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A place for passionateThinker3248 and @sympatheticWalker9328 to talk and support each other

passionateThinker3248 August 14th, 2023

A place for @passionateThinker3248 and @sympatheticWalker9328 to talk and support each other

sympatheticWalker9328 November 27th, 2023

Thank you so much David. I hope you get ur floor done soon and don't forget to take breaks in between, we all need it.

passionateThinker3248 OP December 2nd, 2023

I did get my floor finished, I'm sorry I have been quiet I have been sad lately

sympatheticWalker9328 December 2nd, 2023

Oh why so ? Would you like to share ?

passionateThinker3248 OP December 3rd, 2023

Sorry I was busy and honestly have been crying off an on lately. Well me and her broke up, and it happened so suddenly

sympatheticWalker9328 December 6th, 2023

Oh that's really disheartening to hear. Cry as much as you want, this way you are not piling up on ur emotions. I know its so hard and so sad. Everything you are feeling is completely normal and you will feel better. Its important to let this out for you to heal. I wish I could've been there to maybe bring some of your comfort food to make you feel better. But I'm here if u need a friend to talk to. Much love to you.

passionateThinker3248 OP December 7th, 2023

I appreciate it and it is really hard. The way things ended, I felt discarded and it made me feel worthless honestly. I'm just really sad. I really appreciate your support

sympatheticWalker9328 December 9th, 2023

I see. We cannot control other's action and honestly it's completely normal what you are feeling right now . If someone breakup with us , we tend to feel these feelings. But that doesn't mean that they are real. So always remember that you matter and you offer so much to this world just by being in it. So you definitely are not worthless. You are such a good and special person.. you must be feeling sad now but you will get through this.

passionateThinker3248 OP December 11th, 2023

Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me and you are special too. You're truly appreciated, I will get through this eventually

sympatheticWalker9328 December 11th, 2023

Yes , you will get through this

passionateThinker3248 OP December 11th, 2023

How have you been?

sympatheticWalker9328 December 11th, 2023

Not that great but I'm working to get out of that phase.

passionateThinker3248 OP December 11th, 2023

You definitely got this and things will get better for you. I'm here if you need me🫂

sympatheticWalker9328 December 17th, 2023

Thank you David 🤗

passionateThinker3248 OP December 26th, 2023

I hope you have been doing well, I am still healing. Honestly hurting a little because she moved on so fast and now is dating someone else, makes me feel discarded honestly

sympatheticWalker9328 December 27th, 2023

Oh I see. Healing is not linear and whatever u r feeling is completely normal. I know it hurts alot that she moved on so quick . But other people actions are their own, they tell about them and not you ,so need to feel discarded David . It's alright. I know at the moment, you must be feeling so horrible but it's gonna be alright. Just know your self worth . Don't bash urself for other people's actions. Much love💕

sympatheticWalker9328 December 31st, 2023

Happy new year David . Wish you lots of love and happiness. Better things ahead.

passionateThinker3248 OP December 31st, 2023

Happy New Year to you too Kanishka, I wish the same for you and you find one reason to smile everyday

sympatheticWalker9328 January 1st

Thats so sweet. Thank you!

passionateThinker3248 OP January 1st

Of course, I want you to have a wonderful life. You deserve happiness everyday

sympatheticWalker9328 January 1st

Thank you. I needed this.🥺🥺🤗🤗

passionateThinker3248 OP January 1st

You're welcome and I appreciate you and you're unconditional support 🤗

passionateThinker3248 OP January 14th

I hope things have been going well for you. I am actually heartbroken again, but this time it was from a friend. I don't know why people always get close to me and make me feel special, then they throw me away. It hurts everytime, but I want to have faith in the good of people.


Sorry I lost my account David so couldn't reach out. It's disheartening to hear that u got heartbroken again. I know it's so hard to understand people these days. You must be feeling so frustrated,sad and all the feelings. It's normal. Like who wouldn't feel bad after all these things happen to them. You are really strong David for going through so much with such grace. I'm proud of you. You got this. You will get through this again . This too shall pass. Sending lots of love and courage your way. Don't forget to take care of yourself in all these chaos, because it's the most important thing. Take care😊😊

passionateThinker3248 OP March 7th

I hope things have been going well for you, and I truly appreciate you and your kind words. I'm proud of you too. It's March and it's birthday season for me lol. Literally have like 10 birthday throughout the month to celebrate, And April is just as busy. The only difference is April has my birthday too. I hope life is always kind 🤍


Im glad u have something to look forward to. Have fun. Can't wait to wish u on ur birthday, though I can be late or early to wish you because of our different time shifts. Me on the other side, im having bit of a downtime. Feeling frustrated, angry,sad, alone at the same time. Broke up with my boyfriend and its been hard since he was the only person I used to talk to daily and I do miss him. Lost a friend and a lover. But I wish him the best. Also I've have an exam coming, I'm preparing for a medical entrance exam. And I'm not being as productive as I would like to be. Feeling distracted and all sorts of things. Feeling angry and disappointed with own self at time. But trying my best. It's been rough. So couldn't catch up. Can't wait for this storm to pass. Enough of me ranting. I wish u have all the fun and by the way I miss all the gossips about ur cats. sending lots of love.

passionateThinker3248 OP March 17th

It's okay to feel as you do, your feelings are valid. It's not easy, to get over a breakup. You need to let yourself heal and feel your feelings so you don't bottle them up. Today may not be the day, but it doesn't mean tomorrow can't be the day everything changes for the better. The fact you are trying, means you are doing a good job. Moving forward in life isn't a consistent pace or a straight line, it slows downs, speeds up, goes back, and pushes forward. You should be proud of your effort and I promise the pain you feel won't be forever, better things are on the horizon for you 🫂


Thank you David ð¥ºð¥º.

passionateThinker3248 OP March 22nd

I hope your week has been going well, the birthday parties have been non stop lol, it's actually exhausting lol. My cats have been good, I am currently taking care of an injured pigeon until it's healthy and able to live it's life safely. How have you been?


I can relate to that back to back party exhaustion. Glad to hear about ur cats. David your kindness makes you so attractive I cannot explain in words. You are literal angel on the planet. The way you take care of each and every one around you is commendable. I'm so happy to be your friend. Would like to meet you one day in person. My life has been rough lately but reading ur message made me felt a little better. You are so kind. I aspire to be like you. You are my inspiration. Have a wonderful day 💗

passionateThinker3248 OP March 30th

I appreciate your kind words, they mean a lot to me 🤍. I hope my kindness can help you too, and I want you to be you. Being like me isn't something you want, the part of me that cares deeply for others comes from a place of hurt. You be the best version of yourself and know that I appreciate you as you are. We may meet someday, anything is possible and things may line up where it's possible. I hope your week has been going well and the weekend is good for you. I hope you find a reason to smile everyday even if it's just for a moment 🫂

passionateThinker3248 OP April 6th

I hope you are doing well, today was my birthday but it didn't feel special. It felt like it was kinda thrown to the side and mostly forgotten about to my family. Then my ex messaged me out of nowhere a few days ago


Hey David, I hope this finds you in good spirit. Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it.I've been away because I'm preparing for that exam i told u about. Happy birthday by the way . Sorry couldn't wish u on time. I've been out of sorts these days. I understand what u must have felt on ur birthday. It sucks when our own family doesn't treat us the way we should be treated especially on a birthday. I understand you and I feel you. But I want you to still look on some positive aspects of life so that u have something good to look forward to. And about ur ex, what did she texted u?

passionateThinker3248 OP April 12th

Sorry it took me so long to respond, I actually got injured and I'm honestly lucky to be alive.

I hope you have been feeling better, I'm always rooting for you and always hope you can find at least one reason to smile everyday, even if it's just for a moment

I hope your exam went well and I appreciate the birthday wishes. My friends made my birthday feel special, when my family didn't.

My ex texted me asking how I was doing then a few days later texted me on my birthday. I don't know if she has feelings still, but I don't anymore honestly.


Oh my god. How? How did you got injured? I hope you are feeling better. My exam is on 5th May actually. I'm still preparing and thank you for rooting for me. It feels great to know. And I see that you have moved on from your ex, which is a good thing. Take care of yourself and ur injury


I hope this finds you in good spirits David. I've been thinking about you alot since u r not active. I hope u r doing well and i would love to hear back from u. Lots of love.

passionateThinker3248 OP June 14th

I'm sorry I haven't been active lately, a lot has went on in that time and I have been really busy, on top of that I fell really sick and haven't been awake for most of the time I have been gone. I am doing better now and am back. Lots of love to you too 🤍, you were always in the back of my mind 🫂. I was hoping the best for you and how did your exam go?


Take care of yourself. My exam went mediocre. Now it depends on the counseling if I will get in or not. Also the paper got leaked so there is a lot of controversy going on surrounding it. Wish you loads of love and a speedy recovery.

passionateThinker3248 OP June 15th

Thank you and make sure you take care of yourself too. I hope everything gets resolved and it doesn't effect your goals for schooling. Lots of love to you too 🤍. I used to use social media but I got rid of it a long time ago for my mental health. I hope you have a safe and fun day 🫂


Take care of yourself. My exam went mediocre. I hope you get well soon. Sending you loads of love


This app is glitching so much. Are u on any other platform where we can talk