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Nadia and pixie space

pixierobin June 28th

@iloveyouxx hi Nadia I know we haven’t spoken in a while and I haven’t been on 7 cups much lately but I really miss you and couldn’t find our old thread so I’m making this new one so we can hopefully talk again


iloveyouxx June 29th


iloveyouxx June 29th

I’m so so so so so so so sorry :') I never meant to leave like that and so much has been happening but Ive missed you so much🩷how’re you🩷🩷/behonestlol

pixierobin OP June 29th

@iloveyouxx awwwww no no no you have nothing to apologize for friend. Yeah a lot has been happening for me too but I’m so so glad we are talking again💜💜💜 I’ve missed you toooo I’m idk tbh how are you(be honest)

iloveyouxx June 29th


im glad too🩷I hope you’re okay💜you can talk if you want ):💕idk either heh everything’s just :')

pixierobin OP June 29th

@iloveyouxx yeah that’s how I feel haha

thanks I’m ok

you can alway talk too💕

also sorry if my responses are slow I’m in the middle of dress shopping

iloveyouxx June 29th


yeah it’s just a lot💜dress shopping :0 I’m so sure you’d look beautiful in any🩷this is random but are you recovering from your ed💜and it’s oke tyt💕

pixierobin OP June 29th

@iloveyouxx thanks but they are not for me it’s wedding dress shopping for my cousin.

yeah I get that no pressure to talk about it😊

Not really I guess

how about you have you been sleeping any? I haven’t haha 🥲

iloveyouxx June 29th


awwe well my cousins getting married too hah :p I’m sorry I was hoping you would’ve had it better by now😞smh TvT nope still sleep deprived and starving myself🥲🩷..

pixierobin OP June 29th

@iloveyouxx oh that kinda funny both our cousins getting married.

haha sameee🥲 I’m sorry things are still so bad at least we are back together though💕

iloveyouxx June 29th


lol yeah xD  oh no it’s much worse that’s just :') 

do you still go to rooms🩷? I haven’t in a while :0 have you made any new cups friends after everything💕

pixierobin OP June 29th

@iloveyouxx oh I’m sorry

yeah I kinda just went of 7 cups completely for while and before that I didn’t do much rooms and now I’m back I’ve gone back to them some but mostly just talking to my old friends

yeah I get not being on here much anymore but I’m glad to talk to you we should definitely still talk even if we don’t do rooms any more💕

iloveyouxx June 29th


yeah I know💜I agree tho I missed you sm💕💗this just reminded me of one of our friends :’) hold on let me find the name

iloveyouxx June 29th
luckycharme9788 you remember :’)?🩷
iloveyouxx July 17th


hey🩷are you busy😛💕missed youu

pixierobin OP July 18th

@iloveyouxx hiii not really just really tired I feel weird

how are youuuu?

missed you too💕💕

iloveyouxx July 18th


awwe me too. I haven’t been feeling really well lately, I don’t remember if I already asked but have you started summer break yet💕?


pixierobin OP July 18th

@iloveyouxx awwww I’m sorry about that

oh yeah I started awhile ago but I’m doing online school this year and I’m about to start again. What about you?

iloveyouxx July 19th


its okaayy💕

omg I wish I had online school, I’m starting year 9 on september 2, is there any reason you’re doing online school now? 

sorry I just woke up lol I slept🥲😛💜

pixierobin OP July 19th

@iloveyouxx yeah I’m really glad abt online school too I wish you could too. My last school was just getting really bad so my mom pulled me out. Haha that’s ok I’m glad you are getting sleep💕

iloveyouxx July 20th


😭😭god I want that so bad😭I wish I could switch schools my dad wouldn’t let me tho no matter what it was :’) awe thankyou💕how’re you❤️? hugs I’m happy you don’t have to do school irl this year, online school is so much better imo even if you had to open your camera or still wear a uniform or any of that it’s still just so much better, what year are you in now?💗im going onto year 9😛🩷

pixierobin OP July 20th

@iloveyouxx awww I’m sorry friend *hugssss*💜💜💜 yeah I’m hoping it will go well but who knows. Eh I’m not that great but idk just normal I guess if that makes sense. How are you?? Yeah so am I haha

iloveyouxx July 20th


*huuggss*🩷🩷🩷it’s okay💜💜I’m hoping it’ll go well for you too :p💕

oof I’m sorry same and it does make sense, this is really random but is it not crazy that we start school at (depends but) 4 and finish at 17/18 and my lead teacher said your school years are meant to be the best years of your life but.…theyre not.😭

but what do you think would change your normal or how you’ve been for so long ):💗

you are? lol we’re growing up together😛💖/j

pixierobin OP July 20th

@iloveyoux yeah idk this just seems like a permanent normal yk? I’m sorry that it is like that for you🥲

yeah it’s really stupid like school for me was so bad with like bullying and teachers and everything and the thing is I’m gonna be glad to be away from school and my parents when I’m older but also even after life still sucks yk? It’s like we never get a break.

yeah haha I didn’t even realize we were in the same grade haha. 💚🩵💚

iloveyouxx July 22nd



yeah I get it. school is just ugh horrible and it’s like you’re not even safe at home or at school and you don’t have a proper escape from everything :’) or maybe that’s just me🤪and true if I make it to a point where I can just move far away from everything I don’t think id be happy or even okay still. I feel like, the damage is done and I can’t actually be happy again, but again, that’s just me😛sorry for venting it’s 4:42am and I felt lonely lol sorry💜

hehe <3💛💛

it’s 4:44am now xD hugggsss🖤🖤🖤


pixierobin OP July 22nd

@iloveyouxx exactly it’s definitely not just you like everything you just said describes it so well for how it is for me too like my plan is too move far away from my family but like you said it’s like the damage is done and I’ll never be happy.

don’t be sorry you can vent whenever you want💖💖 *hugs* it’s almost 8 pm for me haha time differences are weird lol

iloveyouxx July 22nd


oof now I realize I would’ve preferred it if it was just me you don’t deserve to relate :')❤️I wish I could say something to help but I feel the same way

awe💗hugs💕💖you can always talk about you too🩷woah lol I wish it was 8pm here, I hope you end up sleeping better than me :p💜

pixierobin OP July 22nd

@iloveyouxx awww you don’t deserve to relate either but at least we have each other💕 thanks haha tho I doubt it sleep is hard lol hope you get some too💚

iloveyouxx July 22nd


aww I’m happy I have you💕I think it’s too late for me😛sun rised it’s 5:22am and nuu please try you deserve to get some rest sleep is essentiall >>>: *👀* but actually :p I’ve tried so many different techniques and stuff to help you sleep but it’s partly me that’s stopping me. are you tired but can’t sleep or?🤍

pixierobin OP July 22nd

@iloveyouxx awww well I hope you get sleep soon it’s important🩵 yeah same I’ve tried so many things and like I’m tired but I just can’t sleep yk plus it’s the only time I feel safe because ik my family is asleep and so I can relax yk

iloveyouxx July 22nd


thats what i tell other people :’) that no one’s awake at night and it’s just the only time I can really..breathe. but I think I have a lot of reasons. like it feels stupid to just sleep with everything going on I can’t just close my eyes and sleep if that makes sense, and then there’s nightmares that I get every time I do close my eyes and sleep. I like being up at night kind of. but of course I also kinda wanna sleep too idk, btw I might have to go soon because I’m logged on on someone else’s device and :p🤍

pixierobin OP July 22nd

@iloveyouxx yeah I get that I feel like as soon as I lay down everything just starts closing in around me and I get nightmares too they are hard🥲 I like the night but then being that tired just makes the day so much harder so idk but I get what you mean💜 it’s ok if you have to go hope we can talk later💙💙

iloveyouxx July 22nd


): ugh everything just sucks hearing about you having everything suck somehow sucks more. I'm sorry you get nightmares too :’) and yeah running on little to no sleep is so hard especially at school it would be so impossible and draining it felt horrible, im still here until I poof lol🖤

pixierobin OP July 22nd

@iloveyouxx yeah it was hard at school but school sucked anyway haha🥲 I’m sorry that we both have sleep problems but I’m ok don’t feel bad💙💜

iloveyouxx July 22nd

it’s starting to get hard to see the replies xD they’re going to the side- I don’t know if it does that for you too? 


pixierobin OP July 22nd

@iloveyouxx oh yeah I just noticed that haha

iloveyouxx July 22nd


oof true🥲school can’t get any worse on its own. of course I’ll feel bad I feel so bad I mean I don’t care about me but you don’t deserve any of this ):🤍

(replying here)

pixierobin OP July 22nd

@iloveyouxx thanks 💜 but you don’t deserve this either so I care about you even if you don’t *hugs*💙💙💙

iloveyouxx July 22nd


awe :’)💗hugs💓💓💜

iloveyouxx July 22nd



I’m very lost-

pixierobin OP July 22nd

@iloveyouxx me too🖤