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Finding new friends

sympatheticWalker9328 July 22nd, 2023

I don't have any friends, at all. I need a friend. Is there anyone?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 8th, 2023

Oh that's great. You have so much more wisdom and experience in life than me . And I know this is not something people are comfortable to talk about ,that's why I was skeptical if i should ask or not . But thank you for telling me even though u were not comfortable with it

passionateThinker3248 August 8th, 2023

I can say yes to that, but truthfully age is just a number. Age doesn't tell if someone has lived more, all it means is I have been around longer. You keep your mind open and listen to everyone and your surroundings and your wisdom will grow. Not all advice is good advice, but you should listen to gain a new perspective and in a sense expand your world in a deeper way. Now I sound like an old man, just kidding

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 9th, 2023

1000 percent agreed ,but even from the way you talk I can figure you do have a lot of wisdom David.

passionateThinker3248 August 9th, 2023

So I have never told you what originally brought me here to the app?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 9th, 2023

Yeah you haven't. But i would love to hear your story if you are comfortable.

passionateThinker3248 August 9th, 2023

I appreciate all that, I'm just an old soul honestly. I do appreciate your kindness.

It's not a long story. I originally came here because of my best friend. Me and her are going through a breakup I believe. She became distant with me suddenly and I've been trying to save our friendship since November. I actually have stopped contacting her and officially let go. I shouldn't have to beg for her to be my friend and on top of that she doesn't even acknowledge me anymore. The stress of all that became too much and really brought me down, made me feel worthless and I was depressed. So I came here hoping that being here I could somehow find help. That's the short version of the story

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 9th, 2023

That must have been really hard for you . More love to you.

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 9th, 2023

Yeah you are right u shouldn't have to beg people for anything, be it friendship, love or anything. Maybe she didn't felt the same thing that she did before. It happens . I know it's so cruel . But it does happen. There's no need for you to beg her if she doesn't want to continue this friendship. Just wish her well and maybe cultivate new friendship. I need you to respect yourself enough to let go of any person who doesn't want to be with you, as your well wisher. It's not going to be easy , healing is not linear. But you have to do it ,for yourself.

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 9th, 2023

And I would love to be there for you emotionally through thick and thin. ❤️

passionateThinker3248 August 9th, 2023

I appreciate all that, it has been hard without her. I haven't contacted her for a while. I truly appreciate your kindness and I'll help you if I can too

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 9th, 2023

It must have been . I understand that. But this too shall pass 🤗

passionateThinker3248 August 10th, 2023

Thanks, it shall pass and better days are ahead for both of us.

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 10th, 2023

Yeah absolutely ❤️

passionateThinker3248 August 10th, 2023

I hope your day ends up being a good one. My day was quite busy

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 10th, 2023

Thanks, i hope you take rest and are taking care of yourself.

passionateThinker3248 August 10th, 2023

Definitely doing my best, I never asked do you have brothers and sisters?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 10th, 2023

Yes I have a younger brother . What about you?

passionateThinker3248 August 10th, 2023

Same just one younger brother. My brother and I are close. Have lots in common but are quite different at the same time

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 10th, 2023

That's nice. You balance each other out

passionateThinker3248 August 10th, 2023

You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but what are your dreams for yourself?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 10th, 2023

I want to become a doctor and live a happy simple life . Travel the world . Eat good food and have fun while I'm here. Enjoying every aspect of life .

passionateThinker3248 August 10th, 2023

That's a good dream to have, I hope you achieve that dream

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 10th, 2023

How about you,?

passionateThinker3248 August 10th, 2023

I dream of a simple life for myself. Honestly most of my dreams aren't for myself, alot of my dreams are of making the world a better place. I've been working on a plan to make a self sustaining charity that would generate money to help others and animals in need

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 10th, 2023

That's so nice. You are leading such a meaningful life David.i would love to help and donate to your charity one day. Thank you for telling me your answer. It reminded me of something that I've totally forgotten.

passionateThinker3248 August 10th, 2023

Thanks, and happy to help even if it's unintentionally

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 10th, 2023


passionateThinker3248 August 10th, 2023

Well I'm going to get ready for sleep. Goodnight and Good morning. Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you a bit about the time in my life I was close to a writer

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 13th, 2023

And I would love to hear your story David . I'm excited.

passionateThinker3248 August 11th, 2023

I hope you have a good day today

passionateThinker3248 August 13th, 2023

I hope your weekend is going well

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 13th, 2023

I'm so sorry I was away and couldn't respond for days . I hope u r doing well . I wish your weekend is going great as well David.

passionateThinker3248 August 13th, 2023

No worries, I understand. My weekend is going ok, I'm hanging in there. I appreciate it

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 13th, 2023

Is there anything you would like to talk about David?

passionateThinker3248 August 13th, 2023

Nothing specifically, just mourning the friendship with the person who used to be my best friend. How about you anything you want to talk about?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 13th, 2023

It must have been really hard for you David. I understand your pain .You will get through this . I know and i believe in you.

passionateThinker3248 August 13th, 2023

Thank you, I will get through it. Just got to let time do it's thing.

passionateThinker3248 August 13th, 2023

I'll prewrite the story about the writer and post it later for you to read

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 13th, 2023

Yeah i would love that . I'm really eager to hear your story.

passionateThinker3248 August 13th, 2023

I'm still writing out the story it's a long story and trying to figure out how to explain it and word it properly; however, I was thinking we should create our own post to continue our conversation through if it's ok with you. I just think this post is getting quite crowded and eventually will be more difficult to continue our conversation over time through this post. If you are not comfortable with it I'm fine staying here too