What Made You Smile Today?
My almost 14 year-old cocker spaniel. We have a ton of snow here, and she just dives into it headfirst, even at her age, and plays. She comes up and has a face full of fluffy snow on her. It makes me smile every time she does it. My neighbor has nicknamed her "Pie Face" because of it. It is so cute. When she dives in, her booty is in the air with her tail going a mile a minute in a circular motion. She doesn't have a long time left to live, and this knowledge makes me enjoy her in the moment now, all the more. I adore my furry rescue baby!
A two year old offered me a chair at her little table. When I explained that I had to go vacuum she simply shook her head and said "No!" Lol
I noticed that today my wife laughed and sang with me. We've been in a rough patch with sometimes no hope of getting through it. We still have loads to sort out and many conversations to be had, but today, she sang and laughed with me.
We haven't shared more than tense, awkward silences together and sometimes less than that. So today, just sharing that one moment of joy and fun made me smile. It also gave me hope. Hope that we may yet be able to save our marriage and more importantly our friendship.
I've missed her so much from the way her hand in mine made my heart skip a beat, to the way holding her close made me catch my breath. I didn't realise how much she completed me until we were separated from each other emotionally. But today has given me hope that there is still a small ember that may catch flame again. That realisation has made me smile today.
Very nice. Reading this touched my heart. You are quite a romantic, and have the heart of a poet or writer. Build on this moment to get past the tension. Tell her how much that moment filled your heart with hope and love for her.
@struggler64 thank you so much! I do try to tell her how I feel, but some days I can't get the words right. It's a rough thing most days, but days like the one I described get me through. I'm glad I could help you!
Reading jokes with @TheThomas in the student college support room!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
My dogs, acting like silly fools 😄
Love of my cat, beauty in nature outside, note from my nephew. It's a great day!
Pictures of my grandbaby at Christmas 😆
@ivoryBunny7465. Pictures of grand babies are always a reason to smile!
@jr50 Yes...you see so much inocence & unconditional love.💟💟
Saw a pretty funny video about kids and dogs in snow today.
I had a dream about mermaids this night *_* Yaaay! :D
Woke up to breakfast being made for me...even though he microwaved at all, he still did it. He's been doing a lot to be there for me through a rough time .