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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

blissfulSky8162 April 1st, 2023

@gentlePicture9986 has been appreciated by a secret friend!

Here's what they have to say:

💚 ❤️ 💛

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately.,

Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place., Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act.,

Agile - They change course as needed., Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals.

Humble - They humbly admit when they are wrong.

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Here's the special message they want to convey😊-
They are very impressive.



I'm so very happy for you! Thank you for being the amazing person you are and for being a very important part of this community. You have been very helpful and obviously impressive. Thank you so much for doing what you're doing right now.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 1st, 2023


Loving your sweet messages, along with the appreciation! Welcome to the team, Sky! Happy to have you with us! 💛

blissfulSky8162 April 1st, 2023

@Littlemoth99 appreciates @Fallingskys

🌈Here's what they want to give you: 💙🌸💜

🌈Here's what they think about you :Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged.,

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.,

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.,

Cheerful - They are fun to be around.,

Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts.,

Accountable - They own up to commitments and promises that they have made.,

Having Ability to Delegate - They facilitate teamwork.

🌈Here's what they want to tell you- Skys is awesome to work alongside with. I appreciate them alot, and am very thankful to finally be a mod with them. I love seeing then in chatrooms. They always know how to address a situation, and understands when something needs correcting. Thank you Skys!

To the Appreciator, @Littlemoth99 : Thank you so much for appreciating and making 7 cups a better place. You're an amazing peraon and i appreciate you for taking your time and appreciating a listener. You make the world a better place!

To the appreciated, @Fallingskys : Thank you so much for helping out everyone in this vast community and for being a wonderful listener. We appreciate having you as a member of this community and for all the work you've done.

Kudos to both of you. 🌈❤️❤️♥️♥️💜💜💖💖💖

YourCaringConfidant April 1st, 2023

The following appreciation was sent in from @Mydogliz8 dedicated to someone like no other...


This sweet note was written specially for you. Enjoy such a sweet read!


The note reads: "appreciate you soo much!! You were there for me when I really needed a shoulder to lean on. I felt heard , understood and cared about. And you were even guite funny. I caught myself giggling and smiling. Thank you so much for what you do. I feel tons better after chatting with you."


French, @Mydogliz8 also wanted to let you know that they think you possess wonderful qualities.

You are empathetic, cheerful, intuitive, supportive, and respectful. But that's not all, you are also a problem-solver and a great communicator.

French, you really are an amazing person and I am soooo happy to see you be appreciated like you deserve. You do so much on 7cups and it is appreciated. Thank you for being there for @Mydogliz8 at a time they really needed someone to talk to. Clearly, you are an amazing listener above all your roles and it shows!

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

@Mydogliz8 Thank you for taking the time to fill out the appreciation form to appreciate French. I am so happy that you found someone like French you are able to open up and share with. Wishing you all the best. Take care. 😀

YourCaringConfidant April 1st, 2023

This special appreciation is dedicated to the beautiful @Aishaa97 from someone who may be "Tiny" but has the biggest heart.


Aishaa, @TinyWhisper11 has left the following note just for you...


Awww, it is always the sweetest thing when friends check on friend and when they genuinely show such compassion. Tiny, you truly have the biggest heart when it comes to loving people! It is so apparent that you care for the most beautiful and lovely Aishaa. I have to say she's pretty amazing so it's so easy to love her.

Speaking of amazing-- Aishaa, Tiny thinks you possess some pretty amazing qualities.

Let's see what they are, shall we?


When I seen this note pop up on the dashboard, I knew I had to take it. I care about you both so much and I think you are both such beautiful, sweet, kind, and loving people. You both bring so much joy to all those you interact with. It is such an honor to call both of you my friends. Sending you both great big ol' hugs! 🤗

Pretty flowers for the both of you...


YourCaringConfidant April 1st, 2023

@LilacLeopard Hope you see this. Sorry, I did not see your comment until just now even though I posted this a few hours ago. <3

amiableBunny4016 April 1st, 2023

This appreciation is for someone so sweet and caring

and so hard-working, putting her heart and soul to everything she does.

Of course, its our beautiful, amazing, caring, @TabbyCat97

This appreciation was from a lovely person

So kind and so thoughtful



click here for clear image


click here for clear image

Tabby is appreciated for being Supportive, Insquisitve, Optimistic, Purposeful, Cheerful and Motivated.

I have to say..... Tabby not only has so many "roles" here. She does every role with so much enthusiasm and positvity! you are amazing Tabby! we are truly grateful for you! Truly wonderful! I cannot tell you how much I love you!


YourCaringConfidant April 1st, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Awwww Bunny, I love the sweets theme for our sweet friend. Thanks for posting my note for Tabby! Appreciate you 🐰.

amiableBunny4016 April 1st, 2023


❤️Of course Desiree! glad you liked it!❤️

YourCaringConfidant April 2nd, 2023


It is with much happiness that I get to make this appreciation posting. It is dedicated to someone we all know and love... someone who is always there and willing to lend a hand... someone who always thinks of others and who is always working and dreaming up new ideas!


This someone possesses qualities that puts him in a league of his own.

He is motivated, optimistic, cheerful, emotionally intelligent, consistent, cheerful, supportive, empathetic, humble, respectful, coachable, and innovative. But too, he is a wonderful problem-solver and a great communicator.

This someone has devoted hours on hours in the happiest room (in my opinion) on 7cups and is the face we have all come to get to know.


It is with honor, that I get to announce that @Fristo has received several appreciation notes from several of his peers. Fristo, pppllleeeaasssseee grab your tissues. You will need them.

Are you ready, Fristo? Get ready! Enjoy your sweet, sweet notes! All naturally sweetened. Lol.

🍇 🍇 🍇 🍇 🍇 🍇

From: Secret Friend


🫐 🫐 🫐 🫐 🫐 🫐

From: @FeureVox


🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝

From: @Emeryyyyy


🍍 🍊 🍌 🍍 🍊 🍌

From: @DarkerPlaces


From: @YourCaringConfidant


Didn't I tell you that was going to be one sweet read? Fristo, you are such a blessing to so many of us here and you deserve to be appreciated for everything you do for us. There are not enough thank you's to give you, but hopefully this is a start.


I also wanted to take the time to thank everyone I tagged above for appreciating Fristo. It means everything to take the time out of your day to let someone know you are thinking of them and that you are thankful for them. Thank you all for being such wonderful appreciators.

Please enjoy some delicious fruit salad on me! Mmmmm. Yummmmy!


FeureVox April 2nd, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant I am glad to see the amount of appreciation for @Fristo to see here.

YourCaringConfidant April 2nd, 2023

@FeureVox Right. He surely deserves it! ♡

AnnaSilverberg April 2nd, 2023

🌻What a wonderful day!🌻

🐥 Hey @KarmaTheRascal 🐥

🌸You have been appreciated by a Secret Friend, amazing isn't it!🌸

They find you to be:

⭐️ Intuitive ⭐️ Great Communicator ⭐️ Patient ⭐️ Empathetic ⭐️ Supportive ⭐️

They left you a wonderful message:


"They are honest and keep things real with me."

🎉What a wonderful appreciation and a lovely message!🎉
🌱You sure seem to be a good listener by looking at your wonderful reviews KarmaTheRascal🌱
💙 I understand why your Secret Friend feels the way they do about you 💙

🌺Secret Friend, it was very lovely of you to share such a lovely appreciation🌺
💛 Thank you for your kind thoughts! 💛

😊We wish you both a wonderful rest of your day😊


YourCaringConfidant April 2nd, 2023

@AnnaSilverberg Oohhhhh Anna, this posting is soooo pretty! I love it. Such preetttyyyy colors. Awww. 😍

AnnaSilverberg April 2nd, 2023


💛😊💛Thank you 💛😊💛

KarmaTheRascal April 2nd, 2023


Thank you !! I love the colors<3

blissfulSky8162 April 2nd, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant appreciates @Dallady


Here's what @YourCaringConfidant thinks about you :)

❤️Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future.,

❤️Coachable - They have a desire to improve.,

❤️Agile - They change course as needed.,

❤️Supportive - They are kind and helpful.,

❤️ Consistent - They are consistent in their efforts.,

❤️Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart.,

❤️Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions.

Here's what they have to say to you 🌈 :


It reads:

Dear Dallady, I just wanted to write you this message to let you know that I value you as a person. It was nice seeing you in a certain room. I know you may currently be facing difficult times and are struggling to love yourself, but please know that things will get better in time. Don't lose out on hope, Dallady. You have a tremendous amount of beauty in you that's waiting to come out. Let it out. I hope I was able to make you smile at any point in room. Please know that everything I say, I mean. I really want the best for you. I wish you a beautiful, blossoming, successful, happy life. You deserve sooo much good. I applaud you for being strong and for coming back and tackling the next day even when you don't see reason. I also wish that you learn to love yourself and that you grow more in love with you as time goes on. I know you can do it, Dallady. You are so wonderful and you have so much to offer the world. It always puts a smile on my face when I see you checking in. You are always consistent in that and I appreciate that about you. Please never be ashamed to ask for help. You are human and we all need somebody. Your presence is cared about on here and I hope you know that. Please do me a favor and go look in the mirror. Say 3 things you like about yourself and then smile. It's ok if you don't love it right now, you will surely grow to loving it within due time. Do something sweet for yourself today. It's long overdue. I am sending you a great big hug your way. Xoxo. Love, Desiree

To the appreciated, @Dallady,

Thank you so much for being a strong person. Thank you for being the wonderful person you are and for putting a smile on all our faces. You are loved and we all appreciate you for doing what you're doing. We're proud of you :)

To tye appreciator, @YourCaringConfidant

Thank you for appreciating, your contribution means a lot. The way you appreciate someone you care about is amazing. The goodness in you is so very beautiful. Thank you for being a contributing part of this society and for helping everyone. The love you're spreading should be something we all should learn.

YourCaringConfidant April 2nd, 2023

@blissfulSky8162 This means soooo much to me. Here I go looking at it again and your graphic is just beautifully done. The posting beautiful as well. Thank you for delivering my note. I couldn't ask for better. As a smile spreader, you did not disappoint. :) Please know I appreciate the effort you put into making this lovely posting. ♡♡♡ You are amazing. Thanks for the smile. ☆

Keith22534 April 2nd, 2023
Hello, hello! We have an appreciation by a Secret Friend to our dear @Retr0ne
Its an honour to be doing this post.

Such a sweet note! Well, Retr0, you are surely Intuitive, Patient, Respectful, Resilient, Emotionally Intelligent and Humble.

To @Retr0ne by me: Never ever think you are alone. You are a wonderful person! We need you here. We all love you very very very very very very much! *hugs if ok* (I think the verys are not enough)
To the Secret Friend by me: You are amazing for taking the time to appreciate them. (I think I know who you are.)
Keith22534 April 4th, 2023

Retagging: @Retr0

it seems the tag didn’t go through but that’s alright!

Keith22534 April 4th, 2023


Too many hiccups. Sorry retagging @Retr0ne

YourCaringConfidant April 2nd, 2023

The very sweet @TinyWhisper11 has left sweet appreciations for the following peers!

🌭 🍴 🍽 🥓 🥩

@Harmonknees This is for you...


Aww, what a sweet read from the sweetest Tiny we know. Harmon, Tiny also let me know that you possess some qualities that make you stand out.

You are determined, optimistic, emotionally intelligent, cheerful, respectful, supportive, and authentic! Thanks for being so amazing!

🍞 🧁 🎂🧃🥤

@lauren387 This is for you...


The note reads: "To the most special lauren in the whole side world ♡ you are always so much fun to be around. And have become a special friend. You are beautiful inside and out 😁 thank You for being you."

I must say-- Tiny truly has a way with words and making people feel good about themselves. You must be some kind of special, Lauren. I hope Tiny's note brought you joy.

Of course, I'm sure it did. On top of that sweet appreciation, Tiny also wanted you to know that you are supportive, patient, cheerful, authentic, respectful, empathetic, and humble!

🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈 🎈

@TinyWhisper11 Thank you for being your sweet self and always being so giving with your love. You are truly so loving and always know how to make people smile. I have so much ♡ for you my most beautiful Tiny. Continue doing what you do because you are amazing.

Please accept these pretty balloons from me to you. Hold on tight and be careful not to fly away! 😜


Tinywhisper11 April 2nd, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant ties balloons to my wheelchair 😁 thanks caring for doing this ❤❤ you are very special 😁😁😕😕uh oh! My wheelchair is floating away 😮😮 and I'm on it. Noooooo hellllp

YourCaringConfidant April 2nd, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 I'm a bit on the short side but I'm going to stand on my tippy toes and reach up high to stop you from floating away. Ohhh no, I can't reach. Nooooo, come back my sweet Tiny. *puts thinking cap on* I got it!!! *throws darts at the pretty balloons so they will pop* *watches as Tiny comes back down* Yayyy, my Tiny is back on ground! 😚 Sorry about your balloons, friend. Enjoy ice cream on me instead! 🍦 🍨 🍦 🍨 🍦 🍨 Hehe.

Tinywhisper11 April 4th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant 😂😂 your silly 😂😂😂😂 thanks for rescuing me 😁

lauren387 April 4th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11- Thank you so much for your kind words, and for being such a beautiful and kind person! My spirit is always lighter, and filled with laughter when you are around <3<3. For my bestie Tiny, a lifetime supply of ☕☕☕☕☕☕ Don't drink it all at once!! 😂😂😂

Tinywhisper11 April 4th, 2023

@lauren387 yaay! Coffee gulp gulp gulp 😁 more please? Ohhh! Don't drink it all at once 😕😕 oops! Can I have some more ? Please 😁

YourCaringConfidant April 2nd, 2023

It is always the sweetest thing when friends check on friends.


The following appreciations are from @K87 dedicated to @reservedPlum854 because they were in need of a smile.

Plum, this is for you...



Not only did @K87 write you to cheer you up and check on you, they wanted to remind you on the amazing qualities you possess.

Plum, you seem like an amazing person and I really hope the best for you in life. I hope you're happy and well and know how much you are cared for.


@K87 Thanks for being such an awesome appreciator! You are truly making so many people happy with your kind, gentle words. Stay sweet and have a great day.


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 6th, 2023


You deserve all the beautiful compliments coming your way!💛

AnnaSilverberg April 2nd, 2023

🎉What a wonderful day🎉

🐱 Hey @Foreverdreaming6 🐱

You have been appreciated by @K87

They find you to be:

🔅 Authentic 🔅 Humble 🔅 Patient 🔅 Consistent 🔅

🔅 Great Communicator 🔅 Respectful 🔅 Empathetic 🔅


🐾 They also left a wonderful message for you 🐾


Click Me To See Photo

I wanted to thank u for being u

🌸 What a heartwarming appreciation 🌸
💜🐾 You sure sound like a wonderful person @Foreverdreaming6 🐾💜

Thank you @K87 for sharing such a wonderful appreciation with us
💚 Appreciations can really make a difference and bring a smile 💚

😊 We wish you both a wonderful day 😊


TabbyCat97 April 8th, 2023


Annaaaaa :o I'm blown away by *** awesome your posts are :') so so soooo amazzzingggggg!!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 2nd, 2023
The bestest Burger in 7 cups, @KingBurger23, has a sweet encouraging note from @lightPrune1000, who seems to be spreading their compassionate light cups-wide and are so so appreciated for the same! ❤


Misss seeing you around, Burger, as Prune said, I hope you're taking good care of yourself also. All of us treasure you lots! 🍔❤
VictoriaLove7 April 3rd, 2023


The burger looks so delicious 😋

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 3rd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Haha I know right, was difficult to not nom while posting!😋


VictoriaLove7 April 3rd, 2023


*nom nom cheeseburger & send* ❤


Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 3rd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Soooo cuteee awwww!🥺🥰❤

VictoriaLove7 April 4th, 2023


me pick the vvery cute for chu 🤗❤

YourCaringConfidant April 2nd, 2023

@K87 is on an appreciation roll. Talk about someone who is determined to make as many people as they can smile.



You are the recipient of the following kind note:



K87 wanted to let you know that they enjoy chatting with you and that you are a great communicator. Awww. But that's not all, it is said that you possess the following qualities: patient, empathetic, supportive, and respectful.

@K87 Thank you so much for being a great appreciator. It is such a joy seeing your username appreciating so many peers. I hope you get back as many as you give out. ♡

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 2nd, 2023

You're acing it as a listener here already, @ExquisiteMonkey2267 and I'm so proud to share this appreciation for you from @LoyalBlueberry7653 with you. 💛


Keep up the great work, Monkey, you're a wonderful addition to the community! 💛

Big ups to Blue for being so berry sweeet! 💛

YourCaringConfidant April 2nd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I just knew whoever took this task would do it soooooo cute, lol. 🤣🤣 Sooooo much cuteness in this graphic. Love it. Great job, 🌞!