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Not happy birthday nahoa

User Profile: theboymoana
theboymoana February 14th

Nothing going be different

try think be different make it this birthday did not think would after spend half last year in hospital have major surgeries January June October December get pneumonia so bad put in heart failure think nahoa never get this far

try be happy try have good birthday but nothing ever going be different never going be different 

nahoa never going matter never be included people pretend care but don’t am just always in way always problem no one care until upset then act like nahoa be horrible jerk no reason no one care how make me feel never ever ever ever ever care

am stupid stupid horrible trash 

this what deserve because am worse kid in whole world Take up space when every one wish nahoa leave never come back 😭😭😭😭😭😭

User Profile: PineTreeTree
PineTreeTree February 14th

@theboymoana Happy Birthday precious Nahoa ❤️

Happy birthday! Just remember there is never going to be anyone just like you. Never has and never will. You are very special! You are a one of a kind. You have so much to offer the world.


Omg don't think like know I also felt the same way but it's all in your see no one has right over you so don't let any negative thoughts let you say otherwise..

God bless You

User Profile: LexiiiMae99
LexiiiMae99 February 14th


*hugs for nahoa if okay* 

My pms are always open if you need to vent, or you can just tag me in a forum 

User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul February 14th

@theboymoana I don't think you're any of these horrible bad things. I think you're a pretty awesome surfer dude. You had a bad year but that doesn't make you a bad person. I'm hoping that this year will be better for you! 

Happy Birthday Nahoa! 🎉



User Profile: MistyMagic
MistyMagic February 14th


Heyyy Happy Birthday, this next year IS going to be different because we want it to be better for you 


User Profile: Phoenix1234theythem
Phoenix1234theythem February 14th


:( hugs n milkshake? Im sorry, but I can promise you that Im not pretending to care; I care about you so much and love you so, so much friendo 💖💛 Happy platonic valentine's dayy :) try love yourself and others, today is a day of love n it doesnt just have to be romance 💗

User Profile: Radjae0laila
Radjae0laila February 15th

@theboymoana maaan , i care , i may not know u , u may think i don't care , but i care , about u , please maaan , i believe people care , if u don't believe it , am me , and am saying i care , i know it may be hard but please maan , i would do all i can to help , please if anything tell , i get u i know its hard , and i feel u , u may think i don't I DO , am serious no fun in what am saying , i care for u bro.

User Profile: Radjae0laila
Radjae0laila February 15th

@theboymoana do u know what , last time  we were in a Chat , and i was talking , to u , with some other people, and u said , things like , fake positivity and alll that , i get u , i know what it means , i don't like to say my personal things , but i had dark nights , cries in the morning when the sun is out , no one know what is going on , bad grades , broken trust , more then that looking at the world and seeing , all the news and stuff going on , not believing there is any goodness, surroundings pressure , judgment ,pain , and soo much more , so i'm not in another world , i don't know ur situation but im trying my best to reach u , listen to me , be serious , cuz , uh man , i may help , and i would do all i can , just don't hesitate, please i beg u.

User Profile: Radjae0laila
Radjae0laila February 15th

@theboymoana , something else , i wanna make it clear ,i see ,i have hope in u , i really really do , but , but, if u , don't do anything , listen as harsh as it may sound , as unfair as it may sound , IF U DON'T DO ANYTHING , IF U NEVER TRY TO , OPEN UP , REACH OUT , ASK , WHATEVER THING U CAN DO , IF U NEVER PUSH MAN , AND TRY TO LOOK AROUND JUST TO PEOPLE WHO ARE SENDING U MESSAGES , AND , SAYING WHAT THEY SAY, if u never catch the opportunities , such as , reaching out , deep breathing , going all in in ur life , being aware of what u consume , thats no fake , this isnt fake , nor the sadness , i know what ur going through is real , but the goodness is also real , i once heard  WE DON'T EXPERIENCE LIFE, WE EXPERIENCE WHAT WE FOCUS ON IN LIFE , soo be aware where u focus , if anything  I AM HERE , IM TELLING U BROTHER ,  i will try my best to be available , and this isn't a pleasure or like help u , we are all together in it so.