What Made You Smile Today?
I woke up today at a time convenient to my schedule
Realizing that it's only 5 months until I finish high school and never ever have to visit that place again.
Talking to a friend 😊
I made a facebook post about some moments and people that I was grateful for over Christmas. Being fairly reserved toward my family, it meant a lot that people gave positive feedback and comments. But expressing gratitiude make me feel great.
Enjoying a meal out with my friend today :)
One of my friends has a birthday today and seeing her smile made me smile too
I am thankful to members for making my day.
finding this site. i always wanted a site like this to exist and i just so happened to find this and it's exactly what i need
Found out about what happens to leftover financial aid money when the semester ends so now my school travel abroad trip is paid off and getting my car with no breaks fixed tomorrow.
My cats, pilling on top of me like I was the comfiest bet ever...