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I want to imrpove

D4n1ell4 September 18th

Hello Im a 14 year old girl who has recently realised that i have been a horrible toxic friend. I want to improve but the things Ive done are really bad (spreading rumours, telling secrets, victimizing myself etc) yes i know im v selfish and bad at heart but i really want to change. Almost everyone in my school knows all the wrong things i jave done and dont want to be associated with me anymore which is fair. But I really want to change, any tips? Yes i have tried apologizing but they wont accept no matter what and i understand. Im unsure of how to make myself into a better person

Tinywhisper11 September 18th

@Drandnadree awww sweetie your a young teen, it's ok to make mistakes ❤ you haven't done any real harm here, accept to yourself. Wanting to change, and make ammends, and admit to your problems, well you are more mature than many adults🙂❤ to change your ways you already know what to do, just try to be honest, friendly, and kind. You have a good heart, otherwise you wouldn't be here seeking help. Use that beautiful heart of yours ❤

annadaisy50749 September 18th


its gonna be difficult.
i'm not saying this from a place of hate. the thing is teenage years are years where emotions and sensitivity runs real high. i mean im sure if some other person was standing in ur place today u would have definately acted the same way.
spreading rumors n telling secrtes...they betray trust of others uk...
i feel like its gonna take people time to trust u again and start to like you.
till then try be the best person you can be. see where you have gone wrong and try to make up for it. appologize whole heartedly to the people you have done wrong to...

it will take time for people to see that you have changed for the better. till then try to be your best . 

hope everything gets sorted out for youđź’›

ginaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa September 18th

@Drandnadree I had a similar friend. She spread terrible rumours about me and ignored me whenever she was talking to more popular girls and even boys that I liked. I can never forgive her. She still doesn't realise that she is toxic but even if she did and came apologising to me I don't think I could ever be good friends with her again. What I suggest is that make new friends. It might be hard to let go of your old friends and find new people considering that everyone knows what you did. But trust me you will find someone that understands you gives you a chance.

gladtidings0701 September 18th

Dear, you acknowledging your wrongs and trying to do better is a feat in itself. It is the first and most difficult step. You're pretty young and already have so much self-awareness. Believe me, you're better than most adults. Also, go a little easy on yourself, you know what to do, just take your chances and be kind. To yourself and to others. You'll be a great friend, you're already on it!

Talkitoutwdme September 18th

Totally agree with @Tinywhisper11 ----

@Drandnadree, you are young and learning how things work. It’s okay to make mistakes. What matters is that you have realized what was going wrong, which shows you have a good heart and are very capable of changing yourself. Keep believing in yourself and stay positive. Every step you take towards improvement is a step towards a brighter future

rainySky9896 September 18th


I'I'm really happy to know that you want to change?Let me give you some advice in  this regard, u can Apley them on every relationship 

1- never talk about other people  or share what you about them, always act surprise even if you actually know, people may force you to talk but comment to  know nothing.

2-keep ur opinion to ur self if no one asked you for an opinion.

3- care as much they care love as much they love don't do anything extra  cause they might think they r better than u.

4- do be open about you house hold situation like financial issues, fights or bad things about your family  cause they gonna use it against you when they have a chance, and that's pain gonna stay long because you actually trusted them

5- don't be based don't choose a side always be neutral in ur choices and opinion.

beyaz September 18th

I wish i realized how horrible the things i did when i was your age 8 years ago. You are going to be grow up to be an amazing person that is self aware and loving. I wish i had a friend like you that knew themselves. You have no idea how frustrating it is to have no idea why everybody around you hates you, avoids you so much. You know it so you already achieved the difficult part. For me, i will never be able to self reflect and never know why i’m so horrible

Gabrielaxxx September 18th

Hi, The things that truly helped me were therapy and reading books, and if you are open to it, then practical religious teachings. The religious part helped me expose myself to really good and healthy friends, and solid things that would help. personally, i had a great experience with it a few years ago, but this is not the case for everyone, use your own discernement. youtube, podcasts, and books were so helpful for me. if you have access to any form of social media there is so much good out there, although be careful with that too, but social media was a good tool for me as a young person.

Also, i know you said you apologized, i wasn't there to see that, but just in case this helps, or in the future. Personally I find it that sometimes people don't revise their apologies, instead of saying "i'm sorry" with a tone, say things like "i'm sorry, how can i fix this and make things better" so actually apologizing and taking inspired action, where you can show to others how sorry you are. it seems more genuine, it makes all the difference.

never forget we are constantly changing, I am not the same person i was 3 months ago, or a year ago. if you look at your friends, or family members, they are not the same person as when you first met them. Personally, i've been at the bottom 2 or 3 times in my life, and i've "rebranded" myself over and over again, i come back as a completely new person. as it happens for many, too. School or jobs can create these tunnel vision experiences, where you are held to versions that other people have known, to the version of you that you know. but you are not held back by people, the world, or past versions of you. Please never lelt that hold you back from creating signficant change in your life.

Gabrielaxxx September 18th

omg i am os sorry about the big gaps between the paragraphs, i just wanted to separate everything idk why that happened lol.

BorisRadman September 18th

For a start you can observe that the very fact that you care about what you do and you want to do good means that you are a good person.

OhLookItsRay September 19th

Hey, kiddo. Take it easy on yourself. You're 14. I did some pretty insensitive stuff when I was your age.

Tip number one is: stop comparing yourself to people so much.

Tip number two: be kind to yourself, and you'll be kinder to others.

Tip number three: be the kind of person you'd want to have as a friend.


calmingcomfortero September 20th

Hello we all make mistakes and I am proud of you for wanting a improve. The past is the past if you do change. The first step to improving is to take actions to stop repeating the same mistakes. It's their freewill to decide to forgive you or not. Maybe it would be a good idea to give them space and avoid them. Have you considered changing school? It might be drastic but considering how everyone is treating you at school a fresh start might help.

You can try to be extra kind to others and be known for seeing the good in others. :) If changing school is not possible, and you get left out, it might be hard but it's okay to be alone. Stay confident and strong and stand up for yourself. Other than that, do your own things and have fun with yourself, spend more time on academics, family. They still need you really. I hope you don't feel too bad for yourself for too long because what is done is done so it might help to focus on what you can do.

CallumKing2000 September 20th

Hi there, I read your post and first i wanna say well done for opening up about this as its not always eazy to open up about things so thats a big step. Second of all you released what you have done and you've been honest about it that's huge to also talk about and you came here to share about that and there's nothing wrong with that too. Your young and still a teen but what's important is you have realised what has happened and know you want to improve. I honestly think being here can help you and I'm sure it will improve yourself. We all make mistakes but don't be hard on yourself about it. Your human you gotta be gentle with yourself and feelings. I hope your journey here can help you and help your journey to better yourself will go well. Wishing you the best. 

fancyIris3 September 20th

Hi D4n1ell4

I applaud you for your self-awareness, courage to admit wrongdoing, and the desire to right the wrong.

You can change, and your situation may be changed as well. I do think that it requires one on one consultation over a period of time to look deeply into what went wrong and why, how to improve it, and how to connect with others from that new space.

Regardless, keep going. You have admirable qualities!


powerfulPapaya5589 September 20th

I wouldn’t say having done bad things makes you bad at heart- personally, although I know it sounds counter productive, letting go of shame and self punishment has made it easier for me to be good to the people around me. When we feel trapped, low on resources, love we could give ourselves, that’s when people act ***-I know I do when I feel that way. I had a friend that treat me this way at that age, and learning to understand her and have compassion for her circumstances helped me heal as well :,)

comfortingSoul741 September 25th


I think that you are a kindhearted person and that you just made some mistakes and that's okay because we all make mistakes, especially at the age of 14. I recommend to just be friendly, honest and stay out of gossip for now on. If your old friends don't forgive you  just make peace with that situation by wishing them the best and try starting fresh and making new ones. Let them know you are working on changing your ways. Keep in mind that u are young and have plenty of time to grow!