I wish I could tell everybody that...
That I'm overthinking before go to sleep at night
I wish I could tell everybody that I'm done. I'm tired and I can no longer drag myself to live this life the way they want. I wish I could ask them to take care of me, because I'm falling apart. I might seem strong but no. Please look at me! And stop blaming Me for the way things are. Why don't you instead help me correct them instead of complaining about them. Why don't you just stay beside Me and assure me that you're happy to be with me.
I wish I could tell everyone when I act depressed, it isn't on purpose and I hate it. I am so much better when I am myself.
I wish I could tell everyone just how much I'm struggling right now.
I am gay
I'm now studying abroud hoping for a new start. Unfortanately I still didn't find the courage to come out yet and I feel like the longer I wait the harder it will become. I think that the real problem is that I'm still strugeling to except my self. It's hard to feel like you have to be someone else everytime you meet someone new. Espacialy the homophobic coments realy hurt and put me even further back in to the closet. I was hoping that far away from home I would finaly dare to be my self but I don't know if I'll ever find the courage to come out.
I am giving my best to become better and... I am no different than others for some mistakes. But actually - not everybody needs to know that. We all deserve another chances and can keep our secrets if we want. :)
Im not just shy im downright fearful of people
I wish I could tell everybody that all I need is to have friends... 😔
That I'm not okay and I feel alone even though I'm in a relationship I'm doing everything by myself. That i want to get out but financially i can't. That i want to move back home. That my son needs a real father.
Im stressed