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I fantasize about killing people (would never act upon it thought!) Warning: Graphic details!

Soulcry December 11th, 2015

I think this is the right forum. If you can't handle reading about blood and gore and such, please don't read this!

As stated above, I often daydream about sick things, such as severely injuring someone, and drinking their blood. I just enjoy the feeling of power and cruelty I get from it. Now, I wouldn't do it for real, because I can't even squish a spider without feeling bad for it, and I hate spiders. I also can't see blood without almost fainting, so there is no need to worry about that.

I just feel like if I could enter another world and be an anonymous human, I would do all this things, and I just feel such an rush thinking about it.

I just needed to share this, because I don't think the people in my circles would be able to hear this without freaking out or something.

I edited one detail due to the graphic nature of the description. The post's intent remains in tact and I believe that this is a discussion worth having. If there are concerns you may PM me. - AdVictoriam

Soulcry OP December 11th, 2015


It's comforting to hear that I'm not alone about this. I think I feel this way because I want it to be my turn to hurt. I've been through a lot, but due to my kindhearted nature I haven't once lashed out. I think that is why I daydream about torturing people. I just crave the feeling of causing fear and pain to people. I just want to let go of all restrictions sometimes, and do crazy things, because enough is enough you know? I'm just toying with the feeling of loosing control over myself, because I love the adrenaline that comes with it.

SilentSerenityy December 11th, 2015

It doesn't sound healthy to be thinking like that so often, though I'm glad to know you wouldn't actually do those things! Sometimes we wish someone would die or that we could end someone's lives but it's periodic and not in the detail you describe. It could be a way of you getting your frustrations out in your mind, to re-enact the most insane thing imaginable, where you can let lose on someone who may have hurt you.

Do you think about doing it to certain people or just random people? Do you enjoy horror movies and gore in general in that sense?

deaththekid8 December 12th, 2015

i do that too, more in a 'if i wanted to, i could kill them' kind of way, though.

Soulcry OP December 12th, 2015

I think I already know the reason why I think these things. It's because I have no other way of getting all my feelings of anger and hurt out. I've been through a lot, but because I'm one of those people who couldn't hurt anyone even thought they've done you wrong, I've kept it all inside. I just feel relief when I imagine these things, I just need it to by turn to hurt and control.

I don't imagine this about people that have done me wrong thought, it's just anyone who is close by when I feel like imagining. It could be a teacher walking by, or a child at the bus stop. Anyone.

navyNorth5984 December 21st, 2015

@Soulcry These violent thoughts are daydreams. You've said it yourself , they repel you. These are not plans , anymore than any daydream is a plan. Since they are your daydreams try thinking them through and change the endings . Be a little bit bold, these are YOUR dreams... so end them by sticking some ones head back on and have them thank you for curing a migraine ? ... If you take control of the thoughts you may find they fade and become less distressing . These are in YOUR head , nobody else controls them , so show them who's boss .

Descartes1902 April 4th, 2017

I actually have a very similar problem. I don't tell anyone because I'd probably be called a psychopath. I know I'm not. I fantasize about killing people in diff interesting ways, but I know I won't actually act upon them. I used to think about harming myself etc but it just suddenly changed.It's just lately I'm starting to have this thing where I really want to see dead bodies. I've always wanted to be a forensic pathologist but my parents wouldn't allow it. I had several reasons because I'm interested in crime solving, deduction and justice, but now I feel like I get high by reading crime and seeing stuff like that. Do any of you watch Hannibal in NBC? I watched that and I really loved it, all the blood and gore and now I fantasize more about killing people in those ways and eating them. I think killing would feel powerful in a sense, even though its most certainly wrong. Killing someone would be really easy and getting away would be easy if you have a good knowledge of forensic techniques. Does anyone else experience this?

AdVictoriam December 12th, 2015

This is a lot more prevalent than people think.

It's not necessarily acting on the urge, but fantasizing about is coping with strong feelings of helplessness or powerlessness.

Being mindful of the feeling behind your fantasy can help you deal with them. What feelings do you have prior to fantasizing about killing? Is it fear, anger, sadness, joy, etc? Once you uncover the core emotion, you can become more aware of how the fantasizing is being used as a coping mechanism.

PsychCentral has an article here

I'm here should you have any questions :)

1stladyMC May 9th, 2017

I'm just curious....if someone was a psycopath would they would be able to admit they are to begin with?