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Asking for a friend.

hopingforhope101 May 31st, 2020

I come from a community where eating disorders are kept behind locked doors. More often than not, people who seem to show very obvious signs of a disorder are told "Good, because it'll keep your weight in check."

I'm not exactly certain where I stand as I haven't ever spoken about it to any one but, I can barely manage to get myself to eat some days. There's atleast a week or two every month where I skip almost every other meal because I find myself unable to eat.

My body image isn't necessarily an issue for me, I believe. Unless you consider the random bouts of hatred I feel for myself every time I manage to eat more than I thought I could (rare, but happens).

Does anybody know what this is?

Is it just a phase?

Is it an eating disorder?

Am I on my way there?

I can't really figure whether I'm in need of serious help. Just a little afraid that this might be a sign of something worse coming my way.

Thank you for being a part of this little community. I hope and pray that you find your way out of the dark, regardless of what kind of dark it may be.

Have a pretty day! ✨

EvilRegalsReadToo May 31st, 2020

@hopingforhope101 What is it that makes you not eat? Lach of appetite?

EvilRegalsReadToo May 31st, 2020

Or something else? Can you maybe tell me more about that?

But for starters: Noone here can tell you if you have an ED. Only doctors can, but some of us might be able to say, if we think it's gonna be a problem =)

hopingforhope101 OP May 31st, 2020


A voice in my head? My thoughts? I'm not exactly certain. I seem to really like the idea of... I'm not sure how to word it, do tell me if I need to add a trigger warning but, of thin people? If that makes any sense. And talking about ED makes me squirmy. Very.

Your response means alot :) I came here to take the post off because I was starting to feel uncomfortable putting my thoughts out. Thank you <3

Traveller8 May 31st, 2020


Hello Hopingforhope,

You've already got a thoughtful response from EvilRegals. Be sure that you can find here the help and support you are looking for. Other than posting your feelings you can try to talk to a listener. Keep on posting, you'll see you'll be answered.

hopingforhope101 OP May 31st, 2020


Thank you so much! I sure will :)

Izza111 June 25th, 2020

hello if you can only eat certain food and you find other food disgusting because of it color or texture .. then you may have ARFID.