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One From The Journal.....

Wrote this is in September last year, but over-thought and couldn't share with the larger group then, however today I came across this again (I often do), and just had this massive urge to let everyone have this kind reminder.💛

I really hope it's okay to share here. Sending lots of love and strength to everyone!💛

[content advisory]

(Kept questioning where would this fit the best, I hope here is okie❤)

From my heart to hopefully yours.❤

September is observed as Suicide Prevention Month and today (9/10/2023) is observed as World Suicide Prevention Day!

This is one of the most difficult topics for me (and I believe for most people) to even think about, let alone write for, the one thing so so so incredibly misunderstood in our world, unlike anything else.

I believe most of it lies in the fact that conversations around the "S" word are shushed as soon as they are started.

I'm a believer that nobody in their right frame of mind would want to take a step as this one, it's not the answer to your problems they say, it's not the escape you think you need they say, its not necessary they say and maybe "they" (hopefully) are right but how is it supposed to be expected from someone considering to end their life to understand that they shouldn't, when they aren't in the best frame of mind that comprehends what the world might be looking through the lens of right vs wrong!

People who consider probably have a hundred reasons in their mind already, no wonder they are so done with pain they want to just not be here, but is it possible to give them one reason to make them stay?

While I wish we didn't need a specific month or a single specific day to talk about it, because if we truly believe and practice it, every day can be this day, where we "create hope through action"~ the theme for this year!

Now, action might be different for different people, also perceived differently by different people but for me, compassion, kindness, acceptance and love top the list.

To creating hope with compassion, being more accepting of people, providing them a non-judgmental, safe and comfortable space to be themself, to being more kind in everything we say or do and to take initiative in loving people and making them feel loved too. (Yes, those are different things, telling someone you love them and making them feel loved by you~ it's the latter that is more impactful, I feel)

Not feeling my best with words so most of it is just a compilation of scattered reminders for everyone, hope it still makes enough sense though.

The bravest thing you'll ever do is to continue living when you don't see any reason to. The reasons seem bleak at times, the stressors in your life and the thoughts in your mind may tell you a lot of things but the most important thing to remember always, is that, you matter, you're worthy of life and living, your presence makes a difference in the world, you are loved and you are needed here, this world wouldn't ever look the same without you. There might be the same stars in the sky, the same rivers flowing, the same mountains standing tall, the same birds chirping and so on but it still wouldn't be the same without you.

You are not a burden. You're not taking unnecessary space or being a waste of space here or using more oxygen than you deserve.

There's enough space for everyone, there's enough oxygen for everyone~ yourself included.

You've probably committed a lot of mistakes, disappointed a lot of people, been an absolute nuisance too, if you feel like it and even so, you matter and deserve to be here.

It is absolutely okay if the past has stuck onto you too tight and its difficult to let it go, it's okay if you feel scared and worried for future and it most definitely is okay if you aren't able to live in the moment, we can all have our pace and be on our path, your simply just trying to be here is what counts enough.

No matter how much you're made to believe otherwise, you're not a disappointment, you're not a failure, you're not a burden, you're not a waste of space, you're not worthless, you're not~ every X word they use against you!

You might feel like you're alone in your struggles, or perhaps that nobody sees or understands your pain, and while it's valid to feel like nothing makes enough sense for you believe that you aren't alone, it's needed to remind that you aren't.

Throw out a hand and watch people fighting over holding it first for you. Allow them to hold your hand, because no matter how you're made to feel about seeking support from others, you do deserve support.

If you ever come to point where life feels meaningless, reach out, explore, try again and create a new meaning, do it as often because just because you're not able to see it at a given point in time, doesn't mean it's not there.

There is help, there is hope, there is light, there is love and it's all worth fighting for, its all worth staying for.

And because someone else said it better...

"Just 'cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it, isn't there.

If they say

Who cares if one more light goes out?

In the sky of a million stars,

It flickers, flickers

Who cares when someone's time runs out?

If a moment is all we are,

We're quicker, quicker

Who cares if one more light goes out?


I do!"

Rest if you must, hide if you need, but do not quit. You are more than every X thing going wrong in your life currently, every Y thing that happened unfairly, and every Z thing you are worried will happen in future. You are worthy of being a part of this world, whether you currently believe it or not. You matter, whether you see it or not. You are loved, whether you accept it or not. So be here till you believe it and believe in yourself to become it. To become the life you deserve to live and to become the love you deserve to feel. ❤

I'm not here to promise you without knowing that life is going to get magically beautiful for you or that every little pain you feel in your chest is going to poof or that you'll be free from all the darkness always, because that would be a cruel thing to do, to give you a false hope and make promises I'm not certain could be kept also because who is a random persun on the internet to tell you anything riiiightttt? but this random persun is only here to remind you that there will be pain, suffering, stress, heartbreaks, failures and every single thing you can think of that's gonna make you question on life again and that, yes, even so, despite all the pain and suffering and numbness you'll experience, you still matter and deserve to be here, you just need to continue believing in yourself!

Repeat it to yourself as often you need~ "You are worthy of the life in you, every breath you take is a reminder for it, the universe wants you here. Stay. Hope. Live."

"Cling tightly to all things that remind you of love, light, kindness and everything worth living for, in life, you'll need those someday. But most importantly, hold onto yourself, cling tightly to yourself, have your back, for it has *life* written all over it." 

We often need just one sign to continue, just one person to believe in us, just one kind word and just one reminder of the good in the world and the great in us~ if you ever struggle to find it, look for the Sun in the sky and consider it to be your reminder to keep going. And if it's pitch black during the night, and you don't see the sun, remember to hold onto yourself through the night, hanging in there tightly, because the sun will be there in the morning, again, shining for you; shining with you, embracing you in the warmth reminding you of your beating heart in your chest! ❤


LoveMyMoonflowers April 30th


hey sun friend 💛 where do i begin? :') i’m so glad i came across this post 💛 i often check the 'recent' section for forum posts, and i’m so glad i came across and read this one. 🥺 i understand the overthinking lol 💛 but i’m v glad you came across this reminder again and chose to share this with everyone too. 💛 you’re a blessing to this community, and to this world 💛 and reminders like these are huge blessings too. 🥺 …so, thank you. 

i might pop back in here to reread this and maybe share some more thoughts/reflections (if that’s okie) 💛 we’ll see if my brain allows me to do that lmao. 

i also hope it’s okie to tag some people (?) 💛 @mytwistedsoul @justmeeva @HealingTalk @Tinywhisper11 @AvyIsKing 

LoveMyMoonflowers April 30th

@unassumingEyes @iloveyouxx 💛

iloveyouxx April 30th


(💗thankyu for tagging me luvely :0💕💕) I’m happy yu did💖

LoveMyMoonflowers April 30th



LoveMyMoonflowers April 30th

@Optimisticempath @YourCaringConfidant 💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 30th


Aww I am sooooo glad you did, Nii friend.💛 And smh I understand the "where do I begin" part, only I know how manyyyyy times I've almost posted this here and then the over-thinking and some kinda hesitation (not even fully certain what that is about hehe) just interrupted lol 🥲 I meannnnn, it's (almost?!) everything I'd need to hear too, and (almost) everything I'd like to remind everyone else too, so just had to take the plunge with this one. Thank you for understanding hehe.🥺💛

You being the first to respond and oh-so-gently and acceptingly made my day, and made me feel a lot more comfy and settled now with this one. Thankieees to youu, beautiful blessing of a hooman aka Nii!💛

Yussss without a question, friend, you're vvv welcome to come on here as often as you like/need/want to and share anything and everything that you feel like. Always looking forward to your reflections and insight, everything really!💛

And smh yes of courseeeee, more people need to be reminded we care for them, so double, triple, infinite times yes to tagging more lovelieeees.🤗💛


Tinywhisper11 April 30th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 😥😥😥😥

LoveMyMoonflowers April 30th


*hugs if okay* you okie lola beanie? 🥺

Tinywhisper11 April 30th

@LoveMyMoonflowers hugs back ❤

unassumingEyes April 30th

@Tinywhisper11 lots of love to you Tiny 🩷

Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@unassumingEyes ❤❤🙂thanks sweetie ❤

iloveyouxx April 30th



Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@iloveyouxx  ❤❤❤❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 30th


What feelings came up for you, when you read this, if you're comfortable sharing, Lolabeaan?❤

*hugging tight* 

Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou sorry sunny boo, just been struggling a bit mentally with memories and thoughts. Don't worry though ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤


Aw it would've been quite cool to have a turn off switch for worry sometimes, but nah, it doesn't exist for me, not for my friends and love ones atleast, worry exists where care does. So try not to worry too much about worrying me and your other friends here, Lolaabeaniee, it's okie to take your time in processing and coping with the not so great memories and thoughts. 

I know you try your bestesttt and it makes all of us super proud of you, always. Giant tiny hugs back.🤗❤

Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou ok I got it😁 don't worry about worrying things cause worrying about worrying things will make worrying more worrying in the end😎



I love this!🤣❤



@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Tinywhisper11 

Me too 😛😭🤣 

Big hugs for you both 💛💛



Lola beanie can I quote that? What you just wrote about worrying? 😛

Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@LoveMyMoonflowers of course you can claim that as your own quote ❤😁❤



xD Nuuu it’s still your quote 💙 you’ll see what i mean 😛 you’ll get a tag in a moment 💙 





So cutu 🥺💕 


mytwistedsoul April 30th

A permanent solution to temporary problems. I've been at this point more times than I care to admit. It's not an easy decision to make but an even harder decision is the one to keep fighting. It takes courage and bravery and determination to keep fighting

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I'm not one to cry easy but I have to tell you this brought tears to my eyes. So many need to hear this exact thing. (even me)  I wish it wasn't such a taboo subject here and anywhere else. Because talking about it doesn't "give people ideas" chances are the idea is already there but to be able to talk about it openly pulls it into the light and let's people know that they're not alone. And so many people feel like they are alone with these thoughts

Thank you Sun - from the depths of my heart and soul - thank you for sharing this message with everyone here. You genuinely are a blessing to all of us ❤️🍦🍨🍪🍕❤️❤️

@LoveMyMoonflowers Thank you for tagging me 💙💙 You're a blessing to all of us too. Never doubt that

LoveMyMoonflowers April 30th


Big hugs for Soul 💜

mytwistedsoul April 30th

@LoveMyMoonflowers Big BIG hugs back to you 💙💙

Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@mytwistedsoul hugs soul ❤



Fell at a loss for words too hehe. (': ❤

*big hugs* and lots of love back Soul. ❤

You have a beautiful big, loving, kind and caring heart, that is superrrr needed, specially in a world like ours today. So I'm superrrrr glad you're here, with us, sharing this universe, it's a blessing for anyone who has ever met/known you. Meanie brain should take a backseat more often, and let the light enter, more often too. 🤗 ❤

mytwistedsoul June 3rd

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I think it's contagious this loss for words ❤️

🍦 🍪 🍕 🍦🍪🍕🍦🍪🍕😊
I wish brain would take a back seat more often lol It causes nothing but trouble 😅 
Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 18th


Hehe it is for sure.🥺❤

Thank youuu for all the yum goodies, Soul. *shares with you and noms too* (been a few months already so hope they are all fresh still lol😭) 🥰🤗

Aww brain should really take a backseat at times, I agree (': I so hope your brain treats you with more kindness and grace. 

Message for Soul's braincells- "Hey hey, please do not be meanie to our wonderful Soul, they are the light people need when the world is dark and the brightest blessing on the gloomiest day, for many many people. They do it purely because they want to and they want to because they are an exceptionally loving, kind and caring hooman who deserve all the compassion and light they spread around. Soul's braincells, you literally have one job to do~ be kiiiiinddddd to Soul. They deserve it and so do you. *sprinkles love and kindness for ze braincells* 🥰❤" 


honestTurtle581 April 30th

Don't give ho*pe

No ,

Sexually abused done

Daily bullied from 1-10th by students betten up by stones done

Striped naked bully done

Fmily hating done

Thrown to out for not to attend sisters marriage done

Loss of frds done

Manipulated by toxic girlfriend done

Toxic relationship done Ignored by other done

Getting betrayeals from a girlfriend done

She was not leaving until I make a mistake and she blames on me and make a break up done

She used me done

Too much toxic ex girlfriend extended to one year of torcher done

Relations siblings hate done

Oh yeah addicted done

I get go porn and ***

One or two times a day from 7months


am addicted to trying to move on

This is to much

Publicallly scolded by father done

Sexual abused by frds to me

this has became a joke to me now

Ah yes family torchers for to get more marks done

I tried to k*ll myself for this with a knife

At childhood

They used to put a disturbance sounds

Which destroyed my mind done

Sisters manipulation to mom to hate me done

I mean what is left?😂.

This is just a brief

Just help me get rid of porn and mastrubation addiction

Later I'll find to go out somewhere and never return to family to get hurt more

I am done being punching bag.

They hurted made sure that I'll be absent at one sister marriage

Because of that they manipulated mom

For revenge

We'll its about them who should have spoke atlest a word about to me

Instead they treated me like a stranger

Now there is one more sister left

Let her marriage also proceed let them

Throw me again.😂

Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@honestTurtle581 😥 I think someone needs a giant tiny hug ❤ squeezes you tightly ❤❤ we are here for you

honestTurtle581 May 1st


Just a second time depression.

Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@honestTurtle581 depression sucks😞 but remember if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off ❤

honestTurtle581 May 1st

Its always been those tv sounds they distracts

I don't know you can understand or not it's terrible I hate it its a truma I don't want to listen to tv musics and mobile phone sounds it destroys my mind I am alredy destroyed from year form my parents

I keep on telling them lower their tv sounds instead they bully me

Making jokes on me.

But from years they are testing my patience

We'll from starting childhood was bad being betten daily with stones

I should have not been alive

After all these


Its just i am daily going to mental state

And I am not comfortable sharing anything to those

They were the reason

They don't listen evn *** i say


If I elobrted those each and everything it's tools me. To h*ll

I don't care about anyone now I needed to publish and complete my works that's it

We'll one thing was I also made. Mistakes it's not I am God Because of their irritations sometimes I broke the mobile phones my phone then only people listens to me for what for 5min then again they blame on me

And then somehow I get a phone

Its been 3phones i destroyed

They wont listen untill ager and then blame on us

Just a tiny hopes

But I am useless now

I have been in depression now whenever I want to get up they depress me it s like no they telling "keep stay in depression" from year 😠.

Honestly why do people gets child if they can't take care.

Tinywhisper11 May 2nd

@honestTurtle581 I hear you, some people should not be allowed to have children😞 it's heartbreak to hear all the bad things that have happened to you, and how much your suffering still😥 I understand though, I too know the pains and hurt you've been through. Hang on to those tiny hopes ok? Cause no matter what happened you can't keep a good wo/man down! We can beat those demons, break the chains ❤❤ just hold on to the thought 'there's something magical waiting for you, just around the corner ❤ gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

unassumingEyes April 30th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for posting this friend 🩷 im so proud of everyone here for still being here 🤍 the bravest act is going on ❤️ i cant ask anyone here to stay in a world that keeps hurting them because maybe its not fair for me to. But i do ask everyone to rethink. Reevaluate. Imagine someone else in your situation. Imagine them maybe as "smarter" and "stronger" than you think you are and see what they would do.

And if this still doesnt change the thought to leave, then know we are always here to listen, or just to be with you. And we wont forget you- ever 🤍

You are here because you are meant to be. Because you matter. Because you are needed.

I hope someday we can all accept that truth 🩷

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP April 30th


Awwww I love how gentle, compassionate and validating this sounds, Eyes. (Can I also add "realistic"? like very very realistic, honest and practical)💗

You have a beautiful, kind, loving heart. People are blessed to have you in their life. I hope you have a *you* like friend in your life too.💗

unassumingEyes April 30th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I have amazing friends, thats one thing for sure. One of them is you 🩷✨️