What Made You Smile Today?
My best friend comforted me after a bad dream.
Reading the encouragement posted by so many listeners and members!
Got a huge piece of life-changing advice (though really mainstream) from a complete stranger :)
I was at Starbucks today, and one of the baristas complimented my penguin hat that I was wearing.
I have a penguin hat too! It is black, warm, fuzzy, and the penguin pic is on the top. I love the hat (got it at Oregon Zoo) but I pretty much have to have a hat on under it so it doesn't slide over my eyes!
There is this video where a baby starts to cry when he listens to his mother singing a song. It made my day.
I went for a run after a long time. :)
Watching Dan and Phil
Funniest video with cats
A stranger in the grocery store
All of the "tiny humans" (young children) dressed in holiday clothing as they shop with their parents