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I'm tired

ThornyNini August 15th

Honestly, I'm exhausted from pretending everything is fine when it's not I'm tired of forcing a smile and hiding my true emotions I feel like I'm dying inside, but I can't show it. I wanna cry so badly I wanna  scream but I can't. I'm trapped in this facade and it's suffocating me. My life feels like a mess, and I'm not okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I'm tired of pretending everything will be alright when it won't. I feel like I'm losing control of everything I can't seem to make sense of my life anymore and I'm not even sure what normal is anymore,I'm just a messed up teenage girl who feels lost and overwhelmed. I wish I could break down and release these emotions, but I'm scared that if I do everyone around me will fall apart too I'm exhausted from trying to make sense of everything, but I've reached my limit. I can't keep pretending to have it all together anymore.I've been holding on for so long, but I'm at my breaking point. I'm drained from trying to put the pieces together, but it's all falling apart. I can't keep going on like this.I'm tired yk of being strong, tired of being the glue that holds everything together. I can't keep it up anymore.

PastaIsVeryUnderrated August 15th

@littleNini16 awh luv🥺 im sorry nini, i know times are so so hard, and everything seems so so hopeless, its normal and okay to break down at some point luv.♥♥

sending so many huggies and pasta for you, i love you trouble, im always here for you.

ThornyNini OP August 15th


Thanks pasta 😊 😊, that means alot to me

ThornyNini OP August 15th

@PastaIsVeryUnderratedThanks pasta 😊 😊, that means alot to me

Davidino29 August 15th


I also one like you,  a 15 year old teenager that for this summer has feel a lot depressed than usual, one advice that i can give you and helped me a little bit is to take the mind off by doing something that you know 100% will like you, it could be a walk, a book, for me are videogames, start to not think or at least decrease the throughts, I am also in a period of life that is terrible, and i think too I dont have the power and energy to came across this *tunnel of despair* so do whatever you love doing and dont do the stuff because the majority of people does, even if you think you are the only one that likes doing something, go for it and it will make you feel better, because you like what you are doing, keep going!!!! I am with you!!!!

ThornyNini OP August 15th


Distraction's don't work for me anymore,I used to love reading, I've been drawing recently to distract myself you know but I can't it's not working anymore,am just tired of life am tired of every *** thing, I'm just tired,I can't even do anything anymore 

Davidino29 August 15th


Noooooo please dont be tiredddd dont make me feel bad for youuuuu, I want you to not be sad, please do it for who u wantttt pleaseeeeeeee if you think you have nobody do it for meeee, dont quitttt lifeeee i am with youuuu❤👍😥😥😥😥

ThornyNini OP August 15th


Thanks David 😊😊


I really understand what you are talking about and how you feel. It's the same for me too. I hope talking with us can help you.❤️

uniqueGrace8272 August 16th


hey nini its me again . Hang in there 😥 . I know its getting more and more difficult day by day and you feel like you cant do this anymore. I just want to say that you are not alone we all are here with you to support you. You don’t have to be the glue that holds everything together here . We all are here to listen to you we love you 🥺. Also i am happy to see you around. I am glad to know that you are still here alive . I guess the apples 🍎 i gave you did their magic 🪄 😯 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 17th

I was just thinking the same thing… I’m so glad you’re still around <3 Sorry I didn’t comment on your other post, but I was really worried about you. How are you doing now? <3

ThornyNini OP August 17th


No biggie reeeeee,am glad you're here though.

*Am just gonna jump over that question* hru though?

jesusredeemedme2425 August 17th


Not so good? :(

I'm eh. Hand hurts lol

ThornyNini OP August 17th


Awh ☹️, *sending lots of fairy dust to heal your hand**

There's nothing like fairy dust 😅 😅 

Hope you feel better soon .

*Hugs* if accepted 

jesusredeemedme2425 August 17th

Awwww thank you!!!!! <3

ThornyNini OP August 17th


Awww🥺🥺, thanks graceyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy that really means alot to me ,I know that they are lots of people here to listen to me,but sometimes I can't really take to people about stuff and sometimes am nervous about been the center of attention am not used to it, am not used to people caring about me it just feels so weird sometimes ,it feels weird telling people how I feel,for most of my life I never mattered to anyone,hope you get a single word from my blabbing,the apples are really doing their magic in keeping me less hungry but they aren't keeping these nurses aways 🥺🥺

Thanks again 😊😊

*Sits in the corner and cries*

jesusredeemedme2425 August 17th

I care about you <3

ThornyNini OP August 17th


Thanks reeeeee*shares my cookies with you 😅*


uniqueGrace8272 August 17th


i just want you to know nini that you are not alone. I am here and we all are here for you.

*sits with nini in that corner and offers hugs 🤗 *

ThornyNini OP August 17th


*Hugggggggs super tight**shares my cookies with you too😊* 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

Yasashiku August 16th

Nini, we are not supposed to be the glue that holds everything together. We are just humans. But still you are loved. You are good enough as you are. You don't have to do anything. Just follow your heart. Be yourself❤️

ThornyNini OP August 17th


Ofc yas I know I should be my own self ,but been the glue that holds everyone together is my job it has been since I was 7 and I doubt it gonna change,well maybe when i d I e it's gonna change,I have to stay strong,I have to be there for everyone,even though they aren't ever here for me,but that's okay,am already used to all this😊😊

Yasashiku August 17th

You are loved. If you can keep it up, great, I encourage you, and I praise you for being so good! ♥️ but if there is some time you can't do it and if sometimes it is too stressful for you to do it, you are welcome to send me a message. You are still loved. You are still good Nini. ❤️

Yasashiku August 16th

Feel free to message me.

ThornyNini OP August 17th


Thanks yasssssss

LoneBrother August 17th


i feel for your situation. I understand.

Jewels2270 August 17th

Im exhausted too I'm 21 btw

..but, I mean I try distracting myself with video game with some good music. But even then if I'm alone with my thoughts too long I get delusional maybe to the point where I'm not there mentally and just space out. Yeah, I felt like dying inside and outside that I become this horrible person. My life is a complete mess as well,.it's suffocating...

Everything in my life is breaking, my parents are narcissist, the people who supposedly who are my friends left me, the best person who came in my life was a gf and she left me because shes tired of me & my issues.

but you know its their lose I guess.

But I guess you gotta look at the pros and the cons.

Im trapped in a complex situation so there's not much hope for me...

But maybe for you I hope

ThornyNini OP August 17th


I feel you frr,I know this sounds weird coming from me but am sure there's hope for both of us.

There's always a rainbow 🌈🌈after the storm ..

*Hugsssssss tightly and share my cookies with you* if accepted 😊 

Jewels2270 August 17th

Well honestly that's what one of my friends said, but nothing gets better from me honestly...

They just get worse because I can't upright leave my situation..

My friend said the exact same day and my gf dumped me.. kinda ironic right?

I would ask you if you want to be friends, @littleNini16

But everybody left me because of my issues or they can't stand me anymore so I don't expect too much from you or anybody anymore...

But thanks for the cookie & hug 🍪

(If you want to keep talking making a forum for just us)

xtr27 August 17th

Be strong. Focus on the moment. On what matters. On true friends and true to u.


MissCOOKIEY August 17th

It's very okay to feel this way, embrace the feeling and accept your reality.

I think it will be a step to your joyous days

NabeelahHendricks August 17th

@littleNini16 I feel EXACTLY like this, word for word, except I am 29, female, single, living with my parents, working a low-paying remote job that JUST covers my expenses which are my contribution to house bills. I am also tired.

TheSunParadox33 August 17th

It sounds like you have a very heavy plate to carry. Just thought you should know you’re not alone and we are all here to help and support you! Hoping you feel better soon 🤗

Serendiiipity August 17th

@littleNini16 i am really sorry that you are going through a really rough patch. Stay strong , sending you hugs and prayers. May the force be with you <3