I wish I could tell everybody that...
I wish I could tell others how much I truly care about them because I'm afraid that they'll never know :(
It's ok for me to be emotional it lets out negativity and of course I have noticed that recently because I have been in pain it's hard and sad to carry so much on my back like big fish tank and this week I did guided meditation and meditation for sleep it helps
I am trying all I can do gain and focusing on me is the most important thing a woman can do
I would say that being emotional hurts for a long time now I been hurt and worse it's awful to feel hurt and uncomfortable
it doesn't feel right I have my rights and boundaries and my path to unwind unplug and rest
I wish that I was better at everything I do. But if that was true I'd have nothing to look forward to. Nobody's perfect, just know I'm worth it for all the stupid little things I do.
I wish I could tell everyone how I'm feeling. If I do they just make me feel guilty for feeling that way. Or tell me to just be happy and smile. I tell them my feelings and they play the victim card and turn the situation on them.
I wish I could tell everyone what I'm going through - all my mental illness struggles and fears, so I wouldn't feel the need to hide it all.
That I'm okay, and actually mean it
That sometimes t i don t really know why i am this way or why do i keep being another person when in big groups of people. All i know is that when i am alone or with people that i am close with i don t act the same. I just don t know why it is hard for me to approach some people
I wish I could have the strength to let go.
I wish I could tell everybody that I am not lazy or useless or not using he covid-19 for not going to work, I just can't find any energy or enthusiasm inside me to work.
I wish I could tell everybody that just because someone is a little different it doesn't mean that they are 'socially off' or 'weird', it just means they view the world differently than you do. We're all weird in our own way.
I agree with this 👍