questions (loads of questions hehe) I look upto you alot, the way you handle things in rooms, the way you answer questions, the way you treat others... You're just great at everything you do and I feel like I've got to learn sooo much from you🌻😄 Thank you soooo much for all your constant support and kindness kyo🌻 Thank you for all your encouragement and care💙 I wish you all the happiness in the world.... Sending lots and lots of hopes and wishes your way dearest kyo💜🌻 *hugs* 🫂 and Cookiesssss🍪🍪🍪 (PS : Thanks for all the beautiful songs and for introducing me to 'Victorious' xD) 💙💜

That's a really beautiful appreciation! It's clear how must cristleCARES about you!

But that's not all they sent. Before we get to the qualities that they think you exemplify most, let's see what they enclosed as a bit of a surprise for you!


Wow! Those are BEAUTIFUL!

To go along with these beautiful roses, let's take a look at some of the qualities that cristlecares has mentioned that really shine through you, Kyoshi:

  • Supportive - They are kind and helpful 👥
  • Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood 👋
  • Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act 🙏
  • Decisive - Despite uncertainty, they make decisions and move forward confidently
  • Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation 💬

* TwoCreamTwoSugar happily delivers this peer appreciation and wishes well Kyoshi and cristlecares. I sincerely thank the latter for this submission!*

A note for Kyoshi: thank you so much for being a shining example of what a mentor should be. It's clear that you have a profound and positive impact on those you mentor and the appreciation for this can be no clearer than what cristlecares has shared. You deserve every bit of this welcome appreciation and I hope it brightens your day!

Kyoshi December 12th, 2022

@cristlecares this is too sweet 😭❤️

TwoCreamTwoSugar December 12th, 2022

🌻 @GloriaD 🌻

Hi there, my friend! You've received a peer appreciation. Yay! Let's see who it's from!

Wait a minute.

It's from a "secret friend"! 😮

I wonder who may that be? Shall we see what they have to say?

One of the greatest gifts you can give me is your time; spending time with me at the moment when you are also going through something? My gods, she is one human worthy of the most beautiful of songs.

I don't have many nice words for you because I think you're one of the rare people who, like me, have a more profound appreciation for raw emotions. So I guess I'll go with "We live you."

We live you, Gloria. All of us whose lives you've amazingly touched, whose hearts you've showered with your kindness and compassion, and whose days are somewhat brighter because of your presence.

We live you, Gloria :)

Wow, that's a really powerful and beautiful appreciation. ❤️ It's abundantly clear that this "secret friend" appreciates you sincerely and deeply. You deserve it, too!

But it appears they didn't stop there. They've enclosed something special for you, too. 💛 Let's see what the surprise is:

screenshot-2022-12-11-at-8-37_1670813522.14 PM.png

Wise words to live by. It seems the enlightenment of this secret friend is as abundant as their appreciation for you. No doubt helped along by your contributions to their healing journey.

But there's one more thing this friend wanted to share... and that is a few of the qualities that they think you show very well:

  • Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another 👂
  • Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong 👏
  • Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions 🌟
  • Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation 💬
  • Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately 📡

* TwoCreamTwoSugar happily delivers this peer appreciation and wishes well GloriaD and this "secret friend". I sincerely thank the latter for this submission!*

A note for GloriaD: I really appreciate how powerful of an impact you have on our community through and through. While I may not be able to see all of it of course, seeing an appreciation like this one truly shows how positive of an impact you are having on the lives of others here. For that, I am so thankful! This secret friend of yours clearly thinks very highly of you and I am so glad to be able to put together this post for you. I wish you nothing but the best! 💙

GloriaD December 12th, 2022


Thank you for this bright and colourful appreciation post Cream 😊💛 I had an idea of who it might be, and am on my way to thank them! 🥰🌻

gentleemperor December 12th, 2022

🌟🌟🌟 @Liv125 🌟🌟🌟

~ You've been appreciated by a Secret Friend 💛

I'm a bit late with this appreciation post you you probably know who your Secret Friend is 🙈


Here is the message your Secret Friend left for you



Your secret friend wants you to know that they think you are

Supportive - They are kind and helpful 💛

Cheerful - They are fun to be around 💛

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation 💛

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone 💛

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately 💛


Liv - Sorry for being late with this post but I'm happy to share some appreciation your way. You totally deserve it! You're always supportive and positive and I really enjoy your company and the talks we've had. I'm glad that you joined the PAT team and you're a wonderful listener, team member and friend. 🌟

Secret Friend - Weee, I like what you did with the appreciation and agree with everything you mentioned. We haven't talked much but I'm happy to have that you're joining in the game and appreciate you so much for your work on the PAT team and for being part of the community. 🌟

Can't wait to see more of both of you. You're both kind people who I'm happy to have met. 💛


gentleemperor December 12th, 2022

@Liv125 I forgot this little gift from your Secret Friend


Liv125 December 13th, 2022

Awww thank you so much, im so happy you posted the appreciation and i really am thankful 😊 You layed it out beautifully- also for some reason i wanted to call you penguin haha!- and its totally okay if its late, i appreciate you taking the time to make it 💖 To my appreciator, thank you so much as welll it is really kind and lovely of you to leave such a heartfelt and sweet message <3 It was a pleasant surprise, and i love the cat a lot! :) I hope both of you enjoy the rest of your days!!