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Week 2. Prompt 2.

ThoughtLight July 19th

How could you increase your level of self awareness and use it to your advantage?

Tinywhisper11 July 19th

@ThoughtLight I think I'm using self awareness to my advantage this month. This month is always the hardest and I normally spiral into deep depression. But this year I don't want to. So I'm trying really hard to work through the thoughts and emotions, and I'm doing really well I think. My son will be 13 on the 30th. He's in heaven, it's a hard month for me ❤

is that the sort of thing you meant with your question??

ThoughtLight OP July 22nd

@Tinywhisper11 I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you get comfort knowing he's in Heaven happy and healthy and you will for sure be reunited for eternity with him some day. It sounds like you're attempting some mind over matter with your depression. That's great. There's a ton of research to support the benefits of that now. It shows you're a fighter who isn't going to just accept the depression and not fight back. I really admire that. I can relate on a tough month with you. Every July for 17 years has been a battle field. I've had others share the same about the month of June. It sounds like you have a very keen level of self-awareness. That's an advanced important and sometimes lifesaving skill. You have a good perspective as well which is another mental health goldmine. I can really see your self awareness because you did great describing the problems specifically and identifying triggers. Grief is a nightmare at times and it is unique to everybody. I lost the closest person in my life in April and I've realized with grief there's no laid out design of ways to recover or handle the tough waves. It's something every individual seems to have to figure out and navigate the maze using a unique system you figure out every step along the way. He's more blessed that us right now to be at home in the perfectness of Heaven. Before you know it you will be back together and not even have any memory of having ever been apart or lived anywhere else. I know this a sure as I know the leaves in the trees are green. I'm here if you need to talk about anything anytime. Just a quick message away. You're remarkably strong and even with the depression you still have that element of joy about you that's contagious. You're never alone no matter where you are. And please always keep in mind I'm here and understand.

Tinywhisper11 July 22nd

@ThoughtLight ❤🙂❤ your the sweetest ❤ thankyou, gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

SummerKay2024 July 23rd


I walk a sober walk now with my ptsd and anxiety but with grief. I went down the wrong path of partying drinking etc and lost my best friend two years ago. That made me change everything to the core healing to stop repeating the same ole mistakes vs just healing. I am more self aware now that drinking for me is the root of all evil. Meds for me same. Drugs same. So all that's left is learning thru what I go thru to be the best verison of myself. 🐡✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

Helgafy July 30th


Kay - maybe you'll need meds some day. Maybe your blood pressure get high, I hope you'll take the meds then.

SummerKay2024 July 30th


Taking antibiotics now but naa no blood pressure meds lol 

Helgafy July 30th


I'm very glad you take meds when needed.

purpleSea7109 July 23rd

Focus and do what have to do to make you aware of self.

I am just a click away.Xx 

Whelve1 July 24th

@ThoughtLight When I catch myself doing something that wouldn't align with the person I want to become, I will stop and reconsider my actions

ThoughtLight OP July 28th

@Whelve1 that is very wise of you. I'm thrilled to hear that. Keep up the great work!

awesomeMango1172 July 29th

Always be honest with yourself. Even if you choose to be dishonest to others, don’t ever lie to yourself about anything. You’ll only set yourself back if you don’t know who you are. If you know you have traits, or make decisions, that you’re not proud of then you should - at the minimum - be honest with yourself about it.

Helgafy July 30th


Friend - I hope you can say that you try to be honest to others also.

ThoughtLight OP July 30th

@Helgafy I stick to an honesty policy with everyone. It's been ingrained in me for years. Not being honest creates stunts in many places. I follow certain morals and values and don't deviate or let people in who attack them. I just lost my mother and made her a promise her last time awake. Never lied to her before and not starting now. People who lie have many reasons and most unhealthy. Only one way I've lied I justify because it was literally for survival. My treatment team was relieved I did it and got out of that snake pit.

ThoughtLight OP July 30th

@ThoughtLight and I don't understand. Did I say something that sounded dishonest? I'd like to know what it could have been. Also lying would lessen my chances of being with mom again and I'm taking no chances. And it's pointless and a character flaw easily fixed. 

Helgafy July 30th


I think there must be a misunderstanding here. You sound like a very honest person. Of course you'll meet your mother again. You're a Christian (as I am) so we know Jesus Christ dying on the cross opened the way for us to go straight to heaven one day.

Helgafy July 30th


I'm so glad you try to be honest. It's also good that you surround yourself with people who have the same values as yourself. I'm so sorry about losing your mother. I'm glad you got out of "the snake pit". 

awesomeMango1172 July 30th

The post is asking about self awareness. I’m saying a key to self awareness is honesty with yourself. You should be honest with others, but that’s not the main point here.

awesomeMango1172 July 30th

@helgafy ^ sorry I forgot to add the tag

Helgafy July 30th


Thank you. In trying to be honest to ourself I think we also must try to be gentle and not to hard to ourself. We are loved by God/Jesus Christ - so we must try to love ourself also. (I hope you don't mind my spiritual site).

Punna23 July 30th

We can increase our level of self-awareness by knowing that we are observing everything and not just immersed in the experience itself.

This can help us because it opens up a new dimension of just witnessing that is unaffected by the experieces that are taking place in our life. <3

awesomeMango1172 July 30th

@Punna23 Can you explain more?

Punna23 July 30th

Yes, we are at the same time aware of what is happening to us, and aware that we are aware of it.

This dimension of awareness is not affected my what is happening in our lives at all, it is always just simply aware. Even if we are sorrowful, happy, excited, anything. This dimension just watches without being affected.

It has helped me to see that there is something that has not been affected by all the pains that I have gone through.

Maybe I'm wrong, i dunno. <3

awesomeMango1172 July 30th


oh so you’re saying to remove yourself emotionally from a situation to assess it?

Punna23 July 30th

No, just where you are right now. All the experience that is happening, there is something that is aware of it. We know that we are aware, this awareness is purely just aware. In our experience there may be disturbance but this awareness purely only watches. It's like when we do a mindfulness practice, we are aware that we are doing the dishes. We are watching ourselves do the dishes.

This watching is unaffected by the experience that is happening. And to know this watcher can provide some relief when things get intense. It's something else to focus on when emotions get hightened. This one is calm.

Sorry of I'm not explaining well. Hope it made some sense :)

I'm going somewhere now, so if I don't reply for a while, know that I will in some time. :)


GoldenRuleJG July 30th

Great question light -

-Ask yourself why something triggers and offends you

- Ask yourself about the biases , stereotypes you’ve developed

-Ask yourself it you are more emotional or rational in your communication

-Ask yourself if you find it difficult to set boundaries or struggle with expressing yourself

-Joharis window of awareness and drama triangle theory can be applied to yourself and relationship dynamics 🤍