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Weekly Prompt #29: What is something you can let go of today?

ASilentObserver January 10th

Welcome back! 

Last week we discussed- If you were to create a time capsule filled with memories from 2023, what would you include?  If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts. 

This week's prompt-  What is something you can let go of today?

 Sometimes, holding onto past grievances or negative emotions can weigh us down. Identify something that no longer serves you and make a conscious effort to let it go. Allow yourself to move forward with a lighter heart. Please share and discuss here among us.

Join us in the 24/7 General Support Group Chat to share and support each other. 


ASilentObserver OP January 22nd

@JarofSeeds627 Thank you for sharing your reflections. It sounds like you've gained a helpful perspective in letting go of possessions you no longer need while making room for what truly matters to you.  Continuing to learn and grow in a way that feels right for you is admirable. You value looking inward at what brings you peace. what inspires your willingness to release beliefs that no longer serve you well?

azureAcres1605 January 20th

I can let go of worrying about what others think about me.

ASilentObserver OP January 22nd

@azureAcres1605 That's a insightful thought about letting go of worrying about what others think.  You've recognized an empowering step towards freeing yourself from unnecessary burden. How does focusing less on others' opinions and more on living according to your own values make you feel?

Hopefaith2011 February 14th

@ASilentObserver  letting go of mean comments my husband is saying. I know the truth of who I'm.

ASilentObserver OP February 15th

@Hopefaith2011 It sounds like you are experiencing difficult feelings due to the mean comments from your husband. It takes courage to confront these challenging situations. Please know your worth is not defined by others' words. You are stronger than you might think.

EmmyMarie06 February 16th

@Hopefaith2011     thats the same with my dad. he says shat that he shouldnt say to his daughter, and my mom has it even worse. 

ASilentObserver OP February 15th

@ALeXaNdEr0712 I am sorry to hear you feel that way. Feelings of hopelessness can be overwhelming. Can you share more about it that contributing to these feelings?

ASilentObserver OP February 16th

@ALeXaNdEr0712 I hear you. It sounds like you are feeling discouraged after trying to express yourself but receiving little response. That can indeed feel pointless and hurtful. Please know, your experiences and thoughts matter, regardless of how others may react. 

EmmyMarie06 February 16th

@ALeXaNdEr0712    well hey there. i just commented on your new thread and its fancy seeing you here lol. anyway i think you should keep fighting. letting go of yourself like that will do nothing for you. im sorry you feel like that is your only escape but if you end your life now, you obviously wont ever know the good that it has in store for you later in it. keep going. you got this

EmmyMarie06 February 16th

@ASilentObserver    im not sure if ill ever be able to let go of my daddy issues, stuff like that hangs around. but ive been trying to get to a place where it no longer causes me to feel so angry inside. 

this week imma try to let go of the fact my step dad who raised me has been ignoring me for a month. hes caused a lot of negative emotions in my life and is the main cause of my stress and anxiety. im going to try to overcome that

ASilentObserver OP February 18th

@EmmyMarie06 I am sorry to hear about your stepdad ignoring you. That must be really difficult to deal with. How are you feeling about trying to let go of the negative emotions surrounding him?

EmmyMarie06 February 18th

@ASilentObserver       its rough. i care too much about what he has to say to the point where his negative words keep me from doing what i want to do. its hard to let go of him ignoring me...but i can do this. 

ASilentObserver OP February 18th

@EmmyMarie06 I am glad you feel determined to move forward.

Countrygirl095 February 17th

@ASilentObserver hope you're having a great weekend

ASilentObserver OP February 18th

@StompingOnCP Thank you CP. How are you doing?

Countrygirl095 February 18th

@ASilentObserver I love this I would think my favorite thing looking back at is my childhood

ASilentObserver OP February 19th

@StompingOnCP I am glad you like that question! It is always good to look back on fond memories. Is there anything about your childhood that you miss?

Countrygirl095 February 26th

I I wanna try and let go of My past and the pain that it may have called after all it made me stronger and I forgive everyone

ASilentObserver OP February 26th

@Countrygirl095 It sounds like you are ready to move forward and find closure. Forgiveness is a process, and it's okay if it takes time. Please know, you grew because of your experiences, and that strength is within you.

slowdecline48 February 26th

How do you "let go" of things that have already become a part of you? With the things you would tell me to let go might as well tell me to let go of my right arm.

(This is true literally as well as has been a b***h lately with pain in my elbow, sometimes the wrist or shoulder. The only way to let go would be to amputate it)

ASilentObserver OP February 26th

@slowdecline48 I understand how certain things can feel like such a big part of us that letting them go feels impossible. It's almost like trying to cut off a limb. But sometimes, we need to find ways to release ourselves from these things so that we can move forward. What would happen if you were to lose the use of your arm?

slowdecline48 February 26th

🤦🏼‍♂️ Moses on a pogo stick...this is another one of those really obvious questions that is meant to be therapeutic but just comes off sounding stupid. Sorry to say it but, really, it's the truth.

I would have to do everything with my other arm; what do you think would happen?! I'd have a harder time scratching one cheek than the other.* My body would probably become more unbalanced than it is. Carrying groceries would be a pain in the a** & most likely I would need help. Some people would probably call me "One-Arm Bandit" for the rest of my life, but I would use that as an indicator to not take such a person seriously as a human being.

*Yes, those cheeks.

ASilentObserver OP February 27th

@slowdecline48 It sounds like you're experiencing frustration with this line of questioning. I appreciate your honesty in sharing how it feels. Please know we are all here with you to support you slow. thank you for your thoughts and being with us here. 

slowdecline48 February 28th

Thank you, & it's sweet of you to say so. I should tell you for the sake of honesty, that is one of my drawbacks: I lack patience. Always have. My father was the same way when he was alive (he was brilliant, but sometimes he was an a**hole). Whenever someone asks a question that is so obvious it doesn't need to be answered, my patience tank reaches "Empty" & I immediately turn into a flaming d***, regardless of the intention behind the question.

Yes, I know I shouldn't act like that. But I've never been able to develop much patience for humans.

The only real exception is a woman I dated in college for a while...I was tremendously patient with her, more than once. But that was a long time ago.

ASilentObserver OP March 28th

@slowdecline48 I can relate and  get your struggle with feeling patient with people, especially when they ask questions that seem obvious. it feels difficult.

Jewelmoon17 February 27th


I want to let go of my weakness which is my fear and worry of handling financial problems.

ASilentObserver OP February 27th

@Jewelmoon17 Thank you for opening up with us Moon. What would it mean to you if you didn't have this fear anymore?

sincerePlane4053 March 26th


I guess something I can try to let go of today is that I did better on my exam I took today than the last two exams, but I still did not pass. I can still graduate, but I am more stressed now because I have to do well in the program overall now and I am worried. I will do my best.


ASilentObserver OP March 26th

@sincerePlane4053 That sounds like you had a mixed day with good parts and bad parts. You did well on one level by taking the exam, but you didn't do as well as you'd like. Would you like to share more about what it feels like for you to be stressed right now? We are all here with you E

sincerePlane4053 March 27th


It kind of feels like important things are taking my priority in my career and school life, where I know that I need to do well to be successful, so that I can have the career I want later in life and to help people in the ways I would like to as well. It is kind of complicated, but I just have to be disciplined and have some initiative. It feels like people may one day rely on me, maybe now, but also in the future, and I don't want to let anyone down.


ASilentObserver OP March 28th

@sincerePlane4053 You have a lot on your plate with work and school. That sounds really stressful. 

ThoughtLight March 26th

Today I want to start letting go of some of the non-evidence based negative self-talk that's been going on. It won't be rid of in a single day, but I can actually focus on it and address it when it happens starting today. 

ASilentObserver OP March 26th

@ThoughtLight That sounds like a great plan, Light. What steps do you think you need to take to let go of this non-evidence based negative self talk?

ThoughtLight March 26th

@ASilentObserver I need to start catching it and examining it as soon as it happens and not just ignore it. I need to start practicing more self-awareness as a first step. 

ASilentObserver OP March 26th

@ThoughtLight Those are some good steps to start with, Light. I am confident that you can make progress by being aware of when these thoughts come up and challenging them. We are all rooting for you. 

NicoletteF March 30th


One thing that I can try to let go of to better enjoy the present is worries about the future. I tend to feel like I am never doing enough to achieve the goals I have set for myself, which often causes me to become anxious about my productivity. However, if I can simply ground myself in the present moment and stop looking years ahead so frequently, I can better appreciate the people I have around me and all that I have been given in the present. 

ASilentObserver OP March 30th

@NicoletteF I appreciate that you've really been trying to do your best by working towards your goals, but it has left you feeling anxious about your productivity. would you like to share more about what goes through your mind when you get caught up in these worries?