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Weekly Prompt #36: Can you list five things you love about yourself?

ASilentObserver April 18th

Hello all! 

Last week we discussed: What healthy coping mechanisms do you use to manage difficult emotions? If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts. 

This week's prompt-  Can you list five things you love about yourself? 

We often find it easier to criticize ourselves rather than celebrate our strengths. But it is okay to practice self-love and acknowledge the positive qualities that make us unique individuals. So, let's reflect and list five things we love about ourselves.

Join us in the 24/7 General Support Group Chat to share and support each other.

ASilentObserver OP April 25th

@TheSilkieChicken that is nice. You should definitely acknowledge them more often.

calmMango9611 June 14th

@TheSilkieChicken I am so glad your helpful.


@ASilentObserver yet again a great prompt!

Can you list five things you love about yourself? 

  1. My tenacity
  2. My perseverance
  3. My compassion
  4. My empathy
  5. My heart for others

ASilentObserver OP April 29th

@reservedTangerine9348 I am glad you have such great qualities. What do these traits mean to you?


To me these traits mean that I'm a kind person and I never give up on people or difficult tasks.

calmMango9611 June 14th

@reservedTangerine9348 All good qualities.

JasperTheGreat April 25th


My art skills, My music type, my eyes, my fashion style, my personality 

ASilentObserver OP April 29th

@JasperTheGreat It sounds like you have a lot of things that you are grateful for! What do you enjoy most about your art skills?

JasperTheGreat May 2nd


The way I can draw an array of cartoons and anime to realistic things

AmAListenerBehere4U April 26th


I love my smiles, offer to myself and other people.

I love my body, which I intentionally keep it in fit both physically and mentally.

I love my voice, which makes other people feel comfortable and ease.

I love my hands, which is skilled enough to do cooking, gardening

I love my passion in psychology, which I am focusing on to study and practice.

ASilentObserver OP April 29th

@AmAListenerBehere4U I am glad you have a lot of things that bring you joy and positivity into your life. Your kindness and compassion towards others are also admirable. What are some ways you cultivate self-love and acceptance?

calmMango9611 June 15th

@AmAListenerBehere4U I am so glad you have a passion for psychology. I have a passion for psychology and for supporting others.

unicornbarb April 26th

@ASilentObserver  Wow this is a hard question. I tend to be really hard on myself and not think about these things

1.  like my curly hair

2. I have a good relationship with all of my kids ,  

3.  I am an empath

4.  I still get enthhusiatic about little things.  

5. I'm very young at heart

ASilentObserver OP April 29th

@unicornbarb It sounds like you have a lot of great qualities. What makes you feel proud of yourself?

calmMango9611 June 15th

@unicornbarb I am so glad you have a good relationship, with your kids.

YardWitch April 29th

1)  My humour.  I am the funniest woman I know and I don't care if it doesn't sound humble.  Some people are the most beautiful.  Some are the smartest.  I'm the funniest.  I can almost always get a laugh.

2)  I look good for 40.  It has been a long hard road accepting I'm actually attractive.  I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world, but being able to see myself clearly now, I'm good-looking.  I look forward to aging and being a good-looking older woman who takes care of herself.  I don't need to be 20.  I don't need to have a certain body type.  

3)  I really will go the extra mile for people I love.  I am kind of like Santa Claus in that I always have something.  Someone at work commented I know everyone and that everyone loves me.  Well, I love them.  My son and s/o?  They know I love them so much that they own me, and they love me enough that they don't take too much advantage of that.  Boy, do I love them.

4)  My sense of adventure.  I will jump headfirst into a crazy adventure.  I've had some crazy times and lived a pretty full life.

5) My son.  I made him, and he is my favorite part of me.  Sometimes he disappoints me, and it is an opportunity to love him, do better, and forgive my own failings.  I am so lucky he's my son.

ASilentObserver OP May 2nd

@YardWitch Those are great list Yard. I am glad you appreciate yourself. What about your friends? Do you feel grateful for them?

YardWitch May 2nd


My friends make the joke a lot, "I don't have friends!  I have associates!" because we are all colleagues.  They're wonderful, so of course!

calmMango9611 June 15th

@YardWitch I am so glad you have a good sense of humor.

JollyRacher April 29th


5 things I love about myself, let's see. 

1. I love how passionate I am about writing. It's very rejuvenating, having something that gives you so much joy. 

2. I love how discipline I can be. While it's hard for me to be discipline, but when I finally make it habit it actually amazes me just how strong and determined I can be. 

3. I like the way I think, not all the time because my mind will go places it doesn't need to be. However, I do love my creativity and different perspectives when I think. The way my mind solves things and my thought process. 

4. I love how loyal, compassionate, and understanding I can be. Loyalty is something I take seriously and cherish from others. Understanding in a wholistic sense, that includes boundaries, and sensitivities, and fears. I know what it's like to have someone who is disloyal and completely disrespects boundaries so I'm happy I don't do that as well. Sometimes, we carry our pain and problems on others, knowingly or unknowingly even. Whenever my mom would cook she would make us plates and if we wanted more she'd get mad at us for wanting seconds. Yell at us saying our dad had to eat or we should be grateful. So, when my sister would ask for seconds I'd yell at her, saying how selfish she was for asking for more food and she started crying. I was just really upset with myself, because I was just projecting my anger onto her. Which she didn't deserve. Saying no is one thing, but I was yelling and saying some nasty things so I'm happy I can catch myself and hopefully stop that cycle from continuing. 

5. That I don't really have an attachment to money. Obviously, you need money to survive but outside of survival I don't crave it as much as some people I've met seem to. I don't mind giving my money away to help, I enjoy doing it. If I had a lot of money, I'd probably give a lot of it away. Make others happy is enough for me. Like money's a good side effect, but it's never my goal. If I write stories, I write to make myself and hopefully others happy if I make money while doing it that's great. 

ASilentObserver OP May 2nd

@JollyRacher These are wonderful qualities to have, Jolly . You have a lot to offer yourself and others.

lovingHuman5959 April 29th


ASilentObserver OP May 2nd

@lovingHuman5959 It can be really difficult to feel gratitude when things are tough. What would it take for you to feel grateful? Please share with us and know you are not alone in this. 

exuberantTalker9747 April 30th

I love my hairstyle.

I love how dedicated I am to be better person.

I love how I bounce back always.

I love how I always wants to be good to others no matter what.

I love how deep my thinking is.

ASilentObserver OP May 2nd

@exuberantTalker9747 I am glad you have a lot of things that you love about yourself. Is there anything else that you would like to share about yourself?

tealBear2472 May 1st

I like 5 things about myself

1. My organization. I put all errands, work related stuff, and fun activities in my Google Calendar. It pays to be organized so I can complete my events.

2. My willingness to be prepared for stuff like tests and jobs.

3. I like that I'm working on being social and to not be afraid of people's opinion of me.

4. I like, well, learning to like the part of myself that I show at work in front of the students is super different than the way I am in my personal life - more quiet.

5. I like that I write. I am a Yelper so I give my opinion on restaurants or places I try. I like writing on ***, about my day. And I can add a picture with the caption.

ASilentObserver OP May 2nd

@tealBear2472 Those are great qualities to have, Bear. Also I admire your presence and support in the group chats. Thank you for being with us. 


This is so important! I'm working on exactly this right now- self-love and coming to embrace exactly the qualities that I was bullied for for so many years. I'll list some of these:

1- My sense of adventure. I love that I'll jump in a car without plans and head out into the world and push past my comfort zone.

2- My creative mind. This was the source of my poor grades in school and my disappointed parents. However, as I'm getting older, I'm realizing how much richer of a world I live in being able to think out of the box and in non-standard ways.

3- This is going to sound weird: my introverted nature. It's really freeing to be able to break past the social expectations of my surroundings to be loud and social and to be able to appreciate and enjoy less but deeper interactions with people.

4- Connected to the last point, depth. I don't like small talk and surface level. I like to discuss deep topics and like to delve into the books and movies I watch. Instead of being made fun of for this and being told to calm down and not get "obsessed", I'm learning to embrace this as being an awesome and rich way of living and to surround myself with likeminded people.

5- Lastly, I love that I enjoy art and music. Especially piano and drawing. Yes, it would be nice if my mind understood sports. But it doesn't. And guess what? That's ok. Art and music are ok as well!

ASilentObserver OP May 2nd

@courageousRiver589 These are all great qualities to have River. I am glad you are embracing them. What steps are you taking to come to accept these parts of yourself?


I do a lot of self talk using various methods my therapist taught me. I provide myself with the confidence and self love I so badly need.

I have been trying to forge friendships with like minded people. I've actually made several such friends here on 7cups, and am open to more!

And as for the first and last point, those are easy! I just get out a lot more and draw and play piano, and embrace and enjoy it!

ASilentObserver OP May 3rd

@courageousRiver589 I am glad you are actively working on accepting these parts of yourself through self-care activities and seeking out supportive relationships. Embracing our passions and engaging in hobbies can bring joy and help us feel more connected to ourselves. Keep taking your small steps, river and know you have us to support you


@ASilentObserver I'm cool (that is one is obvious - haha), I am detail oriented, I cheer for people to win, I'm resilient, I'm a survivor.  

ASilentObserver OP May 9th

@livedexperiences I am glad you have some strengths that can serve you well in many areas of life. What do you think are some challenges right now?


@ASilentObserver nothing. My life is perfect 😃

Seacu May 19th

I love my willingness to keep on living

I love how I waver but I don't fall

I love how after falling down I stand up

I love how if I don't stand up at least I try to stand up

I love how sometimes, when I am about to fall I save myself one inch above the ground

I love my willingness to try and partake in life even when all in me is screaming to lie down and die

I love about me that, after failing a hundred times I still try again

I love about me that I try to swallow my pride and listen to good advice

ASilentObserver OP May 23rd

@Seacu I am glad you have found some strengths in yourself! What makes you feel like you can keep going despite feeling like giving up?

Seacu May 25th


I am really at a low point in life and I realize no matter how much I try to fight living there is no way out of it so I have to try to embrace it and try to find love within myself like a genuine love

RUMBUM May 24th


I love my strength 

I love my heart 

I love my way of interacting 

I love my hands

I love my kindness 

ASilentObserver OP May 24th

@RUMBUM This is good that you have a positive view of yourself. What makes you feel confident when you think about these qualities?

RUMBUM May 25th

@ASilentObserver I have come a long way from where I used to be