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Gratitude Circles (‘. • ᵕ •. `)💗✨ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕(ㅅ´ ˘ `)

June 28th, 2023

Is 7cups birthday coming up? I hear it’s the 10th one? We are completing a decade reallyyyy, wohooo!

How do you feel about it? About us together?

How about some gratitude sharing on this occasion? Let’s share gratitude over what we feel grateful for in the community and in our lives. Time to feel and share the warmth this birthday season!

Here is a big invitation for you:

We are celebrating cups birthday from July 3 to July 13! So many days of joy 😀 As part of it, we will be hosting Gratitude Circles in the Positivity Corner Room, both on the adult side and the teenie side!

To make this giant positivity venture a success, we invite all members and listeners who’d like to help with the hosting! We’ve made the procedure to host utterly simple and straightforward. Just signup on the sheet below, by picking your slot and putting your name in it:

Click here to signup!

Signup on the adults tab if you are an adult and want to host in the Adult Positivity Corner Room. Signup on the teens tab if you are a teen or ATL and want to host in the Teen Positivity Corner Room.

And oh, did I tell you? 😮 The Positivity Corner Room will stay open 24/7 during the celebration days. So you can simply come in and host at your selected slot!

In case you want to host a different kind of positivity event in the Positivity Corner Room, you may message me @fristo to discuss it. While our main focus will be on the Gratitude Circles, we may have more events such as complimenting one another [it used to be hosted as Compliment War!], a positivity discussion, Two Truths 1 Lie Game, Guess the Thing Game, Icebreakers Event [check out our icebreakers collection], etc.!

Note: After the birthday period is over, you may or may not choose to continue hosting the gratitude circle every week!

The events start Monday, July 3, sign-up now using the sign-up sheet linked above.

Looking forward to all the smiles being shared in these events!


Click me for the gratitude circle guidelines.

The hosting script is here -bookmark it if you are going to host!


  1. Do I have to host?

Yes, absolutely! Kidding 😛 You don’t have to ❤️

We’d love your presence and participation though!

  1. But if I don’t feel positive, can I still come to the positivity room?

Let me tell you a wondrous secret. The secret is, it is okay to be sad and not feel up, even when you are in the positivity corner room. To us, positivity does not mean being compulsively happy. The real positivity is being kind and supportive to one another, and most of all to the host and support the host in their hosting!

  1. What’s the reason behind the growing glory of the positivity corner room? A lot many people are calling this room their favorite chatroom.

Wow, that’s a lovely question. You do know how to make fristo happy. I would just say: It’s because of you. The generous, kind, beautiful, considerate, and sweet person you are. We see the best in you! And we encourage the best in one another. That’s what makes this room grow in its sweetness.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 28th, 2023

Bestest FAQ ever!😛

Yayy, hope to circle in gratitude with our lovely community more!🥳

innateJoy9602 June 28th, 2023


A decade wow!!

Practicing gratitude is a great way to celebrate!

I love that the positivity room will be open 24/7!! I will do my best to attend <3 💜💜

Gettingbettertoday June 30th, 2023


I often find the positivity room overwhelming and even toxic at times. It seems like a club for those that are already positive rather than a way to help people be positive. For those of us who are struggling this is a bridge to far.

July 1st, 2023

@Gettingbettertoday i like your words: "a way to help people be positive" This is what we aim for! I know the room is not perfect and could get overwhelming, but we have been working hard to make the room positive in the real sense and not in a toxic sense.

AnnaSilverberg June 29th, 2023
🌟 @Fristo 🌟

🎊 Yaaay! 🎊

💕 I will choose a time tomorrow 💕
the fear of being blinded by the white calendar on my screen is real right now 😂
📌 I have bookmarked everything

trueconfidant123 June 29th, 2023


Woohoo! I bet we are all equally excited for the events 7 Cups has in store for us on its 10th birthday. It's like a surprise reveal everyday. Looking forward to the celebrations.


June 29th, 2023

@Fristo I love it. This would be amazing to take part in. Can't wait!

MistyMagic June 29th, 2023

@Fristo Wooot! Wooooot! And a video of you! Lovely to see you!

I have a question, if I want to only host during one of the birthday weeks, or if I want to host a few times during that time, how do I sign up as the sheet seeems to be only days not dates? Probably me being stupid here lol.

(‘. • ᵕ •. `)💗✨ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕(ㅅ´ ˘ `)

Listening - One Step At A Time!

June 29th, 2023

@MistyMagic good question in fact, not at all stupid! you can simply remove your name after the birthday weeks are over, if you wish to discontinue hosting beyond that.

MistyMagic June 29th, 2023

@Fristo Thanks!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

June 30th, 2023

I am so very grateful to @grimsmark8 @yourcaringconfidant @justmiles @OboeGirl132 for signing up so far! Here are some tulips for you:


GrimSox June 30th, 2023

@Fristo aww fristo <3 here are some kitty socks for you


seashell145 June 30th, 2023

So beautiful! Thanks <3

GrimSox June 30th, 2023

@seashell145 seashell ❤️😊 plenty of socks and fluffy stuff at my factory for you

seashell145 June 30th, 2023


Noice! <3

YourCaringConfidant July 3rd, 2023

@Fristo Thank you for being so supportive. ♡ I appreciate you.

CalmRosebud June 30th, 2023

Love this! Following! (Signed up for Mondays and Wednesdays)

purpleSea7109 June 30th, 2023

Happy birthday these are so good.x

purpleSea7109 June 30th, 2023

Thank you for video and it's the best.

Saly33 June 30th, 2023

أنا ممتن للهاتف المحمول والإنترنت ، وعلى هذا الموقع الجميل الذي أجد فيه الإيجابية والدعم ... شكرا لكم👍💐🕊

GoldenNest2727 June 30th, 2023

What a great idea! Thanks for putting this together. I've signed up to host a few spots.

CalmRosebud July 1st, 2023

Translating Saly33's beautiful comment: "I am grateful for the mobile phone and the internet, and for this beautiful website where I find positivity and support... Thank you" Saly33

Saly33 July 1st, 2023
تضمين التغريدة oh my dear👍❤🕊
seashell145 July 1st, 2023


Can I be a host without selecting a slot? Otherwise I could just participate. Because my schedule is a mess and don't know if I could be a host in the time I selected. Thanks.

July 2nd, 2023

@seashell145 You can put your name in the sheet on the spot if the slot is empty.

seashell145 July 2nd, 2023


Oh nice!

CalmRosebud July 3rd, 2023

For Fristo and Friends! Pom Poms!


seashell145 July 4th, 2023


I love them, they're cute.

GoldenNest2727 July 4th, 2023


You'd make a fantastic host, seashell145! I hope you have time to jump in.

seashell145 July 4th, 2023


Thank you for your kind words Nest! I'll try to be present <3