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Ocean and Navy's corner :)

navyAcai8433 May 9th, 2023

Hey @LoverOfTheOcean it's Navy, glad we get to chat here! Looking forward 😊

LoverOfTheOcean May 9th, 2023

Hey @navyAcai8433 woah that was fast! :)

How has your day been so far?

navyAcai8433 OP May 9th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean yes it was!! I was like.. not losing this opportunity to make an online friend! 😣 My day is going okay, not really planned much. I usually go for swimming in the evenings but they're closed today. How has your day been going?

LoverOfTheOcean May 9th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 I'm a very patient person, you wouldn't have lost me. 😉

Oh I love swimming! Sad that they're closed today though. You go swimming everyday if they're open? I recently got piercings and now I'm basically not allowed to swim for some time sadly...

My day has been alright, had to work. It wasn't really a busy day though, it's been raining a lot. So, understandable that there weren't many customers.

navyAcai8433 OP May 9th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean I used to go for swimming a lot more before and then when life gets in the way, your hobbies go out the picture! I am trying to incorporate activities a lot more right now so I started swimming and I started dance classes recently, about a week or two ago. It's mainly because I am looking to improve my health right now! Sorry to hear you're unable to go for swimming right now, but hope you can start soon! I understand there wouldn't be many customers during a bad weather. Do you like your new piercing?

LoverOfTheOcean May 9th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 that's understandable. Good job on trying to incorporate it back into your life! Do you like the dance classes so far? What kind of dancing is it? If you can improve your health and do something you enjoy doing, than that's a win win imo!

I am happy with my piercings very much yes! But never thought about not being able to swim or go in the water for the healing period. 😅 Like my sister, my parents and I gave her a coupon for a day of fun by her choosing for her birthday, and she was like "ohh maybe we could go surfing" but since I'm not allowed in the water yet, we can't sadly. I wish I already could go swimming or surfing though. One can dream, right?

navyAcai8433 OP May 9th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean yes actually! It's been a very long time I didn't care for my health, and I'm just done at this point so I restarted these activites. I am learning contemporary dance style along with hip hop this time, and it seems fun so far! 🙂 How long have they recommended rest after getting a piercing? I hope not too long so that you can get back to swimming and surfing, all that fun stuff! It was so nice to know you all gifted her with a coupon for her birthday, that's so sweet and I hope she has liked it! ♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 9th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 that sounds really cool! Good to hear that you're having fun with it so far! Do you have any other hobbies, that you like to do or picked up after some time of not doing so?

They said that the piercings I got should heal in 4 to 9 months and I've only gotten them about 1 month ago. So it might take some time still. But like it doesn't seem irritated or anything so that's good.

She did like the gift! But I can imagine it being hard to figure out what she want to do with it. Have you got any siblings?

Also just letting you know, if I ask anything that you don't feel like answering, or that makes you uncomfortable in any way or whatever, just let me know okay? And don't feel pressured to answer if you're not comfortable. That's totally fine too, just know that I am here for you either way. 😊 And if you need to vent or whatever that's perfectly fine too, just give me a headsup, so I know it's not personal.💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 10th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean thank you for your message back! Sometimes the forum threads glitch I suppose, I couldn't find the option to reply any further to your last post so I'm replying to one of your previous posts. So long as you receive it! 😊 Along with swimming and dacing, I also enjoy listening to music, cycling or reading up on human behavior and stuff like that. This is all very interesting for me! Though I actively started those two activities I mentioned before but I do the others as and when I get some free time! :) I understand the piercings would take a while to heal. I actually had no idea they don't allow you to do that stuff for about 9 months or so. That's quite a while! But as long as you are healing well and it's not irritated or anything, it's good news! I do not have siblings actually and I was an only child. So one of the few things I wondered was how it is to have a brother or sister! There are only a few things I'm not open about, my age and where I am from. Otherwise it's shouldn't be an issue for me to tell you about anything. I'll still let you know and I thank you so much for offering to be by my side. I must say, the same goes for you and I am here for you just the same ❤️ how has your day been going so far? Have you enjoyed having siblings yourself?

LoverOfTheOcean May 10th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 oh that's strange.🤔 Luckily, I do receive your messages!

I love music! What genre do you like to listen to? What's the funniest thing you've read on human behaviour, I'm curious haha. Gotta have your hobbies indeed!

Well, having a sister for me has been a lot of fun. Good thing is that we like a lot of the same stuff. Like going to concerts/festivals and museums and traveling. When growing up though, there were some fights, but I guess that's what siblings do every now and than growing up.. But I'm thankful she's in my life and that we do get along.

My day has been okay. Had to work, wasn't really a busy day, but had fun seeing my colleagues. Probably not gonna do much the rest of the evening though. I'm tired haha. How has your day been?

Thank you for being by my side as well 💙 very much appreciated! 😊 I enjoy talking to you!

navyAcai8433 OP May 10th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean I'm glad you receive my messages! So I like to listen to pop songs mostly but I am open to listening to all kinds of music. Music has a way of making me feel so comforted and uplifted sometimes, or makes me feel understood. Have you felt like that before? Hmmm, let me see. As far as human behavior, currently I'm learning more about how to cope better in different situations I'm faced with. It's very variable what I read. Sometimes I also read relatable quotes/posts.. you know what I mean? It's very interesting for me. I'm glad you enjoyed having a sister. Are you the elder one or the younger? Seems when you have a sibling, you have someone who shares with you in activities and interests. If you share a good relation with them, then there's nothing like it! It could be one of the most special bonds you share 🙂 Sorry to hear you've been busy and tired. How did you end up spending the evening? My day has been a bit mundane today, but I'm still keeping myself engaged as best as I can. I recently came by Rihanna's super Bowl halftime perform video. It's so cool! You can try giving it a watch if you wish ♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 10th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 i know exactly what you mean by music making you feel understood/comfy/uplifted! Music is like a comfort zone where you can feel completely accepted in literally any situation or part of your life. Or so it's always felt for me. Like you're not alone anymore and that it's okay to be you unapologetically, y'know?

Yes, I know what you mean by relatable posts/quotes. I try to avoid those atm since they make me overthink lately.😅 But I totally get why you're into that. There's plenty of interesting things about behavior. Feel free to share them with me if you come across something interesting, if you like!

I am the younger sister of the two. We do share a good relation, though I still find it hard to open up to her, but I'm working on that.

I'm spending my evening by watching some youtube and tv. Also just took a shower. Probably gonna eat some chocolate or something as well. By mundane, do you mean like cleaning and stuff? Or am I thinking in the wrong direction? Good that you're keeping yourself engaged as best as you can though!

That does sound cool! I might watch it later this evening or tomorrow evening. I'll let you know when I've seen it. 💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 11th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean that's such a lovely description about music ♥️♥️ you're totally right about that! It makes me feel uplifted many many times, and I am someone who also really feels music... I love it so much!! And then there are some pieces of music where the lyrics is too relatable for me. I'm glad you are also able to feel a similar way about it 🙂 do you have a favorite genre by any chance? I see you were the youngest in the family, that's very cool! But it's also understandable to have difficulties in those relations. It's okay if you aren't able to open up as best as you want.. I have only had cousins, no siblings of my own, and mostly within them I have been the eldest or one of the eldest! Though my relationships to my cousins are very strained. I hope you spent a lovely evening and were able to rest up and relax from all the stress of the day ♥️ I went swimming yesterday which was very very fun, but the rest of the day was kind of bleak for me and everything was just normal and dull. I also had a phone call with a friend, and I thought they spoke very rudely with me. I have had difficulty in my friendship to them before and so I have been feeling a bit down about their treatment towards me yet again. Cleaning and stuff is very mundane too, but I haven't cleaned yesterday 😛 I should though! Do you have any hobbies of your own, or anything interesting you like to do in your free time usually? Looking forward from you ♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 11th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 I'd say my favorite genre is rock/punk/poppunk, I like bands a lot. But grew up listening a lot of different genres as well, so Iisten to whatever I feel like really. But mostly bands tbh.

Do you get a long with your cousins? I can imagine being the eldest among others, may it be siblings or cousins, can bring some responsibility. How come your relationships with them are strained?

Sorry to hear your friend was rude to you.😔 Have you told them before that the way they treat you is making you feel down? If you want to vent about it, feel free to do so in this thread. I'm here for you. 💙💙

Cleaning isn't my favorite activity either haha. Good to hear the swimming was a lot of fun! I usually like to watch movies or series in my free time. Also have a lot of plants that I like to take care of (remind me to water them this weekend though, I think I've forgotten last week😅), also have a vegetable patch, where I can grow my own veggies. It feels grounding to work with plants somehow. I used to draw a lot when I was younger and I want to pick that up again, though I haven't had the energy to actually do that yet...

Hope you have a lovely evening. I'll be watching some stuff on YouTube until Eurovision starts (including the Rihanna superbowl half time show😉). Looking forward to your message 💙

LoverOfTheOcean May 11th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 I just watched Rihanna's super bowl halftime show. Wow, that was amazing!! The dancing, the floating platforms, her singing *chef's kiss* AMAZING! Thank you for recommending it to me! 😊💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 11th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean it's so nice to know you like listening to bands ♥️♥️ rock/pink is a great genre indeed! Are there any bands in specific thay you like? On the other hand, I haven't listened to very many bands at all, just a few 🙂 do you also like listening to songs of any other language besides English? I have a very strained relationship to my cousins. When we were younger, my relationships to them were very close and we would meet often. From both parents' side, there were issues that came up between my parents' and the parents of my cousins, so naturally we drifted apart as well. We would've shared a good relation, but what happened was that even my cousins became personally involved and sided with their parents 🙂 this was avoidable as between us, we never had issues at all. I am usually very alone, I spent a lot of my life so far all alone and without friend groups, cousins, or great bonds within family. I still look forward that one day I will be able to make some meaningful, good bonds. It might just require me some patience right now 😊 and yes, my friend (not really a friend) was rude to me as he always has been. We are friends for four months or so now, and he has an issue with bad behavior and feeling superior, which I do not respect at all. I have tried talking to him, taking a step back, but it's not really helping me, and I don't really think he realises how hurtful his behavior is, not truly. So I am looking to now be extremely distant and cut him off cordially. It's life. Everyone doesn't stay, and my mental health and self esteem ended up getting very affected by all that. So yeah, here's me trying to make friends and failing at it miserably here and there 😛 I'm glad you like watching movies/series. Which one have you watched recently? I'm also terrible at remembering things myself.... so you've asked me to do something that I am going be most likely very very terrible at....... * sobs * I hope you can enjoy your hobbies when you are able to. With work, it's hard to focus on what we like given the stress and tiring feelings after. So no guilt here ♥️ yaaayy to loving Rihanna's performance! Isn't it so coool 😊 she was also pregnant at the same she was on stage, which I thought was commendable!! So so glad you liked it ♥️♥️ if you have any songs you want to recommend for me, I am 100% willing to give them a listen! Thank you for being my online friend and sharing in my life with me ❤️💙

LoverOfTheOcean May 12th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 I've listening a lot to the Offspring lately, since I'll be going to their concert next week. Also love Green Day, Muse, Foo Fighters and Nothing But Thieves to name a few. I do listen mostly to songs in english, but am always open to other languages.

It's such a waste when parents hold grudges on each other and make people around them drift apart as well... It's really sad.

I think you're doing a great job being my friend already 😊, so I'm sure you will have multiple meaningful, good bonds with people in the future! As for your (not so) friend, he doesn't deserve you being his friend. It's good you're standing up for yourself! Your mental health is way more important than someone who doesn't even see that they're hurting you. I don't think you're failing at making friends, though. Like I said you're being my friend already, and I'm grateful for that. 💙💙 And I'm sure you'll make more friends online and irl!

I've been watching Haikyuu!! a lot lately. It's an anime about volleyball basically. Do you like anime? What movies/series have you been watching?

Lol it's okay if you forget too!💙 I've put it on my to do list for this weekend so maybe I wont forget it after all.😅

Rihanna's performance was very cool!! I did see that baby bump and was like woah respect for performing so well! As for a song recommendation, Nothing But Thieves released a new song this week called Overcome. And tbh that songs release has been perfect timing for me. It's everything I feel atm and I love the song in general. And the band hahah. Lmk what you think of it.😊 And thank you for being my online friend as well💙💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 12th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean awww that's awesome!! I've heard music by Green Day which is amazing! I see you're open to other languages as well. These days so much of korean pop is on trend always! You're right that it's terrible when parents hold grudges against of each other. It's worse when they also end up influencing their children to side with them. I wouldn't have been influenced even if anyone tried, so that was the saddest part about it all! Thank you for saying I'm doing a good job. I certainly have a very hard time thinking that about myself, that I am doing good! Though I know I am trying my best... I am unable to be friends with him as I am ending up being very very scared of him. When I think about him and stuff like that, I am getting triggered and getting shivers. All day I am feeling miserable. I am really trying to cope here..... Haikyuu sounds really cool! I know a lot of people enjoy anime 😊 I haven't tried watching it myself, but I am not opposed to watching it when I get some time for it ♥️ the last movie I watched was "Murder mystery" on Netflix and I thought the first part of the movie was much more enjoyable than the second part. Awwww you can also try keeping an alarm with a note on it. That's how I keep a track of everything actually! I have alarms set for what not 😅 I'll give your songs and listen and get back to you in my next message about how I found them. Feeling so excited 😊 What are you up to today? And has your day been going well? ♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 12th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 that is right, k-pop is really trendy nowadays. I remember listening to k-pop (and j-pop for that matter) a lot when I was younger.

You are doing a good job! Even if it's small steps, you're still moving forward! 💙 And trying your best is all you, or anyone really, can do!

It's never good to be scared of someone.. *sending virtual hugs your way* If there's anything I can do, lmk! 💙 I think it's good how you handled things, I can imagine it still being tough though. Hang in there!💙

I love that movie!! Have you watched the second movie as well? If not, I'd recommend!

That's actually a good idea, I'll keep that in mind!

I have to work in less than an hour. Did some laundry but not much else so far. Did buy tickets to a concert though, so I'm excited about that! How's your day? What are you up to?💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 12th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean "Overcome" by nothing but thieves has such a freeing vibe and I looooovee the lyrics!! Oh my, that music really has something going for it which I love!! K-pop sounds really cool!! I remember listening to c-pop once just to see how it is!! Very interesting stuff huh 😮 k-pop music videos involve such heavy production and the teams and bands are very practicised! I find it really alluring that they put so much hard work into what they do. Thank you so much for saying that!! ♥️♥️♥️ Feels so so good just to read it. * Sending virtual hugs right back * it's still tough for me, and I'm still trying. Thank you for all your support ♥️ Yes I have watched the movie! Though I thought that the first part was more funny then the second one but it was still a really good watch! 😊 A concert sounds sooo cool!!! Are you going to attend with family or friends? I hope you enjoy heap loads ♥️♥️ my day is okay so far. For me, I will just try to get by with today as best as I can. Just surviving through the day is my goal. I'm not up to much right now, just on my phone, scrolling and replying back! Will probably do some reading in a bit 🫶🏼 I'm on a somewhat break right now, for this month or a bit more than that, so I am about to either start working or start studying, or do both part time. It's a season of change for me, so most of these days are bleak and dull, and me trying to see what I can do next. So that's what is up with me!

LoverOfTheOcean May 12th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 so happy you enjoyed Overcome and Nothing But Thieves!! 💙 They are one of my favorite bands! I don't think I've ever listened to c-pop before 🤔 K-pop does have great productions, though I have heard stories about mental health being a taboo in that industry. So I guess that's kinda sad though...

I liked both movies, but do agree that the first one was better than the second. Though, usually it's like that with sequels.

Yeah very excited to go!! I'm going with my sister. Probably will enjoy it a lot! 💙

It's okay to rest and do nothing! As long as you drink enough water (or juices or whatever you prefer)and eat enough, and get some sunlight. We're basically houseplants with emotions for that matter hahah.🤪 What have you been reading? Times of change are a strange place to be in ngl. You'll get through it though! I just know it💙 I hope you can do the things you want to do and do your hobbies, and if you don't feel like doing anything, that's also completely fine! 💙💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 12th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean yes I enjoyed it very very veryyyy much! Thank you for introducing me to it ♥️♥️♥️ c-pop was just me giving it a try..... I was like hmmm why not 🤔 and I just went ahead! I understand k-pop industry has its positives and negatives. Mental health is very much one but also these k-pop idols have a really difficult time maintaining those perfect bodies. I wonder if they are able to eat enough! Koreans in general have pretty strict body standards, I think that could be imposing on many people who live there! I'm glad you liked both movies ♥️♥️ it was a great watch! A long while back (because I don't watch very many movies), I watched "Work it". It is very high school-ey and fun, light hearted. Also very very funny! I don't know if you know Liza Koshy (she's a youtuber) and she's hilarious! She's in the movie too, but she's also on YouTube and makes comedy videos. You can give it a watch if you are feeling low and such, or ever at any point ♥️ I'm so glad to hear about it!! I hope you enjoy lots over there!!! So excited for you! Sending hugs 😊 today I have literally done nothing haha! I lied down like a log in my own depression and sadness! One wouldn't have been able to tell anyone is even at home! 😐 We are, oh my gosh that's a lovely comparison hahahaha! I'm cracking up at that reference! 🤣 I have been reading "the maid" by Nita Prose, but I haven't been consistent with it. Still on the second chapter! Thank you for believing in me ♥️♥️♥️ and for all of those kind words. I wish I could tell you how helpful it is to just read them. For me today wasn't the best day, I mean it could very well be of the the worsts I had. So much went down..... very unexpectedly. How was your day and when is this concert going to be held? ♥️ Looking forward from you as always ♥️♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 13th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 haven't seen Work it, might watch it somewhere this week. I don't know who Liza Koshy is tbh🙈 but I'll take a look at her work. She sounds fun!

What's The Maid about, the book you're reading? Do you like it so far? Sucks that you had a bad day 😞. Hope today had been better for you .💙💙 If you want to let out whatever was bothering you, don't hold back okay? I'm here to listen as well! That's what friends are for💙

Sorry if I seem a bit short in answering and that this message isn't that long, I just don't have much energy atm... Working a lot and I forgot I still have to make a mother's day card for tomorrow😅 and than theres a bunch of other stuff I still have to do... Just need to figure out how I can gain some energy. Probably gonna take a nap or something. Looking forward to hear from you again💙💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 14th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean thank you for your message back ♥️ I'm so glad the movie sounds interesting to you! "The maid" is a very suspenseful book regarding the accounts of a person who worked as a maid in a hotel. What she witnesses and goes through and her experiences. It's very thrilling actually! Aww I'm sorry you feel tired! Sending healing beams that can make you feel rested and refreshed ♥️♥️ let me know how mother's day went! I'm excited to know what you planned out! ♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 15th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 sorry for not getting back to you earlier, had a lot on my mind and still very tired... Thank you for the healing beams though 💙💙

The book sounds very interesting as well!!

Didn't do much for mother's day, it started with me still having to make a mother's day card, but I think it turned out great! Than went to my grandparents, picked up my sister, went to my grandparents again. Than got home and my sister and I gave our mother the gift we got her. Which was a scarf we bought on our trip to Venice and a coupon for a day with us to do something fun by my mother's choice. We like giving each other experiences in this family haha. Than baked pancakes for dinner and that was about it. How did you spent mother's day?

Today I studied for work a bit, I kinda need to hurry. I'm studying sort of with to other colleagues and we said to finish 2 modules every 2/3 weeks, but I'm behind a bit😅 It'll be fine though, I've got Wednesday off so will do some more studying then. Than had work and volleyball training afterwards. I liked today, work and training was fun. Though I have a headache now so that kinda sucks... How was your day?

Looking forward to your reply💙💙

Ps. I wanna share the card I made but I'm not sure if this app allowes me to do so? When I press the image button it takes me to pick an image but it doesn't load in the message? So idk, might figure out how to later I guess. And if its attached multiple times now than my apologies 😅

navyAcai8433 OP May 16th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean no problem with that at all! This is the thread you come back to when you are free and available, and when you want to relax! Not a pressure to get back on time or anything like it 😊 I'm so sorry you were tired. If you would like to talk about it and let it out here, I am here for you (now or any other time!). I hope your mother really liked the scarf and the birthday card ♥️ yeah! And I can tell you and your family value experiences and it makes sense too! Life is about memories and experiences more than anything else. Awww gosh, sounds like a bit of work. I believe you will be able to get through it though ♥️♥️ sorry about the headache and all! That sucks :( my day was okay, I went to see a friend earlier and that was super fun. We watched a horror movie together which was my very first horror movie up till date so I was like, "how did you even get me to do this?" I'm genuinely always like, why should I ever pay to get scared 😑 isn't that but logical? But hey ai have to say I enjoyed it. I was scared (obviously!) but I liked knowing the backstory of the movie and why things happened that way, etc. If you want to share the card with me, you can click pictures of it on your phone and upload them on "Imgur". They should allow you to upload images where you post the picture(s) and they generate a link out of them which you can add to your next reply to me. You can give it a try and see how it works 😊 just make sure you are uploading the correct picture so double check them to ensure your privacy isn't in any way getting hampered ♥️ sending you lots of good wishes, friend. You are in my good thoughts and I hope any and every negativity or stress in your life gets easier for you! 😊

LoverOfTheOcean May 16th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 thank you for saying that and being there for me💙 I really appreciate it!! My mom did like the scarf and card! And as for the card, if I did it right, you should be able to see it with this link: Thank you for suggesting Imgur! I 'm still feeling a bit tired lately, going to sleep soon as well, if my brain is tired enough...

Good to hear you went to see a friend and had fun!! Haha indeed, why do pay to get scared?! Glad you enjoyed it anyway. Which movie was it?

Today had work which was alright, had enough to do. The only thing that did bother me was that there was a customer that smelled really bad 😖. It was like a sour smell... But I feel a lot more joyful now after watching some episodes of Haikyuu!!

Thank you for the good wishes! 💙💙 Sending you good wishes and positive vibes too. I hope life will get easier for you as well!💙😊

navyAcai8433 OP May 18th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean most welcome! ♥️♥️ That birthday card looks soooooo beautiful!!! You must have put so much thought and effort into it!! I loved that you wrote, "Bee-utiful" - that's so cute! I actually watched conjuring 🥶 very very scary but I still watched it lol. I hope you enjoyed Haikyuu and you rested up really well after a tiring day ♥️ sending love! I'm always here if you want to talk about anything! ♥️♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 18th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 thanks Navy!!💙

Ohh the conjuring is scary I've heard. But proud of you for watching it anyway!

I'm not sure how I'm feeling at the moment. It feels like there's a knot in my stomach and I can't really put my finger on what's causing it... Like it could be because I've been thinking about my ex quite a lot today. And it feels so awful. But like also I'm a nervous wreck and have a date planned on Sunday, though haven't really told anyone about it yet. But I can't go to the place we're meeting without telling at least my mom. Idk I'm just not feeling great. Not that I don't want to meet him, cause I do. And we've been talking for like almost every day for the past few weeks I think, and he seems really nice and sweet. I just wish that the knot in my stomach would disappear. I'm probably overthink all of it though idk.

I did buy 5 new plants yesterday (4 too many actually 😅). And found out my Aloe Vera has 3 pups now. (If you don't know what I mean by pups, they're basically small Aloe Vera's growing from the big one). AND my cactus has flowers again! Proud plant mom over here haha.

Hope your day was okay! Sending love your way💙💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 18th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean always, always welcome, my friend! ♥️ It sounds to me like you went through a breakup and so that has been really difficult but also seeing someone new can also feel really confusing emotionally. Though there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. If he has been sweet and respectful then it can be great to see how it goes! Though I know everyone can be nice at first, so I am always very cautious and then I take my time to open up to them. About a year and a half ago, I had a breakup myself and it was really hard for me to move on..... part of me didn't want to move on, and part of me found it so hard to embrace a new life afterwards. I say time is a great healer.... I saw many people coming and going away, I'm no better than you but it has always helped knowing that everything is a phase... I understand you would be feeling anxious, that's what a knot in the stomach sounds to me. If I can do anything, anything at all to help you, please let me know. Take this space to also talk more about this as and when you wish. Sorry for making this longer, but I remember recently I mentioned a friend was behaving rudely with me. It's been about a week or so that I have cut off all times with him after he had literally shouted over me on call. That was the last straw for me! :( and you wouldn't imagine that it actually feels so much better that I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore and I can move on freely.

So happy to hear also about your plants! So glaaad to know about it ♥️♥️😊 my day has been alright. About to watch a movie on Netflix, so I'm doing the most difficult of everything, choosing which one to even watch! Wish me luck! :P looking forward to your responses as always ♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 18th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 that's exactly what I went through. It still hurts sometimes, like now. I know time will heal, it's just I wish I could move on as easily as he made it seem. But how do you grief someone who's still alive? The part of you that didn't want to move on, I had too. But I figured I do want to move on, cause he's not coming back and part of me hates him for how he treated me as a "friend" in the past few months.

I'm cautious to open up as well. Especially f2f, I'm not a talker in the first place and most of the time don't know how to respond to questions, since my brain completely forgets what I do or what I like when asked... But like we've been texting back and forth so we know a thing or two about each other.

I honestly don't know how you can help me, but I'm glad I can talk to you about it💙 and happy you're sharing your experiences with me.

You don't have to apologize for anything to me. I'm here for you as you are for me. 💙

I do can imagine you feeling better without him. And I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself! You deserve people in your life who will treat you with respect.

Haha good luck on choosing a movie, we all know that struggle all too well. Let me know what you ended up watching 💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 18th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean I understand it would be really hurtful... especially if he tried to be friends, yet not wanting to be together with you in a relationship would be hard to handle emotionally. I would not be able to..... I wasn't friends with my ex either. It's so taxing... I understand the hatred. Every feeling has a message for you... I felt so much anger towards the friend who treated be horribly, I thought the anger is telling me that he violated my boundaries. Which felt like a true reasoning to my feeling! I'm really so relieved without him.... obviously grief over someone who is alive but chose not to be with you has a very different.. very difficult impact over us. This is why I feel passionately about the topic of breakups too... many a times we do not know how to navigate and our feelings for the person can make it even more difficult and complicated for us. I am with you in this journey. I am healing too, and I am so happy to heal along with you!! ♥️♥️

Yeah first dates can be especially nerve wracking. Did you meet him at work or something? It's great to be cautious either way, and probably if you feel awkward or anxious, you can ask him some questions and be the one responding most of the time! I hope you both are also meeting in a safe location if this a blind date! Public places like malls and such are always good for the first time! 😊

I'm very happy to share with you my experiences, hear about yours. It's not been very long I chat with you, but I really really love talking with you. I feel really grateful for having someone like you be a part of my life! 😊

Oh yes and surely. I gave him some chances and he was still acting up, until he completely lost it. I couldn't justify or excuse it anymore so I have left. It has been a healthy practice to let people and things go when they are not serving me. I'm hoping I can make more good changes to my life now!

I decided to watch "Daddy's home" and I have just about started with it. Let's see if I made a good choice! We'll know soon! They say it's a comedy movie 🤔

What are you up to right now? Did you decide when you are meeting up with the new guy? Looking forward from you ♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 19th, 2023

@navyAcai8434 yeah it is. And the worst part was he knew he was giving me false hope over and over. And than when he realized it should end, he told me. And like a few weeks later he had a new girlfriend already even though he's told me over and over that he wasn't ready for a new relationship and probably wouldn't be in one any time soon. I felt like he used me in the past few months and I'm mostly angry with him still. We don't talk anymore because I can't deal with that atm, mentally. But there's still thoughts sometimes (like yesterday) about what was and what could've been which are painful really. It is hard to navigate the feelings, I write a lot about it, and talk to friends about it. My therapist helps with it too. Thank you for letting me vent about it, and thank you for being by my side during this journey💙💙

We met on ***, that's what happens nowadays right haha. We are meeting in a very busy city, so it'll definitely be public, no worries about that. We'll be meeting on Sunday.

I feel very grateful as well for having you as part of my life! And happy to hear you love talking with me, likewise really💙

I'm sure you'll be able to make good changes to your life. And even if you feel it's not a good change, than I'm sure it has some sort of lesson in it.

Oh Daddy's Home, I've seen it awhile back. I though it was funny! Let me know your thoughts about it.

Well, I'm still eating breakfast and taking things slow this morning. Gotta work the afternoon. Like mentioned above we are meeting on Sunday. I'm excited and terrified at the same time. Meeting new people always scares me. But I guess that comes along with social anxiety 😅 What are you upto today? Anything fun planned for the weekend? Looking forward to hear from you💙💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 19th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean that isn't good. If he knew what he was doing and he knew that wouldn't be good for you, I think he was completely using you in that case. It's also really terrible news that he's with someone else already, whilst he told you the opposite. I'm wondering, had you often felt in the relationship like he didn't care for you? Or did not pay attention to your needs as much as his? Because this seems to be a pattern of his behavior and after a break up, still continuing that pattern is extremely wrong to do. I strongly believe he did not do right by you.

It's been a long time since I heard that someone is giving false hope even after breaking up with them, also using them by being friends and also lying to them and seeing someone else. It sounds like you were wronged over and over. Let me tell you, when people leave even for their own reasons, they can still empathise with you and they still ask you what you need in order to move on. If that's space away from him, he should've respected it IF he cared. I don't really think he did, honestly.

I'm glad you're meeting in a busy city, and Sunday is right around the corner too ♥️ did you decide how you would spend the time with him? Also looks like you named a dating app but then 7 cups censored it because of their policies!

You can also consider sharing your love location continuously during that time when you are out with someone you trust! Not letting him drop you off or pick you up, as your location for the first date could be confidential matter. Or using your own conveyance :) I also split my bills with anyone I go out with because I don't want to feel obligated to anyone!

It was my birthday about two months ago now and I made that promise to myself that I wouldn't allow anything that doesn't serve me well. Now that isn't an easy promise to make to myself, because letting go anything is hard! But I decided that I will undertake the struggle it takes, however I wouldn't continue into something that isn't good after all! I want to see where this decision takes me. I like to see the outcomes and learn from them, etc!

Awww great!! I still couldn't complete the movie but I thought it sounded hilarious which is why I chose to watch it! I'm glad you thought it was funny, gives me more incentive to keep watching! 😊

Recently I am looking at new career paths and trying to figure what I can do next. I'm confused between things and I am thinking to apply for things and try my best, based on what I get selected for, maybe then I can make the choice! This is very nerve wracking for me. But I recently have a bit more faith than I had before!

Slow mornings are great. I hope you enjoyed it 😊

Meeting new people can be super scary, I agree with you. I am also a living example of social anxiety * sobs dramatically * but I hope your date goes really really well ♥️♥️

Today I haven't done much. It was one of those days when nothing goes right. So I decided I will start again tomorrow. I am preparing for what is coming next, which could be interviews or tests to get into jobs/courses. I want to do something good! On the weekends I have my dance classes, and I could be out for some misc. work. Maybe watch a movie or something! Study. All this stuff 😊 looking forward to your reply ♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 21st, 2023

@navyAcai8433 looking back at the relationship, yes he would like, push me into talking about hard stuff and when I tried to communicate and connect with him he would put me down saying it didn't feel personal to him. I tend to write everything out and show that to loved ones, when I can't get the words out of my mouth, so it's easier for me to talk about it. He never appreciated it... Also with the social anxiety, when I told (we were in that friends situation), he said something like: no I don't think you have that. Which made me feel even worse and like I wasn't allowed to talk and that everything I did was wrong. And when he broke up, we did take a break from seeing and talking to eachother. And than I contacted him, because I did want him in my life. I thought we could be friends, and than we would still be physical, which kept my hope up as well... Thing is I can't blame him for everything he did. While I accepted the way we were after our relationship. But like I said we're not talking anymore atm, which is somewhat peaceful, but I'm still struggling with the aftermath. Didn't really help either that I had a dream last night about that he wanted me back... Oh well, I'm gonna get through this 💪🏻

Sadly my date got cancelled... He got sick and has an inflamed eye. So we're going to reschedule. Yes we met on a dating app. I never realized 7 cups would censor that 😅 I would've told some people about my location indeed. And no way I'd allow him to bring me home after a first date, that just doesn't feel right for some reason. Same on splitting the bills.

That's an amazing promise to yourself! It's not easy, no, letting go is one of the hardest things imo. Learning from our mistakes is very useful. And finding out you do or don't like something is really good for self development. I think you're doing a great job continuing through struggles and figuring out whether it suits you or not. Letting go of something that isn't for you is an achievement!

Have you had time to watch the rest of the movie? Love to hear your opinion. 😊

I can understand it's nerve wracking. Times of uncertainty can feel very uncomfortable. It's also hard to choose when there's so many options. Glad to hear you're having more faith than before! Keep me posted on how your journey to your new career path goes.

Sucks that you had a bad day, good that you started over the next day! Sending all the luck and help for you to prepare ahead💙 How were your dance classes? Don't forget to take time to rest as well. I hope yesterday was kind to you and that today brings you kindness and joy as well!

I gotta say, yesterday I had a concert of The Offspring (I don't remember if I mentioned which concert I was going to). I've seen them before at a festival, but this was so much better! Originally I was supposed to go with my ex, but he didn't want to go anymore because he doesn't really listen to their music and because I told him the one time I saw them it wasn't really special or anything. I'm laughing at his face in my mind, because he missed out on an amazing, fun, and overall great show haha. There was this blimp cam, disguised as a zeppelin (it was a drone with a cam), in the between time from the second support act and their set. There was a guy in a gorilla suit hyping up the crowd. During the show lot's of bangers of songs, and somehow Noodles (the guitarist) ended up saying that this show and crowd felt like a Saturday burrito, " The best Saturday burrito", whatever that means 😂😂 I had tons of fun, and so did my sister!💙

Looking forward to your reply as usual 💙

navyAcai8433 OP May 23rd, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean sounds like a really bad sign, ocean. I'm really sorry to hear about it. Especially if you were more on the empathetic side then this relationship has been very hurtful for you. Of course I understand he is not to blame for everything, but I understand that the fact that he gave you false hope or lied basically, this was a very bad move, because this increases expectations you can have towards him. This is a responsibility for him. Now if you didn't expect anything from him, that was due to your own goodness, but people do and it's normal to as he's giving you hope after all. What happened in reality was the opposite, as he used you and slept with you. Overall terrible situation and I am super sorry this happened with you! Glad you are not talking to him now though. Let me know how that is going! 😊

Awww I'm sorry to hear your date got cancelled! What did you end up doing instead on that day?

Thank you for your kind words ocean! I'm so grateful for them! 😊

I actually didn't like the movie "Daddy's home" so much. I thought it would be funny but I was feeling so bad for the man and I was so serious the entire time! I also felt like they extended the plot to increase view time. The story would have been over long time ago otherwise :p

How have your plants been by the way? Hope you are remembering to water them! ♥️

Dance class was great! As per usual and this week I am not going swimming since I got my period ☹️ I am working on some assignments that were pending for a while (I'm a verrryy last minute person when it comes to all this!!) so that's how I am spending my time. Thankfully over the last one or two days I got a lot of work done, and there's some more to go. We'll see how that goes!

Thank you for your kind and good wishes! I hope your days are bringing you peace and joy as well ♥️♥️

Oh yeah!! You told me if the concert. How was it?! Awwww I'm so glad you had fun!! Did they play some of your favorite songs too? Thankfully your ex is out of the picture, as I think you enjoyed more than you would if you were with someone who is only making you sad and cry right now. He isn't good for you! And I am here with you in this journey as well, you can count on me and I will be here as best as I can for you!

How have your days been lately? Have you been taking care of you? Looking forward as always ♥️♥️

LoverOfTheOcean May 27th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 yeah, thinking back, there were plenty red flags... Guess love really does make you blind huh... Thanks for saying all that, though. It feels good to be understood by someone 💙 The not talking to him is going alright I think. I've been talking more to that guy I was supposed to have a date with, so I'm more focused on that tbh. We haven't set a new date yet unfortunately. But hope we can meet soon. I think I ended up working on some homework I got from work

That's totally fine if you didn't like the movie. To each their own, right? Have you been watching other movies lately?

Thanks for the reminder!💙 I have watered my plants. And even propagated one of them! I've got baby spider plants now, though not sure what to do with them yet...

Glad to hear you enjoyed your dance class! Don't you just hate it when you period gets in the way? I always have like a day the week prior where I'm extra emotional and get irritated about the smallest things. And than when my period shows up I'm just like ahh that makes sense.

I hope the assignments were doable and that they don't take up all of your free time. Good to hear you've already done a lot! Makes me a proud friend 😊 I'm sure you can finish the rest as well! Don't forget to take breaks though 😉

They did play some of my favorite songs! It made me feel very happy at the moment. I do think I enjoyed it better now than I would've, if I went with my ex. Thank you for being there for me, it really means a lot💙💙

My days have been up and down. I had this awful pain in my lower belly on Tuesday. Everything was spinning when I went to the bathroom and next thing I know I was sort of sitting against the wall on the floor. Not knowing how I got there... I guess I past out. I was supposed to go to work that day, but called in sick obviously. Made an appointment with my doctor, who couldn't find anything. But they are gonna take a blood test to be sure nothing's wrong next Friday. Luckily I was feeling bit better the next day and could go to work on Thursday again. Also had another concert Thursday. Went to Bruce Springsteen with my mom and sister. It was in an arena and we had seats way up high, and I'm afraid of heights 😅 so that was something. The concert itself was like 3 hours long or so and it was so good seeing a band having so much fun playing music together. I don't know how I can explain what it was like, but it was on a whole other level of concerts that I've been to. And I enjoyed every last bit of it!

How has last week been to you? Do you have any plans for this week? Love to hear from you again as always 💙💙

navyAcai8433 OP June 5th, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean hey hey Ocean! Thanks for your lovely reply! I'm happy to know your decision to not talk to your ex has made you happy! :) And yes I really do hate it when periods get in our way. It's annoying at one point lol! My days have been going alright more or less, just the same as usual. I didn't have anything really new and interesting happen so I'm just riding through steady waters right now! I'm really so sorry to hear that you were not feeling well and that sounds horrendous that you almost passed out on the bathroom floor. Why would that happen, do you think? I hope the doctor has recommended what is to be done to take care of yourself! Let me know what the results say as well! I'm really looking forward to know how you are doing now and how everything else has been going ❤️

LoverOfTheOcean June 12th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 Hi Navy! Thanks for your reply 😊 How have you been lately? Hope your still in steady waters. That's okay if you think you feel like nothing new or interesting has happend, I'm happy to hear about your day to day whereabouts as well anyways 😊 Or if somethings bothering you and you want to vent, I'll be here for you 💙

Not much came from my doctor's visit, but the fact that I slightly have a vitamin D deficiency. But the passing out, no one know really what that was about...

Last week I had not one but 2 concerts, Harry Styles and the day after was Muse. Had a lot of fun with friends and family. Only thing that sucks is that they went by so fast. I wanna go back, especially to Muse's concert. I miss them already. But today Nothing But Thieves announced a concert so I'm happy about that. But stressed for getting tickets tomorrow (presale), or Friday (regular sale).

Oh I've got some news btw. That guy I told you about, we set a date again. I'm excited and a bit nervous about it. So does he, he told me. Honestly can't wait to meet him tbh. I'm just gonna tell you his name too, cause it's easier to talk about him instead of saying that guy and whatever. It's Denny btw.

Also went to see Spider-Man: across the spider verse and it. was. AMAZING. The different art styles, the story. It had an open ending though, so now have to wait a year for the next one to come out 🙃 But am probably gonna see it again with Denny 😊

Let's see what else... oh, I had EMDR therapy for the first time. It was hard and exhausting. But I think it went well. Thought I kinda found it hard to concentrate on the bad thing over and over. And like all the feelings that I felt during the session.

I'll be house sitting my grandparents house for the next few weeks. Though I still have to pack my stuff, but it's like 30°C right now and my energy is thus very low 😅 How's the weather over there? I hope it's less hot than here.

I guess overall I've been doing okay ish. There's still thoughts, especially at night, where I feel alone and long for arms around me. Where I miss what my ex and I had in the beginning. I did notice that I do think about him sometimes. But like also think ugh when he sends me a snap on *** (we still send eachother snaps for streak, but that's it).

I think that's all I got for now. I'll talk to you some other time again. Wishing you all the best and luck and hope the waters stay steady for you! Can't wait for your reply as always 💙💙

navyAcai8433 OP June 21st, 2023

@LoverOfTheOcean hey ocean! I have been doing alright! Recently had a competitive exam that I had to appear for and so I was less active, but now that it is over I'm on here again! In somewhat steady waters because a relative of mine was admitted to the hospital and so that was very very stressful for all of us, on top of the exam! Thank you for being a strong pillar for support for me ❤️

I'm sorry to know that the doctor didn't find a clear cause for it. What would be your best guess about the fainting incident on why it happened? I hope you are able to build back the deficiency!

That sounds amazing! How were the concerts? Awwww i can understand it went by too fast! I used to be a crazy Harry Styles fan at one point! I don't know if I told you. He was like my very first celebrity crush 😛

Denny, I got you! And I am glad you were able to reschedule a date with him again. How did it go? And did you find him to be safe? The last date I went to was like a year ago lol, my love life is in pure mess. It's not even a mess, it's not there. Non-existent! 😂

That's amazing!! Hope you enjoy watching it again with Denny! I understand EMDR, as they make you recall your bad experiences. Of course I understand the stress and tensions from it. It's so hard to do! I have my full empathy for you!

That's very very hot! In here it's super hot too. Ranges from 35-40°C unless it's raining. And it did rain today which is why it's been a bit cooler!

It's okay to miss him and okay to long for care and comfort. You deserve it from someone really good! You can feel free to vent about him at any point. It took me a full month to get over the crying phase after my breakup, and then after that it took me some more months to stop thinking about him completely. But all this because he left without an explanation, so I had no ways to contact him or help the situation, so I had to just move on!

Right now I am trying to focus more on self care because worries, exams, and poor health of family members have gotten me really down and low. I want to maintain my energy levels! Thank you for your kindness and companionship. I await your reply ❤️

LoverOfTheOcean July 10th, 2023

@navyAcai8433 Hi Navy! That must've been very stressful indeed! I hope your relative is doing better now. I'm always here for you if you want to talk about it and let everything out💙 How did your exam go? Did you get your grade back already?

I really don't know what caused the pain and the fainting 😅 Just hope it won't get back and happen again. The concerts were amazing, I still wanna go back haha. Ahh I don't recall you telling me that, I remember my first celebrity crush was Joe Jonas 😂 ngl it was fun being a fangirl haha.

The date went really well, we went for lunch first and walked around the city before going to the movie (which was great again, I can't wait untill the next one comes out). It was really fun and we saw each other yesterday again (and the day before that🙈). We watched the first 2 Harry Potter movies and got pizza for dinner and went to eat ice cream at some place. I did spent the night at his place and we did kiss, nothing else though. I don't want it to go too fast, y'know. It's okay if it's non-existent, who knows someone might show up out of the blue 😉 In the meantime I hope you're having fun with friends and can enjoy your life as much as you can💙

Rain after some very hot days are the best! I don't know why, but I love the smell that comes after a rainy day.

Thank you for saying that, I really appreciate it 😊 That must've been hard and painful, for him to leave without explanation. I hope your over him now, you deserve someone waayyyy better that him. Someone who's willing to support you and communicate with you. Good to hear you're focussing on self care! Take all the time you need💙 It is important to maintain your energy levels. I hope your summer will be less stressful, so you can enjoy having fun instead. Love to hear from you whenever you're ready 💙