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Looking for some advice please 🤗

User Profile: Timat
Timat January 15th

Hey everyone, I am new here, and trilled to have found this groupe, I have been dealing with ED from when I was a kid, I would eat my emotions every time I felt stressed of empty, I have been dealing with a lot of stress the past few weeks so my episodes increased and became almost daily. I would like to know how can I deal with stress better and manage my emotions in a healthy way, what did you guys try and felt that I was really working? I know it’s a long way and I have to work more on my mental health but I would appreciate to have some tips from someone that experiences the same thing. Thank you in advance.

User Profile: determinedSea4370
determinedSea4370 January 15th


Instead of turning to food, do you have any hobbies? When I was really struggling with my emotions, both in the depths of anorexia and in treatment, I was able to carry on because I leaned into things that gave me a sense of fulfillment and I tried to do them pretty consistently, so that if I ever felt overwhelmed, I was already preprogrammed to try one of these options (for the most part): running the stress away (not while in treatment though lol), exploring places by walking, planning fun events I could do with my friends in the future, practicing piano, WRITING SO MUCH FICTION (to live vicariously through my characters), lots of drawing and painting to vent, angsty poetry, getting lost in book series and anime and movies and manga, letting myself get lost in fandoms and fangirling hard, taking myself to museums to get away and distract myself, and keeping in close contact with my friends. If I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't do ANY of these things, I would just let it out and scream and cry. Sometimes it's just better to let yourself feel it- like I know I had episodes in which I was making demon noises and the neighbors were probably concerned lol, but it helped me in the end eventually, even though it felt horrific in the moment. Hopefully this is helpful? 

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User Profile: Timat
Timat OP January 15th

Thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this, it is helpful, I am open to any suggestions, I will try to find something that I enjoy, I was into boxing and I get that helped me manage a little my stress by I stopped for various reasons, I will try to get back to it and maybe some swimming also can help, I don’t have any hobbies as I was more into my medical studies and didn’t get into anything that helps get away from that stress,

II try some of your suggestions and see what I like more, thank you so much for this! Maybe I’ll try some adult coloring too, did you ever try ?

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User Profile: determinedSea4370
determinedSea4370 January 16th


Adult coloring! No, because I'm an artist and I can get pretty snooty about what I spend my time creating lol, but that sounds like it could be such a nice and relaxing outlet. 

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User Profile: ashlyncares
ashlyncares January 19th

Hey! Well I would say that spending your time in hobbies or activities that take your full time will make you feel better. You can enter to any activity you like, it can be an sport, but I think that a activity that takes your mind complete will be perfect, something like crochet, painting, drawing, DIY, or making decorations for your house.

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User Profile: Timat
Timat OP January 25th

I will try getting more busy trying these new things, thank you so much for taking the time to comment

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User Profile: KristenHR
KristenHR January 25th


The suggestions on hobbies and such that others have shared are great ideas.  One of the things I would ask is, "What do I need right now."  "What does my body need right now?"  Sometimes asking that let's us be able to address what we really need, rather than using food or lack of food to address the issue of managing stress or emotions.  

What have you done in the past that has helped you manage stress besides things revolving around food?

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User Profile: Timat
Timat OP January 25th

When I get triggered I switch to autopilot and the crises happens as if I can’t control anything about it, I will try to be more mindful and ask these questions, yeah sometimes I just need to talk about it and get it out rather than stuffing myself out.

thank you so much for your reply !

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User Profile: juliak1968
juliak1968 January 25th


Hello, When I am upset the feeling in my stomach mistakes it for hunger (that void in my life that must be filled. So I pack the food away. What I've done so far is that I do not buy bread, sweets, cakes, etc.

Because if it in my house, I will eat them. So I never shop hungry (I pay somebody to shop) but it's still a good idea to plan your meals. I make 38 meals per month all in one night and freeze most of them. So I can just rotate them into the refrigerator a day or two in advance and grab one, then pop it in the microwave. I have managed to lose about <edit> this past 12-14 months because I quit drinking alcohol also. I address my mental health every day on 7Cups, and attend an art group and have 2 therapists every other week. I know I am blessed right now, but let me tell you that having people from 7Cups in your corner rooting you on makes a heck of a big difference. Tag me any time.

Blessings, Day

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User Profile: Timat
Timat OP January 25th

Yeah, every time I don’t feel good I seek comfort in food, and specially non healthy things.

i try to not have the things you mention at hope but sometimes I would eat even nuts or dates or fruits in a large amount to the point that my stomach hurts, so even if I don’t go to buy snacks and don’t have them at home, I would still have a crisis and eat random stuff I have, it can be pasta, noodle or anything, but in a quantity that I would eat in few days normally but I finish it in one sitting.

I never tried meal prepping my food but it’s really a good idea, I mean at this point I want to try everything possible, I feel that I am getting sick physically.

I appreciate you and thank you for taking the time to reply, I am thankful to be able to talk about this struggle here at 7cups without being afraid to be judged.

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User Profile: juliak1968
juliak1968 January 25th


Remember that; Those that mind, don't matter and those that matter, don't mind

User Profile: juliak1968
juliak1968 January 25th


Good afternoon 😊 

I still do binge, but lately one bag of microwavable popcorn is a good fill, or I'll eat 2 pre made meals.

Blessings, Day 

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User Profile: Timat
Timat OP January 25th

Thank you guys so much for the recommendations, I’ll make sure to try and follow them, I am grateful to have found a community here, just knowing I’m not alone dealing with this helps a lot!