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Time travelling trip

sadcat13 March 3rd

You get an opportunity to take a trip in time to the past or the future for a day. However, there are some limits and specifics to the experience:

  • Your safety will be guaranteed no matter what, nothing can happen to you there, even if you will float around the big bang if that's what you wish to see
  • You don't have to choose a specific date, you can choose by a specific thing you want to see too, like for example you want to see the pyramids being built, want to watch the first life on earth form or want to see the moment when humanity finally builds a colony on Mars (if you choose a specific future scenario instead of a date that didn't happen, you will simply be asked by the system to choose something else as the thing you want is not going to happen)
  • You get a magic potion to understand the local language
  • BUT! Your actions will not alter the history in any way. Despite being able to talk to people, they will immediately forget everything the second you leave and any actions you take will be erased as well, like you never been there at all. The trip is purely an educational observing adventure
  • Once you travel to the time and location, you can't change your choice, but have 24 hours to look around before being teleported back to present. This is a one off opportunity, so choose your trip wisely 😊

Where would you travel and why? 

@tinywhisper11 @CommunityModLou @schrodingerscattt @flatenedbylife @Heathermarie95 @Kristynsmama @LoveMyMoonflowers @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @WeEarth @Mya000 @Georginahowe @kylersartpace



Omigosh this is sooo well-thought of, Cat, I love how you've really worn the sparkliest of creative hats while rebranding this otherwise pretty common "ice breaker" hehe, this is awesome and really made me think hard, because for the usual one, I'm more likely to say "I don't wanna go into neither past because why re-live it nor future because why spoil it" lol. 

But okay, currently, I feel, I could really use just a little reminder that things are going to actually be okay in future, or least, a *teeny* bit better, I'm not very demanding lol xD so having this one day trip for 24 hours into the future would be nice (I hope?). 💗

How about you? 

sadcat13 OP March 3rd

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou that's such a great choice! I hope you would have a very nice trip 😊

Yes i did some thinking because I didn't want people to be stopped by not knowing a language or getting in danger somewhere that they would otherwise like to see but not choose it because of the limitations. Also put there the no influence on history for the same reason, because if I let people influence it, a lot of us would sacrifice this trip to prevent major catastrophic events in human history. It is often a train of thoughts leading to sad places and I wanted to avoid it. I wanted this trip to be purely about a positive experience of learning and observing without placing a burden of responsibility on our peers, just a purely interest motivated trip where we are free to choose our hearts desire without any fear or guilt 😊

Hmmm. It is hard to say cause I would totally love to see something early prehistoric, the beginnings of humanity or an ancient civilization. But most likely, I would check out the ancient minoan civilization 😊


Aw thank you and that's so thoughtful of you. 😊

Hehe I can relate with the confusion on many choices, something pre-historic sounds amazing. I enjoy learning more about the history too.🥰

Happy travelearninggg!

sadcat13 OP March 3rd

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 😊🎒

Tinywhisper11 March 4th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou don't travel to far into the future or you'll be floating in space the world ends in 1 and a half years😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 nah! I'm pretty sure the future for humanity is a bright one. Bright future not bright people.😁

@Tinywhisper11 ❤❤❤

Tinywhisper11 March 4th

@sadcat13 tw) silly humour

Well I don't need to see the big bang, cause I already witnessed what happened before it, it was the big fore play😂😂😂😂😂

I want to go back to dinosaur time. Then I get to meet the Flintstones😎 and I get to go and party with the cave men😁 I hear they'd loved clubing😋

sadcat13 OP March 4th

@Tinywhisper11 noone parties like caveman do 🥂🍾


I would definitely want to go back to the time of Jesus and watch him perform miracles and love on people! <3

sadcat13 OP March 4th

@jesusredeemedme2425 I'm sure he would really appreciate you being there and you would have a very powerful experience 😊❤️



He would definitely teach me a lot about selflessness and loving no matter what! I have issues with those sometimes lol

sadcat13 OP March 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 yesss 😊 you would have an opportunity to learn it from the master himself 😊



I'd probably end up like Thomas or Peter, doubting or denying Him... I know how I am. lol

sadcat13 OP March 5th

@jesusredeemedme2425 we learn and grow through our failures, i´m sure no matter how it would go, you would come out learning a lot from your experience 😊

WeEarth March 5th


I would like to visit the past, specifically ancient India during the Rigvedic period or

future where I can explore technological advancements 🤔🤔🤔

sadcat13 OP March 5th

@WeEarth sounds like an epic trip 😊



Regvedic? What's that?

WeEarth March 6th


Its a Period in ancient Indian history associated with the composition of the Rigveda, one of the oldest known texts

freshman12 March 6th

Travel back to my childhood to start from the bottom again OR go too far away into the future to know the truth about my life/death.

sadcat13 OP March 6th

@freshman12 sadly starting again won´t be possible for this scenario, as it is just a 24 hours trip and any and all effect you would have on history will be erased once you teleport back. But checking out how you lived your life sounds like a cool thing to do 😊

sadcat13 OP March 6th

@sadcat13 oh sorry i misread, but going far into the future would be just as cool, I´m sure you would have an enriching trip 😊

freshman12 March 7th

Its okay 😎

freshman12 March 7th


daydreammemories March 7th


this is a nice question hehe, especially you removing the grandfather paradox, which makes us think wider and about more scenarios. 

i havent thought about it before, but if i want to go somewhere, i probably wouldnt choose the future, but to go to space around the days that the cat's eye nebula was forming hehe, i would love to see the space from that point of view 🙃🌌

sadcat13 OP March 7th

@daydreammemories a truly unique trip 😊



TIL about the Grandfather Paradox. Thank you for teaching me something new! <3 <3 <3

daydreammemories March 8th

