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Make Your Own Self-Care Kit!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 14th, 2023

Hey hey lovely people coming across, I hope you're doing well today. šŸ’›

Inviting everyone to partake in a fun activity where we make our self-care kit, based on the different kinds of self-care there is.


Let's add one activity/ item for each of them, in our kit. šŸ’›

Physical self-care:

Mental self-care:

Emotional self-care:

Spiritual self-care:

Intellectual self-care:

Environment self-care:

Social self-care:

Financial self-care:

You are also welcome to add one bonus item/ activity of your choice to this kit.

Super excited to see what your self-care kit looks like. Feel welcome to tag your peers encouraging them to engage in some self-care also! šŸ’›

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP November 24th, 2023


Hey hey Imppp, nice to see you and woah, that's such an awesome self-care kit, I love how you've really put so much thought and attention into creating this and sincerely hope it helps as a reminder to practice self-care as often as you can!Ā 

Super understandable to feel the lack of energy and motivation sometimes, lots on your plate and to juggle so much isn't easy at all. Yes definitely, I think 7 cups can be counted lol, lots of virtual socializing happening here and woo, I love being in nature too, it's certainly quite therapeutic!šŸ„°

I'm soooo proud of you for doing the best you can to provide for yourself and your kid, while you navigate the challenges life throws at you, plus trying to do what you can for self care and me-time is incredibly commendable as well. You're a super-hooman! Keep at it!ā¤

InternalAcceptance November 24th, 2023


This is a great activity

Physical self-care:Ā  Work on sleeping consistently

MentalĀ self-care:Ā  Continue my work in therapy

EmotionalĀ self-care:Ā  Start journaling again

SpiritualĀ self-care:Ā  Do yoga daily

IntellectualĀ self-care:Ā  Pick up reading again

EnvironmentĀ self-care:Ā  Clean my apartment, establish a safe area

SocialĀ self-care:Ā  Spend more quality time with close friends

FinancialĀ self-care:Ā  Work more hours to become more financially stable

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP December 9th, 2023


Thanks so much, IA. I admire how specific your self care kit is, and I see a couple of things/ activities to "get back into" mentioned, it is so relatable for me, as I feel with just life and usual struggles we lose track of certain things that bring us comfort and joy, and slowly distance from them (unintentionally even). I'm glad you mentioned some of these here and so hope you can get back to these again! Wishing you the best always!ā¤

MindDweller November 24th, 2023

Physical self-care: Soft blankets and spice tea

MentalĀ self-care: Youtube Relaxation Videos

EmotionalĀ self-care: Playing and talking to my dog

SpiritualĀ self-care: Daily Devotionals and Prayer

IntellectualĀ self-care: Taking online courses on different topics

EnvironmentĀ self-care: Soft light

SocialĀ self-care: Going for nice rides with my hubby and dog and to parks

FinancialĀ self-care: Keep being frugal but treat myself sometimes

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP December 9th, 2023


Soft blankets are such a vibe hehe, love them too and woah, your self care kit is so full of warm fuzzieeesss, love it, specially the balancing act between spending mindfully and also taking out moments to pamper yourself, yessss you deserve all the treats. Happy self-caring!

Also, are there any particular topics you'd like to explore while taking up online courses? I love how there's multiple options available these days, so much to choose from!šŸ˜„

MindDweller December 10th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I take mostly Psychology related courses. However, I decided to learn bookkeeping and found some free courses for that. Normally, I would not choose to learn bookkeeping but I am trying to challenge myself and see if I am do it.Ā 

Thank you for all that you do and how you reply to all, you're appreciated.Ā šŸ’—

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP December 11th, 2023


Ooh yesss, psychology courses are pretty interesting and have lots to learn from, for personal growth and knowledge as well, even if one isn't applying it professionally/ for a career per se. šŸ˜ƒ

Bookkeeping courses might be a little challenging, if it's a new-ish stream for you, but it's so admirable how you want to challenge yourself. I guess sometimes, the best way to see if something works for us is to actually try it hehe, so I'm wishing you the best, at the end of the day, you'll be so proud of yourself for trying atleast, who even knows, you might end up enjoying it more!

And thank youu for your kind words, always makes my day to see people as observant, acknowledging, appreciative and thoughtful as yourself. šŸ’–

theboymoana November 25th, 2023


sun friend I like your Christmas winter pfp that happy and cute !my brother say will make me winter one am waitingĀ 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP December 9th, 2023


Hey hey Nahoa friend, so happy to see you. Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it hehe and yay cannot wait to see your new profile picture also.šŸ’›

Mari2423 December 10th, 2023


Sunisshiningandsoareyou OP March 23rd

Hiya @Mari2423 would you like to share your self-care kit?šŸ˜ƒ