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One From The Journal.....

Wrote this is in September last year, but over-thought and couldn't share with the larger group then, however today I came across this again (I often do), and just had this massive urge to let everyone have this kind reminder.💛

I really hope it's okay to share here. Sending lots of love and strength to everyone!💛

[content advisory]

(Kept questioning where would this fit the best, I hope here is okie❤)

From my heart to hopefully yours.❤

September is observed as Suicide Prevention Month and today (9/10/2023) is observed as World Suicide Prevention Day!

This is one of the most difficult topics for me (and I believe for most people) to even think about, let alone write for, the one thing so so so incredibly misunderstood in our world, unlike anything else.

I believe most of it lies in the fact that conversations around the "S" word are shushed as soon as they are started.

I'm a believer that nobody in their right frame of mind would want to take a step as this one, it's not the answer to your problems they say, it's not the escape you think you need they say, its not necessary they say and maybe "they" (hopefully) are right but how is it supposed to be expected from someone considering to end their life to understand that they shouldn't, when they aren't in the best frame of mind that comprehends what the world might be looking through the lens of right vs wrong!

People who consider probably have a hundred reasons in their mind already, no wonder they are so done with pain they want to just not be here, but is it possible to give them one reason to make them stay?

While I wish we didn't need a specific month or a single specific day to talk about it, because if we truly believe and practice it, every day can be this day, where we "create hope through action"~ the theme for this year!

Now, action might be different for different people, also perceived differently by different people but for me, compassion, kindness, acceptance and love top the list.

To creating hope with compassion, being more accepting of people, providing them a non-judgmental, safe and comfortable space to be themself, to being more kind in everything we say or do and to take initiative in loving people and making them feel loved too. (Yes, those are different things, telling someone you love them and making them feel loved by you~ it's the latter that is more impactful, I feel)

Not feeling my best with words so most of it is just a compilation of scattered reminders for everyone, hope it still makes enough sense though.

The bravest thing you'll ever do is to continue living when you don't see any reason to. The reasons seem bleak at times, the stressors in your life and the thoughts in your mind may tell you a lot of things but the most important thing to remember always, is that, you matter, you're worthy of life and living, your presence makes a difference in the world, you are loved and you are needed here, this world wouldn't ever look the same without you. There might be the same stars in the sky, the same rivers flowing, the same mountains standing tall, the same birds chirping and so on but it still wouldn't be the same without you.

You are not a burden. You're not taking unnecessary space or being a waste of space here or using more oxygen than you deserve.

There's enough space for everyone, there's enough oxygen for everyone~ yourself included.

You've probably committed a lot of mistakes, disappointed a lot of people, been an absolute nuisance too, if you feel like it and even so, you matter and deserve to be here.

It is absolutely okay if the past has stuck onto you too tight and its difficult to let it go, it's okay if you feel scared and worried for future and it most definitely is okay if you aren't able to live in the moment, we can all have our pace and be on our path, your simply just trying to be here is what counts enough.

No matter how much you're made to believe otherwise, you're not a disappointment, you're not a failure, you're not a burden, you're not a waste of space, you're not worthless, you're not~ every X word they use against you!

You might feel like you're alone in your struggles, or perhaps that nobody sees or understands your pain, and while it's valid to feel like nothing makes enough sense for you believe that you aren't alone, it's needed to remind that you aren't.

Throw out a hand and watch people fighting over holding it first for you. Allow them to hold your hand, because no matter how you're made to feel about seeking support from others, you do deserve support.

If you ever come to point where life feels meaningless, reach out, explore, try again and create a new meaning, do it as often because just because you're not able to see it at a given point in time, doesn't mean it's not there.

There is help, there is hope, there is light, there is love and it's all worth fighting for, its all worth staying for.

And because someone else said it better...

"Just 'cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it, isn't there.

If they say

Who cares if one more light goes out?

In the sky of a million stars,

It flickers, flickers

Who cares when someone's time runs out?

If a moment is all we are,

We're quicker, quicker

Who cares if one more light goes out?


I do!"

Rest if you must, hide if you need, but do not quit. You are more than every X thing going wrong in your life currently, every Y thing that happened unfairly, and every Z thing you are worried will happen in future. You are worthy of being a part of this world, whether you currently believe it or not. You matter, whether you see it or not. You are loved, whether you accept it or not. So be here till you believe it and believe in yourself to become it. To become the life you deserve to live and to become the love you deserve to feel. ❤

I'm not here to promise you without knowing that life is going to get magically beautiful for you or that every little pain you feel in your chest is going to poof or that you'll be free from all the darkness always, because that would be a cruel thing to do, to give you a false hope and make promises I'm not certain could be kept also because who is a random persun on the internet to tell you anything riiiightttt? but this random persun is only here to remind you that there will be pain, suffering, stress, heartbreaks, failures and every single thing you can think of that's gonna make you question on life again and that, yes, even so, despite all the pain and suffering and numbness you'll experience, you still matter and deserve to be here, you just need to continue believing in yourself!

Repeat it to yourself as often you need~ "You are worthy of the life in you, every breath you take is a reminder for it, the universe wants you here. Stay. Hope. Live."

"Cling tightly to all things that remind you of love, light, kindness and everything worth living for, in life, you'll need those someday. But most importantly, hold onto yourself, cling tightly to yourself, have your back, for it has *life* written all over it." 

We often need just one sign to continue, just one person to believe in us, just one kind word and just one reminder of the good in the world and the great in us~ if you ever struggle to find it, look for the Sun in the sky and consider it to be your reminder to keep going. And if it's pitch black during the night, and you don't see the sun, remember to hold onto yourself through the night, hanging in there tightly, because the sun will be there in the morning, again, shining for you; shining with you, embracing you in the warmth reminding you of your beating heart in your chest! ❤




Awwww I am soo honored, thank youuu, lovely!🥺💗

Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@unassumingEyes ❤❤ 🙂 you know your a very special person ❤❤ I love you ❤

unassumingEyes May 1st

@Tinywhisper11 thank u ❤️ love u too 💕

OneErased May 1st
Thanks for posting this, there was a lot here that I needed to hear these days. I hate the fact it's stuff you're not really allowed to talk about here cause having attempted multiple times in my life and being in that sort of a headspace these days, I know talking about it can help a lot. Just being heard in the midst of those thoughts means more than anything else. Not everyone can access crisis lines either. It's an important post and I'm glad you had the courage to post it here for others to read, I'm sure it will help a lot of ppl at least a little bit. It did me at least. 
Tinywhisper11 May 1st

@OneErased ❤❤ bless you ❤ hugs you tightly ❤


Hey hey One, it's great to see you and I'm so happy you found this post and found it helpful.

It can certainly help a lot having a safe space to talk about things, the not so safe-thoughts too, just knowing someone cares and understands or is willing to keep us company while we try navigating the inner world chaos. 

Super valid to hate the limiting aspects specially when it comes to feelings and thoughts. I do hope and pray there's more accessibility with crisis lines/ people with relevant training and the heart that cares, some kinda official training adds a little extra layer of assurance. I feel, not everyone may have the "right" things to say, especially goibg through a sensitive time and we better be safe than sorry. :( 

Also can I just honestly say that this made me cry🥹 ~"at least a little bit. It did me at least."~ a little too means a lot to me, I know it's tough having these thoughts and during such times, even little feels like a lot. So truly, so so so grateful to the forum algorithm that you were able to find this post and could receive some reminders you needed to hear. Sending lots of love and strength your way. 💛

TellMeThen May 1st

This is so empowering and motivating!!!!


So glad you feel so too. Appreciate you taking the time to read.

BonsaiPeace May 1st


Thank you, SISASAY, for posting this. I didn't realize how much I needed to hear your affirmations. My "downs" have been pretty deep lately; usually I can reframe my way out of them, but sometimes it seems almost impossible. Your posting really lifted me up. Thank you. Peace and love to you.



Hiya Bonsai, I am glad you came across this post at a time you needed some reminders and affirmations, to help you hold on stronger when the downs are getting deeper for you. 

I really hope things get better for you, in every sphere of life, and you continue to believe in yourself.

It made my day to hear this uplifted you. Feel free to read it as often you like/ need, I know sometimes our brain can just use a little extra reminding and caring. Much love and peace your way as well.

VictoriaLove7 May 2nd


It is a very thoughtful ୧⍤⃝💐 writing, Sunshine! 🌞❤🥺❤

me remember your previous post in September ღ(´͈ ᵕ `͈ ღ)❤

Thank you for your encouragement to us! 🥺❤🤗❤ Me saves this quote: ٩( ᐖ )۶❤

"cling tightly to all things that remind you of love, light, kindness and everything worth living for, in life, you'll need those someday. But most importantly, hold onto yourself, cling tightly to yourself, have your back, for it has *life* written all over it." 

 ୧( ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ )୨❤


Hehe yay for remembering and I'm happy you found that quote save-worthy, it is an original lol. Thanks so much.❤

VictoriaLove7 May 2nd


It is beautiful & vvv save worthy, Sunshine! 🌞❤⊂(ᵔ◡ᵔ⊂)❤

me have saved the quote, the very first time me saw it in October 2023 in your profile ©️ 2023 by Sunshine 🌞❤୧⍢⃝୨❤




CoolMeCool May 2nd


It is important to reflect on this topic. Thank you for this reminder!


Glad you think so too. You're so welcome.

Blueberry9204 May 3rd

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for sharing!




Sunny sun sun 🌞 thank you for posting your beautiful thoughts. You’re loved. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Best Pattt🥹❤ I am humbled, thank youuuu deeply. Lots of love to youu!🤗❤

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou i am so glad i came across this post right now. i think i needed it. i might be a bit late seeing this, but i'm glad i saw it now. awesome timing, sun. thanks for this post. i totally get why you had been hesitant to post this, but i'm so glad to posted it!

i have to say, this is extremely well written and sounds very very convincing. i liked how nicely you talk about something not many people really talk about. love how you mention "conversations around the "S" word are shushed as soon as they are started", very true indeed, here on cups too, to be honest. also, i love how you mention that telling someone you love them and making them feel loved are two different things. and love how you mention promises and false hope, because hey, false hope is not nice. i've never heard someone talk about all these things before and i feel good hearing someone mention these things. and of course, thank you so much for the reminders. 

and obviously, as with your nice little post some time ago, i'm gonna save this too for whenever i think i should read it again. thank you so much for this post and all the effort it has taken you. ❤️



Aww never too late hehe, Berrry, just put it out there, and hopefully more people do get to read it/ feel it/believe in it. And many many thanks for understanding.💗

Goodness, you're too thoughtful for highlighting the many specific phrases that stood-out for you the most and for taking the time to read/feel/embrace the entire thing. 

I feel 'words' can only impact as much as the reader/listener is wanting to grasp something out of it. And of course, repetitions are so important.

Almost like we've heard the same thing "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday" make a whole week, and now it's so etched in our brain, that we hold it true, as a fact, and it would definitely take more than a tsunami of something different to make us doubt if Tuesday indeed comes after Monday, got a bit carried away here lol but the point being, the more of what we water/ nurture, it grows. Thoughts are like seeds in our brain. 

I'm super humbled to hear you found this helpful and worth saving too.🥺 So yes please, read it as often as you need and do remember you're a valid existence, very very very welcome, needed and significant in this otherwise veryyy vast universe too.💗

Sending lots of love and hugs your way.🤗💗

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou yep, i really really do hope more people get to read this, it's an amazing post. i just read it again now hehe. long read, but worth it. "I feel 'words' can only impact as much as the reader/listener is wanting to grasp something out of it. And of course, repetitions are so important." very true, sun.

i like how you compare these thoughts to the very fixed fact of days of a week. we surely don't question those things. but then these are basic facts that we know and this are universally accepted(?) when if comes to weather or not we deserve to be here and stuff like that, it's not that simple. i know a lot of people who believe that people who are thinking of suicide should just be allowed to go, because this world is overpopulated. the number of people i've heard saying this is quite shocking, and makes me question everything of life, to be honest.

the other day i had my father talk about how the world is overpopulated and how that's the reason why we're having so me other day i had my father talk about how the world is overpopulated and how that's the reason why we're having so many natural disasters and stuff happening, to balance out the population, and how god now wants to reduce the number of people on earth and stuff. and it honestly makes it so much harder to keep going, because if what my father said is the case, why dont i help god by getting rid of myself from earth?

just trying to remind myself that my father didnt mean it like this and that he doesnt really want me to go. reading posts like this makes it easier. i guess i need to read this more often. thanks again for this post. you're an mazing person, sun. *sending loads of love and hugs to you too* 💙

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 3rd


Omigosh, how did I miss replying to this :/ my apologies, Berry.💛

It's been a while, but I wanted to reply still, so hope it's okay.

Long read, yes hehe, I'm glad you find it worth it though, along with some agreeable quotables.

Totally agree, it's not that simple.

 I- am shook with this! Kinda speechless because, eh, if I was being my absolute direct-self here, I'd say "huh??!! Nooo!!" to anyone thinking like that. (': But I know there's all kinds of thoughts that float around, so I guess, our best way around could be to just nurture the thoughts that are benefitting to us (while not being harmful for others, of course) and let go of the ill-fitting one's that bring us distress. Hard to do, but worth something, I feel. 

Yes, the world might be getting overpopulated and it might be a supporting cause of the disastrous calamities, but nuuuu, this is no way to help God. 

Yes, please, lovely, I hope that he didn't mean it like that either. You're a precious life, you are here for all the right reasons, there's more to explore and experience in life, and all you've got to do is trust, believe and keep holding onto that faith in the Universe having your back. Again, easy to say, hard to do, but we wouldn't know without trying and giving life and living our best chance.💛

I'm soooooooo *heart happy* to know this helped in someway. It means more to me, than I could ever properly express, so yes please, you can read it as often and of course, I'm a tag away, so you need another reminder or a hug or just someone to share a comforting silence with.💛

Sending more love and more hugs your way. Be good to my berry awesome Berry friend okie. 🤗

exuberantBlackberry9105 September 4th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou oh, please dont apologise. you replied almost at the perfect timing so i decided to go back and read the post when i was feeling the absolute horrible and it makes me feel so much better. i need to read this more, i'm definitely not reading this enough. honestly, thanks for replying and reminding me of this.

well yeah, many people do think that way and as much as i may want to let go of ever hearing those opinions, they're stuck in my mind. i'm sure it'd be worth a lot of i could do it, but it's so hard. i just try not to think about it too much and try not to recall hearing those things. but when my mind gets crazy those opinions start echoing there again, if you know what i mean. haha, no way to help god. i guess you're right. i don't think we're supposed to help god somehow, but yeah.

aww thank you for being so sweet and thanks for your kind words and encouragement. you just made me smile. your post is definitely helpful. i need to remind myself to come back here to read it again hehe. thanks for the love and hugs. *sending you back a truckload of love and hugs* thank you for all you do. 💛💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP September 15th


Oh nuu, those horrible feelings can really be so daunting, I'm really glad the tag came at a good time and yes please, do read it more often for the vvv needed and important reminders for Berry's brain cells to be a little more kinderrrr to Berry.🥺💛

I understand how certain things stick to our mind and it can be quite difficult shaking those thoughts off.

Oof yes, I know what you mean, how our brain purposely makes use of the times we are already down in the dumps to start echoing more of these thoughts and experiences, like "hellooooo brain, whose side are you on bruh?!🙂😭". Yep yep, been there xD xD sometimes still there xD playing tug-of-war with brain haha!

Yusss, we can instead maybe show our gratitude to God/ Universe/ The higher aboves that we believe in, for the life they've provided us with by trying to do as much we can living it here. It's not perfect in any way, but maybe it wasn't meant to be perfect. :0 💛 It's a start somewhere trying to shift the narratives, and grow in our mind what we want to, rather than our mind controlling what it grows and believes in. 

Aye now this made me smile so much too, thankieees, deariee, you deserve all the smiles and sweet reminders.💛

exuberantBlackberry9105 September 17th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou sunnn how do you always know the exact perfect thing to say? i agree with every word you just said and the way you said it just made me smile. reading anything you say always brightens up my day. thank you so very much, sun!

"the vvv needed and important reminders for Berry's brain cells to be a little more kinderrrr to Berry." "makes use of the times we are already down in the dumps to start echoing more of these thoughts and experiences" "playing tug-of-war with brain haha!" you are just so right. "It's not perfect in any way, but maybe it wasn't meant to be perfect." lol.

i'm wishing you luck with the tug-of-war with brain. i hope the good side wins because you are really an amazing person and don't deserve anything bad your brain or anyone else ever tells you.

aww this is so sweet. that made you smile? i'm glad it did hehe. thank *you* for saying just the sweetest, perfectest things and making me feel better. and for the wonderful reminders of course. i can't thank you enough. 💛💛

Blueberry9204 May 6th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for sharing


@Blueberry9204 💛💛

softNutella2199 May 8th


Hey @softNutella2199 nice to meet you!

I'd love to reply to you, so could you please translate your message in English language?😊

tearstruck May 23rd

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 💛

@iloveyouxx Heyy Nadia, I know you've already been tagged on here, just tagging you again just in case the reminder could possibly help you feel a tiny bit better 🩷🩷 please be safe, take care <3 you've been fighting so much so far, don't give up 💖 If I can do anything for you let me know 🩷🩷 sending lots of love and hugs 💕💕💕🤗🐾💗💗💗


@tearstruck you're such a lovely person. 💛

Idk even reading this make me remind of him, he was the one who brought me from darkness to light, the world was beautiful, life got meaningful with him. I just don't know how to overcome him, I'm tired of crying every night. I'm so tired, I can't do this anymore



Sending lots of love and strength your way.💛

WriteToHeal42 June 18th


Thank you for sharing this and pouring out your heart, Sunny ☀ ❤️

"If the world has people like you in it, then I like the world a little bit more

If the world has people like you in it, then I have more hope for the world"

The reason I thought about dying was because I was in so much pain and I did not feel loved. Some reasons I'm glad to be alive now is because I get to cross paths with people like you, and I feel loved now.



More like "Write To Make People Cry Happy Tears?" mhm? :P 🥹🫶

Hehe it's soooo good to see you, lovely, been like? forever?😮

I truly pray, wish and hope that you continue to find endless reasons to keep going in life. May you also continue to fuel your inner resources to create your own reasons to keep up and keep on going.🌻

And hope that if and when the skies are really really dark and the sunshine seems nowhere to be found, you can take a peek inside and embrace your shiny light from within, brighter than the sun!🌞❤

Skatcat74 June 19th


Thanks for the encouragement. 




honestSpring4027 June 19th
