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Finding new friends

sympatheticWalker9328 July 22nd, 2023

I don't have any friends, at all. I need a friend. Is there anyone?

passionateThinker3248 August 6th, 2023

So what do you like to listen to? And thanks

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 6th, 2023

It depends on the mood . If I'm having an existential crisis , I listen to even more sad music . There is this song my body is a cage by arcade fire. And one goes by the name " Jaane de mujhe" , it's a Hindi song . So I just listen to whatever my mood is . But that's just me

passionateThinker3248 August 6th, 2023

I get that, honestly the same for me. I listen to certain music depending on my mood as well. Do you have any pets?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 6th, 2023

No ๐Ÿ˜”

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 6th, 2023

Do you?

passionateThinker3248 August 6th, 2023

Yes I do, I have cats and dogs

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 6th, 2023

Sounds like a dream life.๐Ÿ˜ By the way I don't even know your name.

passionateThinker3248 August 6th, 2023

My name is David, how about yours?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 6th, 2023

My name is kanishka

passionateThinker3248 August 6th, 2023

Now that I know your name, it's nice to meet you kanishks

passionateThinker3248 August 6th, 2023

Sorry I accidently misspelled your name

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 6th, 2023

It's fine David. I'm glad to meet you too .๐Ÿค—

passionateThinker3248 August 7th, 2023

I listened to my body is a cage, it's a good song. I honestly never heard it before.

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 7th, 2023

That's good .

passionateThinker3248 August 7th, 2023

What's your favorite color and why is it your favorite?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 7th, 2023

I actually don't know what is my favourite colour. But the one that I often wear is black . So maybe it is my favourite colour. As a child , I was obsessed with pink . Pink bag, pink shoes, pink shirt, pink everything. But now it's black I guess. With black, i really don't know why it's my favourite, with pink I knew because I was obsessed with Barbie and everything used to be so pink in that . I used to love it so much . What about you ?

passionateThinker3248 August 7th, 2023

My favorite color is actually 2 colors. They are pink and blue. I love them because they represent me in a way. As a guy I got along with both women and men equally, because I can relate to both I guess.

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 7th, 2023

Wow that's great

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 7th, 2023

Did u watched Barbie?

passionateThinker3248 August 7th, 2023

I did not watch the Barbie movie, have you?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 7th, 2023

I did

passionateThinker3248 August 7th, 2023

Did you like it? What movie genres do you like?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 7th, 2023

I liked it . I wouldn't say it was mind-blowing but it was good . I like science fiction, psychological thrillers, romantic ones and comedy . What about you?

passionateThinker3248 August 7th, 2023

Those are good, I love comedy, science fiction, and action

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 7th, 2023

That's nice.

passionateThinker3248 August 8th, 2023

Favorite animal or animals?

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 8th, 2023

I love dogs .

passionateThinker3248 August 8th, 2023

Dogs are cool, I have been fascinated with big cats since I was a kid. I want to raise either a Siberian tiger or a Jaguar from a cub and keep them as a pet

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 8th, 2023

I'm actually scared of cats because of some incident that happened to me when I was little.

passionateThinker3248 August 8th, 2023

That's understandable, my biggest fear is heights

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 8th, 2023

Ohh I'm also scared of heights and I'm also really claustrophobic.

passionateThinker3248 August 8th, 2023

Those are the worst, my other fear is of deep water in like the ocean or a lake, it's the idea of not knowing what's around

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 8th, 2023

That's scary .

passionateThinker3248 August 8th, 2023

Definitely is, I hope your day went well

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 8th, 2023

Yeah it did and thanks for your sweet words

passionateThinker3248 August 8th, 2023

That's good to know. Of course you deserve good days

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 8th, 2023

You deserve them too. You are so kind to me always. I wish we could meet . But you are so far .

passionateThinker3248 August 8th, 2023

That would be cool, you never know anything is possible in life

sympatheticWalker9328 OP August 8th, 2023

By the way how old are you David , i don't know if this is appropriate to ask . But I haven't seen you , so this will give me a lil bit of idea of how you might look like.

passionateThinker3248 August 8th, 2023

Yeah I'm not comfortable mentioning my age, but to answer your question I'm 31. I'm not old but not young either