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If you could have been born with a different name...

Heather225 June 19th


We live in an age where we can pick our names, even change them officially, or use nicknames to dictate our own identity. But I'm curious what name or names you'd have thought better suit you!

(Gender doesn't need to matter here btw!)

I would have chosen Skye!

📛 Your turn! 

SleepyShyCat June 21st


I would have loved to be called Charlie 🐈

Heather225 OP June 21st


Charlie the cat has a nice ring to it 🥰

SleepyShyCat June 21st


Yes ^^ I'd change my name if I didn't have difficulties with change lol

Tinywhisper11 June 22nd

@SleepyShyCat that would be cool 😎 cause I'm Lola. We'd be like the cartoon😁


SleepyShyCat June 22nd


Yes!! I loved Charlie and Lola as a kid xD

Tinywhisper11 June 22nd

@SleepyShyCat that's us ❤😁 I've missed seeing you around, is everything ok?

SleepyShyCat June 22nd


Things have been difficult, I'm managing as best as I can, but It often means I don't have energy to engage with others irl or online 🩷

Tinywhisper11 June 22nd

@SleepyShyCat I understand that sweetie ❤ I'm sorry things are hard for you right now😥 just never forget you are loved here, I love you ❤ and I'm always here for you, we all are. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

SleepyShyCat June 22nd

@Tinywhisper11 hug.gif

hyunjinnn June 22nd

@Heather225 i would name me lavender 

Tinywhisper11 June 23rd

@hyunjinnn ohhh! That's a pretty name ❤ lavender is so beautiful, it's my favourite scent

Heather225 OP June 24th


i like that 💜 purple is my favorite color

ProcessingMitchell June 25th

I got married in Korea and it is not customary for women to change their name. I told my partner that if I were to do a western tradition and take his family name, then screw it I’m gonna change my entire name to “Danger Kim.” It would be the Korean spelling for the English word, which also sounds like “Denzel” but it can also sound like if you put a “D” in front of “Angel”. My partner joked that he would change his name to “Megatron.”

Why let Danger be my middle name when it can be my first?

But if I were to really change it, I would either take David after my uncle who passed in Vietnam, or Almendro, the name of the man who gave my grandfather his visa so he could travel to Hawaii to work the pineapple plantations and later to Guam where he met my grandmother.

But I already have my grandfather’s family name in my middle name, so perhaps I would take my grandmother’s name, Josepha, and go by Joseph.

To clarify, I am AFAB (just letting everyone know that same-sex marriage is unfortunately not yet allowed in Korea, since I used my partner’s pronouns and am choosing masculine names). I just always felt I should have had a stronger sounding name. This is why I use my family name, which is also a masculine name, and always liked it when one of my Sergeants called me “Mitch.” My given name is incredibly feminine and I go by the masculine nickname for it, because I feel like it suits me better.

I feel my name is a verbal handshake and mine needs to match my personality. I’m waiting right now on my partner after a bad night’s sleep because he was feeling poorly and I had to be a strong presence for him to hang onto while he walked around trying to deal with some sudden vertigo. I walked him to his office to make sure he didn’t collapse, because I can carry him if he did.

Someone like that is definitely an Al or Mitch or Dave regardless of gender or presentation, I think!

Tinywhisper11 June 25th

@ProcessingMitchell excuse my ignorance but what does AFAB stand for??

Also yes David would be a great name for you ❤ a hero's name ❤

So shall we call you, David danger 😎 that would be cool ❤



I just googled it. It means "assigned female at birth" :)

Tinywhisper11 June 25th

@jesusredeemedme2425 ohhhh! Ok thanks kiara ❤❤

ProcessingMitchell June 27th

That’s right, glad someone else helped out with the answer!

Reminds me of a screenshot convo on Tumblr because AFAB, AMAB, and ACAB were trending acronyms at the time. Someone on Tumblr sent an ask: “I saw you have ‘ARAB’ in your bio. May I ask what it stands for?” And they replied “It means I’m Arabic.”

Tinywhisper11 June 27th

@ProcessingMitchell oh no 😂😂😂😂😂 I don't think that person understood😂😂😂😂😂

jesusredeemedme2425 August 1st

What does ACAB mean? I googled it and it meant something else. Thanks <3

Riddlebot June 25th

@Heather225 I'd say Edward but I've basically already changed my name online to be that

Younger me would choose PB even if it kept getting confused with peanut butter -,- 

Tinywhisper11 June 25th

@Riddlebot hi Edward ❤

KpopCrystalKat June 28th


Well it's a shortened version of my name, but I go by Kat now. I think it fits me better and Katie just has so much baggage so I want something to be like my original name but start new. So, we have Kat.😊 Skye is really pretty!!! ❤️

LittleEggHarbor July 10th


Sound. I know that sounds like a weird name, but I like it : )

Heather225 OP July 10th


I actually like it! as a name, it kind of sounds elegant.

SummerKay2024 July 26th



It's my middle name but growing up they only called me this not my first name. As an adult I never hear my middle name unless it's that family. 


juliak1968 July 26th


I'd choose Tony Bachagalluci 🤗


@Heather225 Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock/Crap Bag.



*groans* I get that reference XD

BlueDarkAurora July 28th

Sabrina : Dsalem-sabrina.gif

Phoenixrising17 July 28th

@Heather225 I have always liked the name Cadance.

Aayla July 29th

I have always liked Alba (in means "dawn" in Italian, my native language, and in Spanish too)

Silkwood70 July 29th

Skye is nice. My name was changed at six years old when I was adopted; long before internet and nick names.

I hated the new given name and was made to dislike the original one by being told it was ugly and too Irish. ( Adoption is trauma. ) 'Mandalay' is nice. 🙏🕊️

LeeChesa August 2nd

@Heather225 I would want my name to be Worthy 

Heather225 OP August 2nd


I love that 💪

jesusredeemedme2425 August 2nd

You ARE worthy <3

slowdecline48 August 3rd

In one of my previous jobs, the foreman nicknamed me "Hannibal"... I always liked it. If I was to legally change my name, Hannibal would be it. As an homage to Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian general who crossed the Alps & beat Roman forces three times in a row. They couldn't do anything about him until he was lured back to northern Africa, where he & his army were finally defeated by Scipio & his legionaries.

PixelStar August 3rd

I've always dislikedy name, and I've always tried to look for another one but never found one. They all feel like they belong to someone else. For the most part I feel I have no name and would be fine if I didn't need one.

At first I thought Zach or Zachary would be ok, and I used it for quite a while, but is too foreign for where I live so realistically I couldn't use it outside the internet. It's from a video game character I like. Then I thought maybe be Artemi, which is a similar "name of a Greek good or whatever" name as the one I have legally. But same situation is not common. Same from a video game character. I like Uriel, but is viewed as a male name (I'm female physically but agender by how I view myself).

If I could I would probably choose Kerjehn though. Is a made up name for an MMO, and the guild I'm in call me that. I have good memories of playing there and be known like that. Idk. Maybe its just the current name until I find another one that grabs my attention all over again

NotAllHere713 August 4th


I like the names Miredian or Shaylin. At the time, my mom said that she didn't know anyone with the same name she gave me. Now there are at least 2 or 3 people with the same name wherever I go. I would like to go by my middle name, but its in Japanese and when people pronounce it, it sounds like "kill me". I guess it could have been worse, my grandmother wanted to name me "Nancy".