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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

June 25th, 2022

@TayTayy, you got appreciated by @JasmineFlower222


"Tay, you're a great person all together. I love seeing you in support rooms and you are great at finding solutions for yourself. *Sends over cookies and a full cup of tea*"

Resourceful Tay! -fristo

June 25th, 2022

@fristo appreciated @varyingcloud


"VaryingCloud is always so positive, insightful, creative, and a supportive company. May this cloud keep varying for us (keep being creative for us)."

VaryingCloud June 25th, 2022


This came in as a pleasant surprise Fristo! ✨Thank you for this kind appreciation! : )

(Btw you are much more of all that you mentioned here!)💙

supportiveStar1111 June 25th, 2022

Noni is a very supportive person, they are kind to everyone inculding me : Their respectful because they try their best to understand and help. And their friendly because their simply a good friend to me and others."

Thank you for that 🌼

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 29th, 2022

Hiya @Mikacv, you've been appreciated for being a wonderful mentor by @wonderfulSoul4237, who thanks you for being supportive, kind, understanding, accountable, emotionally intelligent and optimistic amongst many amazing qualities in you. ❤


Thankyou for being such a proactive listener and mentor, Mika. Have definitely admired your efforts and time in improving listening quality as a mentor and a verifier from afar. Keep it up. ❤

Soul, I really like when mentees and coachees appreciate their mentors, and value their time and efforts in helping as a listener. I appreciate you being so kind towards your mentor. Hope to see you around shine even brighter as a listener. ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 29th, 2022

Hey hey @LoveYouForInfinity, your listening efforts and sweet presence has been kindly appreciated by your peer @CalmBirch6448, who appreciates you for being Kind, Supportive, Respectful, Helpful, Empathetic, Understanding, Patient and Motivated. ❤


I hope this one looks customized enough lol, Senura, and woohoo I told you to look out for my tags and seems like I don't waste much time, huh? 😛

On a personal note, I'm grateful to have come across your bright and lovely self. Always a pleasure to talk to you. Sending lots of rainbows your way. 🌈

This appreciation is certainly well-deserved. Thankyou for extending gratitude towards your listener, Birch. Your kindness is greatly appreciated. ❤

TangoWithMango June 29th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Wow just wow … I am lost for words .. I just found a new meaning for my life … You guys 😭 That’s all I can type .. cause Iam really emotional right now sorry

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 29th, 2022


Aww hehe it is okay to not have alot of words, super okay to take your time always. *sits with you and hugss* 🌈💛

calmBirch6448 June 29th, 2022


You deserve it champ!❣

calmBirch6448 June 29th, 2022


Thank you!!

TangoWithMango June 29th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Sorry about before … Now as I said I found new meaning to life thanks to you guys …People going this far for each other really gives us hope on everything … The message is lovely and calming 😊 and the editing is full of sun rays and rainbows .. Love you all 🙂 HUGS 🌈

July 1st, 2022

@calmsoulmeet has appreciated @Sunisshiningandsoareyou



"Sun has been of great help to me . Her presence in my life can't be expressed in words . I must have done some good karma in past births to have earned the privilege of knowing Sun in this life . She is my best friend in life . My SUN is the best ! , period....."

Lost for words reading this appreciation! -fristo

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 1st, 2022

@Fristo @calmsoulmeet

Omigoodness I'm at a loss of words too haha 😭

Meeetzieee, this is tooooooo sweet, you're really gonna make me diabetic loll xD This really means alot to me, thankyou for always thinking so highly of me and for making me feel so much valued, appreciated and super special.

Thankyouuuu for being your awesome self, I truly cherish our friendship and your presence in my life. 🤗❤

July 1st, 2022

An appreciation for @DomJ36 by @communicativeCup4775


"The peer is optimistic because they have been very kind and patient to me while I'm emotinally derailed (most of the time). Thank you for everything. I wish you happiness always ✨️"

Being kind and patient to someone is really a blessing for the someone! It is therapeutic. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

This appreciation is for @Assilovesyou by @Yousof


"Assi is Wonderful and supportive because she uses sweet words when talking to me."

Thank you Assi for being sweet and helpful. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@sbchillzone, someone appreciated you anonymously


"They are super supportive, optimistic and respectful and always validate one's feelings and comfort people..Have always motivated people and finds the best responses and even follows guidelines!"

You seem a really good person and a listener. Glad to have you as a part of the 7cups community. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

An anonymous appreciation for @limeOwl763


"The peer is super optimistic and has such a wonderful outlook on everything! I feel super happy to have found them on 7cups as a member! They are also very motivated to always try and figure out ways to improve situations and are very respectful towards all! Loved the discussions and kind words from owl!🧡"

Lots of love and wishes your way, Owl. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@Josh3889, you got appreciated by reservedMango99917


"I appreciate them because they made me feel like I could have support when I felt like I didn’t have anyone to turn to about my issue and they were super kind and helpful."

Thanks for being kind and helpful to your member, Josh. -fristo

Josh3889 July 10th, 2022

Thank you so much!

July 1st, 2022

This appreciation is for @BethanyStrong by @Swordpsalm


"Bethany is purposeful because she is constantly seeking to improve her living situation and is an inspiration to me."

Keep being an inspiration and an amazing person you must be, Bethany. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

An appreciation by @MillzIGuess for @miamishoe


"miamishoe was there to talk to me about some family issues when my family pushed my feelings aside, he’s a guy that understands and can help! I’m really happy for you being there, my dude. I’m in a dark place but this dude brought a flashlight, but in an abyss, that still helps."

Thanks for being wonderful, Miami. Lots of wishes and love. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

Hi @Danielherefy, someone appreciated you anonymously


"they experienced the same as me"

Thanks for the support you provide as a listener, Daniel. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@WarmLightXO has got appreciated once again. No wonder! @Priscilaxo has appreciated them.


"Always brings positive vibes and host great sessions. I love how welcoming and kind they are. All in all, is a great member of the community!"

So perfectly put, pris. It's very true, Light is a great member of the community. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@Priscilaxx read the above post ^^

July 1st, 2022

@JasmineFlower222, you received an appreciation from @Littlestrawberry222


"Jasmine I appreciate so much you e done for the 7cups community. You are a determined, High quality listener here at cups and an amazing co-host keep continuing to be amazing 💜. I’m looking forward to see everything you do on cups"

I am amazed to see your passionate involvement at cups! -fristo

JasmineFlower222 July 1st, 2022

awww thank you so much! It means the world to me @Littlestrawberry222

July 1st, 2022

@Charlie40, someone appreciated you anonymously. The anonymous appreciator says about you:


"They are fabulous listener with amazing skills"

Active listening is like kindness and empathy, simple enough in principle. and a life time task to master fully. -Loved this quote by you! Keep up the beautiful work you do as a listener. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@Warmlightxo, this appreciation is also for you by someone anonymous:


"The peer includes everyone"

Very true, again! Warm light makes everyone feel warm and included. -fristo

WarmLightXO July 1st, 2022


Awww thank you Fristo and my anon friend, that made me smile 😊 I'm so happy to hear you've felt included and wanted, you are always accepted here <3

July 1st, 2022

An appreciation for @MunchieTaters by @CalmBirch6448


"An amazing listener really care about the member n also a amazing host who is really understanding and always ready to help"

You are awesome, Munchie. -fristo

MunchieTaters July 3rd, 2022


Thank you so much for your kind words and sentiments, they are very much appreciated!!!

July 1st, 2022

Hi @ShneurZ, you got appreciated by someone anonymous.


"The Peer is supportive because despite having his own issues that he's battling with, he continue to be there for members in need of emotional support.
He is empathetic because he makes sure to be able to put himself in your shoes in order to better feel your emotions. He is also coachable because I have seen that he always tries his best to improve after every chat."

Can't thank you enough for your sincere and dedicated work as a listener, Shneur. And all the good wishes with your personal struggles. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@soulsings, @EmbStitcher33 has appreciated you


"I know I'm in and out a lot. But when I do come to 7 cups I am HERE. I mean I pay attention to what I'm reading and who I'm interacting with. Soulsings is one of the people here who's given me the best interactions. She/he accepts me for who I am. Doesn't push, judge or get impatient. It's been a tough time for me. I appreciate all the positive support Soulsings has given me and I want her/him to know they've touched my heart and made a difference in my experience here. Thank you Soulsings. You are one of the best."

"My user name is for my hobby of machine embroidery... I've included a couple stitch outs..."



"Sorry to be adding another form for the same person but the perfectionist in me made me doi This person truly is an angel for all her/his efforts and compassion she/he puts in to their time here."

Beautiful appreciation for a beautiful person. -fristo

soulsings July 1st, 2022

@EmbStitcher33 I am so amazed by your embroidery. I appreciate your kindness and caring and for going out of your way to offer appreciation and heartfelt wishes.

Thank you so much. It means a lot to me. ❤️


July 1st, 2022

An appreciation by @CalmWaves3939 for amazing @Lou73


"Lou hosted an amazing and enjoyable guided discussion today! They kept people engaged and were patient when the room was quiet :) They were also really kind and caring to new people entering the chat! Really created a lovely atmosphere"

Sounds a blissful chatroom experience! -fristo

Lou73 July 1st, 2022

Thank you so much @CalmWaves3939 this is really sweet! Thank you for participating in the session and your wisdom and kindness 🌊❤

Thank you for posting @Fristo ❤

July 1st, 2022

This wonderful appreciation is by @AdrienTheWolf for @Swiftygirl13


"Swifty is a great communicator because they always know what to say in every situation."

Swifty is special. All the wishes for them. -fristo

July 1st, 2022

@fearlessWriter78 got appreciated by @CalmWaves3939


"They showed real optimism and shared some positive words in a guided discussion today! They were focusing on making everyone feel good and happy. I appreciate their engagement in the discussion and they were lovely to be around :)"

Lovely. -fristo

fearlessWriter78 July 1st, 2022

@CalmWaves3939 waves 😂 that's exactly how i felt about you in the chat. you are too kind but thank you, i appreciate you <3

CalmWaves3939 July 7th, 2022

No problem ❤️ It was lovely meeting you and getting to know you 💜